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NeoGAF Creative Writing Challenge #53 - "Love and Technology"

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Theme - "Love and Technology"

Word Limit: 2222

Submission Deadline: Wednesday, 6/16 by 11:59 PM Pacific

Voting begins Thursday, 6/17, and goes until Saturday, 6/19 at 11:59 PM Pacific.

Optional Secondary Objective: Give one of your characters a serious physical disability and integrate it into the theme of your story.

Submission Guidelines:

- One entry per poster.
- All submissions must be written during the time of the challenge.
- Using the topic as the title of your piece is discouraged.
- Keep to the word count!

Voting Guidelines:

- Three votes per voter. Please denote in your voting your 1st (3 pts), 2nd (2 pts), and 3rd (1 pt) place votes.
- Please read all submissions before voting.
- YOU MUST VOTE in order to be eligible to win the challenge.
- When voting ends, the winner gets a collective pat on the back, and starts the new challenge.

Writing Challenge FAQ


I'm free 2night after my LARPing guild meets.
Nadia swept back her auburn locks, uncovering her soft, heaving bosoms. The martian sun reflected brightly off the chrome arm rests of her wheel chair. In her lap sat an Apple iPhone 4G. She slowly drew out her curved elegant tongue and sled it across the surface of it's new higher resolution screen. "God I love technology" she whispered coyly, moving her hands down below her waist.


emomoonbase said:
Nadia swept back her auburn locks, uncovering her soft, heaving bosoms. The martian sun reflected brightly off the chrome arm rests of her wheel chair. In her lap sat an Apple iPhone 4G. She slowly drew out her curved elegant tongue and sled it across the surface of it's new higher resolution screen. "God I love technology" she whispered coyly, moving her hands down below her waist.
Tim the Wiz said:
I'm free 2night after my LARPing guild meets.

Indeed. :p

:lol :lol


emomoonbase said:
Nadia swept back her auburn locks, uncovering her soft, heaving bosoms. The martian sun reflected brightly off the chrome arm rests of her wheel chair. In her lap sat an Apple iPhone 4G. She slowly drew out her curved elegant tongue and sled it across the surface of it's new higher resolution screen. "God I love technology" she whispered coyly, moving her hands down below her waist.
Hmm. Based on a true story?


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
That is the most random word count number I've ever seen.

Let me see what I can come up with for this one. Should be very interesting.


good credit (by proxy)
The word count just keeps going up and up in these challenges.

I really wanted to write a story that makes death brutal again. I think death has only been sparingly brutal after 80's stuff like Cyborg, and the Fist of the North Star OVA US release with the chroma filters on the death scenes. I don't think I know if I can fit that into the theme though.


Yeah I'm thinking I'm going to sit a few of these out. I need to focus on other projects for a while. And really it's been a while since I've posted an entry I'm proud of here. That and with the word count going up and up I have less and less time to fully give the entries the attention they deserve.

Funny though, this is one of the few challenges that I had an idea for outright. And no, it's not about a robotic donkey.


An idea I already had but hadn't written yet sort of fits with the theme, but I'm also pretty tapped for time lately.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
Just today I got an idea for a story, which is a bit silly and I have no idea how it'd turn out, but it should fit the theme. Secondary objective requires some work, though.


QotSA on my Hi-fi
We were talking by your WiFi
So much Aqua Teen and Sci-fi
I was "Oh, my!"
When he said "I love you, girl"
It was four in the morning

It's an simple computation
Take easy conversation
Add erotic exploration
but when he said "I love you, girl"
It should've come with a warning

He said "I've got to go, go go
Cuz it hurts to feel
I'm gonna run, run, run
Like a man of steel"
And I can try, try, try
To stay in the fight, but when
Push comes to shove
WE are only
Robots in Love

All is full of love

Lovely Alien

Random inspirational materials :]


Reading through the comments of the last thread, I'm sorry I didn't try to explain what happened in the story for those who asked for it. I'll try and find time today to get that up on the other thread. cheers.


ronito said:
Yeah I'm thinking I'm going to sit a few of these out. I need to focus on other projects for a while. And really it's been a while since I've posted an entry I'm proud of here. That and with the word count going up and up I have less and less time to fully give the entries the attention they deserve.

Funny though, this is one of the few challenges that I had an idea for outright. And no, it's not about a robotic donkey.
Nooooo ronito! You know, if you've already got an idea, it wouldn't be tooooo hard to write up a story. :D Do it!
Hmmm. I think I'll aim for something simple this time. Gotta get myself back in rhythm (Should I ever find a couple days in a row that I'm not sick). I really hated I missed the last challenge. I might try doing it this time around for kicks if no one minds and I get well soon enough to properly study.

ronito said:
Funny though, this is one of the few challenges that I had an idea for outright. And no, it's not about a robotic donkey.


crowphoenix said:
Hmmm. I think I'll aim for something simple this time. Gotta get myself back in rhythm (Should I ever find a couple days in a row that I'm not sick). I really hated I missed the last challenge. I might try doing it this time around for kicks if no one minds and I get well soon enough to properly study.
There you are! I missed you on the last challenge. Really wanted to assign you nitewulf. :)

Sorry to hear you've been sick.
Cyan said:
There you are! I missed you on the last challenge. Really wanted to assign you nitewulf. :)
Nitewulf it is then. Oh, man. That's going to be tough.

Cyan said:
Sorry to hear you've been sick.

Thanks, man. I don't get sick all that often, but when I do, I go down.


Hey guys, so it's possible we'll get locked down during E3. I'm pretty sure E3 is next week and overlaps our deadline, so we might as well plan in advance. I'd say we leave our deadline the same for now, and then if we do get locked down, have the deadline change to midnight PST on the day OT reopens.

So, write as if the deadline is the same, but we'll make sure everyone gets to submit their piece.


Funny, I actually came up with a wonderful character for the idea that I had. I'll be reusing him in the future in a story I actually write. Funny one of my best friends is legally blind and works as a teacher for the blind, it must have really affected me in that all my major projects always have at least one character that has a serious physical handicap.
I may be sitting this one out myself. I've been working on my short story collection, and technology being a major theme, I think I'm burned on this one. Maybe I'll come up with something, but I think I may be tapped here for now. :/

And I have something I'm supposed to finish reading, anyway. >.>


good credit (by proxy)
everyone's sitting this out because it's not a one word, vague theme. C'mon guys, use your brain and think of something!!!!!!

*doesn't have an idea for this challenge yet.


I actually have several ideas. There are two characters in another writing group I'm in that fit both objectives perfectly and I originally considered revisiting them, but decided that I'd rather do something entirely new. Came up with a few different ideas, but I'm not positive which one I want to go with yet.
You're in another writing group? Do you laugh about our writing with them, while you drink your expensive wine and smoke your gaudy cigars and eat your gourmet meals inside the library of the secluded estate you meet in? Do they make you happy? Do they make you scr - er, that will do.


Well, I was in that group before what I knew what a GAF even was and it's much less structured than these challenges. You're guys are like my collective mistress.


Yeef said:
Well, I was in that group before what I knew what a GAF even was and it's much less structured than these challenges. You're guys are like my collective mistress.

:lol Love and Technology indeed. Or would that be Lust and Technology?

mr afghan jones

Neo Member
Would like to give one of these challenges a go.

Got a few ideas for this one but struggling to come up with one that doesnt seem blindingly obvious given the primary and secondary theme.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Timedog said:
everyone's sitting this out because it's not a one word, vague theme. C'mon guys, use your brain and think of something!!!!!!

*doesn't have an idea for this challenge yet.

I'm not sitting it out... I just haven't gotten a chance to write anything yet. In fact, the only time I type on the computer besides work is on freakin' GAF. GAH!


I plan on having Yeef write mine for me. I'm sure it will all work out in the end.

Actually, I need to start writing mine before I become engrossed in all that delicious E3 coverage.


I know I've promised stuff in the past and haven't come through.. (does that make me a real writer or what?)

but I've been toying with a short story idea recently and it just so happens to fit this theme, so I'm definitely in. I have a short talk to prepare for but Friday night until deadline, I'm making this a priority. Way futuristic, not surprisingly influenced by GATTACA.. but I've not encountered a story quite like the one I'm thinking about so I'm excited about it.

I'm most excited about the complete mystery of it.. I have no idea what my characters will say, or how they will react. It'll be quite the adventure. And the secondary objective automatically takes this story in the direction it NEEDS to go, i.e. that much more challenging for the characters involved...

I don't want to set myself up for disappointment.. I've done this to myself in the past, that is had an idea that I was in love with and then as the story was put to paper it went a completely different direction than I was originally intending and it resulted in something that I wasn't really happy with.

But then again, this is what good writers are supposed to do right? Take a vague, nebulous concept and make it real for readers.

Darn it, I can't help but get excited about this one.

mr afghan jones

Neo Member
Well this is my first go at one of these, not really written anything much for a long old while.

Love is the Drug
2217 words

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Corinthians 13

14 February 2017

Scientists Create Synthetic ‘Love’

Pharmaceutical giant Galpharm today announced its latest development, LV-426.

The drug, which has been in development for over 4 years is designed to replicate the intense feelings of love and affection in users.

Although Galpharm have not released full details of makeup of the compound it has confirmed that it functions primarily by promoting the release of hormones, such as dopamine and oxytocin into the brain, causing a state similar to the feeling of being in love.

The drug is seen as a huge improvement over the other mood enhancing consumer drugs due to it’s unique replication of natural processes within the brain.

Dr William Barker, who led the project described today’s announcement as “the next step in human development” and claimed that LV-426 could “eradicate hatred and conflict throughout the world by promoting love as a unifying force for good”.

Religious and political leaders have shown a mixed response to the announcement. President Burke said he was “hopeful” that it could help soothe tension across the globe, while Islamic leaders were quick to condemn the drug, claiming it was ‘immoral.’

20 February 2017

LV-426 A Sign Of ‘Hope’

The Pope has today gone on record to show the Catholic Church’s full support for last Tuesday’s announcement that Galpharm had developed a synthetic version of love.

Despite initial misgivings from the Church that LV-426 would lead to hedonism, the Pope has reserved this stance.

In a press conference given on the steps of the Vatican, the Pope said “LV-426 represents a real hope for humanity to truly live our lives as God intended, free of hatred and evil. I urge humanity to embrace this and go forward with love in our hearts.”

Similar announcements have been made by other religious and political leaders, with the majority of United Nations member states in full support of the drug.

The drug is still not cleared for public use in the UK, Australia or China, but internet sales have already skyrocketed across all territories.

10 March 2017

‘LV-426 Saves Village’

A prayer group in Toronto, Canada made headlines today in an extraordinary tale of self sacrifice.

The 83-strong group left their jobs, and sold all their possessions to travel to the small town of Gurpa, Somalia where they used the money they had raised to build a new school, shopping mall and irrigation system for the villagers there.

Pastor Richard Loosey, leader of the group, confirmed that they had been using LV-426 “to better understand God’s unconditional love for all humanity” and had quickly decided they had to act on that love by helping those less fortunate then themselves.

The Canadian Prime Minister, Katherine McCallister, praised the group’s actions and said she was proud to call them Canadian.

Galpharm spokesman and developer, Dr William Barker echoed the sentiment, saying that this was “…evidence of the power of love.”

Similar reports have been received from across the world of ordinary people using LV-426 and then taking part in altruistic acts of love.

9 April 2017

Miley Cyrus Killed by Sniper

The singer and actress Miley Cyrus was shot and killed this morning on the front steps of he LA home.

The shot was fired from a parking structure 2 blocks away. Police searching the area apprehended 49 year old Jim Bakersfield, an army veteran. Mr Bakersfield was found lying on a mat on the roof of the structure, next to a Barrett 50. cal sniper rifle that was since matched to the bullet fired.

“Mr Bakersfield was crying and incoherent when found and did not resist arrest. Despite questioning we have not yet established the cause for this crime” said an LAPD official.

12 April 2017

LV-426 Now Approved In All Territories

LV-426 has been granted approval for public use in the UK and Australia, the last two territories to approve the revolutionary drug.

Thousands of LV-426 campaigners took part in peaceful demonstrations throughout London over the last 6 weeks, lobbying their government for change. Similar scenes took place across Australia, with the two campaign groups expressing their mutual love and adoration for one another via video feed.

“We are very happy to give LV-426 approved status within the territory of Australia, and hope the positive impact this drug has had on the rest of the world will continue here” said a spokesman for the Australian government.

Dr William Barker of Galpharm, described this as a “momentous event, uniting all humanity on the road to utopia”

13 May 2017

Terror Attack on Galpharm Laboratory

A series of explosions have devastated Galpharm Pharmaceuticals laboratory in Seoul, Korea. Early reports suggest 13 people lost their lives in the blast, with over a hundred people injured.

Terrorist group ‘Red Dawn’ have claimed responsibility for the blast. The group, active since December 2015, have been responsible for a string of high profile attacks on pharmaceutical companies.

The leader of the group, Marcus Hamason, issued a DVD recording to the press in which he took responsibility for the attack and condemned the creation of LV-426 and other similar consumer drugs as “robbing humanity of their innate dignity”.

Dr William Barker, speaking on behalf of the Galpharm board, expressed his deep sadness for the families of those involved in the tragedy and condemned the actions of Red Dawn. He also confirmed that the 42 other sites manufacturing LV-426 worldwide would ensure output was affected as little as possible.

World leaders also spoke out against the actions of the group and again expressed support for Galpharm and LV-426.

11 June 2017

Dozens killed in Delhi Wedding

Over 40 people including the bride and groom have been killed by a suicide bomber at a wedding in New Delhi.

Over 80 people were injured when the blast occurred on Friday evening.

“A suicide bomber entered the building and detonated himself in the centre of the crowd” a police spokesman confirmed.

Local detectives used CCTV footage to identify the man as 34 year old Vikram Akbhar, a local butcher who lived in the same apartment block as the bride to be, Miss Jeheli Shah. Medical records show he had been treated for depression since January 2016

Upon raiding his apartment they found ‘substantial’ quantities of LV-426 within. Detectives investigating the case also discovered a large amount of camera equipment and a series of photographs of Miss Shah, believed to have been taken without her knowledge over a number of weeks.

Galpharm were quick to downplay the link between LV-426 and the crime, highlighting Mr Akbhar’s history of depression.

The investigation continues.

20 July 2017

Riot At Zatanna Concert; 14 Dead

A riot broke out yesterday evening at a free concert in Hyde Park, London sponsored by LV-426. The popstar Zatanna, winner of last year’s X-Factor, and known supporter of LV-426 was due to perform.

“Zatanna was barely on the stage before it all kicked off, everyone went mental, and rushed the stage” eyewitness Martin Roll confirmed.

Reports suggest a large number of the crowd had been chanting Zatanna’s name before she took to the stage, whereupon they overwhelmed security and rushed the stage.

Security veteran Alf Miller said “I’ve never seen anything like it, they were like hungry dogs, out of control”.

14 people were trampled in the rush before police subdued the crowd.

167 people were arrested by police, 143 of which tested positive for LV-426. A police source, who did not wish to be named, said that “…they’ve just been crying out her (Zatanna’s) name in their cells, its like they’re obsessed.”

Professor Jacqueline Hennessey, of the World Health Organisation is leading an investigation into the role of LV-426 in this matter. Dr William Barker has called her capability into question and is pushing for the WHO to allow a Galpharm team to carry out the investigation.

25 August 2017

Rioting and Violence on the Streets of Paris

More violence in the French capital today, with riots now well into their 6th day.

Rioting began in the early hours of Saturday, although it remains unclear exactly what caused these events.

The French military have been drafted in to assist the police. Colonel Jean Baptiste told World News “…We are working to try and control the violence across the city but with no indication of cause, this is proving difficult”

Our reporter in Paris, Phillippe Grattin, speaking via satellite phone confirmed “…the violence is extremely unpredictable and does not seem directed against a single organisation or institution, rather it seems like very localized personal outbreaks between small groups or individuals but the scale on which this is happening is truly unprecedented.”

The French Premier, Carla Bruni, said she regretted the violence but the French were passionate people and they were working hard to ensure the ‘City of Love’ was safe for residents and visitors alike.

Professor Jacqueline Hennessey of the WHO has called for an investigation into the widespread LV-426 use within Paris, believing there to be a connection. Supporters of the drug worldwide have been quick to condemn her, pointing to the many altruistic acts of charity attributed to LV-426.

1 September 2017

Bakersfield Trial Continues

The trial of Jim Bakersfield, the US army veteran who shot and killed Miley Cyrus in April this year, began its third day today with the defendant’s testimony being heard.

Mr Bakersfield told the court how he had been using LV-426 heavily since it’s release to blot out feelings of rejection that still lingered from his divorce in 2012.

Mr Bakersfield, who has not used LV-426 since his arrest, talked in detail about his love for Miss Cyrus and said he felt that all the feelings of love LV-426 had given him were directed solely towards her.

“I felt obsessed, jealous and angry at all times, I couldn’t eat, sleep or breathe. She was always on my mind, I didn’t really understand why I loved her, I just knew if I couldn’t have her no-one else could.”

Advocates of LV-426 have protested outside the LA courthouse, claiming that Mr Bakersfield is wholly responsible for his actions and that no blame should fall on LV-426.

A facebook group ‘Bakersfield is a LIAR!!” has over 670,000 members since its inception 2 days ago.

The trial continues.

5 Oct 2017

Domestic violence figures have increased 3000% over the last 6 months across America. Exact figures both here and abroad are sketchy as communications disruption continues.

Based on the reports we have received, accusations of infidelity and jealousy seem to be triggering more and more spats of extreme violence across the nation.

12 November 2017

8,000 Die In Red Square

A prayer meeting in Moscow has ended in tragedy as an estimated 8,000 people starved to death.

This shocking eyewitness report was brought to us exclusively from Moscow by student and amateur film maker Ivan Keats via secure satellite link.

“..the rally began on Wednesday morning, pretty spontaneously, with hundreds and then thousands of people gathering in the Red Square. LV-426 was being taken by everyone there and the air was full of love. Initially there was very fun family atmosphere and then the singing began.

They sang hymns and chanted constantly, expressing their love for one another, for God, for humanity. People were spontaneously standing up to preach their love. Many shouted they needed no sustenance other than love. By the second day, many people were passing out from dehydration and hunger but no one gave them food. I saw a man hugging his unconscious wife, repeating over and over how much he loved her as she slowly died in his arms. I had to leave.

When I returned on the 4th day, it was a sea of corpses.

I saw people picking their way through the carnage or hugging the bodies of their families. Some were still singing. I don’t know whats happening here, there is no law and order. People just seem to stay in their homes taking that drug, no one goes to work anymore.

I visited my mother in the hospital, she has cancer, and the doctor told me as long as I loved her she would be ok. He wouldn’t give her any medicine. Our country is dying. I am afraid. “

Galpharm refused to comment on the story and doubted the credibility of our source. No other communication has been established in or out of Moscow or much of the Russian territories at this time.


Love is jealous, love is blind. It does not forgive, it cannot forget, it is utterly selfish. It is possessive and greedy, quick to anger, it never forgets a wrong. Love does not delight in evil but is quick to deceive. It always betrays, always manipulates, always controls, always perseveres.
Iceman said:
real writer, real writing, etc.

Pet peeve moment... but the only thing that makes a "real writer" is writing. Not talking about writing. Not promising writing. Not talking about what "real" writing is. Just writing. Putting sentences together. Telling stories.

People always want to make things more complicated than they actually are!



Cyan said:
Real writers write for the GAF challenges. :D

As I've said before, because we are on GAF, we only talk about writing. Duh!

I have a wicked idea for this one, but I have zero time. NOOOOOO!!!! I wish I wasn't interested in E3. :(

Also, by wicked idea, I actually meant something I find interesting that'll make everyone else go 'meh, needs to not suck'. :p
I actually do have something that came to me. And here I thought that well was tapped, emptied, and closed. Damn you, Mike Works!*

*and in WWF, too.


I am going to write about the true, deep, and abiding love between the universities that make up the Big 12 athletic conference.

Or maybe about the pure, honest love Reggie Bush has for cash moneys!

I always told myself that if I ever won a challenge, I'd make sure not to "cheat" and pick a theme that fit a story (idea) that I already had.

To make sure that I did this, I picked this challenge's theme completely and utterly off the top of my head and wouldn't let myself think about it for at least a few days.

Just spent the last few hours brainstorming and came up with something. Really hoping I'll find the time to work on it over the next 6 days, especially considering it's looking like there won't be as many submissions as usual.


hey_monkey said:
Pet peeve moment... but the only thing that makes a "real writer" is writing. Not talking about writing. Not promising writing. Not talking about what "real" writing is. Just writing. Putting sentences together. Telling stories.

People always want to make things more complicated than they actually are!

Pet peeve moment... that avatar.
Seriously, it gives me gas. :X


Cyan said:
I am going to write about the true, deep, and abiding love between the universities that make up the Big 12 athletic conference.

Or maybe about the pure, honest love Reggie Bush has for cash moneys!


The 'innocence' of Pete Carroll might be a good one too.
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