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NeoGAF Creative Writing Challenge #58 - "The Scar"

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Theme - "The Scar"

Word Limit: 2000

Submission Deadline: Thursday, 8/26th by 11:59 AM Pacific

Voting begins Thursday, 8/26 (noon), and goes until Sunday, 8/29 at 11:59 AM Pacific.

Note: The voting now goes until noon on Sunday to give people more time.

Optional Secondary Objective: Dictionary time.

This one is simple. Find yourself a dictionary, and find a word you never knew existed before. Then use it in your story in such a way that people reading it who don't know the word can understanding by context.

Submission Guidelines:

- One entry per poster.
- All submissions must be written during the time of the challenge.
- Using the topic as the title of your piece is discouraged.
- Keep to the word count!

Voting Guidelines:

- Three votes per voter. Please denote in your voting your 1st (3 pts), 2nd (2 pts), and 3rd (1 pt) place votes.
- Please read all submissions before voting.
- YOU MUST VOTE in order to be eligible to win the challenge.
- When voting ends, the winner gets a collective pat on the back, and starts the new challenge.

Writing Challenge FAQ


I'm in. But first I gotta write up a report on my research till the 20th, after which i'll get some time. But I have an idea already.

Time for some Mieville fanfic. ;)


Tim the Wiz said:

Time for some Mieville fanfic. ;)
"Bellis paused as his languorous hands roamed up her back, tracing the scars inflicted upon her. They made passionate love as the Armada bucked and swayed on foul winds, waves crashing upon ships harnessed to its ends. Memories of what came before was swiftly forgotten as they tilted and fucked, until, suddenly, a spirit came upon them; etc, etc" :lol

I will do a fanfic this time around. No joke.

And I completely forgot to vote last challenge. >_< Must keep that in mind.
Going to have to get my piece written in the next couple days or the whirlwind of folks moving will eat up my time.

ZephyrFate said:
Eh, maybe. Writing spirit has been slain recently.
Been feeling a bit dejected myself. I just feel like I've been regressing. Still, I plan to push on. I've already done the three years of writer's block, and I don't want to go back.
Dresden said:
"Bellis paused as his languorous hands roamed up her back, tracing the scars inflicted upon her. They made passionate love as the Armada bucked and swayed on foul winds, waves crashing upon ships harnessed to its ends. Memories of what came before was swiftly forgotten as they tilted and fucked, until, suddenly, a spirit came upon them; etc, etc" :lol

I will do a fanfic this time around. No joke.

So have to do it now. :lol


crowphoenix said:
Going to have to get my piece written in the next couple days or the whirlwind of folks moving will eat up my time.

Been feeling a bit dejected myself. I just feel like I've been regressing. Still, I plan to push on. I've already done the three years of writer's block, and I don't want to go back.

The way I have dealt with Writer Block in the past was to write what I felt needed to be written. There are seven billion stories out there. The person who offered me the advice said that it psychologically took me out of the situation. Maybe, it only worked on the journalist inside me, but it worked.

Now that I think about it, another person told me that it might help if I simmered down the 'have to write the best book in the world syndrome', and just write, but as I didn't really suffer from that, it wasn't particularly an issue. It did get me wondering though that there must be authors out there who are like that.


Congrats on the win, Aaron!

Thanks for the crits, the folks who did 'em. Hopefully we'll get a better voting turnout this time around.

Aaron- really helpful critique. I'm going to have to do some thinking about it, though.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
This quote is from the last thread:

Ashes1396 said:
Crits - all in one place.
-2. @Alafarif, missing deadlines, smh. *jumps for cover till I do the same thing sometime in the future*

I want to say "I know, I know, I know." I feel terrible about missing it. If it's any consolation, the idea I had I still want to do at some point because I think it was actually a good idea. The only reason I couldn't take part is because there was a death in my family, so I've been dealing with that for the last two or three weeks. I won't get into too many specifics, but it was my mom's fiance, so it's been really rough.
Alfarif said:
I want to say "I know, I know, I know." I feel terrible about missing it. If it's any consolation, the idea I had I still want to do at some point because I think it was actually a good idea. The only reason I couldn't take part is because there was a death in my family, so I've been dealing with that for the last two or three weeks. I won't get into too many specifics, but it was my mom's fiance, so it's been really rough.
Sorry to hear that, man. My thoughts are with you and your family.


Alfarif said:
This quote is from the last thread.
I want to say "I know, I know, I know." I feel terrible about missing it. If it's any consolation, the idea I had I still want to do at some point because I think it was actually a good idea. The only reason I couldn't take part is because there was a death in my family, so I've been dealing with that for the last two or three weeks. I won't get into too many specifics, but it was my mom's fiance, so it's been really rough.

Sincerest Condolences... I'm half an orphan, so I know what it feels like... :(


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Thanks guys. I don't want to turn this into that kind of thread but thought I'd let y'all know. Funny enough, both writing challenges are very on topic for how I'm feeling right about now. I kind of like that. :D
I've got an idea and already started working on it. Figure I'll finish it up tomorrow, so that I can be sure that life won't get in the way.
Finished the rough draft for my piece. I've still got a lot of work to do in order to balance this piece, but I do like it, though it's a bit to much the usual from me.


You guys crack me up. :lol

I have about six hundred words of meaningless sex between a torque-addled penis tree-man and Coldwine.


I started out on a story, which I think has a pretty good concept. But i'm so tired right now, whol body i numb.
Deep Evergreen
Word Count: 1623

You and I were only a coupling here; the words wouldn't ever fit so close, so snug, so tightly wrapped, if 'here' didn't exist. You were all wide-eyed when we found this place, this little corner of the world that we called our own. Curiousity danced in your eyes like leaping flames as you explored and dove around, seeking out all the new. You kept asking me, “Where is this?” or “Where are we?” And I gave you no answer.

This little forest was ours to call our own. The trees were so thick and close together that they only let the barest amount of light in, rays that hit a wall of dust and pollen so thick and packed into this space. The light was changed and shaped by the colors it encountered within this wooded seclusion. Even during the day, the inside of our place took on a green pall, as if everything had been painted that color; skin and sight and touch and feel, all some shade of green painted by some broad stroke. Our first five minutes here was just us taking in all this green because it felt like the forest was hugging us within its color-bound embrace.

You ran off through bushes and tripped over logs, but you'd stand up just as bright as ever, grinning and smiling as if you'd never run out of steam. We were older now, coming to this place so new, but it brought out such an innocence, such a youthfulness, that I could never bear to take you away.

“This is one of those last places, isn't it, Max?” You asked me in a perfunctory manner.

“They've gotten rid of the rest. This forest used to go on for miles...” I responded, a bittersweet taste accentuating the latter bit.

“Nothing else matters so long as we're here. So long as they never find it, we'll be able to run from whatever past we had. It can't catch us here; we're better at playing hide and seek now.” You gleefully remarked, flashing your cheesiest, shit-eating grin.

I smirked, though. You always were about running from your past. Even if you never did anything wrong, you always... kept moving. You didn't want it to keep up; you were in a race that if at any point you simply gave up, you'd kill yourself. You had this drive... such a drive...

We were against a tree several hours later, you were right next to me hugging your knees to your chest, looking at a rabbit hopping about 'midst the pervasive flora. Night had begun to fall, and the light had begun to change. What little that fought its way through wars upon wars with the leaves and branches became twisted and morphed. Each little bit of green speck became magnified and painted into a darker, harsher green. Everything you could see became that dark green, and it... it was the tougher embrace.

The forest seemed to take on its own life as night fell, and as it did everything felt like a trap. A trap that you never wanted to escape. You watched the rabbit disappear into the darkness and a tear fell down your cheek. I brushed it away, clearing back some of your hair that fell down in front of your face.

“We can't stay here, can we?” More tears. Their light, too, became green, as if you were bleeding out the forest with each stray liquid journey.

“Running doesn't work so well these days.”

“But we can't... we can't stop. We...”

Bitter reality stayed your tongue, put a vice down upon your lips that fused them shut. And I desperately wanted you to say what you wanted to. I longed for you to release that truth, unleash it from the cage; free it from its existence on your moral bread crumbs and stale paranoia.

We killed a man.

I could say it. I could even shout it to the heavens but they had suddenly become a much lesser bar to shoot for, since all that existed above us was tree canopy. The higher leaves and overhanging growth became the celestial world, and only here could we escape the real shit.

Your crying became incensed, a chorus that ripped itself from your mendacious self-confidence and your ice-grip fears. I could see you shake, and not even my hand on your shoulder would erase the demons that fed on your mind.

“We can stay here as long as we can, okay, Sophie?” I wanted to say, The past doesn't push us anymore, but that felt out-of-place. But the biggest reason was that those words refused to jump from my lips to the thick verdant air.

The sobs that constricted you began to lessen as you turned to me, that piercing aquamarine gaze of half-tears and half-daggers. There was some fight going on inside that you couldn't tell me. There were sentences forming and dissolving, being born and killed, being created and destroyed, in a never-ending cycle.

“But nothing can erase what we did. A man's dead. His blood is on us. I can't... I can't get it off my hands. It won't wash off, because... I can see it even when my hands are clean. I can see it when I sleep, his look of shock and fear. I can hear him begging... pleading for a quicker death than what we promised. And then we'd shake our heads and say no, the knife would flash down again.” You muttered, a dead gaze coloring your face as you looked forward.

I turned away from you then, and fell asleep next to that tree. As sleep encroached I heard you cry again, I heard you beg for vindication from a higher power. Nothing and no one will answer us here. We are alone on this road that we carved for ourselves. The noble, saintly path called out to us, but we figured that cutting through the underbrush with our machetes of fate would create a better one. Our calling was to 'shape' our future, but that path has only lead to this.

A small interlude of peace before reality stole our innocence.

The morning after we both awoke sometime around noon, stretching and yawning amidst a carpet of leaves and underbrush. You looked haggard, as if you didn't sleep. And I knew you didn't – you had those dreams. Only this time, I did too. I had wondered if we shared the same dream; the same blood-soaked drive-in movie theater playing our old films, the same sound of a man screaming in agony as the knife became too friendly with his insides.

“I feel like leaving. I feel like... facing all of this head-on.” You said to me.

I was shocked. You were never the one of us who would give up. I had thought of turning myself in weeks ago, but you were so persistent and headstrong. You wanted to keep the past at bay, always behind us, never with us. The past was a friend you didn't want any more.

“You ok, Max?”

“I... just, surprised. You never wanted to stop running before. I was... more than willing to keep going...”

“No, no you weren't. You wanted this to end long ago. And now it can. But... first.” You gave me the warmest smile in months. Something that seemed dredged up out of the well of your heart; something long ago buried. In one swift motion you pulled out my knife, juggled it in the air, played around with it. Seconds later the blade stopped, the hilt gripped firmly in your hand.

In one swift motion you turned to the tree, cutting a large slice of bark off. The gash would be permanent.

“I'm leaving this here. It's our past made real. It's something we can't run from. We did this, we'll deal with whatever it does to us. It's a sign that we stopped.”

“We're going to go to jail for a long time, possibly serve life sentences or a death penalty. We won't see each other again.”

You leaned forward then, giving me a chaste kiss on the lips, and that was the only answer you gave.

Now the forest was nothing but a dream mirrored upon itself. I could see you laying down so comfortably in a bed of flowers, so content and so peaceful, playing along the prison cell walls. You cartwheeled along its edges, but only until you reached the bars. The bars brought it all back to zero, to the crushing gestalt of 'real.'

I would flash back to that night. That one, stupid night.

“I have... a wife and kids... please, don't!” The man yelled, one hand in front of his face as he lay on the ground, trying to scramble backwards towards anything safe. With his other hand he grasped a cross necklace wrapped 'round his neck, occasionally moving it upwards to kiss it. The man wanted God to come down and save him, but he was in a den of demons. It was only him, myself, and Sophie and that only meant he would die.

I don't remember what made us do it... a cocktail of drugs, our endless debt, or some sort of social myopia... but it happened. And for those brief moments it felt like this was the serendipitous thing to do, that we would gain a new life from this.

All we got was a dead man's blood on unwashable hands.

Yet... I look back to that gash in the tree, and it cleanses me: the jagged reminder of who we were.


good credit (by proxy)
A White Liquid Ocean
Word Count: 1,090

I came like an ocean, like a volcano, like a boiling hot geyser, spraying heedlessly, nihilistically, destroying every living thing around me. I came with the fury of 16,777,216 wild mustangs at full gait through a dry river bed on the late summer plains. Oh, it felt so good--so good I lost myself in it, falling into the sky and making a perfect ripple effect as I skipped leisurely across reality. Into the abyss I fell, enraptured in the soft blankets of motherly love. I came, and the smells were living entities, they bloomed visually in front of me, soft rose petals sprouting and curling, each one emitting a beautiful chirp as it faded into invisible. I came and I felt alive.

When I came, it was to the outer smoking area of the bar to meet my friends. I got out of my car, and came from around the nearest corner, and I annihilated like a supernova into their lives. My arrival was like a bomb going off. “Glad you could come!” They all shouted. High fives explored the alien atmosphere like so much party time. I saw Jonathan and I fell off a cliff to hug him, the smell of Blue Moon permeating our embrace. We talked about original Nintendo games as if they were entertainment fit only for royalty. I shook hands with Jason, his mischievous smile making me immediately feel at ease. I lifted Megan high off the ground—entwining her in my vines that stretched off and into the horizon. She looked cute, as usual, and it almost overtook my better judgement.

I came and then I left, off into the frothy smoke-filled cave with all of my friends in tow. The smoke was so thick I could not see anyone; it almost seemed to muffle sound. The perfect environment for my scar. The smoked appeared to becoming from some direction, and I followed it’s every inclination. A harsh light pierced the fog, and as I grew closer, finally, a raging green inferno before me. From behind the bar, a fireman looked as if he might’ve completely given up on putting it out, and in the process given up everything. So he sat next to it in the bar, fanning its flames.

My scar pulsated and breathed in the cover of smoke. Unafraid of being seen, I opened a few buttons on my shirt, my chest hair creeping beyond the fabric and into space. The scar glowed red-unseen under my outfit.

Talking to Megan, I noticed another color light in my periphery. This one soft, blue, and cool, beckoning further investigation. I unconsciously moved toward it, and beneath my clothing that red thing heaved and grew. Megan became the afterremnants of an idea as the smoke behind me obscured her being. I left her, toward that blue thing, and with her I left even more pieces of my logical mind, and tuned in to the parts where sex feels fucking fantastic.

I canoe into that blue light spectrum, and the waters are glass. Andromeda. Her skin felt like cream, smooth and fun to lose my limbs into. I am touching her, and she is not retracting, and we are hidden in the smoke, divorced from conversation around us. And my wound seems it wants to burst from my attire, giving away any and all secrets in the process. I can smell her top notes above the smog, and it’s making my mind fall deep into a pit in the back of my skull. I let her essence envelop me. I close my eyes and it writhes violently beneath the surface.

I open them now, finally seeing the source of the blue spring—her face. Her eyes, her mouth, her fucking lips. They wash away most of the smoke, and illuminate our little encapsulated bubble. My surroundings flicker on and off in the movement of blue firelight. There is little to hide here, and I again become cautious, buttoning my shirt back up like old, paranoid neighbors might put down their nightshades before dusk. I can’t be seen naked.

Smoke-lite followed us home, hovering above buildings and wrapping around street lights in our wake, shrouding us from all other existence. I pull Andromeda into an alley, look at her smiling face, and kiss it with everything I have. A shirt button flies off. I pull back, almost in agony, and we see each other again, this time in a different way. The world everywhere is fading into black and white, and I’m putting more of my faith into her wordless gaze. It’s starting to become a lot more clear.

We get back to my place and I put on some music, a very brief lapse back into my logical mind as I fiddle with Itunes. Now it’s time to get back to the business of those lashes, those cheeks, and again, those lips. I find myself changed in the reflection of her eyes; there is someone I haven’t seen for awhile looking back at me. In her eyes a king is staring back. The smoke clears, the scar itself goes still at this revelation, and she notices the subtle change. Another button pops off—this one nearing my hips.

We kiss again, this time with more urgency, this time with only the memory of smoke, this time wanting so desperately to be part of something bigger, even if our concepts about what exactly that is are vague and yet undeveloped. We need to visit the source of everything, losing ourselves, defragmenting and erasing our own backup data accrued over the years. To lose ourselves while distinctly together, experiencing this “death” as one entity.

And finally, after much prodding, poking, teasing—the remainder of my buttons all at once were ejected, and my clothing slid to the floor. It was now free to the open air, and it glowed a menacing, pulsating red. Andromeda at first stared, studying without bias. She touched it, trying to understand its color, trying to rectify its aggressive qualities in her mind. Slowly she embraced it, marveling over its fundamental difference from her own light. Her blue, my red, and an appreciable amount of green from the bar blended together, creating an intense burst of white light that was, for the time being, everlasting. Together we rode with it as one, fluctuating with that whiteness, undulating at its whim. We fell into our white nothing, her hand in mine, the place where past transgressions go to die. And then, I came.


:lol timedog. Never change.
And no I'm not going to post the obvious pun.

edit: I hope the first two paragraphs give the right idea about the story. I don't think I would like myself for judging too quickly..


I've got nothing and no time to write in. Got a speech contest at Toastmasters tomorrow, which has been taking up my free time.

I intend to get something written, but... we'll see.


I'll have a piece written by midnight tomorrow.. as usual (I don't have any commitments on Wednesdays as it happens..)

I'm going noir again.. determined to get it right. But it should blend some of Cormac McCarthy's motifs.. and I'm not 100% sure how that will work out.

The story in my head does feels more like a 4000 worder but if I can focus on the more interesting plot points and allude the rest then I'll be happy.


I probably wont either. Have about 4 half-written stories from this and previous weeks, damn college and work!

John Dunbar

correct about everything
Cheap Story
(1373 words)

An old man sat in a lawn chair, watching children playing on a large green yard. A young man sat next him.

"Dad, have you ever told me how you got that scar?" asked the young man, pointing to the old man's bare abdomen.

"It's a long story."

"I got time," said the son, leaning back in his chair with his arms behind his head.


I had just started as a deputy in a small border town. Like all young people, I had utmost faith in law and justice, and was eager to fulfill my duty as an officer of law. However, as so often happens, I would soon be disillusioned by reality.

One evening I was with two older officer responding to a call at a motel where gunshots had been reported. I had to follow them in my car, a rundown civilian vehicle. Due to some unexpected vehicular problems I had to use my own car until they scraped a new police car together. They didn't seem to be in any hurry in that department.

It was pretty much what you could expect from a motel room. A single bed, a lazy chair in the corner, a lamp and a radio. And on the floor a body of a man with several gunshot wounds in the back.

"Poor Mexican bastard," one of the officers sighed. He and his partner didn't seem to be doing much.

"Shouldn't we examine the scene," I wondered.

"No need, the sheriff is here," said one of my colleagues who was looking out the window.

A large man with a silver star and well-pressed uniform appeared, framed in the door. His tongue was vigorously trying to poke through his lower lip as his sunglass covered eyes scanned the room.

"Well, this here is a clear case of suicide if I ever saw one," the sheriff declared.

"Suicide?" I objected. "He's been shot in the back three times!"

The sheriff gave me a cold glare, impressive feat through sunglasses, but realizing I was new, he flashed his big yellow teeth in a big beaming grin.

"From my experience," he said "Any Mexican shot must of had it comin'. Good as suicide."

"But this is the second murder in a motel within a week," I desperately argued. "Remember the Williamson case?"

"Williamson case?" The sheriff scoffed. "Williamson died of natural causes."

"Natural causes?" I asked in shock. "His head was found in the bathroom!"

"Exactly," said the sheriff, tapping the side of his nose knowingly. "It's natural to die without your head, is it not?"

Before I could argue, the sheriff was already ignoring me. He walked indifferently through the room, took a glance in the bathroom, and clearly had had enough. "Bag 'im, boys, and let's go!" he yelled. But on his way out, he gently placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Ya'll learn soon enough how we do law 'round these parts, son."

And then they were gone, leaving me alone at the crime scene where no crime took place according to the local law enforcement.

I walked out to my car. I sat for a while at the driver' seat, thinking about what I had just seen, when suddenly a figure was moving quickly to the motel room that I had just left, unlocked the door and disappeared inside.

Although the sheriff's behaviour had made it clear we should not be involved in this anymore, the conscientiousness of youth forced me to investigate what the figure what doing at a crime scene.

I sneaked to the door, my gun withdrawn, and slowly pushed open the door left ajar. I saw the person had removed a vent cover, and standing on the lazy chair was now pulling something out.

"Don't touch that!" I yelled.

The figure was startled, and, along with a briefcase they were retrieving, fell to the floor. For the first time I saw her face. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She was clearly a Latino, but to me her brown skin and auburn eyes made her look more like some princess from the Arabian Nights.

"This is a crime scene," I managed to say. "You're not allowed to be here."

She didn't say anything, just stared at me with her large glistening eyes.

"Hello? Do you speak English? Hablas Inglés?"

"Where did they take the body?" she asked, in perfect English, but with an alluring accent that summoned up images of exotic lands.

"What? The morgue, I guess. Do you know who he was?"

She turned her head away from me, allowing me a glimpse of her regal profile. "He was my brother," she said softly.

As if jolted by electricity, she bounced up and rushed to the door. I tried to stop her, thinking she was going to flee the scene and my life, but she merely slammed the door and locked it. She then draw the curtains.

She walked towards me slowly, first softly placing her hand on my chest, then pushing me down to sit on the bed. Only then I noticed I had already holstered my gun. Not even the unsettling pool of her brother's blood on the floor seemed to bother her.

She placed her hand on my knee. She began kissing me, but not on the mouth. My cheeks, my forehead, my chin, my nose, even my eyes, but oh God, not the mouth. I nictitated furiously as her tongue played with my eyeballs.

Suddenly, the screeching of car wheels and the bright light of headlights dimly illuminating the curtained room interrupted my romantic saliva facial. I thought it was only some guest coming or going with poor driving manners, not making much of it, but she jumped up, and in a hurry grabbed the briefcase I had forgotten all about.

"What's wrong?"

"I got to get out of here!"

She ran to the bathroom, opening the window, and throwing her valuable container out, about to follow herself. I found this paranoia rather charming, but suddenly chills went up my spine as I heard banging on the door. Almost without thinking I rushed in the bathroom, locked the door and followed my Latin lover out the window.

I saw her moving swiftly and crouched along the wall of the horseshoe shaped motel. We were on the outer edge of one of the two sides, the clearing in the middle being used for parking, where my car was.

I followed her, and soon I caught up to her at the tip of our side of the motel, leaning against the motel's ice box. Around the corner we could see a car, still running, had stopped outside our room. The headlights revealed several men arguing. The room door was open, they must have mashed it in.

"What the hell is in that briefcase?" I whispered as loudly as I dared. She didn't answer.

"Where's your car?" She asked.

"What? Uh, over there."

"They'll see us if we try to go there."

"Then let's not."

"You're police!" she hissed.

"I'm also alone."

She cursed at me in Spanish, and peeked around the corner again. Suddenly she told me to follow her, and disappeared. I leaned to see where she went, and noticed she had gone in the open window of the room just around the corner. I was certain the guest who had opened it was there, but turned out it was empty.

What followed was a night of such passionate loving that the mere thought of it helped me through many cold nights when your mother was not in a receiving mood, God bless her soul.


The old man sat frozen, his fist firmly gripping his beer can, his misty eyes staring into the distance.

"That's quite the story, dad," said the son, smiling and reaching for a bottle in the cooler. "But I still don't know how you got that scar."

"Oh, that," said the old man. "When I woke up, I was in a tub full of ice. The bitch had stolen my kidney."

John Dunbar

correct about everything
In case someone was wondering, the mystery dictionary word was

This was a pretty rushed entry. I like some parts, but overall I think it could use a lot of work. But it's almost midnight here, so blah.


I have a badass scar over my left eyebrow. Sadly the story isn't so interesting, I got it when I was 4 when I slipped in the shower, but it's still a good conversation piece. When conversations take a turn for the dreary I show off the scar and let the stories begin. Typically the stories are uninteresting, but once in Duschene, Utah I did this and was treated to a story I would never forget. I must admit I cannot verify the truthfulness of this story. But I will say this, it was told to me by someone who doesn't typically lie and later I asked the original teller's roommate about the story and she also insisted the story was true. The story starts with a young woman who was once on of the original teller's roommates, this young woman was named Emma.

Emma was a "Molly Mormon" Now if you're a Mormon this is all that needs to said as the two words convey truckloads of meaning. However, for those outside the faith this needs a bit of explaining.

A "Molly" is a woman who can best be summed up as a goody-goody two shoes prude. Prim and proper, she's sure to never wear anything that shows skin, never spoken a word of profanity and has never listened to anything "harder" than Chicago. A very strict girls-don't-poop-would-rather-bake-cookies-for-the-boys-than-dance-with-them-icky-sex-only-for-procreation type of girl.

To people outside of the Mormon faith such a thing as a "Molly" must be seen as something only a few people do, perhaps the fundamentalists in their communes. But Utah county and parts of Idaho turn out women like this in droves.

Emma was about to turn twenty when these events happened. It should be explained that twenty is a very important age for a "Molly". It is one year before the age of twenty-one when many will be expected to go on an eighteen month mission for the church. Many Mollys go on a mad rush to get married before the dreaded age of twenty-one, as they feel that they'll be old maids when they return at the old age of twenty-two and a half. Second rate. Like the rock hard bubble gum cheap people give out on Halloween.

So, like any good Molly, Emma's mind was on marriage while she was attending a church sponsored college, Rick's College (now BYU-Idaho). She had been looking for a good returned missionary (only a returned missionary would do) to get married to, and start popping out babies with. I know it all sounds cliché but it is the sad truth.

Emma had a good prospect in Ammon. A nondescript, tall, white, returned missionary, who liked to show off all the Spanish he had learned on his mission in Nicaragua. He was sort of a perversion of a Vietnam Vet for Missionaries. The kind that have flashbacks and never get out of that time of their life. They spend the rest of their lives wishing they were back in the mission field.

The two had dated for a few weeks and Ammon had asked Emma to meet his parents. Emma knew that it was important to make a good impression and wanted to make the best impression possible. So on the designated Sunday she put on her best floral dress and after church Ammon and Emma drove to Ammon's parent's house which was just a few minutes away.

When they arrived Emma met Ammon's parents and his little brothers. Dinner wasn't ready yet so Emma sat in the living room with Ammon's father and brothers and began to talk while Ammon's mother went to finish up dinner.

They made small talk, shortly after they began Ammon's mother returned with a large pitcher of water and some glasses. Parched, Emma always got thirsty when nervous, Emma drank up. After a few minutes a small mangy dog that looked like a cross between a poodle and some longhaired breed trotted into the room slowly. It was Champ.

Ammon's family began telling stories about Champ. The poor dog was going on fourteen years old, blind in one eye, and had survived getting hit by the neighbor's car twice and being run over by several kid's bicycles. Champ didn't really care much for all the attention and left to go somewhere to sleep.

Dinner kept being delayed and Emma found herself forced into more and more toadyish conversation about her and Ammon and her past. While everything was friendly, Emma was nervous that she might make a bad impression and Ammon's father asked a lot of questions. Emma drank several glasses of water, partially to calm her nerves and she also found that drinking water excused her from having to talk.

Finally, like a godsend, Ammon's mother came in and announced dinner was ready. The group got up and walked to the dining room where, after a prayer, they had a dinner of roast with potatoes.

Emma quickly found that Ammon's mother put Ammon's father to shame when it came to talking. It was as if the woman simply opened her mouth and great long strings of words came out, she didn't even seem to pause for breath. Combined with Ammon's father the two made for a non-stop hurricane of questions.

The two kept talking and asking questions until well after the dinner was done with no sign of stopping. All the glasses of water that Emma had drunk before and during the dinner caught up to her bladder extending it painfully. Emma waited hoping that the conversation would end and Ammon would say they had to leave and she could go relieve herself in the comfort of her own dorm which was just a few minutes away. But the family continued talking.

Emma waited patiently for the conversation to die down so she could say she had lots of homework and needed to leave. But as soon as one topic died down it sprung up another topic and another and another. Emma began bouncing her leg in an attempt to hold back the pressure of what seemed like gallons of water bearing down on her tiny bladder. Minutes passed painfully and still there was no sign of the conversation relenting.

Emma began entertaining ideas of running home and coming back, but she knew she would never make it. She tried to catch Ammon's eye to give him the "Let's go!" look and succeeded in doing so, but Ammon seemed oblivious as to the meaning behind the look and kept talking. On and on the conversation droned while Emma bit her lower lip hard to try to keep her bladder from giving way.

Finally there was a break in the conversation and Emma knew the time for action had come. She knew that she wouldn't last through another conversation and the drive home was too far. She had to use the bathroom. Emma didn't want to simply ask to use the bathroom, girls didn't poop or pee. She decided to use the Molly euphemism for bathroom and spoke up trying to sound as non-chalant as possible as she swore she could feel her bladder sweating. "Excuse me," she said to Ammon's mother, "Do you have a place where I could wash my hands?"

"Sure." Ammon's mother said, "Just go down the hall, third door on the left."

Emma got up and thanked Ammon's mother and tried to walk as if she weren't using every muscle in her body to hold back a tsunami of urine. Eventually she got to the third door on the left and with a sigh of relief stepped into the room and closed the door behind her.

The sigh was quickly replaced with a gasp as she realized that she had gotten exactly what she had asked for. Ammon's mother hadn't sent her to a bathroom; instead she had sent her to the laundry room. Tile floor, a washer, a dryer, and a small porcelain sink that stuck out of the wall under which Champ was curled up in a small ball asleep.

Emma cursed Ammon's mother. How could she not know the secret code for bathroom? Every properly brought up woman knew that "a place to wash your hands" meant "bathroom". Emma looked at the room in despair. She couldn't go back and say, "Just kidding, where's your bathroom." That would not only be embarrassing but would also prove that she did poop and pee something she didn't want her beau and his family to think about and possibly discuss.

However, Emma's bladder was quivering as it had just reached the crisis point. Emma began a little dance as she thought of what to do. Looking at the sink Emma decided desperate times called for desperate measures. She half walked/half danced to the sink under which Champ was still sleeping. Emma slipped down her skirt and her panties and began to hike herself up backwards onto the sink.

Straining her arms Emma lifted herself onto the sink and as soon as she was in place she let it all go. The urine erupted out of her like the fire from the rockets on the space shuttle. Emma let out a moan of relief, which might've been why she didn't hear the cracking noises coming from behind her. Small sinks were not made to hold up women and only too late did she realize that the sink had begun to tear off the wall. Frantically, she tried to do something, but the urine stream was like a solid stream of yellow metal that could not be stopped by any force known to women or Gods. Nor could anything stop the stream of events that would shortly follow.

Emma heard a sharp crack and realized with horror she was falling straight down. She felt a splash of water on her back and heard a short "Yip!", as the pipes, sink, girl and all fell on top of sleeping Champ, followed by a loud crash and a slash of pain. Emma fell forward and hit her head hard on tile and passed out.

Ammon and his family's conversation back at the dining room was interrupted by a loud crash. Exchanging puzzled looks they all stood up and walked over to the laundry room and knocked on the closed door. When no answer came they opened the door.

The sight that greeted them must have been the strangest they'd ever see. Broken pipes stuck out of the wall spewing water everywhere. The sink was gone and pieces of it lay scattered about the ground. Champ, who had survived two car hits and countless kids bikes was no match for Emma's ass and lay dead in what looked like a puddle of urine. A few feet away with her bare ass, which had been severely cut, up in the air was Emma, knocked unconscious and bleeding.

After a moment of shock someone called 911. Sad and disgusted, the family left the scene. An ambulance arrived shortly thereafter and put a waking and extremely embarrassed Emma on stretcher and carted her off to the hospital where she would be diagnosed with a concussion and require over a dozen stitches in very uncomfortable places.

She saw Ammon the next day as he brought over some of her CDs she had lent him.

"I don't suppose we'll be seeing each other again?" Emma asked.

"No." was all that Ammon said.

It would be weeks until Emma could sit comfortably and even after that her ass remained criss crossed with scars. Sadly while this is perhaps the greatest scar story I've ever heard, Emma would never tell of it. She had made an elaborate tale of falling off her bike while camping to explain the scars. Only her roomates that had to help Emma through her injury knew the truth, that killing a dog with your ass leaves scars.


Hey, it's ronito! I was just thinking I might need to start pestering you via PM to get you back to the writing threads. :)
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