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DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue arrives for PSN, XBLA on September 21 and 22



Ron Gilbert's DeathSpank was originally announced as an episodic series, but last month released as a stand-alone downloadable title for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The episodic tag may as well have been left on the project, as Hothead today announced a second game in the series, DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue, set to debut next month.

Thongs of Virtue will see DeathSpank in some new settings.

While Gilbert left Hothead Games in April, Thongs of Virtue producer Hamish Millar told GameSpot the Secret of Monkey Island creator had just as much influence on this game as he had on the first game. In fact, development on Thongs of Virtue was finished before the first DeathSpank game launched, which works well for those anticipating a sequel, but came with its own drawbacks.

"By doing two games back to back, we didn't get the opportunity to listen to everybody's feedback and try and incorporate that," Millar said. "But what we did do is take a bit of a guess at what we thought was going to come out of the releases."

As a result, Thongs of Virtue will sport more variety in the types of quests given to players, more bosses, a new cooperative play character in addition to Sparkles the Wizard, and a wealth of new environments.

"DeathSpank 1 was an introduction to the universe for people and it was very much a fantasy action RPG," Millar said. "For the second game--and this is a reason it was a separate product, too--we just wanted to redefine what that could be. We just wanted to blow people's expectations out of the water as far as what kind of weapons DeathSpank can have, what worlds he can travel to, and what sort of creatures and characters and enemies he can face."

Screens and art for the game released show more modern and sci-fi trappings, with DeathSpank wielding a bazooka, machineguns and rifles to fend off enemies from giant ants to ray gun-wielding aliens.

As for whether Gilbert's departure meant Thongs of Virtue would be the character's last hurrah, that shouldn't be assumed. "DeathSpank is a creation not just of Ron but a collection of people, and Hothead is a huge part of that," Millar said.

Thongs of Virtue will launch on the PlayStation Network September 21 and arrive on Xbox Live Arcade the next day. Like the first entry in the series, the game will sell for $14.99 (1,200 Microsoft points).


ICallItFutile said:
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too soon. This jeopardizes sales of the first game. Should have had a three month gap.

Especially given the price. I was thinking of picking up the original but now I'll wait for some kind of sale or bundle.
I'll buy it. Deathspank was a lot of fun but once you get all achievements, there isn't really any reason to go back and replay it. A new game in a similar fashion with new quests, environments and weapons is exactly what I wanted.


listen to the mad man
Too soon, too expensive, undercuts DeathSpank, not the kind of game that strikes me as particularly conducive to episodic sequels.


Looks pretty much the same.


Ron Gilbert's DeathSpank was originally announced as an episodic series, but last month released as a stand-alone downloadable title for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The episodic tag may as well have been left on the project, as Hothead today announced a second game in the series, DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue, set to debut next month.

Thongs of Virtue will see DeathSpank in some new settings.

While Gilbert left Hothead Games in April, Thongs of Virtue producer Hamish Millar told GameSpot the Secret of Monkey Island creator had just as much influence on this game as he had on the first game. In fact, development on Thongs of Virtue was finished before the first DeathSpank game launched, which works well for those anticipating a sequel, but came with its own drawbacks.

"By doing two games back to back, we didn't get the opportunity to listen to everybody's feedback and try and incorporate that," Millar said. "But what we did do is take a bit of a guess at what we thought was going to come out of the releases."

As a result, Thongs of Virtue will sport more variety in the types of quests given to players, more bosses, a new cooperative play character in addition to Sparkles the Wizard, and a wealth of new environments.

"DeathSpank 1 was an introduction to the universe for people and it was very much a fantasy action RPG," Millar said. "For the second game--and this is a reason it was a separate product, too--we just wanted to redefine what that could be. We just wanted to blow people's expectations out of the water as far as what kind of weapons DeathSpank can have, what worlds he can travel to, and what sort of creatures and characters and enemies he can face."

Screens and art for the game released show more modern and sci-fi trappings, with DeathSpank wielding a bazooka, machineguns and rifles to fend off enemies from giant ants to ray gun-wielding aliens.

As for whether Gilbert's departure meant Thongs of Virtue would be the character's last hurrah, that shouldn't be assumed. "DeathSpank is a creation not just of Ron but a collection of people, and Hothead is a huge part of that," Millar said.
Thongs of Virtue will launch on the PlayStation Network September 21 and arrive on Xbox Live Arcade the next day. Like the first entry in the series, the game will sell for $14.99 (1,200 Microsoft points).
What what what? So they thought, this thing sucks in part 1, let's keep it in there to make some (none) money with part 2!

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
the first Deathspank is a long, meaty game for $15 bucks, equal to something like Shadow Complex. There is no inherent problem with selling these every few months for $15 a piece - in four chapters you have a game easily longer with more content than most $60 HD console releases. HOWEVER. In order to make this work right they should have allowed for importing your save file or playing a consistent campaign across every chapter - say with a level cap of 80 by the end of the saga, 20 levels per chapter.

This also would encourage people to go back and buy the games in order.

In fact considering how fast you level up in Deathspank I almost feel that was the original intention.

Without better connectivity between the chapters however, this won't work out well.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Definitely too soon. I'll buy it, but I can see how releasing a sequel two months after the original is a bad, bad idea. Maybe if it was a DLC for the first game.


I'm currently enjoying the first one and will definitely pick up this one. It does seem a bit soon, but I see that as a good thing for myself. :D
Don't know that I liked the first one enough to get this. At least not at $15. It was okay but it felt more like a series of chores instead of a fun game and the writing was not funny. I'll definitely have to wait for a price drop and some really great impressions (then again the first one received great impressions...)
Saw the achievement and trophy leak a few days ago, so awesome it's announced now.

Can't wait for more DeathSpank. Seems like the ending area mystery will be revealed.
DS was one of the first games in awhile I just couldn't put down until I got 100%, very addictive.

No news of carrying over your loot from the first game (or "episode")? No big deal if not.
Too soon? Yeah right, they should crank out as many of these as they can before Costume Quests consumes us all with it's irresistible cuteness

Kaijima said:
the first Deathspank is a long, meaty game for $15 bucks, equal to something like Shadow Complex. There is no inherent problem with selling these every few months for $15 a piece - in four chapters you have a game easily longer with more content than most $60 HD console releases. HOWEVER. In order to make this work right they should have allowed for importing your save file or playing a consistent campaign across every chapter - say with a level cap of 80 by the end of the saga, 20 levels per chapter.

This also would encourage people to go back and buy the games in order.

In fact considering how fast you level up in Deathspank I almost feel that was the original intention.

Without better connectivity between the chapters however, this won't work out well.

Do we know levels won't carry over? I didn't see it in the OP


Way too soon; I really liked the first one but I am not ready for a follow up yet (especially as I suspect its just more of the same) - will wait for a sale later down the line instead


I loved the first one, but I wanted an expansion, not just a new game with a different coat of paint. Plus it doesnt really talk about what they are expanding on, more varied armor look or 'spells' would be cool. Plus I liked the whole medival spoof that it had going on, throwing aliens in there right away just seems like a 'jump the shark' moment to early in its life cycle.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
HamPster PamPster said:
Too soon? Yeah right, they should crank out as many of these as they can before Costume Quests consumes us all with it's irresistible cuteness

Do we know levels won't carry over? I didn't see it in the OP

I'm just assuming the worst until proven otherwise.

I'm /hoping/ there is connectivity.


Still not had the chance to buy it yet due to all the Summer of Arcade titles/backlog but loved the demo. Looks like I`ll have two Death Spank titles to buy at some point.
Too soon? Not for me. I finished DeathSpank already and I assume most people that were truly interested in playing DeathSpank already 100% completed the 5 hour game. It's a niche downloadable adventure. Would it really undercut the sales for the original DeathSpank? Why wait 6 months or more for the sequel?! I would just lose interest in the universe by then (like I did with the Penny Arcade Episodes).

And I'm not really all too concerned about DeathSpank: ToV being done before the release of DeathSpank 1. Nothing was overtly broken about the first where feedback could've improved the sequel dramatically. I rather have a back-to-back sequels on small XBLA/PSN games like this. I just want more content timely.


Yea, just read that your character wont carry over to this sequel. That you start from scratch again.
Salz01 said:
Yea, just read that your character wont carry over to this sequel. That you start from scratch again.

It's not the biggest deal, as there was only 1 set of armor in DS1 that was "the best" and could be easily obtained at one of the final shops. Not like there's tons of rare loot that have unique qualities, I recall all the weapons you needed for all the spells were all also purchasable at one of the final shops. That and level 20 isn't too much loss.


I wasn't sure how they could make the name of the game any less appealing, but adding Thongs of Virtue showed me the way. By the name alone I have to imagine the humor just isn't for me.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Well, I bought the first one because I thought it had co-op play, and technically, it does. But un-technically (?) it has one player play the game while a second runs around as a wizard called "Sparkles" who can't equip weapons or armor, therefore eliminated all the fun for player 2. Fuck that noise.


I really liked DeathSpank, but I agree that this is too soon for a sequel. Would have been great as a mid-winder/early spring title.
gogojira said:
I wasn't sure how they could make the name of the game any less appealing, but adding Thongs of Virtue showed me the way. By the name alone I have to imagine the humor just isn't for me.

Then don't ever look into Muscle March.

God I love that game.


jetsetfluken said:
Then don't ever look into Muscle March.

God I love that game.

Never played it, but I don't really see how the two compare. One is super random Japanese quirkiness, the other seems rooted in humor I find lame. I'll probably never buy either, but they're completely different.


Sketchbook Picasso
Man, so this suggest that the loot will still be just as worthless, the combat just as unfulfilling, and that they'll be... more of it?

DS is a good enough game, but I haven't even been able to bring myself to completing the first one yet. I am happy to hear the 2nd player will have a choice of characters now, but it's so odd that they didn't just go ahead and give player 2 a REAL character with inventory and equips, now.

This smells more like an expansion pack than a sequel... I'm kinda confused on how to feel about it. This is easily a game even I will wait for a sale for, since the first game was so middling for me.

I wonder if these where not developed in tandem, if the game overall could have been polished up some... Woulda preferred 1 awesome DS, rather than 2 that'll just be good.

But either way, that's another September release to XBLA that we know about. PvsZ on the 8th, This on the 22nd... considering how often XBLA announcements are left in limbo, with nebulous release dates... it's awkward to know of a sequel to a game that JUST came out, with such a set date.


I really liked Deathspank but this really is way too soon. Especially for the price this game is selling for.


I'm not sure how much I'm allowed to share about this sequel, but let me address some of the comments in this thread:

DS2 is not really episodic. More like two halves. This game will finish up the plot started in the first game and should come to a somewhat epic, satisfying conclusion. Don't expect a DS3 immediately after the second one, if at all.

About it being a money grab: Everybody has to decide whether it is worth the money for themselves, but I think the first game was a pretty large, full featured experience that was easily worth the $15 by itself. I haven't played (or even seen) the second game, but it should be a bit larger, and certainly more epic in scope. It's certainly not just an expansion pack. $30 for ~16 hours in a huge world with thousands of lines of spoken dialogue doesn't seem that exploitative to me.

I don't know if anything will be carried over from the first game, but I doubt it.

The second game should have a more adventure-type puzzles. There's more dialogue and interesting characters. The locations are more varied. The humor is less rooted in fantasy cliches (the sequel isn't actually fantasy, like, at all). It will have an actual ending. For fans of the first, many of their complaints should be addressed by the sequel. If you didn't like the first, I doubt you'll change your mind.

The new companion is Steve? The Steve? I'm excited!


Sqorgar said:
I'm not sure how much I'm allowed to share about this sequel, but let me address some of the comments in this thread:

DS2 is not really episodic. More like two halves. This game will finish up the plot started in the first game and should come to a somewhat epic, satisfying conclusion. Don't expect a DS3 immediately after the second one, if at all.

About it being a money grab: Everybody has to decide whether it is worth the money for themselves, but I think the first game was a pretty large, full featured experience that was easily worth the $15 by itself. I haven't played (or even seen) the second game, but it should be a bit larger, and certainly more epic in scope. It's certainly not just an expansion pack. $30 for ~16 hours in a huge world with thousands of lines of spoken dialogue doesn't seem that exploitative to me.

I don't know if anything will be carried over from the first game, but I doubt it.

The second game should have a more adventure-type puzzles. There's more dialogue and interesting characters. The locations are more varied. The humor is less rooted in fantasy cliches (the sequel isn't actually fantasy, like, at all). It will have an actual ending. For fans of the first, many of their complaints should be addressed by the sequel. If you didn't like the first, I doubt you'll change your mind.

The new companion is Steve? The Steve? I'm excited!

So youve never played or seen it, yet you know that its better?


Sqorgar said:
I'm not sure how much I'm allowed to share about this sequel, but let me address some of the comments in this thread:

DS2 is not really episodic. More like two halves. This game will finish up the plot started in the first game and should come to a somewhat epic, satisfying conclusion. Don't expect a DS3 immediately after the second one, if at all.

About it being a money grab: Everybody has to decide whether it is worth the money for themselves, but I think the first game was a pretty large, full featured experience that was easily worth the $15 by itself. I haven't played (or even seen) the second game, but it should be a bit larger, and certainly more epic in scope. It's certainly not just an expansion pack. $30 for ~16 hours in a huge world with thousands of lines of spoken dialogue doesn't seem that exploitative to me.

I don't know if anything will be carried over from the first game, but I doubt it.

The second game should have a more adventure-type puzzles. There's more dialogue and interesting characters. The locations are more varied. The humor is less rooted in fantasy cliches (the sequel isn't actually fantasy, like, at all). It will have an actual ending. For fans of the first, many of their complaints should be addressed by the sequel. If you didn't like the first, I doubt you'll change your mind.

The new companion is Steve? The Steve? I'm excited!

You should be getting paid Marketing dollars as well, as I'm a little bit more hyped than I was initially when this was announced.

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