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NeoGAF Creative Writing Challenge #61- "As Cold As Ice"

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Theme - "As Cold As Ice"

Word Limit: 1500

Submission Deadline: Wednesday, 10/6 by 11:59 PM Pacific

Voting begins Thursday, 10/7, and goes until Saturday, 10/10 at 11:59 PM Pacific.

Optional Secondary Objective: Unreliable Narrator

Is the narrator being honest with us? Are you sure s/he knows what he's talking about? Maybe his/her memory of the event isn't as sharp as s/he believes it is? Hm...

Submission Guidelines:

- One entry per poster.
- All submissions must be written during the time of the challenge.
- Using the topic as the title of your piece is discouraged.
- Keep to the word count!

Voting Guidelines:

- Three votes per voter. Please denote in your voting your 1st (3 pts), 2nd (2 pts), and 3rd (1 pt) place votes.
- Please read all submissions before voting.
- YOU MUST VOTE in order to be eligible to win the challenge.
- When voting ends, the winner gets a collective pat on the back, and starts the new challenge.

Writing Challenge FAQ


The Entries (13):

John Dunbar- "Club Penguin (Part I)"
kid ness- "Hot Dogs in Brasil"
neebone- "Emergence"
Lone_Prodigy- "Extinction"
ronito- "At least it's short"
Ashes1396- “Bell's Curve” or “when the penny drops”
crowphoenix- "Letter to the Weekly World News"
ZephyrFate- "This Land of Concrete"
Cyan- "The Three Advisors"
Dresden- "Cryo"
Iceman- "Family Album, Part One"
Irish- "Return Service"
AnkitT- "Cold Shoulder"


Posted for Hyams, winner of the last challenge- NeoGAF Creative Writing Challenge #60 - "Brevity"


Good, good. I've been thinking about using "unreliable narrator" as a secondary objective for a while now. Should be fun!

I like the theme, too; interesting.


phisheep said:
Ooh. Got a little germ of an idea, let's see if it'll work.
I don't know why but this post, those two words in particular, I think just gave me an idea.
If I don't win it's all your fault.


ZephyrFate said:
I pretty much wrote my novel entirely upon an unreliable narrator, so this should be not-so-difficult


only issue i can see is the theme. it would be too obvious to use a winter setting, or to have the main character be a bastard.





ZephyrFate said:
only issue i can see is the theme. it would be too obvious to use a winter setting, or to have the main character be a bastard.




what was the premise to the novel?
A man who dies but his soul fails to reach the cosmos, grounding his soul in an in-between world called the Brink of Time. Through following two other spirits trapped in the Brink (a wolf, and a woman) he begins to unravel why his soul was caught, uncovering psychological breaks and contradictory history over the life he once had.

style-wise, the main character frequently lies to the reader or claims to 'know' certain aspects of the world around him, or about his own past, and so what is truth or fictional becomes incredibly blurred.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
Well, this is an unusual situation for me. Usually I'm way below the word limit, but I just started writing for this, and despite only being about half way though (I think), I'm already nearing the word limit. I've also never started writing so soon after a challenge was posted. Divine inspiration or pages of shit?


John Dunbar said:
Well, this is an unusual situation for me. Usually I'm way below the word limit, but I just started writing for this, and despite only being about half way though (I think), I'm already nearing the word limit. I've also never started writing so soon after a challenge was posted. Divine inspiration or pages of shit?

Pages of Divine shit.


I'd love to get back into Photography considering how much I worked with the camera back in high school, but I don't have a decent camera and was never really good with it in the first place. :(

At least I have a serviceable idea for this challenge though.


New thread is up!

edit: wrong thread. Well right enough thread I guess. :lol The above link is for poetry thread 13.:lol
edit: on topic, I think I went a bit crazy with the story this week. Will leave it for a rainy day. I've got another idea anyhow.


crowphoenix said:
Now what is this? I go away for a few days and you lot get all quiet?
It's my new tactic. Pretend that this doesn't exist and hopefully everyone forgets. Then at the last minute post the only entry and win!

We'll see if it works.


ronito said:
It's my new tactic. Pretend that this doesn't exist and hopefully everyone forgets. Then at the last minute post the only entry and win!

We'll see if it works.

You sly son of a bitch. That's what I was going to do. :(

We should have had Timedog post the thread for Hyams instead of me.
Irish said:
We should have had Timedog post the thread for Hyams instead of me.

The sooner you stop feeling so damn negative all the time, the sooner you'll start growing in leaps and bounds. You're not bad.


I'm still not sure what I'm going to write about (I have one more or less solid idea in mind).. but it's the unreliable narrator that's giving me fits.

I really only have tonight to finish a story so I will get something in on time.


crowphoenix said:
The sooner you stop feeling so damn negative all the time, the sooner you'll start growing in leaps and bounds. You're not bad.

I... I... I was just talking about the entry count for the last challenge.

*Goes off to cry in a corner*
:/ You know what I mean.

Iceman said:
I'm still not sure what I'm going to write about (I have one more or less solid idea in mind).. but it's the unreliable narrator that's giving me fits.

I really only have tonight to finish a story so I will get something in on time.
Yeah, I've got a couple cavities to be filled tomorrow and a charity dinner to go to after. If I don't get my story written tonight, you guys will end up with something magical.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
I wrote most of my entry, and despite cutting harder than an emo girl on her birthday, it's not going to make the word limit. 1,500 is about half of it. Unless I'll come up with another idea by tomorrow, I'll probably sit this one out.

But since the point is to write, I guess it's all cool.


Don't lie now, Ashes. :p

Anyway, while my idea is pretty common, I think I've got something pretty good cooking. Hopefully it resonates well with the person I'm aiming for this week. (something I've sorta been doing for quite a while) As I'm sure you could imagine, Aaron is last on that list. I've got a lot of work to do there.

Crow's secret plan to keep this challenge alive is brilliant. Our chitchat keeps the threads on the first page where more people will notice them and are more likely to write something of their own. That brings in new members and gives us all more stuff to read. yay


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
John Dunbar said:
I wrote most of my entry, and despite cutting harder than an emo girl on her birthday, it's not going to make the word limit. 1,500 is about half of it. Unless I'll come up with another idea by tomorrow, I'll probably sit this one out.

But since the point is to write, I guess it's all cool.

Oh go on and post it anyhow, even if you take it out of the competition. I learn more from reading you guys' stuff than I do from writing my own - Don't let me down.

Saying that, I have thought about but not started mine yet ....
While driving, I got an idea on how to present my piece, and man, did it ever trim that thing down. I'll have to think on it tonight because I'm not sure if it's all that strong as it is.


I'm not one to be given to emo writing angst but I've written my piece and the best thing I can say about it is that it's short. Too busy for rewrite. But hey if it's just crow and me I'm garaunteed at least second place!

John Dunbar

correct about everything
Club Penguin (Part I)
(1,500 words)

Years ago I was a writer for a small paranormal magazine in New York City, The Cryptid. Unlike some of the more dedicated, for the lack of a better word, members of the staff, I wasn’t any conspiracy nut, a truther, or anything like the sort you’d expect to find there. Sure, I wanted to believe, but I didn’t. Not until the case of Club Penguin.

I know everyone thinks such magazines just print whatever they make up over a few at the nearby watering hole or anonymous tips without any corroboration, but at The Cryptid we actually did investigate. Not that we ever found anything, but it was all in good fun and it did allow you to meet interesting people and give character to your articles. One of those infamous anonymous tips was about a high class joint, Club Penguin. Everyone knew about the place, but few had actually been in there. According to the tip, several people who had disappeared had last been seen entering Club Penguin.

The editor assigned the case to me, which did not seem particularly fascinating, but now I would give anything to erase from my mind what I’ve learned.

The clientele of Club Penguin was crème de la crème of the city, and probably the globe, and I could easily imagine such decadent swines to be involved in some Eyes Wide Shut style orgies, but as far as anything more sinister went, I was sceptical, to say the least. The missing bastards probably just moved to some island paradise without telling anyone. Oh, how I now wish that were true.

Nevertheless, I was on the case. My first task was to gain entrance to the notoriously exclusive establishment. Platinum Penguin Cards were the status symbol in the city. However, my endeavor proved easier than expected. My editor knew some tycoon and had managed to cajole him into borrowing his membership card. My suspicions about the prestige of the place were raised; there was no picture, name or even a number on the card. Seemingly anyone could enter the establishment with one of them. Indeed, the security barely gave the card a glance.

On September 28th, 2008, I entered the club. The place was posh, sure, but nothing struck me special enough to warrant the place’s prestige. Movies must have spoiled me. The waiters were, appropriately enough, all wearing tuxedos. I came to a great hall, which had tables, a stage with lowered red curtains and very few people. I wandered over to the bar.

I sat down and ordered a whiskey. That’s what a reporter does in a bar, I’m told. Now I drink to forget, but they only work to add deliriousness to my nightmares.

As I scanned the the room, I noticed there was one other person sitting at the bar. I recognized him, it was Rudolph Langford, the famous director. I had written an article about the mysterious death of his wife, making it even more mysterious in the process. At that moment I regretted writing it. Not that anyone actually read it. Since her death, he’d been a total mess. He was wasted out of his mind, drooling on the counter. No one cared.

While pondering should I go ask the crestfallen director some questions about the club, I heard a steady clacking behind me on the hard wood floor of the bar. I turned, and saw a pair of black high heels making their way toward me. Connected to them were two legs that seemed to go on forever, their calves deliciously toned by the heels, finally meeting the vulgar hemline of her red dress. She sat next to me, despite there being plenty of space, and through my mind’s eye I could see that voluptuous rear spread tenderly on the seat. What I wouldn’t have given to be that stool. Crossing her legs, closing a gate to paradise, she ordered a Cosmopolitan, loudly. I’ve watched Sex and the City, too. I bet she wanted me to pay for it. Why not, thought I.

”The lady’s drink is on me, Sam,” I said. I didn’t know his name.

”Much appreciated,” she said with a brilliant smile. I forgot why I was there. I went through every suave conversation opener in my mind, and this is what I came up with:

”Come here often?”

”As often as I can.”

”So, you must have seen a lot of celebs coming here, like that guy,” I said, pointing quickly behind me.

”What guy would that be?”

I looked around, breaking eye contact with her chest. She had really poured herself in that dress. I saw Langford had left, leaving a generous puddle of saliva as a tip.

”Nevermind,” I said. ”Will you marry me?”

Well, no, I didn’t say that. But I wanted to. I couldn’t understand how such a woman was even talking to me. She must have thought I was rich.

”How do you like the place, Mr...?”

”Lewton, ” I lied. ”Joseph Lewton. I don’t like it,” I honestied. ”It’s tawdry.”

She kept smiling and with her right hand she flicked her raven hair. I felt something move in my pants.

”Anything strike you as odd about the place? ” I asked awkwardly.

”Like what?” she asked. I didn’t know what to answer.

”Well, nothing really.”

”Tell me,” she said abruptly. ”Do you like penguins?”

”I, what?” I said. ”I guess they’re alright.”

”I love penguins.”

”Me too.”

”There is nothing so graceful on this planet as the movement of penguins.”

”Don’t they just, you know, slide on their bellies?”

”They also waddle.”

”Ah, of course.”

This was getting strange, I thought. I had always thought Club Penguin was just some playground for people with too much money and too little sense, that it was prestigious because of exclusivity, rather than vice versa, but could there also be some kind of penguin groupies? Could she be into yiffying? I’m no furry, but with that woman, I would have yiffed until the last drop.

As I was about to explore where this new development would lead, hoping to experience new realms of carnal pleasure, an enormous tux-clad man appeared behind her. He whispered something, and she was gone as suddenly as she arrived, leaving me staring her gently swaying bottom until she disappeared from my sight.

After she vanished, I decided to get some work done. The crowd did not pay me any attention. I made my way to the back rooms of the club, and was unsettled by the lack of people. While it allowed me to investigate without being kicked out, it also created an eerie atmosphere; the back rooms of such a club should have been swarming with activity. I found many doors, some were locked, but mostly they were open and contained nothing but storage, offices, private rooms, all deserted. About to give up, I turned one final corner, and was faced with a double door, strong oak with golden handles. It was exactly the kind of door you’d expect to be locked, but conveniently wasn’t. What I found there disturbed me more than it should have, not yet being in possession of the perverted truth.

It was a gloomy oblong room, with a thick red carpet from the door to the opposite wall. The carpet was lined with silver candelabra, the only light in the grim room. The walls were covered with paintings, in medieval style, baroque perhaps. They were all penguins, in human clothes. Some even had beards. The faint light of the candles gave the grotesque paintings a sinister air, making the small dark eyes of the penguins as cold and emotionless as the sea at night. On the far wall hung a single enormous painting, above a golden altar, of an emperor penguin in its snowy wasteland home.

”You’re not supposed to be here.”

I recognized the sultry voice of the woman in the red dress. Through my years of experience, I had a clever excuse ready before even turning around.

”I was just looking for the bathroom.”

”I don’t know what you think you’re doing here, but I suggest you forget everything you saw.”

”The creepy paintings? Already forgot.”

She walked up to me, putting a finger over my lips.

”Perhaps you need some convincing,” she said with an enticing smile.

A moment later, with a black eye and bruised ribs, I was tossed in a pile of garbage on the alley by her tux-clad gorilla.

Having thus being assured Club Penguin was just another treehouse for the well-to-dos, and it would not be prudent to think otherwise, I told the editor the story was a canard and put the whole sordid affair out of my mind. After all, it was no concern of mine if some lunatics wanted to worship poultry, at least if they were going to be violent about it. A few days later, however, things took an unexpected turn. The news were everywhere: Rudolph Langford had disappeared.

To be continued
Dang, John, that's almost at the word limit. You sure you can't cut any more?

ronito said:
I'm not one to be given to emo writing angst but I've written my piece and the best thing I can say about it is that it's short. Too busy for rewrite. But hey if it's just crow and me I'm garaunteed at least second place!
That's my bride's maid dress, and you know it.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
That's probably over the word limit (I wrote it in notepad so I don't have a word count). I would have posted the whole thing, but most of it is in a notebook and got homework to do tonight. It's also (obviously) unfinished and how it's related to the theme isn't even very clear at that point, so feel free to consider in ineligible. So if you want less entries to read, just skip it. But if anyone reads it, I'm always glad to hear feedback, and mostly if you were to read a story like that, would you want to keep reading at that point, or just think "I'm done with this shit"? I also took some shortcuts with the story, since I was still trying at that point to make it in under 1,500.

Also, that is completely unrelated to that MMO Club Penguin, which I didn't even know existed until today from that XKCD map. And I thought it was a good title. Meh.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
crowphoenix said:
Dang, John, that's almost at the word limit. You sure you can't cut any more?

Probably. It's not such brilliant writing it must be preserved, and I do feel some points dragged, but it's already wednesday night here and I got homework. And as I mentioned, it's unfinished and only has a loose connection to the theme at best, so it's probably better for it to be an "out of competition" entry.
We've taken "To Be Continued" stuff before, and I've written out of the zip code of a theme and still had it count. I'm not going to pressure you, but you've got a little under 12 hours before the deadline, so if you have anytime in the morning, it might be worth looking into.

I'll read and critique regardless.



Only 135 words need cut. You can take a word or change a phrase here and there throughout the piece to get to the limit without changing it much at all.


Lone_Prodigy said:
Mine is really short, but I don't think I'll have much more time to edit it so I will probably post it as-is.

Go right ahead. I don't think I've ever edited one of my stories before. (That's the key to being awesome, I bet.)
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