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Ghost Trick SPOILERS Discussion Thread


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"

Image by Sii-Sen on DeviantArt




Let's get down to brass tacks, gentlemen

Did anybody here successfully predict the ending or bits of it?


Jintor said:
Let's get down to brass tacks, gentlemen

Did anybody here successfully predict the ending or bits of it?

Honestly, I didn't even think about the cat at all once I figured out you were not Yiomel in the story. Hell, I thought the cat was still alive myself.


Jintor said:
Did anybody here successfully predict the ending or bits of it?
I guessed that Sissel was the guy who took Lynne as a hostage almost the instant she mentioned it. And I knew I was right as soon as they showed the silhouette that conveniently left out the guy's hair.

The other stuff, not really. The cat thing was funny. I forgot about him as soon as he left the screen each time.


I guessed the cat thing very early on but dismissed it once I remembered that the cat had pushed Yomiel's body onto the couch. I completely missed the idea that someone could have been puppeteering the cat.


i thought when they showed the cat causing Yomiel's corpse fall, it was like a joke or something. who knew it was such an important plot point, hehe.


I really thought that the cat was the mastermind the whole time until Yomiel was revealed. XD

Then I forgot about the cat.


Aside from like the guards you have to avoid during that escape bit and such, I can't think of one character they showed you that wasn't important in some (plot-related) way.


Ceebs said:
They never did explain the crazy Amazonian blue lady's ability to detect you.

my only thought was she had those powers naturally or had developed them from experiments and maybe that's why she was sent to deal with Yomiel. i didn't think it was too important.


zoku88 said:
More importantly, who did you guys think Lamp was before the ending?

had zero clue until the reveal. i was thinking about him tho. the fact that they said his voice was like an old man made it hard for me to figure out who it was.


Guessed who he was when they showed Yomiel getting shot at twice.. and then having a mysterious cat jump out of his bag. I figured whoever the manipulator was took over the dead cat at that point.

Had no idea who the lamp was, so I was pleasantly surprised!


turned out Missile was the true hero of the story. doesn't matter what timeline, he is always faithful. ^^


Yeah, I was just waiting for Ray to be revealed as the manipulator or someone who was pulling all the strings behind the scene. I was pleasantly surprised though, of course. =D

I was actually really scared of Yomiel during Cabanela's murder. The idea he could notice when you were around was a bit frightening. Haha.


Nemesis556 said:
Yeah, I was just waiting for Ray to be revealed as the manipulator or someone who was pulling all the strings behind the scene. I was pleasantly surprised though, of course. =D

I was actually really scared of Yomiel during Cabanela's murder. The idea he could notice when you were around was a bit frightening. Haha.

fucking creepy whenever he stared at you directly. I SEE YOU!
LiK said:
fucking creepy whenever he stared at you directly. I SEE YOU!
The first time he did that I closed my DS. I'm such a wimp, lol.

Definitely thought Ray was gonna end of being the main villian, and also for quite a while thought Cabanela was the big bad dude. Kind of a cool twist that "you" are the villain....even if it's not really you and it's not really a villian.

Yottamol said:
I just can't stop watching the ending scenes


The animation in this game is truly amazing.


I didn't trust Cabanela until the point where you learn his true motivations. I kind of felt like a jerk XD
Crumpet Trumpet said:
The first time he did that I closed my DS. I'm such a wimp, lol.

Definitely thought Ray was gonna end of being the main villian, and also for quite a while thought Cabanela was the big bad dude. Kind of a cool twist that "you" are the villain....even if it's not really you and it's not really a villian.

I was impressed at how my perception of the main characters was constantly being shifted. Lynne appeared to just be in the wrong place at the wrong time at first, then as I learned that she had her own secret agenda and saw her shoot "Sissel" I began to distrust her, but the existence of the manipulator cleared everything up. Cabanela was just a goofy investigator when he danced onto the scene, then became menacing as he threatened Lynne and Jowd, but turned out to have perfectly good reasons for everything that he did. Yomiel was bone-chilling in the first sequence where he's properly introduced, rising from the dead and staring out directly at you, but his backstory and the final chapter in particular redeems him. The only true bad guys in the end were the foreign spies, and they turn out to be almost the least important characters.
hosannainexcelsis said:
I was impressed at how my perception of the main characters was constantly being shifted. Lynne appeared to just be in the wrong place at the wrong time at first, then as I learned that she had her own secret agenda and saw her shoot "Sissel" I began to distrust her, but the existence of the manipulator cleared everything up. Cabanela was just a goofy investigator when he danced onto the scene, then became menacing as he threatened Lynne and Jowd, but turned out to have perfectly good reasons for everything that he did. Yomiel was bone-chilling in the first sequence where he's properly introduced, rising from the dead and staring out directly at you, but his backstory and the final chapter in particular redeems him. The only true bad guys in the end were the foreign spies, and they turn out to be almost the least important characters.
If there's ever a sequel, I think we need to learn more about the foreign spies/countries. My only complaint about the story is that their actions and motivations go largely unexplained.


Jintor said:
They're kind of just generic evil, yeah.

I can't help thinking "If they were all brown, this game would be racist" :D
I doubt it, chances are they would be white...and American.


I have 2 bones to pick with this game's plot.

1. Missile can reverse time. In that case, why didnt he reverse time to before he met Sissel and convince him(her?) to help him? I kno Sissel left to do his own thing, but when they met Lynne was already dead so Missile coulda jus gone back and asked him again.

of course you can say either Missile wasnt as smart at the time, or had he done that we wouldnt have a premise for the game, but dang waiting 10 years to do something u coulda done then is crazy o_O

2. In the original timeline, why was Yomiel present when the assassin went to Lynne's house to kill Kamila and Missile? Nothing really changed, so his body shoulda been with pigeon man and Canbala or whatever his name was...

my only explanation for that would be the presence of Lynne's corpse caused sum sort of butterfly effect that allowed blue doctor to deliver the body back to Yomiel's soul.


Let's see... for 2, at least, Cabanera put a stop to that in this version of events because he detected the doctor was a phony... I suspect that if he had seen Lynne's corpse he might've been too distracted to notice. Possibility.

For 1... hmmm. Circumstances appear to be different (in that without Ray present, there was nobody to guide Sissel, so he couldn't save Lynne... what else does that change?) probably resulting in a Sissel that was a lot more confused and just more unwilling to help out. Also, maybe even with Missile/Ray's longer reach, he couldn't reach Sissel's (not Yomiel) corpse to reverse time.


Missile didnt need to reach Sissel's corpse, he coulda used Lynne's corpse to go back in time. Sissel died before Lynne, and Missile needed Sissel's help to save Lynne anyways so it wouldnt be in his interest to keep Sissel alive. He made it clear that he alone did not have the power to save Lynne so you could assume that he at least tried to.

who knows, maybe there's sum kinda rule that when you go back in time you bring all souls present with you. It would make sense since every time they did it they brought a whole party of people with them.


Ceebs said:
They never did explain the crazy Amazonian blue lady's ability to detect you.
She could sense the bug as well, and there's nothing paranormal about bugs. Probably just a combination of paranoia and intuition.


Maybe he can't even reach her corpse?

He said that his power was dwindling. Maybe he didn't have the reach when he got old.

EDIT: oh, you meant when he was young. Well, he WAS young. Maybe it just never occurred to him. He did say he got wiser with age.


Ceebs said:
They never did explain the crazy Amazonian blue lady's ability to detect you.
6th sense.
It's a bit of a cultural thing, as it's a pretty common topic, in Japan (so "no need to provide further explanations")...


Missile is the breakout star of the story, it seems.

Anyone get worried he really did die when the grumpy novelist managed to blast him away with her wall-pounding?


When Kamila turned out to have a core I thought immediately that Missile had saved her... which I thought boded really ill for poor Missile.

I really like that initially the novelist sounds like just a grumpy old lady mad at her husband for no discernable reason, but they really managed to make that whole family work out nicely. She even turns out to have a pretty good reason for doing the whole family-split thing (well, if you accept that she's a really principled if eccentric lady).

I wonder why Yomiel's shell has a core in the submarine but not at the beginning of the game?


Jintor said:
I wonder why Yomiel's shell has a core in the submarine but not at the beginning of the game?
It does have a core at the beginning of the game, remember?

That's how you find out that you can't do anything with your own corpse, which was caused by the fragment, I guess.... Which was pulled out later.


But why couldn't you reverse time on it?

I guess Ray just didn't bother to teach you to do so because you wouldn't know what the shit to do.

/edit Oh, I see. The fragment shard disrupts 4-minutes-before-death. That makes sense.
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