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Honest question... why do people wants Nintendo to fail?

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After reading the IGN Editorial: 3DS vs. PS Vita - Will History Repeat Itself? thread, I was wondering... why do people wants Nintendo to fail so much... specially Sony supporters?

And not only that thread... we had the same discussion with the DS, with the Wii... and we will have the same discussion with the Wii U (heck, we already had threads about the Wii U being dead on arrival)...

But, why? Why is Nintendo always doomed? Why do you some of you guys wants Nintendo to fail?

In no other hardware you are going to get the experiences you get with Nintendo games...

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Oh this thread will be fun. I doubt you're going to get straight answers, because no-one "wants Nintendo to fail". There aren't any posters twirling their mustaches as they cackle behind their computer screens. But there are biases for the various companies, and that usually includes thinking that the opposition won't do as well.


Maybe People felt burned with the Wii's emphasis on casual/ 'waggle' games with Gamecube hardware specs? I did but I don't want them to 'fail' or anything


Super Member
Raist said:
Same reason people wanted Sony to fail I guess? Watching the leader crash and burn is kinda fun.
The 3 Generation Curse Cultists aren't ready to see anyone fail quite yet


I think they're the worst of the three first parties, so I think they should be the worst selling. But I don't want them to 'fail'.


Fernando Rocker said:
After reading the IGN Editorial: 3DS vs. PS Vita - Will History Repeat Itself? thread, I was wondering... why do people wants Nintendo to fail so much... specially Sony supporters?

And not only that thread... we had the same discussion with the DS, with the Wii... and we will have the same discussion with the Wii U (heck, we already had threads about the Wii U being dead on arrival)...

But, why? Why is Nintendo always doomed? Why do you some of you guys wants Nintendo to fail?

In no other hardware you are going to get the experiences you get with Nintendo games...

Which is relevant to your topic, how? Given the specs of this machine, and the changing marketplace, it's a fair question to ask exactly who beyond the 20 million strong Nintendo fanboy base this is appealing to? That's a legit question and is not "rooting for them to fail." Somebody should start a thread about why some are in massive denial about what the specs are going to be. That would be much more interesting.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
StuBurns said:
I think they're the worst of the three first parties, so I think they should be the worst selling. But I don't want them to 'fail'.
Really? Sony I can see, but Nintendo's first party output worse then Microsoft? When I think Microsoft first party I think...Halo (good), Fable (meh) and whatever they've put Rare to (meh)


There's a difference between "want" to fail and "deserve" to fail.

Sony deserves to fail. They have not made one intelligent decision in their gaming business going back to 2005 or so.

Nintendo, OTOH, was firing on all cylinders until semi-recently. If Wii U bombs, giving them a back to back bomb with the 3DS, one could argue that they too deserve to fail.

"Want" has nothing to do with it, unless you're an idiot fanboy.


People like to see the top dog make a mistake and pay for it?

People like to see their decision to not buy something from Nintendo justified?

People don't like the casual friendly gaming trend and blame Nintendo for it?
Desmond said:
Maybe People felt burned with the Wii's emphasis on casual/ 'waggle' games with Gamecube hardware specs? I did but I don't want them to 'fail' or anything
I remember back in the N64 and GCN days people wanted Nintendo to fail.
I don't know if it has too much to do with the Wii.

We're dealing with a generation now of gamers whose first console was a PSX, which also might be a reason for wanting Nintendo to fail.
I love my 3DS, but Nintendo needs to get their shit together when it comes to online. If it takes competition from the Vita to push them in the right direction, so be it.
Maybe its like the mentality that goes with sports. It is not that people want Nintendo to fail, it is that they want their choice to win and by default the competition "fails".

I personally don't want to see any company "fail" ( And I think the gaming community is large enough to support several competitors) but I would like to see certain things become a success. I would like to see devs pay more attention to handheld titles and make them large scale events.

I grew up with nintendo, I spent 20+ years with them. I am tired of their offerings and I am sure alot of other people don't care when you talk about the experiences they offer. Not caring isn't the same as hate.


GAF parliamentarian
I wouldn't mind seeing them as a third party. Buying a console for the 5 Zelda/Mario/Metroid games released during it's lifetime is getting annoying. I've been doing it for the past twenty years, but I'm tired of it. Especially if they don't have a decent online infrastructure next gen, giving me even less reason to play third party games on it. They offer technically inferior consoles and services (Club Nintendo, no accounts for online stores), so I don't see why they should be a platform holder other than the fact that they make good first party games.

They're also a global company focused on Japan. The lack of localization for their first party games is shameful. I'd personally be getting a better gaming future if they were just a publisher.


Cheesemeister said:
I dunno, why do they want Nintendo to fail?
Come on. who wouldn't see faces of some people after hearing next Metroid will be crossover with Halo, and Link will cross his paths with Kratos in his new adventure.
Cuz gaming was better when Sony was the market leader!


I don't want nintendo to fail, but I'm glad they're fumbling.

Competition is good for gamers. Not really good for gamers when one company has a stranglehold on any market of games.


needs 2 extra inches
Honestly, it's not that I want them to fail as much as wanting companies producing products appealing to me the most to be the market leaders, so that they'd continue producing more products tailored to my taste while encouraging others to follow their suit, instead of the market shifting to other unappealing directions.

In other words: selfishness.


The_Technomancer said:
Really? Sony I can see, but Nintendo's first party output worse then Microsoft? When I think Microsoft first party I think...Halo (good), Fable (meh) and whatever they've put Rare to (meh)
I'm not saying their first party games, I'm saying their systems. In terms of third party support, performance, controls etc.

Nintendo have the best first party support probably, for me personally at least.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Fernando Rocker said:
Wait... English is not my primary language... is "wants" incorrect?


Wants is used for a singular subject, but it can be also used for collective nouns and terms (Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft).

I could be wrong though. English isn't my primary language though... Well, more of a "mix".

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I want Nintendo to fail because REGION LOCKING FUCKING SUCKS.

They are still my favourite hardware manufacturer and software developer but GODDAMN WHAT THE FUCK NINTENDO


StuBurns said:
I think they're the worst of the three first parties, so I think they should be the worst selling. But I don't want them to 'fail'.

I am in this boat. I just look at them as a niche system who push away 3rd parties because they can rely on the older fans to keep buying their core titles. I still don't want them to fail though.


I think it's because the "leader" can influence other games to be "like" it to be considered successful. I mean why is there multiplayer in Mass Effect 3? Probably because of Call of Duty's success. When motion controls make their way into titles which really don't need it... it makes fans displeased because that money and development time could have been used for something else.


No one 'want' Nintendo to fail. If you feel that way, you're reading way too much into posts, and you're way too involved in the console race.
Dayum... I don't know if I should be embarrassed because my bad English or because some people still remembers my Backstreet Boys Appreciation Thread...


I think it has something to do with the 'hate' 'love' relationship most of us have with Nintendo. Like goddamn what the fuck Wii graphics look like shit but Super Mario Galaxy is awesome or Aonuma is a talentless hack Twilight Princess is a OOT rehash boooo... brb buying OOT3D and Majora's Mask is bestest Zelda ever. For every reason to 'love' Nintendo there's also a reason to 'hate' them. And for some the hate goes deeper and wider than the love.


StuBurns said:
I think they're the worst of the three first parties, so I think they should be the worst selling. But I don't want them to 'fail'.

This really. I don't want them to outright die (I reserve that hatred for Apple) but I don't think they put the effort into their "AAA" games as someone like Sony does. I had a wii for about 6 months in 09 and none of the first party games I played did anything for me, they all largely felt like their n64 counterparts still. Sorry if that sounds like trolling but that's how I felt and that's why I only had one for 6 months.

Though with the way MS has been going I would probably put them even lower than Nintendo now. As little as I regard mario, zelda, metroid and the rest of them they're still more for gamers than any of this kinect shit.
Regulus Tera said:
I want Nintendo to fail because REGION LOCKING FUCKING SUCKS.

They are still my favourite hardware manufacturer and software developer but GODDAMN WHAT THE FUCK NINTENDO

You said exactly what everyone was thinking.

Fernando Rocker said:
Dayum... I don't know if I should be embarrassed because my bad English or because some people still remembers my Backstreet Boys Appreciation Thread...

Because of. Remember.
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