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Steam Big Picture Mode - A GAF Joint Project for Automated Monitor Switching


Gold Member
I wanted to start a thread for all the users like myself who are in love with the concept of the Big Picture Mode, but are having problems with figuring out a way to easily switch between monitor and PC settings for steam.

So I quickly wrote a very basic windows 7 batch file that actually works pretty well. It's not perfect but I was hoping through a joint community effort we could get this tweaked up to support most of us with no problems.

Now everyone has a different setup and this might now work for everyone so if you fork off this script please note that with some kind of notice so we are not all just messing each other up.

My Script will be called the Dorf's Single Monitor + HDTV setup.

Again feel free to tweak this and let us know I will update this thread with revisions for each version when applicable.

Dorf's Single Monitor + HDTV setup

My setup includes 1 28" Hanns-G Monitor (1920x1200 16:10 Resolution) and a 52" Pioneer 1080p HDTV. Im using an Nvidia 570 with a mini USB out to the TV. Windows 7

The first step is to download this application called QRES: http://sourceforge.net/projects/qres/ it's a script file to allow resolution changes via command line.

Now create a batch file on the desktop I called mine TV Batch File.

REM #### Switch Primary Display (Use either internal/external/or extend based on your setup)

Displayswitch.exe /internal

REM #### 5 Second Pause for TV to synch up if needed 

ping -n 3 > NUL 2>&1 

REM #### This changes the resolution and color depth on the above mentioned device

qres.exe /x:1920 /y:1080 /c:32

REM #### Launches Steam Client

taskkill /f /im Steam.exe
"D:\Steam\steam.exe" -tenfoot




Displayswitch.exe /Extend

qres.exe /x:1920 /y:1200 /c:32


If your using a sound amp on the TV side Like I am also I have a program called SoundSwitch which allows me to easily turn on/off which sound card to use. http://soundswitch.codeplex.com/

I simply Press ALT ] (my shortcut for soundswitch) and than launch the Batch file and walk to my TV and Press the 360 home button and Big Picture mode is working. When I am done I close steam and walk to me PC and press any key and it turns on my PC screen again..

The reason I use the Extend key in the script is because if I turn off the TV entirely for some reason my Sony AMP loses connectivity and I have to reboot to get it working again.

This probably isn't the best way to do it, but its easy and fast.. Hopefully some GAFFERS can use this and improve on the code to make this even better..
I added 2 Desktop context menu options for switching from my TV to my Monitor in the registry. I could picture doing something a little more elaborate with something similar to this.


Wow, brilliant! This will definitely suffice until Valve implement something built-in. This is how Steam's BPM is meant to be used.


Gold Member
Thanks like I said this isn't perfect and I am sure it can be refined.. I am tweaking some things now trying to get it better so hopefully others out there can help advance this project. My biggest problem is the sound swapping which is sometimes flaky. If I just use the TV's sound it works perfect 100% of the time but I want my Sony AMP to work properly in 5.1


I added

taskkill /f /im Steam.exe
"c:\program files (x86)\steam\steam.exe" -tenfoot

So if Steam is already running it will close and relaunch in BPM


Gold Member
I added

taskkill /f /im Steam.exe
"c:\program files (x86)\steam\steam.exe" -tenfoot

So if Steam is already running it will close and relaunch in BPM

thanks for that post do you know how to make steam minimize from command line? Im working on adding it so when you exit BPM steam will minimize to taskbar


thanks for that post do you know how to make steam minimize from command line? Im working on adding it so when you exit BPM steam will minimize to taskbar

I'm not sure how to minimize already open windows.
You can launch it minimized.

start /min steam.exe
thanks for that post do you know how to make steam minimize from command line? Im working on adding it so when you exit BPM steam will minimize to taskbar

You can start steam minimized by using:

start /min "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam.exe"

As far as minimizing an already existing window, I only know of keyboard commands which would be win+m to minimize all windows or win+down arrow to minimize the active window.


Gold Member
thanks however the problem seems to be that when you exit big picture mode steam automatically opens fullscreen again. I need to find a way to close or minimize steam after exiting Big picture mode completely.
Thanks for mentioning this soundswitch app. That's the only thing I need to do all the time and it's annoying :) Displays do not need to switch cause I clone them.

The bad thing is, when I turn on the TV the PC displays (all three) are flickering and the open windows on the outer displays are resizing and moving. Perhaps someone in here has an idea how to fix this issue as well? would be ace.


I was about to ask about a way to easily switch BPM Steam to my tv screen, and then I stumble upon this. You sir are a gentleman and a scholar. Thanks a ton.





OptionN, ShiftN
What's wrong with the shortcut WIN+P to change between displays?

In other words, what does this script add?


Gold Member
SuperÑ;42006037 said:
What's wrong with the shortcut WIN+P to change between displays?

In other words, what does this script add?

When I use the WIN+P function it kills my connectivity with the sound card. This allows me to turn off the screens while maintaing the connection.
For a Mac version of qres, check out figit: https://github.com/adamv/figit

For the rest of the script:

# (Not really sure what the Mac equivalent of `Displayswitch.exe` is)

# I'm pretty sure the only thing that needs to be changed with the `ping` command is that `NUL` should be changed to `/dev/null`
ping -n 3 > /dev/null 2>&1 

# Qres command translated to use figit
figit on --width 1920 --height 1080

# Kill Steam and relaunch it
killall Steam
/Applications/Steam.app/Contents/MacOS/osx32/steam -tenfoot


# Again, not sure what the Mac equivalent of `Displayswitch.exe` is

figit set -x 1920 -y 1200

Note: I haven't tested this myself, so be careful before trying it


Junior Member
hey all just got here from google! awesome post it gives me hope to correct my Big Picture problem! Ok i have 2 monitors and a HDTV that i run Big picture on, everything works fine if i click on the big picture steam button. It changes my main monitor source so i can have my 46" hdtv as the main monitor, but them if i close big picture it dosent restore my main monitor anymore and it use to...
so what i need to fix is

- run Big picture main monitor goes to my 46" hdtv

- play games, have super fun

- exite Big Picture

- main monitor switch back to my 24" monitor

Thing is Big Picture was functioning like this but now after some steam updates it dosent anymore! Also another thing i noticed is if i enter big picture whitout turning on my xbox360 controler and them turn it on after app boot it dosent recognize anymore which it use to!
Well hope i made myself clear and please assist if u can!

Thanks a lot!


Well, even though this thread is a little dead I thought I'd update with my solution

I'm using qres as mentioned in the op, I downloaded mine from here and it works just fine with my 64 bit system.

Then rather than a batch file I'm using an AutoHotKey script

And finally to be able to switch audio devices from command line I'm using Set Sound Device, from here

Merely install autohotkey and extract qres.exe and ssd.exe into your Windows folder and you'll be good to go.

;Switch displays
Run, "C:\Windows\System32\Displayswitch.exe" /internal

;Change 7 with the position in the list of audio devices of the device you want to use with the television
;So if you want to use the first device listed, put 1 in in place of 7
Run, "C:\Windows\ssd.exe" 7 ;can be removed if not switching audio devices

Sleep, 2000

;set x and y to the resolutions of your television
Run, "C:\Windows\qres.exe" /x:1920 /y:1080 /c:32

Process, Exist, Steam.exe ;check if steam is running and open big picture mode accordingly

if ErrorLevel
	Run, "steam://open/bigpicture"
	Run, "D:\Steam\Steam.exe" -bigpicture

WinWait, Steam ahk_class CUIEngineWin32

WinWaitClose, Steam ahk_class CUIEngineWin32 ;wait until Big Picture Mode is closed

Run, "D:\Steam\Steam.exe" -shutdown ;Remove this line if you want to leave steam open on switching back

;switch back to your primary sound device
;as before, replace 5 with the position of the audio device in the list of playback devices that you want to use
Run, "C:\Windows\ssd.exe" 5 ;can be removed if not switching audio devices

Run, "Displayswitch.exe" /Extend ;switches back to primary display

;set x and y to the resolutions of your primary display
Run, "C:\Windows\qres.exe" /x:1920 /y:1200 /c:32

Simply save this text as a .ahk file and you will be able to switch to your TV using Big Picture Mode by running it and when you exit Big Picture Mode it will automatically switch back and close steam.

If you don't want it to close steam you need merely remove the line that closes steam, likewise if you're not switching audio devices those lines can be removed as well.


I'll be giving that a go when I get home from work, is that *.ahk thing just like a batch file that executes the whole thing? Can I actually assign a hotkey to start the script?


I'll be giving that a go when I get home from work, is that *.ahk thing just like a batch file that executes the whole thing? Can I actually assign a hotkey to start the script?

Yeah, you would just do something like


<rest of the script>


and it'll run the script when you press the windows key and a together, # is the symbol used for the windows key. Although for this you need to run the ahk file before use, so in order for it to be ready every time you boot you want to make a shortcut to the .ahk in your startup folder.

The full list of hotkeys is here

I'm actually trying to figure out how to tweak the volume so that when I switch it's set to a particular value and restore afterword, windows 7 doesn't want to play nice with SoundGet and SoundSet and unfortunately xp compat is not an option.


Thanks Squiddy, Have a great little script that would only be better if I could add this into the launch parameters for Big Picture mode.

Big Picture mode can be launched at any time if you press and hold the Home button on the 360 controller, having this script load at that time would be beyond perfect.


Thanks Squiddy, Have a great little script that would only be better if I could add this into the launch parameters for Big Picture mode.

Big Picture mode can be launched at any time if you press and hold the Home button on the 360 controller, having this script load at that time would be beyond perfect.

Yeah unfortunately that's the only button you can't really do anything with. every other button on the controller works just fine :l


Yeah unfortunately that's the only button you can't really do anything with. every other button on the controller works just fine :l

So would it be possible to execute the script from a combination of button presses on the controller? Start + Select + LB + RB?


So would it be possible to execute the script from a combination of button presses on the controller? Start + Select + LB + RB?

you can set it up with any of the other buttons of your controller. to do a combination like that you'd make a script like...
You can't set up multiple different keys (outside of modifiers like alt and shift) to trigger a macro, but you can make the macro check to see if the other buttons are pressed before it does anything.

joyn1:: ;when the first desired button of the combo is pressed on your controller, start this macro

GetKeyState, state, joyn2, P ;read the current state of the second button of the combo
if state = U ;if it's not pressed, exit
..... ;repeat for all of the buttons you want to choose
GetKeyState, state, joynk, P 
if state = U


Where joyn1....joynk represent the buttons used by your controller, you may have to suss them out by trial and error which you can do pretty easily with this script, just run it and then start pressing buttons. It'll tell you what button you're pressing when you press one on your controller.

The other thing to ask is when do you use your controller? if you only use it with steam you can bind the script to a button such that it will only work if Big Picture Mode is not running. It would look like

IfWinExist, Steam ahk_class CUIEngineWin32 ;checks to see if the big picture mode window is running




The other thing to ask is when do you use your controller? if you only use it with steam you can bind the script to a button such that it will only work if Big Picture Mode is not running. It would look like

IfWinExist, Steam ahk_class CUIEngineWin32 ;checks to see if the big picture mode window is running



This sounds like it would work, I'll give it a go.

Edit: works beautifully :) Using the select button.


This sounds like it would work, I'll give it a go.

Edit: works beautifully :) Using the select button.

just remember that it should be Joyn not joyn.

I think the start button is Joy1 which is what i have it set to on my DS3 through 360 emulation with motioninjoy

Edit: Excellent!


I have a Samsung PC monitor and LCD, both running at 1920x1080.

For audio, I'm using speakers/headphones for PC, and a home theater receiver for the TV. My PC is displayed on the TV through the HDMI port on the receiver.

I'd like a script that turns off the PC monitor when displaying the PC on my TV, and automatically switches the audio output. I've been trying to find a way to do this with a single button push (preferably through my universal remote), and would really appreciate the help.
So. Just a question. If I execute this file, I can also play Games while not being in the "Clone"-Mode?

Or am I misunderstanding anything?


I have a Samsung PC monitor and LCD, both running at 1920x1080.

For audio, I'm using speakers/headphones for PC, and a home theater receiver for the TV. My PC is displayed on the TV through the HDMI port on the receiver.

I'd like a script that turns off the PC monitor when displaying the PC on my TV, and automatically switches the audio output. I've been trying to find a way to do this with a single button push (preferably through my universal remote), and would really appreciate the help.

This script will turn off output to the PC monitor and switch the audio output on a single keypress. So minus the steam stuff it should do half of what you want, the only thing is to make it a switch.

So. Just a question. If I execute this file, I can also play Games while not being in the "Clone"-Mode?

Or am I misunderstanding anything?

I'm not quite sure what you mean but you can definitely play on the TV without using clone mode with this.

In order to do the volume control I switched to AutoHotKey_L which is a fork that has some expanded functionality. I also downloaded this script

;Include functions for controlling audio devices under vista
;use the full path of wherever you put VA.ahk

#Include D:\Steam\VA.ahk

set := true

Joy13::	;set this to the keypress you want to use
		Run, "C:\Windows\System32\Displayswitch.exe" /internal
		;switch to sound device to use with the television
		Run, "C:\Windows\ssd.exe" 7	

		;Store the old volume of the device to be used when gaming
		oldVol := VA_GetMasterVolume()

		;Set the volume to what you want to game at
		;set x and y to the resolutions of your television
		Run, "C:\Windows\qres.exe" /x:1920 /y:1080 /c:32
		;Restore the old volume of the sound device

		;Switch back to your primary sound device
		Run, "C:\Windows\ssd.exe" 5
		;Switch back to your primary display
		Run, "Displayswitch.exe" /Extend

		;set x and y to the resolutions of your primary display
		Run, "C:\Windows\qres.exe" /x:1920 /y:1200 /c:32
set := !set

Would be code to do just the switching on a toggle.
EDIT: Missed updating the variable

For infrared remotes I think you'd need to be using WinLIRC and use the function i described above in this script


Unconfirmed Member
Works great, but when I launch it from a key press on my PS3 controller via MotionJoy, the AutoHotKey works, but then my controller isnt recognized by Steam unless I click something with my mouse on that screen.

Edit: If I hit a button immediately upon the Big Picture splash screen booting up, the controller works flawlessly.


Tried OP's script, but the problem is when it reverts back to my PC monitor, it changes the setting from Duplicate Displays to Extend Displays. Meaning all I get on my PC monitor is my desktop wallpaper and nothing else.
I made an account simply to thank you all for this script. I had been bashing my head against the wall trying to get Big Picture to work the way I thought it would work out-of-the-box, and this solved 99% of my problems.


Tried OP's script, but the problem is when it reverts back to my PC monitor, it changes the setting from Duplicate Displays to Extend Displays. Meaning all I get on my PC monitor is my desktop wallpaper and nothing else.

Then all you need to do is change this line (if you're using the original script):
Displayswitch.exe /Extend
Displayswitch.exe /clone

The "clone" command should switch your display back to "duplicate" mode.

If you haven't already, I'd switch over to squidyj's AutoHotkey script, as I've had a lot more success with that.

Here's a quick reference for anyone having trouble figuring out how to switch between different display modes via the script commands:

/internal switches to "Computer only" mode
/external switches to "Projector" mode
/clone switches to "Duplicate display" mode
/extend switches to "Extend display" mode.

If the script doesn't return your displays to the way they were before you activated the script, then you probably need to change the last DisplaySwitch.exe line to something else. (You probably start in some display mode other than "Extend")

To see what display mode you're in before you activate the script press the Windows key + P. Then change your last DisplaySwitch command to match the default mode your computer is in before activating the script (refer to the reference above for which command goes to which mode).


I think it might be a good idea to compile all the stuff that's been done to date to get this working well.

What does this script do?
This script switches displays to an attached device (usually a television), preserving your original resolution and launches Steam Big Picture Mode. It also switches the audio device used and allows you to set a volume for the device (with a different volume depending on the time of day so as not to disturb roommates / neighbours). Finally when you are done using Steam in Big Picture mode and exit the script will automatically restore the state of your computer for normal use. This can all be achieved with a single button press. It should also be noted that the script will not do anything if big picture mode is already open.

What are we using?

How to get set up.
  • Install AutoHotKey_L
    Should be pretty straightforward to install from the binary.
  • Extract SSD to your Windows folder
  • Extract QRes to your Windows folder
  • Extract VA.ahk to somewhere
    The full path will be needed but it doesn't matter where you put the file
  • Save the joystick test script
    It's already a working script. As long as you have AutoHotKey installed you can run it to see what your controller does

With all of that done all you need is the script.

;Includes functions for controlling audio devices under vista
;Use the full path of where you extract VA.ahk
#Include D:\Steam\VA.ahk

;modify with the hotkey you would like to use
;or delete the line and run the script from your desktop when you want to switch

	;Checks if big picture mode is already running, if it is then don't execute the rest of the script
	IfWinExist, Steam ahk_class CUIEngineWin32 ;checks to see if the big picture mode window is running
	;Switches displays with internal rendering mode enabled
	Run, "C:\Windows\System32\Displayswitch.exe" /internal
	;Switch to sound device to use with the television
	Run, "C:\Windows\ssd.exe" 7	

	;Stores the old volume of the device to be used when gaming
	oldVol := VA_GetMasterVolume()
	;Gets the current hour in 24 hour format Midnight = 0, 11pm = 23
	FormatTime, aTimeH, A_Now, H 
	if(aTimeH < 8)
		;set a low volume if it's after midnight but before 8am
		;Set the volume to what you want to game at

	;Set x and y to the resolutions of your television
	Run, "C:\Windows\qres.exe" /x:1920 /y:1080 /c:32

	;Checks if Steam is running and open big picture mode accordingly
	Process, Exist, Steam.exe
	if ErrorLevel
		Run, "steam://open/bigpicture"
		Run, "D:\Steam\Steam.exe" -bigpicture

	;Waits for big picture mode to open
	WinWait, Steam ahk_class CUIEngineWin32
	;Waits for big picture mode to close
	WinWaitClose, Steam ahk_class CUIEngineWin32

	;Closes Steam, we're done
	;Delete this line if you want Steam to remain running
	[B]Run, "D:\Steam\Steam.exe" -shutdown [/B]

	;Restore the old volume of the sound device

	;Switch back to your primary sound device
	Run, "C:\Windows\ssd.exe" 5
	;Switch back to your primary display
	Run, "Displayswitch.exe" /Extend

	;set x and y to the resolutions of your primary display
	Run, "C:\Windows\qres.exe" /x:1920 /y:1200 /c:32

First, copy this into an empty text file. Then what you want to do is update all of the settings to reflect your machine and preferences. Change the #include path to where you extracted VA.ahk, change the path of Steam to where you have steam installed. Change the volume levels to what you want.

There's two lines that run ssd.exe, the numbers represent the position of the audio device in the list of playback devices. So if you open the playback devices window (right click on the speaker icon on your task bar and select playback devices) the first device in that list is 1, the second is 2, and so on and so forth. So for the first one, put in the number for the device you want to use with your tv, and for the second one, put in the number for the device you use normally.

The bolded line ends steam when you exit big picture mode, if you do not want to exit steam simply remove that line from your script.

As electroflame so helpfully mentioned these are the meanings of the displayswitch calls
/internal switches to "Computer only" mode
/external switches to "Projector" mode
/clone switches to "Duplicate display" mode
/extend switches to "Extend display" mode.

So the second of the two lines that have Displayswitch.exe in them might need to be adjusted depending on your setup. If you normally clone your display onto both outputs you will want to use clone, so on and so forth. It's pretty self-explanatory but you can try each of them to see what works if worst comes to worst.

Now, there are two ways to use this with slight modification. by simply the line that reads Joy13:: you can make it a script that runs every time it's executed which means you can place it on your desktop and double-click to activate it.

Otherwise, if you want to run it on a hotkey, replace Joy13 with the hotkey you want to use. You can use the Joystick test script to see what button does what on your joystick and set one of them to operate the script. For example if your start button is Joy1 and you want to run the script whenever you press the start button you simply change Joy13:: to Joy1:: The full list of keys for HotKeying is here.

Now you save your script in a .ahk format and you should be just about good to go. If you are trying to use it as a hotkey you will need to make a shortcut to the .ahk file you just saved and place that shortcut in your startup folder. You can find this folder by going to your start menu then All Programs and scrolling until you find startup. Right click that and select "Open". Place your shortcut in there and the next time you restart your computer the script will be running.

I think that about covers it for this script


I've followed the guide, and so far things seem to be working as intended when I double click the script. The key now is to make it so I can automatically switch everything over with a single controller press.

Originally I wanted to make that the Home button, but since I would potentially use that while in BPM, I wouldn't want to close the whole thing every time I hit the button.

So to that, I was wondering if there was a way to activate the script using a combination of keys. Like say, pressing select and start at the same time. Basically a combination you wouldn't normally do.


I've followed the guide, and so far things seem to be working as intended when I double click the script. The key now is to make it so I can automatically switch everything over with a single controller press.

Originally I wanted to make that the Home button, but since I would potentially use that while in BPM, I wouldn't want to close the whole thing every time I hit the button.

So to that, I was wondering if there was a way to activate the script using a combination of keys. Like say, pressing select and start at the same time. Basically a combination you wouldn't normally do.

They way I have my script set up the first line checks to see if BPM Is already running. If it is the script exits, meaning it makes no changes. Although if you're mapping to xbox controls (I assume when you say home button you're using PS3 or some other controller) via something like motioninjoy you'll find home doesn't have a registered keypress because the xbox button doesn't have one and is instead coded on a different level.


he's Virgin Tight™
I just right clikc the desktop... Screen Resolution... and decide what screen to show my stuff. Isn't that easier?


I just right clikc the desktop... Screen Resolution... and decide what screen to show my stuff. Isn't that easier?

Easier than 1 button press from your controller when you want to switch? with an audio switch as well? that also launches BPM? and automatically switches itself back when you're done?

The answer is no


Hmm, my PC switches both display and sound automatically when I set the receiver to the PC input. That's just built into the normal Nvidia drivers isn't it?

It also switches the resolution since the TV is 16:9 and both monitors are 16:10.


Hmm, my PC switches both display and sound automatically when I set the receiver to the PC input. That's just built into the normal Nvidia drivers isn't it?

It also switches the resolution since the TV is 16:9 and both monitors are 16:10.

definitely doesn't do it for me automatically, i didn't start trying scripts until i'd bumped heads against nvidia and windows issues already.


I finally got this working perfectly last night, with the script running at the push of a single button and everything.

But today, it won't work at all. I'm not sure what's different, other than Steam having an update afterward. Could the update have screwed something up?

Here's my own script, perhaps someone could spot an error I don't see:

;Includes functions for controlling audio devices under vista
;Use the full path of where you extract VA.ahk
#Include C:\Windows\steam.ahk

;modify with the hotkey you would like to use
;or delete the line and run the script from your desktop when you want to switch

;Checks if big picture mode is already running, if it is then don't execute the rest of the script
IfWinExist, Steam ahk_class CUIEngineWin32 ;checks to see if the big picture mode window is running

;Switches displays with internal rendering mode enabled
Run, "C:\Windows\System32\Displayswitch.exe" /internal

;Switch to sound device to use with the television
Run, "C:\Windows\ssd.exe" 1

;Set x and y to the resolutions of your television
Run, "C:\Windows\qres.exe" /x:1920 /y:1080 /c:32

;Checks if Steam is running and open big picture mode accordingly
Process, Exist, Steam.exe
if ErrorLevel
Run, "steam://open/bigpicture"
Run, "H:\Games\Steam\Steam.exe" -bigpicture

;Waits for big picture mode to open
WinWait, Steam ahk_class CUIEngineWin32

;Waits for big picture mode to close
WinWaitClose, Steam ahk_class CUIEngineWin32

;Closes Steam, we're done
;Delete this line if you want Steam to remain running

;Switch back to your primary sound device
Run, "C:\Windows\ssd.exe" 3

;Switch back to your primary display
Run, "Displayswitch.exe" /clone

;set x and y to the resolutions of your primary display
Run, "C:\Windows\qres.exe" /x:1920 /y:1200 /c:32


I finally got this working perfectly last night, with the script running at the push of a single button and everything.

But today, it won't work at all. I'm not sure what's different, other than Steam having an update afterward. Could the update have screwed something up?

Here's my own script, perhaps someone could spot an error I don't see:

you don't need to have the #include line if you're not doing volume changes but it shouldn't effect how the script operates. That's the only line that seems out of place... what is steam.ahk? did you rename VA.ahk?

or is this script in steam.ahk? you don't need to include a file in itself.

I've tried mine again with the latest steam and it still works fine, I switched it around to use clone mode and not close steam. How does clone mode work for you if your TV is 16:9 but your monitor is 16:10?

When you say it doesn't work at all it just doesn't do anything? The script is running, yes?


Hey guys, is there a way to get Steam to just shut down all together when you exit Big Picture Mode? I'm not really using the normal interface anymore, and if I launch XBMC through Steam, exit BPM when I'm done, and then come back to BPM later on, Steam just crashes and I have to restart it anyway.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Did they ever fix Skyrim so the launcher was controlled with the controller or the launcher is skipped entirely?

Playing Far Cry 3 is a bitch on big picture mode because of that Uplay shit. Get that garbage out of here Ubisoft.


Hey guys, is there a way to get Steam to just shut down all together when you exit Big Picture Mode? I'm not really using the normal interface anymore, and if I launch XBMC through Steam, exit BPM when I'm done, and then come back to BPM later on, Steam just crashes and I have to restart it anyway.

how do you launch BPM?
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