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Festival of Magic - JRPG from a Norway Indie - Wait up, it's not made in RPG Maker!!!


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!

Update: New teaser video for GC showing lots more things.

This looks amazing, it's so polished even in things other developers have gotten wrong in the past, like the Final Fantasy style battle animations. My only fear is that harvesting ammo etc could grow to be annoying but I'm sure they're aware of the dangers and it will be done in an involving manner since it's such a major system.
Project FoM (prototype name) is an adventure role-playing game (RPG) with a unique combat and harvesting system. The game is set in an epic universe where a group of unlikely heroes have to unravel an ancient mystery and eventually save the world.
Exciting news! Our game was featured on Level Up, Norway’s most popular video game web series! @Muffenskarl did a segment about us and our game which finally has a name! You can check out the interview (in Norwegian) and some gameplay footage from Festival of Magic here!
More blog posts here. Lock if old.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Oh wow, that really looks great. Music is quite good too. Definitely on my watch list, thanks for posting.
It looks great, definitely in the same feeling and sense of what made JRPGs of old so memorable and great. Maybe westerners will finally bring back that magic formula?


There's nothing wrong with RPG Maker if it's used well. It's lazy game makers that give it a bad rap.

That said, this game looks gorgeous!


Looks fantastic. Digging the style and the music (the combat music felt really good to me). Will have to keep an eye out on this one.


Why'd they flip the image? "Magic" is written backwards on that sign. Looks silly. I like the game's art design so far and the music is great. But it seems like it's going to have molasses slow pacing with all the stops to have the characters say something inane and obvious. Less is more, you know? Also, the kid needs a stance besides that bent over, ready stance. He looks like a hunchback when he runs right now. Alpha, I know.


Looks great, but at these production values how long can the game possibly be? I'm assuming their team is pretty small, and the amount of content creation necessary to give it proper "RPG" length would be insane.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
By the way, I don't think platforms have been announced yet, their last (and first) game was on iPad/Mac though.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Huh? They aren't.
I flipped it myself to avoid having people commenting just to show they speak the language, as if mirroring PR images is so surprising... They probably just drew it that way but then felt it works better reversed and didn't bother redoing the signs. Maybe because now it seems to put the focus on the animal thing, previously the dude seemed in focus. Maybe they wanted the animal to be the protagonist at first but then felt people would be more inclined to like it with a human instead. Whatever, lol.


There's nothing wrong with RPG Maker if it's used well. It's lazy game makers that give it a bad rap.

Very true. RPG Maker is a pretty impressive set of tools and you can certainly make interesting/good games, even with the RTP (default assets). Between myself, my brother, and a good friend of ours, we've been working on projects for the past 2 years or so and we've learned a lot and have produced some good stuff. We are all looking to release our games at some point, but we're not quite there yet. Unfortunately, a good portion (not all) of the "projects" that people release are either Final Fantasy inspired embarrassments or overly ambitious projects that never see the light of day. Also, NO ONE seems to know how to program stats, equipment, character progression, etc. Everyone uses the default database stuff and battles are hardly ever interesting (from my experience, at least).

With that said, this RPG indie scene does interest me to some degree because I consider myself a part of it. This game doesn't look particularly interesting to me though, but I respect the effort/original work for what it's worth.


I like the style. The battle just looked like basic Final Fantasy stuff, but hopefully there's more to it than that.

Also, NO ONE seems to know how to program stats, equipment, character progression, etc. Everyone uses the default database stuff and battles are hardly ever interesting (from my experience, at least).

What kind of issues usually come up? I'm just curious because the only RPG Maker game I've played for any length of time is The Tiamat Sacrament, and I really like the design and the mechanics in that one. It's designed where each character has a different mechanic for learning and using skills, and they all have powers that interact with the other party members' abilities so that they can only fight to their fullest potential by actually working as a team.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Looks nice, theyre deeefinitely taking some big inspiration from Final Fantasy (that battle music, for sure) but its all very pleasant.

And its not a JRPG if its not Japanese, what the hell, people.


It looks interesting. One thing that really bothered me, though, is how the text reflows when it wraps to a new line. It's very distracting.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
They've copied the text boxes from Tales of Vesperia. Not a JRPG though. More like an adventure game
Adventure games with random battle encounters is a pretty good description for many JRPGs since they tend to have linear stories, character interactions, light puzzles, exploration, and so on. Without the battles what would make them so different to adventures?

What if this had a slightly more anime art style and was called Final Fantasy Something, would you really, honestly say that it didn't look like a JRPG even if it showed the exact same bits of footage? If so, we disagree is all.

Like I said, the title didn't fit more to just say JRPG style instead (unless you wanna claim the presentation and gameplay shown here aren't very distinctively influenced by such games and completely unlike most W/CRPGs in which case we once again simply disagree), but it shouldn't be hard to get its point. But hey, if anal discussions about a J is what it takes to bring attention to this, ok!


Kinda looks like a Tales game with an ATB battle system.

Looks nice, but the combat in that trailer looked painfully boring and slow.
Man this looks pretty fun. Haven't played a good rpg in a while.

OT, but what's a good rpg to play on the PS3? Outside of demons/dark souls and fallout/skyrim?


Looks a little unpolished and plays a bit slower than I might like, but it's still early in development and also looks very fresh character and world-wise. It looks like battle units are actually teams with one physical (human?) attacker and a magic user as a pair? That could be quite fun.

I'm definitely going to keep an eye on this one.


Why do these guys always use MS Gothic for their signs. Same thing stuck out like a sore thumb on that X360 Naruto.

Not saying it's a bad font, but using it in the context of this kind of game is like folks using Comic Sans for absolutely everything.
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