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Splinter Cell Blacklist's torture scene is cut

"It wasn't nice to see any negative reaction to something you've thrown your life into," Splinter Cell Blacklist producer Andrew Wilson said at a press event in Paris last week. "But at the same time you have to have the confidence that as long as you've got that stuff in there, eventually people will see it."

Ubisoft Toronto has responded to the negative reaction, although it's still keen to point out the scene wasn't necessarily representative of Blacklist's tone. "The first thing I'd say about that is that possibly there was missing context - and in an unabridged snapshot, it seemed like pretty tough material," said Wilson. "We've scaled a lot of that back, and as we've gone through the process of development there are always things that you feel are not working as well. Every game does this, and cuts certain things."

And as for the torture scene itself? "Definitely we are not going to see when the game's coming out that there are torture scenes in it. That scene is not there any more. I've not really heard anyone say they loved it..."



Why not just add a skip option like the last few Call of Duty games have done?

Having an option to skip graphic content is fucking stupid too, given you're playing a game that has you shooting guys in the face every two seconds.

It's in or it's out.


-Change a scene due to negative reactions.
-Leave the same dumbed down "stealth" gameplay in despite everyone complaining about that.


Of all things to listen to feedback over, they picked a weird time. Not like there was any negative feedback over the whole damn game of Conviction by their fans, right? :p

I agree though. If they did it right, then it wouldn't have been an issue, but to show that off with no context whatsoever was pretty stupid. Handle it similar to movies like Zero Dark Thirty instead of making it pointless.


scenes of torture can be in a video game no problem, they just decided not to have it.

i'm glad they realized they were not good enough to handle it in a mature way. I look forward to other developers tackling torture scenes in sophisticated and professional ways.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
See guys this is why people love Tarantino movies. He gets so much shit for violence in his films yet he says a big "Fuck you" to all the negative reactions and continues his vision.

Shame on you Ubisoft
Having an option to skip graphic content is fucking stupid too, given you're playing a game that has you shooting guys in the face every two seconds.

It's in or it's out.

I agree. I also think leaving it up to the player is better than removing it entirely.

-Change a scene due to negative reactions.
-Leave the same dumbed down "stealth" gameplay in despite everyone complaining about that.

You can add "Inserted a young hacker archetype who is predicatably obnoxious and elitist and uses outdated 'hip' language penned by a committee" to that list.


Unconfirmed Member
What a shame. I always wanted to play as a sadist, cold-blooded torturer in a stealth/espionage game.


Its really sad to see developpers changing scene at their games juste because a bunch a weak person cried about that.

We see that more and more and its nothing good.


Way to fold on your artistic vision guys.

Just kidding, I really don't care either way.
As much as I dislike censorship, I really don't see much point to keeping it if it serves no larger purpose (IE MEANT to make us uncomfortable) and no one likes it. I'm actually glad it seems to be more for the latter, you're not depriving people of something they'd prefer to have there for whatever reason due to moral guardians, it's not there now because no one liked it.
Damn, you have a point.
Easier to change a cutscene than gameplay, disappointingly. Maybe if enough meatier games take off while this underperforms they'll try going back to more traditional gameplay in the future, or something meatier anyway. Not that I have much of a stake there until I at least seriously try Chaos Theory, got that in the Steam sale so now it's a matter of giving enough of a damn.


I fear Naughty Dog takes some kind of similar decission with The Last of Us at the final moment (with things like face-shoot).
This is stupid :_( I don't see what's the point.

- J - D -

Well it would've been nice to see how the sequence fit into the narrative and if it contained any sort of subtext or larger implications, but the way games are written I doubt the developers had a message to convey outside of "hey, this is shocking!"


Maybe they saw the controversy over the torture scenes in ZDT and decided they didn't want that kind of attention.


Unconfirmed Member
I fear Naughty Dog takes some kind of similar decission with The Last of Us at the final moment (with things like face-shoot).
This is stupid :_( I don't see what's the point.

Because people are having negative responses to it.


If the developers are suddenly anti-torture, surely they will release the Splinter Cell franchise from the cruel and disfiguring rack of the money-milking machine that is currently warping it beyond all recognition?
I fear Naughty Dog takes some kind of similar decission with The Last of Us at the final moment (with things like face-shoot).
This is stupid :_( I don't see what's the point.

I don't think there was much of a backlash at the violence in The Last of Us because from what we've seen it serves a greater purpose. Blacklist on the other hand...

The hell is this from?

Tom Clancy's Babby's First Stealth Game
I fear Naughty Dog takes some kind of similar decission with The Last of Us at the final moment (with things like face-shoot).
This is stupid :_( I don't see what's the point.

The negative press about that was due to the cheering and not the actual content of the scene.


Because people are having negative responses to it.
Yeah problem is devs (or other media producers) do not listen to positive responses :_(, is always the same. I hope now they hear the negative response to the decission of cutting it.
f*ck the censorship or the even worse self-censorship.
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