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SWTOR Rise of the Hutt Cartel Expansion releasing April 14th.








I might resub, I don't know. I didn't hate SWTOR- I enjoyed it in spite of its flaws... They could certainly do a better job with the trailers, while the content is probably reasonably well developed the way they are going about promoting it feels cheap.


Gold Member
I played during Launch and got 1 toon to 50 and a few to mid 30s and quit.. Came back about a month ago, and I must say the game has improved a lot during that time. "LFG" a feature that should have been at launch really change the game dynamics for me. The reduced number of servers makes the game feel much more alive, I also believe that they increased the cap per planet before it creates a new instance cause I am seeing tons of people every where. I really am enjoying going through flashpoints. The pacing and atmosphere of them is so much better than my experiences in past MMOs. I am hoping this expansion is a success so they can push for an even bigger expansion, hopefully one that includes a Space Battle revamp.


Too bad some of the achievements aren't retroactive. I would've completed several of the companion and planet based ones where you have to kill X amount of enemies with the Imperial Agent I got up to 50.

I expect Disney to shut the game down a month after this comes out for extra TORtanic lols.

AFAIK, the few Lucasarts guys who cover TOR are the only ones to survive. It's essentially free money for Disney, why shut it down?
Well, the funny thing for me is that SWTOR has become a quite good and really playable game.

It works very well in the constraints of a F2P game. It suits much more, because you adjust your expectations, and thus making it feel like that it's weird co-op multiplayer trappings are not only forgiving but also it's strength.

I find myself enjoying the class stories a lot. Imperial Agent story is certainly of KOTOR quality. As is the Sith Warrior story, and it comes close to feeling like the Darth Vader game. I enjoy it a lot since they eased up on the F2P Restrictions.

It's weird because normally F2P is the death sentence. Not for this game. F2P has saved it. All the servers in prime time are on high load, and it's great to see. Between playing Guild Wars 2, Blade & Soul beta, this game gives something the others doesn't.

To top it off, this game is immensely fun to play together in small bits with friends, fighting over the story choices. I didn't realize back at launch that the stories actually does have a lot of merit to them. My advice is - If you want more Star Wars, if you want more classical MMORPG that is not WoW, def give this a try again.
Well, the funny thing for me is that SWTOR has become a quite good and really playable game.

It works very well in the constraints of a F2P game. It suits much more, because you adjust your expectations, and thus making it feel like that it's weird co-op multiplayer trappings are not only forgiving but also it's strength.

I find myself enjoying the class stories a lot. Imperial Agent story is certainly of KOTOR quality. As is the Sith Warrior story, and it comes close to feeling like the Darth Vader game. I enjoy it a lot since they eased up on the F2P Restrictions.

It's weird because normally F2P is the death sentence. Not for this game. F2P has saved it. All the servers in prime time are on high load, and it's great to see. Between playing Guild Wars 2, Blade & Soul beta, this game gives something the others doesn't.

To top it off, this game is immensely fun to play together in small bits with friends, fighting over the story choices. I didn't realize back at launch that the stories actually does have a lot of merit to them. My advice is - If you want more Star Wars, if you want more classical MMORPG that is not WoW, def give this a try again.

They've updated thier F2play model a lot since it's release in 1.4

You can find an exhaustive list of changes on the official website.

Did you have more specific questions?

Have they changed how FTP players(and people who previously purchased the game) level ~25% slower than regular players? That was one of things that really soured me. Along with no field resurrection.
If I purchase the expansion will I get a month of the premium subscription or whatever they call it? Or is it a free bit of content? Been wanting to get back into the game.
Wait, so the individual storylines don't continue on? Is that slated for a future expansion?

They haven't said for sure. Your story technically does continue and dialogue is different for each character, acknowledges your class storyline. The story of the expansion is focused on the planet and is basically a republic story, and the imperial one. A continuation of the class storylines is going to require a large expansion to accommodate multiple hour long expansions for 8 different storylines. This is really just a small DLC pack coming out along with a big patch.


If I purchase the expansion will I get a month of the premium subscription or whatever they call it? Or is it a free bit of content? Been wanting to get back into the game.

There is a $25 deal that comes with a month of sub time. Note that the subscription won't actually start until RotHC comes out.
Other new features added are the new type of repeatable quests, Macrobinocular and Seeker Droid hunts.

Essentially they are new type of daily quest series that take place on different planets and involve random spawning. Players undergo kind of treasure/scavenger hunts for items, reputation rewards, and commendations for turning stuff in. Basically it's a new type of activity instead of doing repetitive kill missions for dailies, instead you have to go out and explore and search on various planets in the game. Some will also involve working with a group as you can find high end enemies guarding what you are looking for. The spawning of items changes every 24 hours so you can simply learn where your search target it and repeat, you have to constantly go out and search.

Droid missions have you deploy seeker probe droids that help direct you in the direction of these potential treasures. While the Macrobinocular quests require you to scan the world in first person with your special macrobinocular scanner to find what you need.


Have they changed how FTP players(and people who previously purchased the game) level ~25% slower than regular players? That was one of things that really soured me. Along with no field resurrection.

No, but they've been having frequent double XP weekends lately, and xp boosts are easy to come by, both as quest rewards and on the auction house
I really enjoyed SWTOR for a while but got burned out on PVP and lack of pop balance between empire and republic. Might give it another shot. What's the pop balance look like now and is GAF pub or emp?


I can't find a source but I know recently they talked about how prohibitively expensive it is to QA that kind of thing. I assume they'll do overarching faction stories with a smattering of class specific stuff (intro/outro to the quest), but from what I understand nothing class specific shows up in Makeb.

Rise of the Hutt Cartel finally adds some same-sex flirt options on the new planet too though, so there's that.
There is a $25 deal that comes with a month of sub time. Note that the subscription won't actually start until RotHC comes out.

Thanks, is it worth subscribing or is just buying certain perks the better deal?

And apparently this Hutt expansion is up via early access, any impressions?


Thanks, is it worth subscribing or is just buying certain perks the better deal?

And apparently this Hutt expansion is up via early access, any impressions?

I haven't played in a while, but with their model it's way in favor of subscribing rather than trying to buy stuff piecemeal. I still pretty much treat SWTOR as a subscription game.

Early impressions of the Makeb content seem very positive. Also the 2.0 class changes I think are one of the best class-balance patches I've seen in an MMO in a long time. They really did a good job on that front.


I really enjoyed SWTOR for a while but got burned out on PVP and lack of pop balance between empire and republic. Might give it another shot. What's the pop balance look like now and is GAF pub or emp?

GAF is Pub. The balance favors the Pub side as well, in terms of PvP.

Also, PvP is pretty... lame in my opinion now. TTK is so damn low, if 2 DPS gang up on you're, GG.


This update is also notable for F2P players in that there is finally a way to work
your way to cartel coins in the game without paying money. The new achievement system awards cartel points occasionally now, and some of those achievements are retroactive. I got 360 cartel coins from retroactive achievements just by logging in on my alts.
Thanks, is it worth subscribing or is just buying certain perks the better deal?

And apparently this Hutt expansion is up via early access, any impressions?
It's still worth subscribing if you want to do everything. If you want to stay F2P there are unlocks you can buy off of the GTN (SWTOR's auction house) and the cartel market that'll make it a little less restrictive to you. Also getting preferred status is a must in my opinion.


I just can't respect Bioware after SWTOR.

The way they screwed over us APAC players and strung us along for 9 months. Most appauling customer service ever.

Release a new XP without a single new flash point.... Heck the last flash point release was over a year ago. I've never played an MMO with content this slow

What the hell happend to EC nightmare mode. How long were they promising that one before they delivered? So too the massive droughts between new raids coming out. Our guild were highest progression on our faction and we had EC HM cleared for something like 3-4 months before nightmare came out. We were running our 3rd alts through EC Hard Mode before Bioware could get Nightmare out.

Server outages almost garunteed after ever major patch.

Their pathetic work for world pvp on Ilum

Server stability and performance issues. They never did fix half the random bugs in EC. Our server would bog down if more then 32 players were in EC. To the point raiding groups use to organise who would go first to clear zorn and torth. That includes cross faction negotiations. We had to talk between Republic and Empire to make sure the EC realm wasn't over populated.

No new PVP battlegrounds for what 6 months? Even then they've add 1 battleground in 1.5 years?

Their promisies regarding ranked PVP to find they delayed it at the last minute

Where the f are server transfers?

Its funny though that Bioware can spend all this time, money, and effort into expanding the cartel coin system and F2P system. Always new content and features in the cartel market, changes to F2P, yet fuck developing new flash points, raids, battlegrounds, or any content for end game players. Then they want to charge us for the new XP content....

Bioware just dont give a flap about the actual community. Just money.


I expect Disney to shut the game down a month after this comes out for extra TORtanic lols.

I would imagine that EA has some sort of contract that would prevent this from happening sort of like how Disney can't shut down Fox's X-Men movies and Sony's Spider-Man movies due to some prior contract.


So the cap was raised to 55 but does the class story lines continue or is it just new planet quests?

nope, which is a shame. this seemed to be the aspect of the game that most players liked.
this can hardly be called an expansion though, its really not much more than a glorified content patch. an I dont understand why they raise the level cap when there is almost no new high end content, I guess people will still have to do the old operations.

new abilities are nice though, that shoulder cannon is just badass.

Can I use my old Pay characters with F2P? I do kind of want to finish the IA story.
yes, the f2p system is pretty much made to reattract players like you, you'll be preferred and will still have some restrictions, but not as many as f2p players who never paid anything.


I just can't respect Bioware after SWTOR.

The way they screwed over us APAC players and strung us along for 9 months. Most appauling customer service ever.

Release a new XP without a single new flash point.... Heck the last flash point release was over a year ago. I've never played an MMO with content this slow

What the hell happend to EC nightmare mode. How long were they promising that one before they delivered? So too the massive droughts between new raids coming out. Our guild were highest progression on our faction and we had EC HM cleared for something like 3-4 months before nightmare came out. We were running our 3rd alts through EC Hard Mode before Bioware could get Nightmare out.

Server outages almost garunteed after ever major patch.

Their pathetic work for world pvp on Ilum

Server stability and performance issues. They never did fix half the random bugs in EC. Our server would bog down if more then 32 players were in EC. To the point raiding groups use to organise who would go first to clear zorn and torth. That includes cross faction negotiations. We had to talk between Republic and Empire to make sure the EC realm wasn't over populated.

No new PVP battlegrounds for what 6 months? Even then they've add 1 battleground in 1.5 years?

Their promisies regarding ranked PVP to find they delayed it at the last minute

Where the f are server transfers?

Its funny though that Bioware can spend all this time, money, and effort into expanding the cartel coin system and F2P system. Always new content and features in the cartel market, changes to F2P, yet fuck developing new flash points, raids, battlegrounds, or any content for end game players. Then they want to charge us for the new XP content....

Bioware just dont give a flap about the actual community. Just money.

Their constant retextures of existing armour for the cartel market has been a bit of a joke as well. It's literally a hue change in photoshop and they sell it off for over $10. Can't remember the last time I actually saw a completely new armour model in the game.

I'm tempted to check the game again after being a sub for over a year but their F2P model, even for 'preferred' players, is abysmally shit.
I've been wanting to try out this game but have a few questions:

How is the loot system in this game? Is it need/greed/pass or auto distributed?

I'm currently playing Age of Conan and find that it is mostly a solo fest until 80 wherein people will team for endgame raids. Is TOR the same?

Lastly, I like to hand gear down to my alts but it seems like most games nowadays have things bind on pickup/equip. How does TOR handle this?

Thanks in advance.
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