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Movies You've Seen Recently |OT| Aug 2013

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Paranormal Activity 4. Sucks serious ass compared to the horror masterpiece that is PA3. And PA1 too. What the fuck happened.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Saw Turbo last Friday with the kiddos and well we all enjoyed it. I was more happy that my local theater finally upgraded the smaller screens to new projectors verses just the big screens used mainly for popular movies on opening weekends.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Yesterday I watched Doomsday Book, a south korean film about 3 short stories all possible end of the world scenarios. Fantastic cinematography, and each story was entertaining. Really like it, it's on netflix.
Cloud Atlas - not a steaming pile of shit, but luke warm at least. None of the stories that it told were good, and it jumped around too much to have the impacted it expected.


Oblivion - a good second effort from Joseph Kosinski after Tron 2.0.
The Goonies - cause it is awesome.
Shut Up and Play the Hits - Amazing live concert and behind the scenes of LCD Soundsystem's last show.
The Wolverine - Pretty good considering the history.


rewatched Heat a couple days ago. felt more bloated than I remember it being; still a damn good movie though.


Just saw "Road to Perdition".
Beautiful cinematography and amazing revenge story.

Too bad my disc kept skipping. Probably missed around 15 minutes of film. :/
Fucking Netflix.

Only seen three Sam mendes films including this one. Pretty great director.
While it's not quite as acclaimed as the other two Noriko movies, I actually think "Early Summer" might be my favorite of the trilogy (though I need to rewatch Tokyo Story). I think the fact that Noriko is the active agent of her own destiny gives the movie a very modern quality, and the movie is uplifting in a way that makes it a more viscerally enjoying watch than the other two.

Also, I watched "American Grindhouse" on Hulu yesterday. As pure information, the movie's alright, but it lacks much insight or depth. Granted, exploitation movies aren't really rife with such, in the first place, but a more personal touch might have been to the movie's benefit.
Zoomed through Viridiana and Osaka Elegy just now. My god is the Buñuel great—I figured it'd be a good point of entry, the middle part of his religion trilogy and relevant filmography (not that I won't check out his for-hire work in due time). It's not as funny as I expected, but there's a great progression to the increasing lunacy and symbolic depth that I can't stop thinking about. It's both a great deconstruction of the idea of religion and, by proxy, a nice jab at Franco for promoting a gulf between modern values and conservative institutions. The same thing gets criticized in the Mizoguchi, which isn't as compelling a film as it is a record of the times. I've already seen Shimizu take on Depression-era Japan in a novel way, so seeing that element pushed into the background here is interesting and relevant to the director's focus. The only standout issue I have with Elegy is the script, which is straightforward and interferes with the ending sequence too often. Oh well.


I saw Fruitvale on Monday, I think I'm gonna make a thread about it. Highly recommended. Such a emotionally crushing film, though.
Leaving Las Vegas

I liked it on the whole but certain parts felt after school special-y which dragged it down a bit.
It was impressive what they did with the low budget but it was one of those you wished had a little more money thrown into the cameras, locations, and script.

Cage was great. Shue was whatever.

The death sex was more uncomfortable than the rape


Saw Oblivion. Liked it quite a lot. It was much slower paced than I thought it would and I'm a little angry that I didn't go see it in cinema, because it's fricking beautiful.

I just wish they would spend more time with the ending.
The reveal was great, but I wanted to learn more about Tet. Unfortunatelly this is something majority of sci-fi movies fail at. Prometheus, 2001, Black Hole etc.all tease with huge alien stuff but never get into enough details


Always the tag bridesmaid, never the tag bride.
Recently re-watched the first two Godfather movies in god knows how long. Definitely put me in The Godfather > The Godfather II camp. I never saw the third one so I suppose I should temper my expectations since I've heard some negative things about it whenever I do get around to watching it.
Saw Oblivion. Liked it quite a lot. It was much slower paced than I thought it would and I'm a little angry that I didn't go see it in cinema, because it's fricking beautiful.
Met Claudio Miranda earlier in the year. He talked about some pretty amazing stuff in terms of lighting the tower in the sky.


The Raul Julia Street Fighter film is on Netflix.

Time to revisit this as an adult...

Recently re-watched the first two Godfather movies in god knows how long. Definitely put me in The Godfather > The Godfather II camp. I never saw the third one so I suppose I should temper my expectations since I've heard some negative things about it whenever I do get around to watching it.

In the I > II camp too.
Alright, so lately I've seen:

High Fidelity. The movie deserves credit for making characters that would otherwise be kind of self absorbed assholes feel likeable and relatable. 7/10

Grand Hotel. From the first scene it gave me the impression that it was going to be unfocused, but it all came together quite nicely. The characters played a big part in that and helped keep things interesting and entertaining. I'm loving old theatricality more and more. 7/10

Saw 4 Cantinflas movies. El Portero. More melodramatic towards the end than I used to remember, but still solid fun. He was a charming guy and while his style feels similar in many of his films, it works very well in this one. 7/10

Un Quijote Sin Mancha. Plays heavy on the good Samaritan theme, which can make it feel preachy. Still has it's moments. 5/10

El Barrendero Unfortunately the weakest of the ones I saw. I say unfortunately because I remember liking it a lot when I was little. 4/10

El Siete Machos. Best and funniest of the bunch (of Cantinflas movies) and I really liked its western feel. 7/10

Eastern Promises. Cronenberg is not afraid to show what he wants, which gives some of his films a very crude feel that I like. This starts off great, it has a slow build up that creates a tense environment, subtle and well acted, but I thought the latter portion wasn't as strong. It's still a very good movie though. 7/10

And today I saw Performance. The editing made me feel like I was the one on shrooms half the time. It's a movie I fell I will appreciate more in the future. 7/10

In the I > II camp too.

Right camp.


I saw The Candidate last night on Netflix. It made me realize that it's been way too long since a good comedy has been released.


Just watched The Andromeda Strain on Netflix. I'm not exaggerating when I say it may be my least favorite movie I've ever sat through. What's frustrating is I can't exactly explain why. But I'll try. For one, it's just really tedious. Lots of focusing on mundane, tedious shit. Horrible script with some really cliched and cringe-inducing lines. The few "experiments" with playing around with how the screen real estate is used (e.g. put a picture in the middle and two square video boxes on each side) look hokey. The ending is horrible, and many core elements of how the "infection" works are poorly explained and feel contradictory at times. Overall, it tries to be a thriller, but there's never any sense of tension. I enjoy many bad movies. This is not that kind of bad movie. There's no enjoyment to be had, at least not for me. Again, I really don't know why I hated it so much, the acting was good, the sets were good, it was clearly a competently done movie. But man it felt like it lasted about 4 hours, and there was no payoff in the end. I don't know why I sat through the whole thing.


While it's not quite as acclaimed as the other two Noriko movies, I actually think "Early Summer" might be my favorite of the trilogy (though I need to rewatch Tokyo Story). I think the fact that Noriko is the active agent of her own destiny gives the movie a very modern quality, and the movie is uplifting in a way that makes it a more viscerally enjoying watch than the other two.

It's really hard to choose between the three, I think Late Spring is my favourite (and fave Ozu in general) because I found it to have more emotional impact. Then again I really do need to rewatch Tokyo Story.

Setsuko Hara's smile is perfection.

Just watched Days of Heaven. Malick may be one of my favorite contemporary film directors working today. I loved The Tree of Life.

DoH is still his most visual appealing film, imo. The Blu-Ray looks glorious.
DoH is still his most visual appealing film, imo. The Blu-Ray looks glorious.

I wasn't fortunate to get the Blu-Ray version. I don't many Blu-Ray movies, actually, aside from There Will be Blood. But I've been willing to purchase The Tree of Life some time again in the future, and I will certainly get that film on Blu-Ray.


I saw Fruitvale on Monday, I think I'm gonna make a thread about it. Highly recommended. Such a emotionally crushing film, though.

Mentioned it at the end of the last thread, but yeah, saw FS yesterday. Hope people make the effort to see it. The very end just broke me.

Make that thread.
Sharknado (2013) (Anthony C. Ferrante)

Screw this movie. Not because it isn't ridiculous, which it is. Not because the acting is terrible, which it is. Not because it's hilariously awful, which it is. Not because it's a negative budget C movie, which it is. Not because the effects and cinematography are awful, which they are. But mostly because
WHY DIDN'T TARA REID AND THE DAUGHTER GET EATED? Then the goofball son walks away with the girl after the main dude does all these amazing shark kills? DUDE DOVE INTO A SHARK THAT CAME FROM A TORNADO AND CUT HIS WAY OUT WITH A CHAINSAW WHILE RESCUING SOMEONE WHO WAS INSIDE THAT SHARK FOR LIKE 5 MINUTES. Why does he have to end up with these characters that brought the energy of the movie to screeching halt every time they were on screen? And the friend and drunk old dude who was hitting sharks with a bar stool die? While his stupid family lives? What kind of B movie writing is this?

Nope nope nope nope nope. Sorry Sharknado, I wanted to love you and your unbelievable badness, but they messed up, bro.

And yet still...................EVERYONE GO WATCH THIS


those kind of movies are great just to laugh at the careers of actors that have hit the bottom

not that tara reid actually had a career, but still.

has Christian slater been in a shark movie yet?
Cloud Atlas - not a steaming pile of shit, but luke warm at least. None of the stories that it told were good, and it jumped around too much to have the impacted it expected.

Yup I watched this a few days ago. It kinda fell below my expectations. I was expecting to get swept away, but it's more of an entertaining film than a work of artistic grandeur. It's certainly not "boring" and the story is hardly "confusing" like people have said. In fact, the whole thing is rather straightforward and blockbuster-ish. I guess I was expecting a Malick/Aronofsky/Gaspar Noe type movie that haunts you for days after, but it was good solid entertainment and nothing more.
Antichrist was my favorite movie of 2009.

Watched Fast Company, pretty weird, only if you know that it is a Cronenberg you can identify it as such (the fetishist close ups of mechanical parts, the gritty cockpit view, ...). It was the best drag racing movie I've ever seen. And now I have seen every theatrical Cronenberg!

that is terrence malick in the photograph. despite sending spielberg a battle flag during the production of the thin red line, he is not his biggest fan.


Malick is in the SECOND picture in the op (on the right, not the guy laughing).

Where's that quote from btw in the OP?

lol who is that quote in the OP from?


Or middle of the page, as you prefer.
I dunno about you folks, but I'm going to be digging into some [obscure Japanese director you've probably never heard of] Yasuzo Masumura: Giants and Toys, Manji, Red Angel, and last-but-not-least Blind Beast. Suitably weird enough slate of movies to make for a good time.

Hey I know who that is!


Only God Forgives

I enjoyed it. I liked Drive more but both are very good films IMO. I think Drive may be even more violent then Only God forgives after seeing both films. I thought the actor who played Lt. Chang did a great job. I love the scene where
he and Gosling fight, and he just completely destroys him. I also loved how he swiftly kills Crystal. I thought that bitch was gonna survive.
I dunno about you folks, but I'm going to be digging into some [obscure Japanese director you've probably never heard of] Yasuzo Masumura: Giants and Toys, Manji, Red Angel, and last-but-not-least Blind Beast. Suitably weird enough slate of movies to make for a good time.

Only watched Blind Beast of those, was great!
Of course you do, filthy hipster scum.
I guess this is me too, because I've known about Masamura for a while now. That's what these threads are for!
I want to watch something from Yoshishige Yoshida, but I refuse to watch movies on YouTube if I can't do better. Heroic Purgatory's never getting a DVD release. :(

Just watched The Andromeda Strain on Netflix. I'm not exaggerating when I say it may be my least favorite movie I've ever sat through. What's frustrating is I can't exactly explain why. But I'll try. For one, it's just really tedious. Lots of focusing on mundane, tedious shit. Horrible script with some really cliched and cringe-inducing lines. The few "experiments" with playing around with how the screen real estate is used (e.g. put a picture in the middle and two square video boxes on each side) look hokey. The ending is horrible, and many core elements of how the "infection" works are poorly explained and feel contradictory at times. Overall, it tries to be a thriller, but there's never any sense of tension. I enjoy many bad movies. This is not that kind of bad movie. There's no enjoyment to be had, at least not for me. Again, I really don't know why I hated it so much, the acting was good, the sets were good, it was clearly a competently done movie. But man it felt like it lasted about 4 hours, and there was no payoff in the end. I don't know why I sat through the whole thing.
That kind of flashy, Expo '67-style editing's never gone down well with me. Another movie from that era that abuses it is Charly, where it interferes with a sequence wherein Cliff Robertson gets on his hog and rides around like he's not Dennis Hopper. The visual tricks only seem to be used to call attention to themselves, never to serve the purpose of relaying information in interesting ways. It's like watching Saul Bass trying to edit a film like he constructs an opening credits roll. Sorry you didn't enjoy this film, though—I think it's one of the better science-fiction romps I've seen.
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