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Everybody's Gone to the Rapture: no longer coming to PC, Sony SM collaborating

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GAF's Bob Woodward
So there was a lot of question marks over the nature of TheChineseRoom's deal with Sony and whether the game was still coming to PC at some point. This was posted by KillThee in another thread but I think it's worth surfacing in its own.

They spoke to RPS in more detail about what's going on.

Basically sounds like they have a similar set up as thatGameCompany... a collaboration with Sony Santa Monica, and publishing by Sony.


Truth be told, I went in expecting to come away marking off days on my calendar until a period of timed exclusivity was up, but no such luck. When I asked if everybody who matters – you know, PC gamers – would eventually go to the rapture, Pinchbeck offered a brief, unfortunate reply: “No, it’ll be a PS4 exclusive.”

I queried further as to why we’re missing out, and Pinchbeck was refreshingly frank:

“So the thinking went like this,” he began. “We don’t have enough money or production expertise to make this game without help. We don’t think we can raise enough through Kickstarter or public alpha to make this happen. We could do with production support on a game this scale. We’ve always wanted to make a console game. Publishers have bad reputations all too often. Hey, Sony Santa Monica are great though. We’ve met them a few times and really like them and their attitude.”

“Also, PS4 is starting to look very cool as a platform. All eggs thrown into singular basket, Sony Santa Monica contacted, everybody likes each other, lots of love for the project. Long dark night of the soul mulling over implications of shifting across to console. Mix of pragmatism and excitement about the possibilities win out.”

But what of thechineseroom’s loyal supporters on PC who – among other things – sprinted the first-person walk-’n'-talker’s sales all the way up to “well over 750,000″? Pinchbeck and co are perhaps more aware of their fan base’s mighty contribution than anyone, and they’re incredibly grateful. But they saw a chance to branch out and create an otherwise impossible project. They couldn’t say no.

Sort of a shame the game's announcement didn't wait until stuff like this was sorted out.


Well I just hope they're not calling themselves an indie developer anymore. Kinda sad when those guys can be bought in such a way. :\


GAF parliamentarian
I hope nobody comes in here acting like they were a first party PC studio. Something impossible (and just as embarrassing as the Insomniac/Microsoft fiasco).

You can feel a little miffed that it isn't on your preferred platform, but they make games. And someone offered to help then make a game. The end.

Well I just hope they're not calling themselves an indie developer anymore. Kinda sad when those guys can be bought in such a way. :
Well, I guess if you consider leaning on someone a loss off independence, then sure. But this is one game. And they haven't been bought out.


If the game is successful on PS4, I don't see any reason why some of that money couldn't go into a PC version..


While I can appreciate how their PC fan base might be miffed it really comes down to a case of Upwards and onwards.

With Sony in their corner these guys could be huge this coming gen.


If the game is successful on PS4, I don't see any reason why some of that money couldn't go into a PC version..

Sony are partially funding it and as such I guess they have tied it down as a PS4 exclusive. No PC version for this game.


Sucks if Sony are stealing the indies and locking them in PS4 with exclusivity deals, especially if the game was once destined for PC.
As I said in the other thread:

Their attitude deserves a boycott, no matter how
they try to rationalize it. They got funded by the
Indie Fund, did great sales on PC and jumped to
console exclusivity immediately. This really is
nothing short of despicable as far as I'm
concerned, I will not buy A Machine For Pigs or
any other Chinese Room game in the future.
They have every right to make a business
decision as professionals, I also have a right as
a consumer to vote with my wallet and express
my displeasure.


There is no logic in the notion of a developer having to remain loyal to a platform. Wow I bought your game on PC (probably in a Steam sale) now I demand the you release every single game you ever make - even though I might not even buy it - on Steam or your a traitor.


Well I just hope they're not calling themselves an indie developer anymore. Kinda sad when those guys can be bought in such a way. :\

Salty hipster?

As I said in the other thread:

Their attitude deserves a boycott, no matter how
they try to rationalize it. They got funded by the
Indie Fund, did great sales on PC and jumped to
console exclusivity immediately. This really is
nothing short of despicable as far as I'm
concerned, I will not buy A Machine For Pigs or
any other Chinese Room game in the future.
They have every right to make a business
decision as professionals, I also have a right as
a consumer to vote with my wallet and express
my displeasure.

Wow lol. I have no idea why they should be loyal to PC because of great earlier PC sales. Also Amnesia isn't CR, is it?

e: oh it is, my bad


If it helps them produce a higher quality product, why not.

Reading RPS, why are people mad about this?

I enjoyed Dear Esther, and I supported an indie game because it had an interesting concept. Yet I don't feel entitled to exclusivity. Let the game be where it'll have the chance to be its best. Every game developer wants to move on to creating better, bigger things, why should they be restrained to remaining on PC creating small games.


This was a lose-lose situation anyway.
Game is not exclusive or only timed, people will cry about lacking exclusives for the PS4. Now people will cry about it being moneyhatted.

If they didn't really have a better choice to bring over the game, this seems like a good deal. Sony and SSM have been great working with indies.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
The reasoning is fair, but I would have preferred it if TCR gave Kickstarter a chance instead of just dismissing the idea.


Unfortunate, but still proud for them. They're an excellent studio, and I hope they find the success they deserve.

As I said in the other thread:

Their attitude deserves a boycott, no matter how
they try to rationalize it. They got funded by the
Indie Fund, did great sales on PC and jumped to
console exclusivity immediately. This really is
nothing short of despicable as far as I'm
concerned, I will not buy A Machine For Pigs or
any other Chinese Room game in the future.
They have every right to make a business
decision as professionals, I also have a right as
a consumer to vote with my wallet and express
my displeasure.



GAF parliamentarian
As I said in the other thread:

Their attitude deserves a boycott, no matter how
they try to rationalize it. They got funded by the
Indie Fund, did great sales on PC and jumped to
console exclusivity immediately. This really is
nothing short of despicable as far as I'm
concerned, I will not buy A Machine For Pigs or
any other Chinese Room game in the future.
They have every right to make a business
decision as professionals, I also have a right as
a consumer to vote with my wallet and express
my displeasure.
Well, I'd never put it past you to be petulant.


Sucks if Sony are stealing the indies and locking them in PS4 with exclusivity deals, especially if the game was once destined for PC.

Most indies are just consoles exclusive to Sony (and even that only timed). This one is a different matter because SSM is actually helping to develop (or at least produce it)


Their reasoning is understandable, but it is unfortunate that it means a turnaround from their original information - so it is also understandable that PC gamers not planning to buy a PS4 would be annoyed.

If this results in The Chinese Room becoming more successful and more able to fund later projects themselves (or get a publisher), then later games are likely to have PC versions (and/or Xbox one) so the audience will be wider. But right now it seems that getting financial and dev support from SSM is a logical way to expand their horizons.

Good luck to them


As I said in the other thread:

Their attitude deserves a boycott, no matter how
they try to rationalize it. They got funded by the
Indie Fund, did great sales on PC and jumped to
console exclusivity immediately. This really is
nothing short of despicable as far as I'm
concerned, I will not buy A Machine For Pigs or
any other Chinese Room game in the future.
They have every right to make a business
decision as professionals, I also have a right as
a consumer to vote with my wallet and express
my displeasure.

Is this a poem?
The reasoning is fair, but I would have preferred it if TCR gave Kickstarter a chance instead of just dismissing the idea.

It doesn't sound like it's simply about money. They needed support from someone else because it's a large scale project. Going this route solves both problems for them. They get the funding that they need and they get to work with one of the most talented teams in the industry.
It's a shame they announced it on PC and flipped. But good for them, they're getting help and funding to make the game they want without compromise, that's only good news no matter your thoughts on the platform of release.


It's ok, so they've traded in their Indie status for gainful employment with Sony. I'm bummed they freaking hyped me up for a game I will not be able to play for quite some time, if ever, but that's the way things go in this world.

Still, I can't deny that this will firmly weld my purse shut if they ever try to do a kickstarter or do Indie-level games again. I'm vindictive like that.


As I said in the other thread:

Their attitude deserves a boycott, no matter how
they try to rationalize it. They got funded by the
Indie Fund, did great sales on PC and jumped to
console exclusivity immediately. This really is
nothing short of despicable as far as I'm
concerned, I will not buy A Machine For Pigs or
any other Chinese Room game in the future.
They have every right to make a business
decision as professionals, I also have a right as
a consumer to vote with my wallet and express
my displeasure.

This is a bit over the top. Despicable? Harsh words. They at least were transparent as to why they're doing it.

That's a shame. I hate playing fps with a gamepad.

As I said in the other thread:

Their attitude deserves a boycott, no matter how
they try to rationalize it. They got funded by the
Indie Fund, did great sales on PC and jumped to
console exclusivity immediately. This really is
nothing short of despicable as far as I'm
concerned, I will not buy A Machine For Pigs or
any other Chinese Room game in the future.
They have every right to make a business
decision as professionals, I also have a right as
a consumer to vote with my wallet and express
my displeasure.
Fucking ridiculous. Gamer entitlement man.


As I said in the other thread:

Their attitude deserves a boycott, no matter how
they try to rationalize it. They got funded by the
Indie Fund, did great sales on PC and jumped to
console exclusivity immediately. This really is
nothing short of despicable as far as I'm
concerned, I will not buy A Machine For Pigs or
any other Chinese Room game in the future.
They have every right to make a business
decision as professionals, I also have a right as
a consumer to vote with my wallet and express
my displeasure.

This attitude sucks. Just because they started as a PC developer they have no right to expand their horizons?
That's a pretty huge bummer for PC only gamers seeing as the game was already announced for it but if they actually couldn't make the game any other way, then fair play to them for securing funding for their vision, I guess.


As I said in the other thread:

Their attitude deserves a boycott, no matter how
they try to rationalize it. They got funded by the
Indie Fund, did great sales on PC and jumped to
console exclusivity immediately. This really is
nothing short of despicable as far as I'm
concerned, I will not buy A Machine For Pigs or
any other Chinese Room game in the future.
They have every right to make a business
decision as professionals, I also have a right as
a consumer to vote with my wallet and express
my displeasure.

since you won't own a ps4 you'll boycott their pc games, pushing them to go console even more. nice


As I said in the other thread:

Their attitude deserves a boycott, no matter how
they try to rationalize it. They got funded by the
Indie Fund, did great sales on PC and jumped to
console exclusivity immediately. This really is
nothing short of despicable as far as I'm
concerned, I will not buy A Machine For Pigs or
any other Chinese Room game in the future.
They have every right to make a business
decision as professionals, I also have a right as
a consumer to vote with my wallet and express
my displeasure.

This reminds me of the salty attitude of Sony fanboys when Insomniac announced Sunset Overdrive.


All types of saltiness and burnt toast up in here. I'm excited by the collaboration. If anyone truly liked the developer you would be wishing them all the success in the world with their new project. Not acting like a jealous, disgruntled fool.


As I said in the other thread:

Their attitude deserves a boycott, no matter how
they try to rationalize it. They got funded by the
Indie Fund, did great sales on PC and jumped to
console exclusivity immediately. This really is
nothing short of despicable as far as I'm
concerned, I will not buy A Machine For Pigs or
any other Chinese Room game in the future.
They have every right to make a business
decision as professionals, I also have a right as
a consumer to vote with my wallet and express
my displeasure.

wtf man?


Are people seriously expecting them to turn down assistance from SSM & the potential of Sony promoting them with premium positions on PSN front pages and such simply because they've released games on PC before?

Fuck that, this is a great opportunity for them & I hope it works out for them.
Well, I'd never put it past you to be petulant.

I don't know what petulant means but I'm going to assume it's bad :)

Here's the problem with this as simply as I can put it. The PC community supported their company through the indie fund and the great Dear Esther sales. So as a 'thank you' to this community The Chinese Room says " you have to spend 400 dollars to have the right to buy our game". They really should be ashamed.


Sucks if Sony are stealing the indies and locking them in PS4 with exclusivity deals, especially if the game was once destined for PC.

Eh? Chinese Room approached SSM for cash and dev support, not the other way around. They put together a pitch and went for it. Involve Sony cash and actual resources and the outcome is gonna be pretty obvious. That said, down the line who knows. Everyday Shooter has already beaten that particular path so there's precedent. Never mind that fact that Sony themselves make PC games. Other consoles? never. PC? I'd say maybe one day.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
that sucks, but what can you do. they like money, like we all do.

we have to accept that a lot of what we still call "indie" has become pretty big business. they're not just freeware open-source idealist hanging around newground anymore


Sucks if Sony are stealing the indies and locking them in PS4 with exclusivity deals, especially if the game was once destined for PC.

That's your inference after reading the interview? It says plain as day there that it wouldn't happen if it weren't for Sony.
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