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My numerous troll threads. Why are they tolerated?

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In recent years, NeoGAF has improved a lot, especially when it comes to gender and lgbt issues and the community has gone a lot to educate people on words and terms to use. At least for me, I must admit that I've learned a lot by reading and browsing the transgendered threads, and the many threads about various related topics over the years. NeoGAF has grown far more tolerant and also knowledgeable about the subject. And this is great!

Old Timers will remember how the forums used to be very raw and uncut about things, and how with times, more and more gay members started showing up and being open about their lifestyle; I still remember clearly when another member made public the fact that he had a reptilian persona and was fully into the scalies scene. People lolled hard at first, but those standout moments opened the doors for other people to 'come out' and talk about their lifestyle and educate others about it. It was the same for members of islamic faith a long long time ago. Don't get me wrong, neogaf and previous incarnations were not StormFront, but people used to joke around a lot, in a way that is not very pc.

You could also say that NeoGAF is now an old forum (as someone put it, we are now in the 14th season!), and that the average age of the userbase has aged and is now far more mature.

But still I find myself kinda surprised to see the word c*nt and b*tch being used (oh god oh god I hope this wont be considered as cross-posting between threads, this is just the quickest example I could find, plz no ban) as some sort of sexually charged insult toward females. Isn't it time we simply stop using those words altogether? Do we really need to say things like that? For example, the poster in the thread was referring to a young 14 years old girl. Is this REALLY necessary? It's kinda like those posts from people would go and talk about what sexual things they would do to a person. this is especially common in threads about celebs.

Some people could argue that 'bitch' can be used as a synonym of 'complaining', and the c*nt is a common slang for 'friends', or 'random guy', but still. Remember in the '90 and early '00 when people used the word 'Gay' to describe something as 'lame', 'dumb', or 'weak'. The expression has been rightfully phased out with time and I don't remember hearing being used in a long time.

How do you guys feel about the usage of these words on NeoGAF and in general in that sexually demeaning context?


For my own personal use -- not looking at the broader issue -- I've always seen bitch/dick as the female/male gender-specific synonym for asshole.
Your example of how we're phasing out gay as a pejorative is right on. I don't use these words unless I'm mocking someone who does. "Asshole" or "shithead" are good neutral substitutes.

Pussy's another word I try to avoid.


i used the term "big pimpin'" the other day and someone gave me a look and i felt chastened. is big pimpin out?

i try to stay away from using "bitch" unless it's humorously and with close friends.
For my own personal use -- not looking at the broader issue -- I've always seen bitch/dick as the female/male gender-specific synonym for asshole.
What I can't determine is, what is the Level 2 gender-specific term for male assholes?

(Level 2 for women is "cunt", except in the U.K. where it just means "person")

Also I kind of reflexively associate the term "asshole" with men. In my life I feel like it's been more "bitch/cunt" for women and "asshole/dick" for men.


It's a cuss word for women, same as dick is one for guys, what's the problem?

Some women are bitches, some are not. Some men are dicks, some are not.
OP, I'm kinda surprised you lumped bitch and the c-word together. Bitch seems like such a casual word these days, a la Jesse Pinkman (i.e. "Science, bitch!).

But the c-word is still a massive no-no in my book. Pretty much the worst non-racial word you can utter.
Because not all women are nice? It's not insulting someone just because they are a woman like the c word. You have to be a jerk/asshole first, then a woman second. Same applies for any of the male versions of bitch you want to use.


I've never found bitch to have a sexually charged element to it. Ever. In fact, it's the first time I've even read someone did.


Everyone uses dick, pussy and douche for guys. And sense I'm all for equal rights I don't see the problem with bitch and cunt.

At the end of the day they're just words, they only mean something if you let it.


Pretty sure there was a big controversy Regarding the word cunt until evilore himself declared it was fine to use assuming you didn't direct it as a deragotory insult toward a woman. It's just that too many cultures especially outside the US use the word so freely that it wasn't fair to be so harsh on the people who used it here. And thus footballgaf was saved.

Bitch is here to stay though. Too many widely used meanings.

Maybe things will change in the future as language and culture naturally evolve but there's no need to force it now.


What I can't determine is, what is the Level 2 gender-specific term for male assholes?

(Level 2 for women is "cunt", except in the U.K. where it just means "person")

Also I kind of reflexively associate the term "asshole" with men. In my life I feel like it's been more "bitch/cunt" for women and "asshole/dick" for men.

I use cunt for everyone, no discrimination from me.

Exemplary reply.

It is a good reply although I'm sure some Brits will be thinking to themselves 'What a smug cunt'.


For my own personal use -- not looking at the broader issue -- I've always seen bitch/dick as the female/male gender-specific synonym for asshole.

That doesn't work broadly though, because while most people do use that definition when they apply that word to women, they also apply it to men with a completely different meaning. When a woman is being a bitch, she's being disagreeable. When a man is being a bitch, he is being weak or cowardly. When a man is being a dick, he is being disagreeable. But no one calls women dicks.


I think as we are now, getting offended by pejoratives that need context is a step in the right direction. But yes OP, I really don't think most people especially on GAF use Bitch as a sexually charged insult.


That doesn't work broadly though, because while most people do use that definition when they apply that word to women, they also apply it to men with a completely different meaning. When a woman is being a bitch, she's being disagreeable. When a man is being a bitch, he is being weak or cowardly. When a man is being a dick, he is being disagreeable. But no one calls women dicks.

I've called a woman a bag of dicks before.


I've called a woman a bag of dicks before.

I obviously didn't literally mean no one has ever in history referred to any woman as a dick. I mean it's not part of our colloquialism. As a whole, women aren't generally called dicks as insults. When they're being what we refer to men as dicks, they're being bitches.

Kid Ska

I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
When Evilore and Bish both come down on the other side of your argument on the first page, you know your thread isn't going to go the way you'd have hoped.


because may girls now self proclaim themselves as ones, like it is cool or something.

I see many posts like "i am a bad bitch", I think they just want attention.


What I can't determine is, what is the Level 2 gender-specific term for male assholes?

(Level 2 for women is "cunt", except in the U.K. where it just means "person")

Also I kind of reflexively associate the term "asshole" with men. In my life I feel like it's been more "bitch/cunt" for women and "asshole/dick" for men.

Motherfucker maybe?
'Bitch' is merely an equivalent for 'Asshole' and 'Bastard' for me, but it sounds more appealing, and thus used more, because it's a single syllable. The three words, at least for me, never have any actual gender association and, along with 'gay', never intend to disparage any group that identifies with the word. I think 'lame' is just as bad as 'gay' to describe something. It's merely a new word that doesn't represent the actual group of people who constitute that group. I don't mind it's usage, and I am a common offender of using these words that others might find offensive. There's never any malice for any group that associates themselves with the word. If groups want people to shift their usage patterns, there needs to be a new word to take its place. The thoughts and feelings behind the words will be expressed whether you like it or not. Disassociating the curse from the word will help distinguish people who simply exhibit 'typical cursing' from the 'sexually charged insult', however.
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