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Crackdown 3 – could it actually be happening? [SPECULATION]

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I’m sure everyone remembers ntkrnl’s posts a while back.

After being verified, some things turned out to be true, including Respawn’s Titanfall LE Xbox One.

However, one particular post mentioned a certain Crackdown 3.

You will get Crackdown 3, unlikely announcement at E3 this year, as it is a 2016 release date.

What? Source? Or are you just coming up with stuff?

I smell an ass tale.

As do I. It doesn't smell very good either, coming from the ass and all.

Lol.... its kinda hard to impart any sense of legitimacy when you're the source and... I did just sign up yesterday.

I can tell you that there is a deal with Microsoft and Cloudgine for the project (codenamed Nimbus) that was struck back last year.

There is a bunch of other stuff I can maybe say that would make me look like I'm telling the truth too, but its pretty awkward just strolling into a thread and blowing my load, you know?

So, considering the legitimacy of some of these other ‘leaks’, I did some digging into Cloudgine. As most know, it’s headed up by David Jones, co-creator of Crackdown. The studio itself describes itself as...

"Delivering rendering and processing power from the cloud, allowing game developers to define new ground-breaking online gaming mechanics"

What some people might not be aware of is that the rest of the studio appears to be mostly staffed up by engineers and producers from Realtime Worlds, creators of the original Crackdown.





Now, the apparent lack of any designers/artists, along with the self-described company biography, may lead some to believe that Cloudgine is more of a technology company than a game developer. But there are some telling signs that there may be more to this than meets the eye...

Now for privacy reasons, I'm not going to link to anyone in particular (you can look for yourself if you want) – but a bunch of Cloudgine employees seem to follow (and be followed by) the same groups of people on Twitter, most notably, key employees in publishing and production roles from Microsoft Studios and engine and licensing staffers from Epic Games, creators of Unreal Engine 4 – oh, and also a certain studio you may have heard of: Ruffian Games, creators of Crackdown 2.

Considering ntkrnl's claims seem to be turning true, as of late, his note that Cloudgine and Microsoft recently reached a deal looks, at first glance, to corroborate with the above. If we assume that Cloudgine is mostly technology focused, working closely with Microsoft Studios and Unreal Engine 4, then we could assume another studio is handling the creative side. An obvious choice here would be Ruffian Games – members of the original Crackdown team are still there.

In the past, Ruffian's denied they're working on Crackdown 3. However, ntkrnl's claims suggesting a deal was struck 'last year' wouldn't necessarily contradict Ruffian's earlier denial in 2013.

So to recap, Microsoft allegedly struck a deal with David Jones' technology company last year, made up of ex-Realtime Worlds employees. This company appears to have ties with Microsoft, Epic, and Ruffian Games.

So where does that leave Ruffian? If they're handling creative and Cloudgine are handling technology on, we'd have to at least assume they're working with Unreal Engine 4, right?

Turns out they are. And on a "next-generation action-adventure game", no less – the very category Crackdown won a BAFTA for in 2007.

There's a lot of pieces to the puzzle here. But could they all be adding up?

Phil Spencer said:
“When I think about the technology we’re putting into Xbox One specifically around some of the cloud functionality, there’s a real opportunity to take an open world game like Crackdown that allowed you to play with your friends, and roam to all corners of the city and still feel like you’re playing together. There was a nice UK sensibility to the way the game was developed. I think that’s important to the franchise as well.”

What do we think, agents? Is there something to all this nonsense or are we just chasing orbs?

Guess we'll find out soon enough.



It's totally happening. I've been keeping a close eye on Cloudgine too and they're definitely working on something like that.

Eurogamer said:
Currently, in addition to Game of Glens, Ruffian has two projects on the go, neither of which have been announced. We don't have too long before we hear about one, however - and Cope reckons it'll be right up Crackdown fans' street.
Jim Cope said:
If it were known what we're doing it would create a massive nerdgasm. It's that important. There have been rumours and leaks which have got out recently, which may point people in the right direction. The important thing for us is it's a really good, exciting project.
Source | Thanks, killerviel

I can tell you that there is a deal with Microsoft and Cloudgine for the project (codenamed Nimbus) that was struck back last year.


Cloud...? Halo...?!


So thuway literally just tweeted this:


That's now two independent sources verifying that Crackdown 3 is in development at Cloudgine.


Really hope this happens, lets not waste any rescources remaking the original though, it was pretty much perfect as it was.
Wasn't there a Crackdown symbol in the early Xboxone dashboard?


Anyway, a good Crqackdown might make me want a XboxOne more.
Crackdown 1 was amazing, even with its flaws.
Crackdown is happening. There is no question about that.

The thing is its already been surpassed. Saints row 4 was better at being crackdown than crackdown was. Unless Crackdown 3 is a quantum leap in power sets, its just going to be the same thing with better graphics and better social connectivity.

Not really excited for it to be honest.
Good work OP, I definitely think it's happening. Sounds like it would be an always online title too, considering Cloudgine's MO and that David Jones went and developed APB at Realtime Worlds.


Good work OP, I definitely think it's happening. Sounds like it would be an always online title too, considering Cloudgine's MO and that David Jones went and developed APB at Realtime Worlds.

Phil's comments suggest the same to me as well. Especially, as you say, with Cloudgine's description. A cloud powered Crackdown? Sign me up.
There's no doubt that Crackdown 3 is happening, the only question is when and who's developing. Nice detective work there, although I'm not yet convinced that Ruffian are involved.


I don't think MS could possibly drop more hints if they tried.

The weakest** of the three psuedo-super powered franchises of last-gen, I hope they massively ramp up the diversity of missions, focus on world design and make the game far less repetitive in general.

**I was lttp and never played co-op.
It damn well better be happening.

On a more level headed note, if it is happening, they need to make sure it has a proper dev cycle with adequate funding. My gut tells me that will be the case here, but then I thought the same after CD1 and we all know how rushed CD2...


I loved the first one, and thought the second one sucked ass. So that's a 50/50 track record in my eyes. So I'll remain hopeful, but skeptical. I'm hoping if it exists, that it is awesome, because it potentially could move me to get an Xbox One.
I spent virtually no time in vehicles in Crackdown.

You missed out. There was nothing more amazing than driving up a wall in the SUV or driving around in the agency car that's essentially a Batmobile.

Yup, pretty much the only reason I bothered to get in vehicles, was to upgrade the driving stat to see the transformations.

I found them to be pretty great outside that too, but yeah, the transformations was the best reason to use agency vehicles. Still bitter about the decision to remove them in 2.


Honestly, I'd rather more cool powers. Never really been all that interested in destructibility in games. Good example of this is Rising. You can cut nearly everything. So what?

I'm expecting a hugely expanded power set. Hopefully we can have both.

Have you played Red Faction Guerrilla? The destruction physics in that game are completely different from the scripted crap you see in most games. It's completely dynamic and totally opens up the gameplay.

For example, you can solve a hostage situation the usual way, or you can drive a car right into the living room, pick them up, and drive off under a hail of gunfire.

Or need to get across a gorge? Take a hammer to the base of that nearby silo, yell "TIMBEEEEER!", and use the hollow interior as a makeshift bridge.

Need a good sniping position? Simply melee a couple bricks out of a wall and use it as a foxhole.

Just the feeling of being inside a building as it organically starts to give way because of a few misplaced rockets or C4 charges is amazing.

Even though the rest of the game isn't that amazing, I totally recommend checking it out just for the Geomod tech.


Nothing! I said nothing!
You missed out. There was nothing more amazing than driving up a wall in the SUV or driving around in the agency car that's essentially a Batmobile.

Might be time for another playthrough though I had planned on retiring my 360.

Love that feeling at start of CD when you are powerless and there are orbs everywhere.


I believe they are working on it and if nothing happens (e.g. development hell) it will get released.
As much as I dislike Phil Spencer, I think he is somewhat genuine or at least has a pretty good idea which strings he has to play to reach the core audience. As you have mentioned, he teased it several times. I also think the ntkrnl leaks were sanctioned to generate some positive buzz.

Didn't like the series but I only played the sequel, which apparently is worse. Interested to see how they will differentiate Crackdown and Sunset Overdrive though, both games sound kind of similar and the cloud stuff could also happen with the unknown MP or sequel of SO.


It's totally happening. I've been keeping a close eye on Cloudgine too and they're definitely working on something like that. Crackdown 3 would be so sweet if they're given ample time and resources to work on it with; unlike what happened with the last game.


It's totally happening. I've been keeping a close eye on Cloudgine too and they're definitely working on something like that. Crackdown 3 would be so sweet if they're given ample time and resources to work on it with; unlike what happened with the last game.

Consider yourself OP'd.


This could be the best news of E3 for me.

When they played the orb 'ting' sound at E3 2009, I properly freaked out. Phil, if you're reading this, you HAVE to do it that way. Or have a Renegade Orb fly around the auditorium.


Rockefellers. Skull and Bones. Microsoft. Al Qaeda. A Cabal of Bankers. The melting point of steel. What do these things have in common? Wake up sheeple, the landfill wasn't even REAL!
I think It's a given


Neo Member
So I just want to point you to an interview made with James Cope, the producer of the upcoming game that Ruffian games is making


One of the things Jim says: ''Here's what Cope will say about what Ruffian has up its sleeve. First up: secret project number one: "If it were known what we're doing it would create a massive nerdgasm," he says. "It's that important. There have been rumours and leaks which have got out recently, which may point people in the right direction. The important thing for us is it's a really good, exciting project."

And: "Maybe later this year we'll have something that appeals more to those people," he smirks.

This game will be announced this year, most likely at E3. Which says that Crackdown 3 could be announced this year at this very E3 ;)

Edit: also the Cloudingene guys are ex-realtime worlds employees, but so are the Ruffians. That could be why they follow each other, they're just friends.

''and Cope reckons it'll be right up Crackdown fans' street.''

The second project is also a third person game, I don't know anything about it, I'm not sure which game they're talking about, I would assume the UE3 game is project one. It has been in development since 2011 or 2012.
The second project is made with CryEngine 3. Few things are known about it except that someone I know has gotten to see a trailer.

Edit: also the Cloudingene guys are ex-realtime worlds employees, but so are the Ruffians. That could be why they follow each other, they're just friends.
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