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LTTP : BATMAN arkham origins, the best batman ever ?


so , i just finished this game recently
i bought it 2 month ago when t was on sale with the season pass for 12$
i have some fun with it
if we toss the glitches aside , this maybe the best batman ever released

i mean,,,the boss fights are brilliant
every boss need some tactics to beat it
i really loved
, killed me dozen times
i was surprised at
Copperhead ,i thought it was a male just like the cartoon , glad they make it as female , i didn't take him seriously when he was male and wearing that cosplay

and the story was really good , now i get the relationship between batman and
the joker

also , the detective mission in the game was a good add on m but , some clues was really silly and don't know how it came
for example , a man shot some one , the bullet killed that man , now because of the killer was standing in that area , you know his name , and where he go

the DLC is very good too , better the harley's revenge , and the boss was not that easy

so, what i hate it about this game ?

the glitches , because of a stupid glitch , i can't continue the game
i finished the game
i only need to finish the Bird mission
and i stuck at that first one

how to fix it ? you need to start the game from the very beginning

to make a finishing move ( after you do a 5 hit combo ) a message appear to press A and B on the xbox controller to perform that action , but what A+B actually do ?
you jump over a person
to perform a finishing move you must press Y+B
what really confusing , in the DLC , they fix that message
not it say press Y+B
but how to make that move ?
you press X+Y to make that move

why they changing it ?

the riddler challenge was easier this time , only 200 items you must pick
really , 200 items ?
it was hard for me to pick 100 feather in Assassins creed 2
and thanks to the Bird glitch , some cannot be obtained

and what happen if you got all the items ?

nothing , i have the season pass , so they gave me the 52 skin for free
i hope they don't include him in the next batman game

also , i understand this is origin of batman , but he have jet plane but no car ?

so, he made the jetplane before the car ?

and for the last picture , this will hunt me for ever in my dreams


Yes. It's the second best Batman game.

Love the suit. Love the music. Love the voice acting. Love the city.

Thank you Troy for a great Joker.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
It's a great game and Troy Baker is fantastic as The Joker.

I wouldn't call it "best batman ever" but if you played Asylum and City you should not skip Origins.


I liked the game a lot.

The buildup to the unveil of
was very well done, Hotel section was phenomenal, and I liked how they showcased Bane and origin of its hatred against the Batman.
He was awesome as mercenry. I got little sad when that venom poisoned him and made him mad forever.


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Fun game though. Possibly the best story out of the three. Definitely doesn't deserve half the shit it got.
I thought Batman: Arkham Oranges was pretty great. I agree that the boss fights were a lot of fun and possibly some of the better ones in the franchise but the overall combat was lacking.

They would throw too many enemies at you and some of the moves were interruptible where as they weren't previously.

The side-content was definitely the weakest of the bunch as well. I hated the Mad Hatter quest, it was just attempting to fill the scarecrow void but it fell flat to me.

Definitely a great game but by far the weakest of the trilogy in my opinion.

One last thing, even though I loved Troy Baker,
Having the joker as the main villain for a third time? Really?


I really enjoyed it. Never ran into any glitches on PS3 but it was a little framey in some spots. I thought the less disciplined Batman was a nice change of pace from the first two games and the boss fights were excellent. I don't get all the hate.


Yeah, I liked it WAYYYYYYYYYYYY better than arkham city for some reason. I liked the story more, I liked collecting things more, it was great (for me) despite all the negative backlash. Arkham asylum is still the greatest 3D (not 2D/2.5D) metroidvania ever made.
I eventually need to get around to playing this one. While I loved City, I preferred Asylum. The open world was fun but I wanted a Batman game, not a GTA game.
Gameplay was fun but I thought the story was a fucking mess. Doesn't live up to the hype that is City and Asylum but a good game nonetheless

I eventually need to get around to playing this one. While I loved City, I preferred Asylum. The open world was fun but I wanted a Batman game, not a GTA game.

I hope you know that Origins is exactly like City but with a larger map.
I adored Asylum, but City lost me after about twenty hours, it was just too GTA for my tastes. I enjoyed the tighter experience much more. Probably wouldn't even play this one because of City.


I eventually need to get around to playing this one. While I loved City, I preferred Asylum. The open world was fun but I wanted a Batman game, not a GTA game.

I agree. I liked the Metroid-like design of Asylum more than the open world of the other two. Unfortunately it looks like Arkha. Knight is going open again. What's going to be their excuse for no civilians on the street this time?
It's okay but imo it didn't improve enough on Arkham City to be worth full price. It felt very shoddily slapped together, and the fact that there are some bugs that stop you from completing all the side quests (even major ones, like the Black Mask side quests) left a very bad taste in my mouth.

Also, they had a build-up to the Joker reveal which was so stupid because all of the marketing already TOLD us that he was going to be in the game. Mess.
I agree. I liked the Metroid-like design of Asylum more than the open world of the other two. Unfortunately it looks like Arkha. Knight is going open again. What's going to be their excuse for no civilians on the street this time?
All of the civilians have evacuated Gotham because the Scarecrow is taking control of the city.


I don't want to be an ass, but could you please stop using unnecessary spaces before a comma, period, question or exclamation mark?

I only played the Rocksteady ones and found the first to be the best.


I think I agree with what OP is saying (I think).

Best story.
Best combat.
Best boss fights.
Best Batman Game.
Worst glitches.

I too, am very sick of the Riddler at this point.


Batman Arkham Origins is a good imitation of Rocksteady's Batman games but features none of the genius behind those games. What we have is a game that doesn't do enough to stand out on it's own and therefore feels like a lesser version of what you've already played.
I enjoyed it, but the formula is wearing thin for me a little at this point. Hoping Arkham Knight shakes it up outside of introducing the Batmobile.


Definitely the most underrated of the Batman games, and better than City imo. The glitches are indeed annoying, and Asylum's still my favorite, but it felt more a lot more cohesive/focused than City did.

I still need to go back and finish Cold Cold Heart at some point - unfortunately my backlog just keeps piling up.
I think where Origins really shows its seams is in the Riddler trophy puzzles. City had some very well thought out ones that require some thought, while Origins had rehashes and some pretty dimwitted "puzzles".

Aside from that, the launch bugs, and Deathstroke as a playable character being a rehash of Robin (and them having taken out Nightwing altogether, bolded for rage) is what makes City slightly superior. I thought everything else was definitely on the level, even some of the combat additions that weren't fleshed out weren't so bad; the martial artists added an offbeat rhythm to the whole thing. Also, I enjoyed the story a bit more in Origins, plus the boss fights were way better (Deathstroke and the last Bane fight being standouts).

I'll probably compromise my credibility by adding this, but I thought the multiplayer was also a fantastic idea even though it was poorly executed. My hype was pretty high when they announced it and I'll admit to having some fun in it despite its problems. I wish they had gotten a better team to work on it, but at least they tried to add something new for a B-team iteration. It ended up being another bullet in the chamber against tacked on multiplayers.

Best story, best combat, best villains and fights. It was what I wanted from both Asylum and City.

It had numerous issues though, the various bugs were annoying, the game world was far too similar to City (even with the additional extras) and I didn't much care for the fact that they introduced new gadgets that weren't in either Asylum or City...
Great story, but gameplay is too recycled and too close to Arkham City...

For the timeline, Gotham should be a LOT more interesting/vibrant/full of people and other things. Also, the game's setting is VERY uneven... trying to play off cars and buildings like they are from the 50's while batman has a super aerodynamic jet and a super crime computer... it's very immersion breaking for me.

It's not a bad game, it just suffers from being too much like the previous game coupled with lazy implementation of the theme. The story itself is great and the voice actors do a GREAT job of mimicing Conroy and Hamil... but I just got burnt out way too quickly.


Has nothing on City. The story was just bad, villains were presented in a lame fashion, world felt not alive and more. City was almost a perfect game. While AO is not a bad game, it's not even close to be as good. The setting is very cool (8 assassins are on you), the execution was just sloppy.


Neo Member
Personally I think City is the best Arkham game, but I was surprised at how good Origin was. I played it after it was out for a while, and I think some of the reviews were harsh.

One area I thought Origin was weak in is the size of the city. It felt too big. Instead of wanting to glide everywhere, I found myself using the fast travel a lot, and doing so you can miss some side activities. It felt like the content was scarcer in Origin than in City, at least when it came to side activities.


I think I agree with what OP is saying (I think).

Best story.
Best combat.
Best boss fights.
Best Batman Game.
Worst glitches.

I too, am very sick of the Riddler at this point.

this is what i think about this game
without the glitches , it could be the best batman game
Not the best, but a fantastic game none the less. Really, really good story and voiceacting, , great open world gameplay. Only detractor for me is the combat rhythm is justt a little off where the ai sometimes decides to step in and when it doesn't. Doesn't quite hit the City heights, but brilliant game.


All of the civilians have evacuated Gotham because the Scarecrow is taking control of the city.

Cool, so no one is in danger. We'll just wait the villians out then move everyone back in.

A tighter setting like Asylum would be better. I don't see the need for these games to be open world unless they really justify the batmobile.
I'd say it's my second favourite. It does a lot of things very very right like the enemies and their designs but City is still the best one to me.


Junior Member
I loved it just for story and how Joker was done right this time. Brutal, messy, crazy. All the villains were awesome.

How badass was Bane launching an RPG toward Batman and Joker? That was awesome.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Its a good game like the other Arkham-games, but cant compete with the one Sunsoft made for the Nes imo

On Demand

AC is still the best imo. Origins lacked the complete polish of AC. The world felt unfinished. The city didn't have any character like AC. The music was better too. The graphics weren't as good either.

Overall it's a good game, but AC has that special touch that makes it amazing.

I was checking out AC the other day and I was ready to play the entire game over again. The game is just brilliant.

Oni Jazar

Origins is extremely underrated sadly.

The other sad thing is how buggy it is. If you can get past the bugs it's an awesome game and every Arkham fan should play.
I think I can sum up my point a bit better upon some more thought.

Arkham Origins just feels like a game shoehorned into another game's skin and the results are awkward.

Origins isn't a bad game by any stretch, but all of the gameplay/fighting/gadgets feel like refinements when thematically it shouldn't. Instead of coming up with NEW things for Batman to use, he reuses all the things from City... except they are better, and thus City's gadgets make little sense. This again plays into the setting itself which tries to play the "oh this happened years before!" card while also having batman have his most advanced looking jet and computer systems yet.


Definitely not. The city map is dreadful. It felt like exactly what it was, a stop-gap title that didn't bring anything new to the franchise.


Bland city, and less stealth elements disagree with you. A good game, but asylum takes the cake.


I Loved AC, but AO just couldn't hold me. I am definitely going to go back to it in the future and give it another shot, but I was surprised how little interest I had in it.

I'll also say that going from Armored Edition to Origins, the lack of gamepad gimmicks was really jarring. It just wasn't as much fun controlling Origins.


I thought Origins wasn't as compelling as either of the previous games, where often i'd get to the next mission as fast as I could because I was so invested in the story and wanted to continue it. In origins I felt the story was lacking some urgency at points.
I agree the bosses were pretty good, but they weren't outstanding. I feel they still rely on QTE's too much, like in the Deathstroke fight, It worked out best if you just waited for him to attack, etc.
It was definitely easier than the others, the shock gloves just ensured you won every fight effortlessly after the first 20 seconds.
I liked the idea behind the detective sections but the were too simplistic to be really enjoyable.
So definitely not my favourite Batman, but it is a fun game.

Also the A+B combo move is the one where you take out any enemies on the ground right? There takedown move isnt the only combo you can perform.
I honestly loved this game more than I liked Arkham City and Asylum. I loved the villains and I loved how they gave villains a chance that would have most likely have not been put in the previous batman games(Firefly,Shiva,etc).In all this was my favorite Batman experience and I'm sure Batman Arkham Knight will be even better.
Glitches, locking abilities behind sidequest and a somewhat more poorly designed over-world (there seem like a lot more places where you get interrupted while trying to traverse the city compared to AC) prevent it from being unambiguously the best in the series. I do really love AO however, and I'm currently replaying it. The plot and characterizations are far superior to what we saw in any other Batman game, Arkham series or otherwise.
I came in expecting a city-like experience with a few new things but overall very similar and left pleased. Its about setting your expectations correctly. The goal was never to break new grounds. I enjoyed the story and detective cases way more.

My only gripe is
the initial trailers put a huge emphasis on assassins and deathstroke. The experience shifted entirely to joker with some bane (but the bane parts were actually really good and closer to the comic book). I would have preferred they cut out the joker and gave the assassins more time. Each assassin fight should have had batman demonstrating his skills, Batman should not have gone toe to toe with deathstroke (atleast not for all the fight, maybe he could have blinded him via stealth and then attacked him head on with the electrocution gloves) . It should have focused on stealth elements or "prep time". Shiva should have been the big martial arts fight, not some side mission with a bunch of jobbers. None of the other assassin's should have been in the side missions. I wanted to feel like this was batman's second year, and to demonstrate his values rather than being a martial artist that never loses. He seemed fearless against the assassins, never really felt like he was ever in any danger.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
The big hotel level in the middle is the single best section of game in the entire series imo. As a whole though I like the other 2 more.


I'd rate them City > Asylum > Origins. Though I find it hard to say if Origin is genuinely worse than the others or if it's just fatigue kicking in. It definitely felt less inspired than the first two efforts.


Bought this cheap on the WiiU and it was unplayable due to screen tearing and framerate drops, both of which I'm not normally that sensitive to. Need to pick up on 360 as the world and premise seem fun and I loved the first two games.
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