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Reflecting back, which was worse: PSN Network Outage or Xbox One Reveal?

Which was worse?

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I couldn't find anything horribly anti-consumer Nintendo has done; lack of shop account pales in comparison to these two:

On one hand, personal information from users was potentially stolen from one of the largest data breaches in history and the entire platform network was down for almost a month. Sony both neglected the exploit that allowed the breach in the first place and failed the warn users in a timely manner (they delayed it one week).

On the other hand, a corporation was trying to reduce consumer rights for users that buy into their platform. This included a mandatory internet connection and significantly reduced rights to product a consumer buys (this included losing the ability to resell or lend disc-based games).

I feel that Sony made up for the breach rather elegantly, whereas Microsoft is still scrambling to reverse the effects that the Xbox One reveal had on the Xbox brand. I've never actually seen so much outcry from the PUBLIC (not just gaming consumers); it was trending on Twitter for weeks and even non-gamers were commenting on it. It utterly destroyed the growth that the Xbox brand experienced during the 7th generation.




works for Gamestop (lol)

Though in a weird way, I'm kinda glad a breach occurred cause my password management was poor at the time. I stepped up my security since then
The Xbox One reveal. It severely set back Microsoft's reputation and mindshare.

I'd argue that a lot of people don't even remember the PSN outage anymore, most have forgiven Sony, and it did not in any way affect the sales of the PS3 and PS4.


Since only one actually had any impact on my life ps3 outage. I wanted to play MK9 and Arcana Heart 3 dammit ;_; Since the chance of me owning an Xbox One was low anyway I can't say aside from how silly (funny) it all was it impacted me enough to care.
Oh man, what a great question.

I think the XBO reveal because it had the potential to negatively affect gamers for the entire gen. PSN outage, though really terrible, only lasted a short while. And Sony handled it fairly well once they finally told us what the hell was going on.


The Xbox One Reveal.
A security flaw is a big deal but it can happen. MS knew what they were doing when they announced the one.


As a consumer, I think the breach was worse. The market would've corrected Microsoft's DRM policies by shunning the platform. That's not the same story for the corporations, though. Microsoft is still suffering from their Xbox One plans, where as Sony has put that hack behind them.


One actually happened and the other was a vision that was heavily criticized and never officially realized. So with that in mind, I'd go with the PSN breach/outage.
X1 with no doubt.

Specially when you're comparing the behaviour of a company, with an accident, which the brand had no control over (yes the security may have been weak, but its still an accident)
May sound crazy but I think the Network Outage. The Xbox One reveal is really close though.

PSN outage actually effected people who already had a the console where the Xbox One reveal was just going to keep people away from it.

Both companies have lost trust in people regardless.

That said if something like that happens again with Sony I can feel it being very damning.


the outage. the xbone stuff didn't affect my experience at all, if anything it was great fun to mock knowing that i could just choose not to buy one.
The one where I had to get a new credit card and as a result missed the onsale for Phish's 2013 Denver run because I was waiting for my new credit card in the mail, not to mention the inconvenience of having to switch over all my pre-authorized payments to the new card....plus the potential for identity theft, which still lingers to this day.

Microsoft's XBOX reveal had absolutely zero impact on my life.
My friends had their credit cards hacked so the breach. This is why I only use psn cards to buy stuff from the store, don't trust having my credit card details online after what happened.
The outage lasted 21 days. Microsoft is still trying to wash out the stink caused by the Xbox One reveal event. I'll go with the latter.


Not really even a question. The XB1 reveal will haunt MS for the entire generation and has a seriously negative effect on PR and long term sales, long term being the key word there.

PSN outage was a short-term PR nightmare for Sony, they've obviously moved passed it well enough now.
Not even up for debate, XB1 reveal.

Sony got hacked. Yes, they should have had better security but it was still an "accident".

XB1 reveal was on purpose and MS did it fully knowing how shitty it was.


the reveal of the outage

Yeah, the outage was soooo terribly managed. Plus it happened RIGHT after a few online only capcpom games were released that rendered them instantly unplayable.

Even considering that...it's a hard choice and I think I need to time to reflect.


Before people get all over dramatic, PSN was down around roughly 22 days. Not 3 months, 5 months, or a whole month.
However Xbox imo, they basically sold PS4's for Sony. Plus the outage came with free games, and more to come.
The Xbox One Reveal.
A security flaw is a big deal but it can happen. MS knew what they were doing when they announced the one.

Sony deliberately waited a full week before telling users what happened. They also apparently knew of the exploit beforehand, but did nothing to secure it.


bish gets all the credit :)
One shot themselves in the foot, one shot themselves in the head.

One was entirely self inflicted, one was due to negligence (which seems to happen all too often these days).
Xbox One. The PSN outage didn't make me want to never look at my PS2 again. I now have negative feelings tied to my Xbox 360 from the way the company treated the consumer over the Xbox One reveal. I only have a few games left to play on the 360, then I'm going to pack it away.
The outage was worse because Sony were too slow to tell people what happened, too slow to resolve it and they failed to keep consumers updated. On the plus side, it exposed the lack of security that was in place and probably spurred a lot of others to check their security. Sony were very quick to recover and it's probably one aspect of why Sony are the way they are now.

Xbones reveal was a disaster and damaged the brand, but you didn't have to buy it. They're still trying to recover though.
Xbox one reveal is at an entirely different level! So many people ditched MS due to that! We see that now in the sales numbers.


I'm more of a PlayStation guy rather than Xbox but there's no comparison here IMO. The PSN outage was way worse than the Xbox One reveal. There was a huge security breach and a large amount of time where Sony struggled to get it back on track...


there was one thing which harmed millions of customers, and the other one was a stupidly down reveal which was completely changed until its release.

what kind of a question is this? you cant even compare these two problems.

how about comparing computers with apples?


From a PR and sales perspective? Xbox one reveal.

From an actual harm done perspective? PSN Network Outage.


The outage was definitely worse. I would say though, that even though it was unfortunate that the outage happened to begin with, I think Sony more than made up for it when what they offered to people. It wasn't just free games. It was also free identify theft protection for a year or two.

Sony really stepped up with that response.
Yeah, the outage was soooo terribly managed. Plus it happened RIGHT after a few online only capcpom games were released that rendered them instantly unplayable.

If I remember correctly, a new SOCOM released right before this, and was essentially buried as a franchise because of the breach.


Sony got screwed. Xbone tried to screw us. I consider the Fifa hacks to be the worst, but that one was mostly ignored all around.

From a business pov, the PS4/Xbone sales should answer well enough.


It is easy to say that the Xbox 1 reveal has been the worst because Sony has rebounded very well from the outage, (minus the SOCOM franchise)
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