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Is Kara the next Quantic Dream game ?

Following a few posts I made in another QD thread I did a bit of research and it became apparent that Quantic Dream's next game on ps4 could very well be based upon Kara, the tech demo they revealed two years ago.

Here's why:
- Gameblog.fr says it. Well their "sources" say it. Please note that I read this website was unreliable as well as reliable. I don't read it so I'm not sure about that. I translated some excerpts for you:
Gameblog said:
It would be a first for David Cage's Parisian studio but they might be making a full game, still codenamed, from one of their tech demos
Gameblog said:
The game's final name could be Singularity [...] which Quantic Dream registered as domain name in November 2013 [OP here: I will get back to this particular name/domain later]
Gameblog said:
QD's game is supposedly currently being tested with Sony's Project Morpheus. However, Morpheus would not be necessary to play the game"
Gameblog said:
The game's format could be episodic

So this is what the sources of this website claim. We have no tangible proof though.

More about the domain registration and the name Singularity. You can see the registration here: http://www.estibot.com/whois.php?a=whois&data=singularityps4.com
As Kotaku pointed out in this article:
Kotaku said:
David Cage acknowledged futurist Ray Kurzweil's recent book The Singularity is Near as a chief influence on Quantic Dream's "Kara" tech demo, and Kurzweil's exploration of the synthesis of man and artificial machine is very much up the wheelhouse of what Cage likes to focus on in his games
Kara was influenced by a book whose name (part of) appears in a domain QD has registered. It doesnt prove the game will be about Kara though. The last line I bolded is interesting nevertheless. Why ? Because in this interview from March 2014 (video at the bottom of the page, in French) Cage says this:
David Cage said:
Right now, in Japan,we start seeing android, machines, in which some of the characteristics, like the ability to move around, are very human like. Their role will get bigger and bigger, notably in terms of assisting people, welcoming them etc... This revolution will be as big as the internet was in our lives and I think, in 10 or 15 years' time, we will see those, machines, robots, androids, whatever you call them, take a very big place and will change our daily ilfe in different areas. Of course this technological revolution will be problematic as well as raise questions but I think this technological revolution is inevitable.

Cage seems very interested in robots taking a larger place in our lives and I found it funny that those machines, as he said in this recent interview, would be there, among other things,to assist and help us because it's exactly Kara's purpose as described in the tech demo:
Kara tech demo said:
Hello, I'm a third generation AX400 android. I can look after your house, do the cooking, mind the kids. I organize your appointments.I speak 300 languages and I am entirely at your disposal as a sexual partner.

So we have a registered domain (singularityps4.com) by QD, for a name that echoes the book that inspired the tech demo. Also Cage mentionned in that interview what he thinks robots' purpose would be in our lives. As it turns out, it's the exact same purpose Kara is made for. That tech demo got them an award btw, maybe they don't want to stop there with it and will go on developping it ? (Note that the demo was already a year old when they revealed it)

There is something odd though: there is a already game already called Singularity but it's possible QD will find an arrangement with Activision, who published it. Or, as Kotaku put it, they could add a subtitle to the main name or something like this.

I don't know, I thought Quantic Dream definitely gave up on making this a full game but I'm not so sure anymore. Maybe it won't be about Kara but about some robot which start feeling emotions. Well, just like Kara but not Kara.

So, what do you think ?

I would be very interested even though the game would probably suck no matter what. (I don't like QD and I think i hate David Cage). I made this thread because no one seemed to do it. Also I was in the other QD thread only because I was checking it out for a friend :p
Let's get back on topic now and please let me know what you think.
I really do hope so. It's a very interesting concept.
Perma death should make a comeback. I don't remember many games being as tense as Heavy Rain was when one of your characters was in danger.


There is also the trademark for Infraworld, which I cold also see being a game set in the future, and around the same basis as Kara. Either, I'm very excited for what QD will do next.

Great write up, as well. Going to re-read it when I'm out of work and not rushing through it.


There is also the trademark for Infraworld, which I cold also see being a game set in the future, and around the same basis as Kara. Either, I'm very excited for what QD will do next.

Great write up, as well. Going to re-read it when I'm out of work and not rushing through it.

Infraworld would probably be a sequel to Beyond, considering that the Infraworld is the ghost world in Beyond and also (Beyond spoilers)
the game ends on a massive cliffhanger where Ellen Page's character has a vision of the future implying that creatures from the Infraworld leaked into our world and caused an apocalypse.

I'd much rather Cage try something new than a sequel, though. I really did not care for a lot of Beyond looking back at it and I think he's capable of something better.


The feedback they got back from the tech demo was great. It would be a shame if they simply just ignored it.

Dat ass in 1080p glory will be a sight to behold.


They'd be looking at a true system seller here.
I'd also really like to see them make a game of that.

Up till now QD has done too many present day games.

I'd love to see a futuristic Blade Runner-esque setting.


Infraworld would probably be a sequel to Beyond, considering that the Infraworld is the ghost world in Beyond and also (Beyond spoilers)
the game ends on a massive cliffhanger where Ellen Page's character has a vision of the future implying that creatures from the Infraworld leaked into our world and caused an apocalypse.

I'd much rather Cage try something new than a sequel, though. I really did not care for a lot of Beyond looking back at it and I think he's capable of something better.

Ahh, thanks for the info. I haven't played Beyond yet(despite buying it many months ago), so I assume that's what the original name of Beyond was, Infraworld.
wasn't there a mediocre FPS game that came out a few years ago called Singularity?

I'd imagine Cage probably wouldn't want his next big budget, deeply philosophical extravaganza with the inevitable Hollywood actors to be confused with that.
The feedback they got back from the tech demo was great. It would be a shame if they simply just ignored it.

Dat ass in 1080p glory will be a sight to behold..

you're in the wrong thread !

I think the positive feedback they got from the tech demo might have made them think twice about it too

wasn't there a mediocre FPS game that came out a few years ago called Singularity?
I mentioned that in the OP: "There is something odd though: there is a already game already called Singularity but it's possible QD will find an arrangement with Activision, who published it. Or, as Kotaku put it, they could add a subtitle to the main name or something like this."
I mentioned that in the OP: "There is something odd though: there is a already game already called Singularity but it's possible QD will find an arrangement with Activision, who published it. Or, as Kotaku put it, they could add a subtitle to the main name or something like this."

Missed that part of the OP. I apologize. :)

I agree; they paid for a domain name, so QD will probably do another subtitle or multi-title name (i.e. BEYOND: Two Souls)


I can't wait to see how their engine will evolve.

Heavy Rain looked better than Audition. Beyond looked better than Kara. Now we wait to see how better will Singularity look than Dark Sorcerer. :D

For those of you that missed this video he's saying, "Kara with these graphics holy SHIT!"


Kara and Dark Sorcerer both amazed. Really looking forward to their next project, whatever it may be.
I am interested in whatever they do next. I liked Heavy Rain more than Beyond but both are a nice change of pace from action games. I preferred playing the down time in both.
I don't see a proof in all that text.

Infraworld would probably be a sequel to Beyond, considering that the Infraworld is the ghost world in Beyond and also (Beyond spoilers)
the game ends on a massive cliffhanger where Ellen Page's character has a vision of the future implying that creatures from the Infraworld leaked into our world and caused an apocalypse.

I'd much rather Cage try something new than a sequel, though. I really did not care for a lot of Beyond looking back at it and I think he's capable of something better.

It's not a cliffhanger, it's an open ending.
Kara would probably make a fantastic game.
I really do hope so. It's a very interesting concept.
Would be awesome.
Kara would be amazing... anything sci-fi from QD would be amazing.
It would be silly not to at least use her as an influence, imo. She made quite a splash if I recall correctly, and I would love to throw money at a full game featuring her.
Tech demo was awesome, hopefully, they can make a game out of it!

How? Please explain.


I'm up for this. Either way I doubt their next game can be worse than Beyond (which is still an alright game anyway).
I can sense the feels already.


David Cage's best demo is a decades-old sci-fi cliché? I don't see what's so good about Kara. The narration was creepy/exploitative and the plot felt like it was done many times before. Even Beyond: Two Souls is better than that.
David Cage's best demo is a decades-old sci-fi cliché? I don't see what's so good about Kara. The narration was creepy/exploitative and the plot felt like it was done many times before. Even Beyond: Two Souls is better than that.
Presumably a Kara game would involve interacting with robots/androids through conversation (or other means) and the matter of whether they're truly alive would be a part if it. It's a subject that's been explored a lot in othergames media, but not much in games, even less so through actual gameplay. The point-and-click/conversation-based/emotive nature of Cage's games would be a good opportunity for that type of story to be something more than a backdrop for more action-based gameplay, as it usually is.


Kara is a beautiful name. One of my favorite girls name. I'm keeping it in the back of my mind for potential offspring. I also love the norse origin.


Well the whole "OH MY GOD ROBOTS LIKE HUMANS DEM FEELS" shtick seems exactly up Cage's alley as a writer.
Just don't expect it to be treated (1) as part of a coherent storyline or (2) to be any more subtle than what I put between quotes.

After all, Beyond did feature all-time favorites like "WAR IS BAD !! D:".

Yes I'm bitter because even with its shit-ending scenario, Heavy Rain actually did some unique and bold and interesting things, whereas Beyond is pretty much a downgrade in everything but graphics.
I'd rather see the concept fleshed out by a competent writer in a movie or short film tbh, where a story can be told with proper pacing.
(i robot was so bad)


I hope so! Sis and I were very touched by Kara. We wanted more of that and were pretty bummed about it just being a tech demo.
Here let me try. In 2005 Quantic Dream announced Infraworld and Omikron 2: Karma as their next titles. In 2006 after Sony signed Heavy Rain Infraworld was outright cancelled and Omikron 2 put on hold.

When Heavy Rain released in 2010 this could be found in the game as an eastergg:

In 2012 it was rumoured that Infraworld was back in development after Sony filed a trademark for it in 2011. Today it is confirmed that Infraworld is indeed the codename for Beyond. It's not a separate title:

Since we know Quantic Dream signed a multi game deal with Sony, it makes sense to bring old prototypes back to reduce pre-production work. This leaves Omikron 2.

But wait, there is more. In 2010 rumours surfaced that Quantic Dream began casting for a game called Horizon with the following details:

VG247 has learnt that Heavy Rain’s David Cage is now casting for a project called “Horizon,” said to be centred on a twenty-something couple.

We were told the plot involves “a curious man raised very insularly meeting a free woman who is hesitant to exercise her freedom.”

Last bit: it’s just been hinted to us that the whole thing is science fiction.

The call is to take place in LA. Sony’s the publisher, apparently.

It was later denied by Cage himself:

At the start of June, reports leaked that claimed Cage was working on a science fiction thriller called Horizon. He isn't, but he told us he liked the concept.

"I don't know where this information comes from but there is no project called Horizon featuring a couple in a science-fiction world currently in development at Quantic Dream," confirmed Cage. "Though if the script is available it sounds like a good idea."

Now, 4 years later, this recently popped up in LinkedIn:

This is the same agency that handled the casting for Beyond and The Dark Sorcerer. All the details pretty much match up with the old leak.

I came to the conclusion that their next game is Horizon set in a sci-fi world. It's likely it will include themes from Kara and gameplay elements from the cancelled Omikron 2 as well. This is supported by the fact that one of the lead game designers of Omikron 2 recently came back to Quantic Dream. His profile states: "Back to the roots. Currently working on an exciting project for PS4"

Furthermore the original Omikron was supposed to feature co-op multiplayer, which ended up being scrapped. Recently Quantic Dream hired a lead online programmer. Last, but not least, Omikron 2 was supposed to include some advanced AI routines to bring the open game world to life. Right now Quantic Dream is hiring multiple AI programmers.
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