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The "PS3 Has No Games" stigma - Why is it still going strong?

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If he's a 360 owner, there just isn't enough exclusives to warrant a $400 purchase (IMO). Yeah all the games mentioned are probably great, but is it worth dropping $400 for? The only game that's even making me consider buying a PS3 as a 360 owner is MGS4 but that's only 1 must play game for me on the system. When there are at least 3 I will seriously consider buying one (MGS4, FF13, ???).


ScrabbleBanshee said:
I had sent a text message to my girlfriends cousin this morning alerting him to the deal at Dell to get a 40GB PS3 with an extra DS3 and HDMI cable for $399. He owns a 360 but, I know he's a gamer and have been trying to convince him to pick up a PS3 for some of the great stuff on it now and going forward that he won't be able to always get on his 360.

I just got his reply:

"$399 is still too expensive for a system with barely any games."

I can't believe that this boogeyman from the launch times is still around. Do people still honestly believe this?
Typical xbot answer.


ScrabbleBanshee said:
I had sent a text message to my girlfriends cousin this morning alerting him to the deal at Dell to get a 40GB PS3 with an extra DS3 and HDMI cable for $399. He owns a 360 but, I know he's a gamer and have been trying to convince him to pick up a PS3 for some of the great stuff on it now and going forward that he won't be able to always get on his 360.

I just got his reply:

"$399 is still too expensive for a system with barely any games."

I can't believe that this boogeyman from the launch times is still around. Do people still honestly believe this?

did you find out because of me? :) hahah


Give up on him... even if you show him the massive list of ps3 exclusive.. his inner fanboy will jump on the good ol" it looks like a grill" line.
If anything this thread indicates why it can be a good thing to be the first to market in a generation. Saturn and Dreamcast didn't fail because they were first, they had too many other problems that offset the benefits of an early launch.

McLovin said:
Give up on him... even if you show him the massive list of ps3 exclusive.. his inner fanboy will jump on the gold ol it looks like a grill line.

Who is the fanboy? The guy who is fine with one system for now, or the OP who runs around trying to talk people into buying his favorite system?


Seems people are a bit sore at that other thread and are taking out their frustrations here. No compelling games? Really?


Elbrain said:
"Certain" people think that multi platform games are just 360 exclusive.

He already has a 360 so multi platform games wouldn't be considered when purchasing a another system for $400. He can only really look at what the PS3 offers that his Xbox doesn't already offer. If those games don't interest him, then his statement of the PS3 having no games (worth buying another system for) would be valid (from his perspective).


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Ariexv said:
I've played Mario strikers..... and between that and SSBB the online of the Wii doesn't even begin to compare with the Xbox 1's online service much less the 360/Ps3s.... comon Friend codes?

I'm not bashing on the Wii as a whole btw I own 1 and SSBB/Zelda/Mario/metroid are all great games... but you can't even argue that it's online is even near the competitors, and it doesn't look like Nintendo is trying to fix that fact anytime soon....
I got into this argument in the RB Wii thread. go figure :p

online gaming <> online infrastructure. To me online gaming means being able to get in a game with my friends and play. Voice chat, lobbies, invites, etc are all second to just playing a game with m friends. There is no question that the 360 and PS3 have superior infrastructures to Wii. none whatsoever. My point that I am trying to make is that wii is capable of the same 32 player FPS titles, the online fighters, online sports titles with full modes, etc that 360 and PS3 are, regardless of the infrastructure amenities that exist on top of playing the games themselves.


I wonder if he thinks you're creepy.

"Why is my cousin's boyfriend trying to get me to buy a Playstation 3?"


Evander said:
I own a PS3, and I have a LOT more trouble finding games for it than the other systems I own.

17 games not including PSN titles.

You have to stop borrowing games and start buying them Evander!
Spider_Jerusalem said:
If he owns a 360, and buys multiformat games only on it, well yes, his vision could be that PS3 hasn't got enough exclusive games to justify a buy. I own both systems, play all multiplatform games on the 360, and really turn on my PS3 very rarely for gaming, just because I use it only for exclusive games. I had a very nice peak of PS3 gaming under christmas, but after that it's just being unused, until MGS4 comes out, I presume.
Yep. For the past month I haven't used my PS3 for games once, though I do use it for Blu-Ray a lot. If you really want him to buy one then try pushing that.


Crystal Bearer
Dante said:
Seems people are a bit sore at that other thread and are taking out their frustrations here. No compelling games? Really?

PS3 has no games, didn't you get the memo? :lol




beermonkey@tehbias said:
If anything this thread indicates why it can be a good thing to be the first to market in a generation. Saturn and Dreamcast didn't fail because they were first, they had too many other problems that offset the benefits of an early launch.

Who is the fanboy? The guy who is fine with one system for now, or the OP who runs around trying to talk people into buying his favorite system?
The one that refuses to look at another system based on excuses that people made when the system launched more then a year ago.
Firstly. Yes, brainfart. STIGMA. I'll leave the thread title as it is, because ok, it's funny.

Well to put things into perspective. The cost ($399). He spends $300 on a pair of jeans without too much hesitation, and wants to buy a $5000 camera even (he's not a photographer), so I don't think the price of the PS3 is that big of a deterrent because he knows how to spend money just fine. But really, maybe $399 is not worth it for a system with no games, but how about a Blu-Ray player with no games? Still worth it right? :)

There's got to be more at play than just the cost to games ratio. I wonder if he's on GAF? :p


Perhaps if you PS3 fanboy lot encouraged some other games for the system other than the same seven exclusives, this wouldn't be an issue.

Seriously, stop holding on to the thought that the handful of games that you like is going to make the console indispensable to everyone.
Its simple for me. I buy most of the multiplatform games on 360. Why, because it has achivements, I'm stick connected to my friends, and usually the games are slightly better on the system.) Currently the only game I even own on PS3 is Uncharted (its exclusive, and it rocks my socks off). When more exclusive games come for the system though (GOW 3, FFXIII, MGS4, etc) My collection will grow.


Not Wario
I don't think it's so much PS3 doesn't literally have games so much as the PS3 is lacking by relation. (and the Wii even moreso- no idea why the PS3 gets all the flak for this) Of course, the same could be said for the 360 at its equivalent point in its lifetime. Now look at it. I'd expect people to view the PS3 in the same light by the end of this year.

solid2snake said:
june 12th will make this kids suck.

I don't think he said "PS3 Has No Movies." :D



Vinci said:
"The 360 hardware always breaks; its faulty, and every system is going to end up RROD sooner or later so why waste your money on it?"

"The Wii doesn't have any REAL games. Shit like Wii Sports, Wii Fit, and some Nintendo stuff with Mario in it that's totally for kids and not at all worth playing, owning, or glancing at. For casuals only. Also, no 3rd party EVER can sell on the thing."

"The PS3 has no games."

It's not like the PS3 is the lone victim of this bullshit.

Unfortunately the first one is true though.


It's because consumer perception of a product is set within the first several months of release, and afterwards it's extremely hard to shift.


Well it's certainly not as prevalent as it used to be. I think what it stems from is not the fact that it doesn't have games - it's got some good games - but they're all new IP's. None of the big, popular franchises have been released yet. Just think, we're a year and a half into the PS3's life cycle and we still have no God of Wars, Final Fantasies, Gran Turismo's or Metal Gears to speak of yet.

On the up side, those new IP's Sony has been launching will be much more successful when/if they give them sequels. And some of the bigger well known franchises are finally starting to roll out on the system this year. If you're like me and own a PS3, it's probably hard to shake the feeling the console is just getting warmed up. So with that, I can't really fault someone if there's nothing 'exclusive' on the system that is interesting them yet.
Hellsing321 said:
Yep. For the past month I haven't used my PS3 for games once, though I do use it for Blu-Ray a lot. If you really want him to buy one then try pushing that.
And Sony is trying this way of pushing it too. I mean, here (italy) they're selling PS3 at €409 with three bundled blu-rays. They're marketing it as a blu-ray player instead of a gaming console, maybe this will mean something.


Davidion said:
Not enough casual games. Not kidding
This response hasn't gotten enough attention, and it's VERY true. Can't tell you how many times someone has come into the store looking for a new system, and the PS3 just doesn't appeal because of the very limited variety in the games. There's simply nothing that appeals to a lot of the casuals and female market. I can't show them a Vivia Pinata, or a Katamari, or even a DDR.

The PS3 has a number of great games right now, but they're all for the same market, which makes the system a very hard sell, since a lot of that market already has a 360 (and already has access to most of those great games). This will gradually change, but not anytime soon, as there's really nothing for the casual/girl market in the near future.
ScrabbleBanshee said:
I had sent a text message to my girlfriends cousin this morning alerting him to the deal at Dell to get a 40GB PS3 with an extra DS3 and HDMI cable for $399. He owns a 360 but, I know he's a gamer and have been trying to convince him to pick up a PS3 for some of the great stuff on it now and going forward that he won't be able to always get on his 360.

I just got his reply:

"$399 is still too expensive for a system with barely any games."

I can't believe that this boogeyman from the launch times is still around. Do people still honestly believe this?

It gets a new shitty shooter every month as opposed to every week
Some people just aren't interested in the line up right now. People have different tastes in video games. I'm big on shooters, so I like my 360, but honestly if I had no interest in shooters I would say the 360 doesn't have enough games to be a worthwhile purchase. Same goes for the PS3, I'm not really interested in games the available exclusives enough to warrant the purchase. I'm sure I'll pick one up one day, but right now the games aren't there that I'd want.


mabuza said:
yep. if you own a 360 there still isnt much on the ps3 to tempt anyone to get one now. of course it will change by the end of the year, but not now. your cousin was right.

This is what I call the "defensive" reply. People either only want to support MS/360 or they simply cannot afford it, so they convince themselves of something, usually based on FUD.

I own both systems and cannot see myself not owning a PS3. I watch all my DVD/BD with it, play all the exclusives, and have even been buying many of the better multi-platform games on the PS3 (I find the noise level far more acceptable and it simply helps my 360 live longer). I got my $600 worth and think the 40GB is a steal.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
borghe said:
why is it that people insist the wii is not capable of decent online gaming?

because people are stupid (and mostly trollish fanboys)
Define decent?

The Wii is CAPABLE of online gaming, but it is FAR from optimal. It is pretty much stone-age next to the other systems in that regard. You CAN do it and have fun, but it is extremely limited.


DeadGzuz said:
This is what I call the "defensive" reply. People either only want to support MS/360 or they simply cannot afford it, so they convince themselves of something, usually based on FUD.

That's stupid... the OP already said is not a money issue. Some people do not feel the need to own all consoles, even with available money.


Crystal Bearer
Odrion said:
This looks like the library of someone who is trying really hard to validate their $600 purchase.

Even Japanese imports ffs.

What's wrong with imports?
You think, maybe I have imports because I know Japanese? Hmm?
DeadGzuz said:
This is what I call the "defensive" reply. People either only want to support MS/360 or they simply cannot afford it, so they convince themselves of something, usually based on FUD.

Why is it that hard to believe that the marginal utility of PS3 doesn't outweigh the marginal cost for some consumers?


ScrabbleBanshee said:
I had sent a text message to my girlfriends cousin this morning alerting him to the deal at Dell to get a 40GB PS3 with an extra DS3 and HDMI cable for $399. He owns a 360 but, I know he's a gamer and have been trying to convince him to pick up a PS3 for some of the great stuff on it now and going forward that he won't be able to always get on his 360.

I just got his reply:

"$399 is still too expensive for a system with barely any games."

I can't believe that this boogeyman from the launch times is still around. Do people still honestly believe this?
Sounds more like he's tired of your console evangelizing bullshit, since nowhere in your little story does the guy you're texting say he's ever wanted a PS3.


you know what to do now... violence!! go over his house.. then stomp on his 360 after its been on a few hours.. then grab him and shove his face into red hot guts of the 360 and start yelling "DO YOU LIKE THIS PS3 GAME? ITS CALLED YOURE FACE! THE SEQUAL IS YOURE NUTS" then stomp on his nuts for 20 minutes or until he starts vomiting in pain..

or just.. i dunno.. invite ur cousin over and show him the games you own on youre ps3 and let him play them.. that could work as well


Keep posting the game boxes, it'll occur to normal people why the "limited game library" criticism exists as they notice how each collection is 90% alike.

Mr Jared

John Harker said:
I'm in the industry, I have every system out there, and I believe this.

Truth hurts.

Heh, "multi platform games are X360 exclusive" - obviously not true, but when the Xbox version is the lead SKU and the vast majority of the time the superior (see: non-port) version of the game, stigmas are created, yes.

Good thing for Eye of Judgment.

This. All of this.

I picked up a PS3 about a week ago and that was mainly for Blu-Ray. What was the first thing I bought? No Country for Old Men, followed by Ratatouille ... and then I picked up Uncharted on a whim. I bought Everyday Shooter and Tekken 5 from the PlayStation Store and I'm considering Gran Turismo Prologue out of anything better to buy.

I also don't see a reason to get 3rd party titles for not only the reasons you said, but also because Live is a much easier way to play games online and, well, achievements are cool.

Sure, there's Little Big Planet, but there's a problem when the stuff that excites me most next to it is Home and picking up Juno on Blu-Ray.


Microsoft's lawyers and the droves of xbox fans who follow them! :lol

Nah but on a serious note....I have NO idea. I guess people will tell themselves anything if they favour a specific system. That goes both ways.
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