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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 4 - Sundays on HBO

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The Most Dangerous Yes Man
How much of Storm is left to cover and how much of Feast is done?
Storm is pretty much over, except for a few key things like Briene's and Pod's capture and hanging, Petyr and Sansa's last bits (his attempt to stay lord or the Vale). I think also Arya has to make it to the temple, right?

Edit, I put Dances stuff.
I actually really hope they show Gregor caving in Oberyn's face. Its not enough to kill off a charismatic guy like Oberyn cleanly like Ned's beheading, its the fact that his face gets pounded in that makes it even more gut wrenching. The brutality of it was shocking when I read it in the book, which is saying something for a pretty violent series.

He's not, he's going to split him in half instead.


Theon and Dany is the only real stuff that is post book 3. And Dany only just so.

And that Bran's book 3 ending was his season 3 ending. Nothing specific has been done, but show traipsing around in the snow is the same as the book's if they've really cut Coldhands.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Storm is pretty much over, except for a few key things like Briene's and Pod's capture and hanging, Petyr and Sansa's last bits (his attempt to stay lord or the Vale).

Edit, I put Dances stuff.
None of that stuff is from ASoS. Brienne's last ASoS appearance was being sent off by Jaime with Pod and this episode was the last of Sansa/Petyr's ASoS stuff.


Were the guys The Mountain was fighting condemned prisoners, or was he just practicing his swordplay on farmers? If they were condemned prisoners, why were they given weapons?


Preview shows Sansa in AFFC material, and she has only 4 chapters in that book.
Bran is in ADWD already and will have nothing from that book left after he meets Bloodraven.


Were the guys The Mountain was fighting condemned prisoners, or was he just practicing his swordplay on farmers? If they were condemned prisoners, why were they given weapons?

I imagine just to give them a "chance." Like people condemned to die in an arena against seasoned gladiators.


Unsubscribing from this thread. The "everything that's different from the books is terrible" brigade has finally broken me.

Have fun, kids.


Hunky Nostradamus
I love Pedro Pascal. He's so damn charming. His scene with Tyrion was great.

That Rorge + Biter scene was dumb as hell though. How did those two manage to sneak up on Arya and the Hound? And why did Rorge just stand there and let Arya stab him?

And then the Rorge shit...why? Were they playing a turned based WRPG?

haha exactly!

One of these days I may lie to you.



Just a random thought: I know most people in Westeros believe The Mountain to be invincible and all, but if Cercei was dead set on making sure Tyrion's champion did not survive, why didn't she just chose fire as her champion like The Mad King did? I'd like to see Oberyn twirl and poison his way out of THAT.


Rupert Vansittart (Yohn Royce) is credited in the season finale, but he's also in the E08 preview.
Sansa I AFFC is post-only Cat stuff, LF dealing with Nestor and Marillion confessing. (E08)
Sansa II is the Lords Declarant camp, Lyn drawing his sword, etc. (E10, season finale material)
Sansa III has them leaving the Eyrie for winter, meeting Mya Stone, LF explaining the Harry the Heir plot and..that's it. (S05)

We'll surely get many spoilers if TWOW isn't out by May 2015.
You say "nothing left for next season", but all I hear is "5 minutes until Namek explodes".

I didn't get that reference, I guess.


Rupert Vansittart (Yohn Royce) is credited in the season finale, but he's also in the E08 preview.
Sansa I AFFC is post-only Cat stuff, LF dealing with Nestor and Marillion confessing. (E08)
Sansa II is the Lords Declarant camp, Lyn drawing his sword, etc. (E10, season finale material)
Sansa III has them leaving the Eyrie for winter, meeting Mya Stone, LF explaining the Harry the Heir plot and..that's it. (S05)

We'll surely get many spoilers if TWOW isn't out by May 2015.

I didn't get that reference, I guess.

In Dragon Ball Z, bad guy Frieza tells good guy Goku that the planet he just tried to blow up will explode in 5 minutes. They then begin their final fight. The fight lasts something around 20 episodes. Do the math...
In Dragon Ball Z, bad guy Frieza tells good guy Goku that the planet he just tried to blow up will explode in 5 minutes. They then begin their final fight. The fight lasts something around 20 episodes. Do the math...

Pretty much.

It also had a kinda similar situation to what we have now. During that season the makers of the anime were forced to wait for the manga issues to release as both were being developed in tandem. This lead to a giant amount of filler that season.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Thank you so much for this. Makes my late night insomnia less dreadful!
Except the CG.
Yeah, it's too bad they botched the scene with that. Everything leading up to it was good.
How much of Storm is left to cover and how much of Feast is done?
Storm is mostly done, with just the Red Viper/Mountain fight, Tyrion fleeing, the battle at Castle Black, and Jon becoming Lord Commander left.

Much more has been taken from Dance than Feast. The Brienne/Pod adventure is about the only thing that's been touched on. Feast has loads of Cersei storyline that will not start until next season. Same goes for the Dorne POVs and the sparrows. I hope season 4 stays true to the religious uprising in King's Landing as it was my favorite aspect of Feast. I feel like the destruction and peasant deaths we've seen is leading toward that.
Season 1 Mountain was crazy perfect. Sucks they had to lose him, because this guy really does look kind of nice.
Yeah, he doesn't have any of ferocity of the first two Mountains, especially the first. The show does a piss poor job with recasting.

Did anyone else find the Danny/Daario seduction scene laughably bad? I think changing it to Daario lusting after Danny is better because of Danny's new feeling of power and doesn't diminish her to girlish fantasies (which makes more sense in the book). Still don't think Emilia Clarke did a good job selling it.


Yeah, he doesn't have any of ferocity of the first two Mountains, especially the first. The show does a piss poor job with recasting.

Was there any single thing that made the S2 Gregor ferocious? Are you misremembering or just whining? The S1 Gregor was awesome, but let's whine where whining is deserved.

Demon Ice

I was wondering who Gendry was going to kill now that Rorge and Biter are dead.

Then I remembered that show Gendry is somewhere in the middle of the ocean in a rowboat.


I think if there is a lady stoneheart the show runners may make Robb's wife lady stoneheart. Robb's wife in the books was not killed and had a different name.

That maybe the reason why they did that. It may have been planned this way from the beginning.
That would be so stupid. What relevance, then, would Brienne have to Stoneheart?


Sansa has been a spoiled brat from the very start, that immaturity has yet to wash off.
I always thought Arya was much more spoiled than Sansa, Sansa was naive but she tried to be a good girl and do what society expected from someone in her position, Arya did whatever she wanted and she could do it because her father was top dog in the north and let her do it.

Sansa has yet to grow up, Lysa was right - she is an empty-headed child.
That's fine though, she makes for an excellent contrast to Arya who has had to change in order to survive, ...
Arya changed but that she's alive is nothing but dumb luck, she's a snotty little girl who keeps running into people who know who she is and want to keep her alive. She'd have died a dozen times if not for others protecting her.
Was Melisandre's prophecy about Shireen a book deviation? I don't remember it in the books but that could just be my memory. And if it is, I'm not using the word deviation as an insult.
Man, after re-reading Cersei's AFFC chapters and this week's scene with Oberyn & Tyrion, I hope Gurm gives that bitch a truly grizzly end. Don't think I've ever despised a fictional character this much.


Robert, Jon thought for one mad moment, remembering poor Owen, but when the trumpets blew again and the knights charged, the name they cried was “Robert's brother! Robert's brother! ROBERT'S BROTHER!”

wouldn't put it past D&D, they clearly think audiences are Hodor-level of intelligence


Sansa has yet to grow up, Lysa was right - she is an empty-headed child.
Umm.. Sansa has grown A LOT. She was extremely naive and airheaded in the start, now she's rid of that naivite and has really grown as a person. She's playing the game, even if her part is mostly being a timid little girl who does as the one controlling her at the time says. She's acting the part while figuring out how things work. Little by little she's been learning from the masters of the trade. She hasn't yet had any kind of big moment (though there have been plenty of smaller ones), but she's getting there. I feel she'll definitely do some genius political move or something that will surprise Littlefinger and cause some trouble for him while putting Sanse herself into a more advantageous position.

That's fine though, she makes for an excellent contrast to Arya who has had to change in order to survive, whereas Sansa has been kept as is (just slightly more depressed) through the machinations of Littlefingers - so that he can make her his side-piece.
She's definitely changed a lot and is more than just "slightly more depressed." She's like a sponge who is taking in all that she can learn from the masters (and even not-so-masters) of the game of thrones and biding her time until she can unleash all that she has learned in some moment of betrayal/surprise/revenge/whatever.

Arya, in comparison, has been on a much more straightforward path, as far as character growth goes. From the first book forward she's been built up into becoming this warrior/girl or woman who can kick ass and while that is now manifesting in a somewhat surprising manner in that her path has taken some dark turns like everyone else's, she's still one to somewhat break the world's gender stereotypes by becoming an efficient killer.

Not every character has to grow as a person, because in reality there are plenty of folks who have a hard time to grow up.
Sansa is probably the character who has gone through the MOST growth in the books, or maybe only second to Jaime.


So I feel like "YOUR SISTER LOL" jokes have gone a little too far. Like, really guys, is that such a problem.
It's hard to take book reader complaints seriously when this is the kind of stuff they decide to bitch about.

But I've honestly come to expect it. I'm really pumped for the omission of any reference to Tywin shitting gold, and for people here to call the show garbage because of it.
Well, I can't wait to see what goes down next (two) weeks.
Until then... Euron = Daario?

Instead of taking over Astapor, he ends up bringing his ships back to Kingsmoot.
All you guys whining about criticism of the dialogue might want to read duckroll's warning about that a few pages back.

Okay, fair enough. There's whining for the sake of whining, which is wrong, I agree. This is a thread for people who've read the books after all. But are we likewise not allowed to defend the change, and acknowledge what might work, and what might not work within the realms of an adaptation?

People are of course allowed to criticise, but I don't think pages and pages of changing book dialogue to appear as over-explained as "Your sister" supposedly is amounts to water-tight, untouchable criticism. I'm usually the first to criticise changes from books; I am a big critic of The Hobbit and Harry Potter films, for example. It's interesting really being on the other side, as I watched Game of Thrones first, then read the books at a later date. There are "Yara's canine adventures/Someone's in the tomb with Cersei" level of changes, then there are reworkings of dialogue that essentially amount to the same thing.


I would bang a hot farmer!
The One and Done™;112561180 said:
Any reason you're posting in both threads? I was told that's not allowed.
You're mistaken.


- For the book readers that want to lurk in this thread:

No taunting or teasing:
e.g. "Oh, just wait until you guys see what happens to him next week!!!"
No leading questions:
e.g. "What do you think will happen to this character by the end of the season?"
No comparing the book to the show:
e.g. "Well, that's different than in the book where they..."
Answering questions is fine when the information is readily available from what has aired on the show.
e.g. Q: "Wait, how is Robb related to Ned?" A: "Robb is Ned's son."
You just have to be damned sure you know what you're posting or else.


Honestly, when people were talking about "only cat this week!" I had no idea what they were referencing at first. Never thought twice about that line when I read ASOS, personally. Frankly, the entire scene as a whole wasn't done as well as in the book, for some reason it seemed more ominous when I read it. Then again in my imagination the moon door was an actual door, not a hole in the ground, so things were quite different. :p I also thought it was night time, but I may be misremembering.
Lol, "your sister". I guess I understand why, though, but it felt weird. :lol

Anyway, cool scene. Lysa falling through the moondoor looked fake as hell, though.
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