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Summer 2014 Anime |OT2| Or, where Jexhius finally watches more Doremi for Hito.

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  • I'll guilt trip him for you
  • I have so much other stuff to do first!

That's fine. Playing through a shooter using infinite continues would probably only take you about as long as watching an episode of anime though. It's the whole 1CC thing that takes awhile,haha.

I don't pay attention to gaf drama (in part because I'm mostly in the wrong timezone for it), so I have to ask what happened?

Seriously? Why :(

I'm not sure exactly. I just heard he was tired of different things at NeoGaf.


I seriously thought you were going to link this instead,haha.

Tokyo ESP - 04

Alright episode , if anything i liked it BUT i dunno ...something felt amiss.
The good thing is that the the main team is done now, so i guess i can expect them to actually do things , especially with that cliffanger.


IS podcast when??

Once my indiegogo rooks enough money out of people.

That's fine. Playing through a shooter using infinite continues would probably only take you about as long as watching an episode of anime though. It's the whole 1CC thing that takes awhile,haha.

This is a compelling argument.
I seriously thought you were going to link this instead,haha.


I came into animegaf when that was airing but never watched it. It's a black mark on my permanent record I'm too lazy to expunge.

Had I to do it over again, I'd have linked this instead: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bLnt148XAA


Fairy Tail 193

Another episode that felt a bit like stalling for time, but the message is clear. It's time for Dragon Slayers to do some Dragon Slaying.


I did my best and linked your post to Solune, Nafe.


Didn't go as planned.
Rokujouma no Shinryakusha - 04

This is not what i expected of a regular beach episode.
I got more drama than fanservice.
It's not like it was bad drama , in fact it was ok... Problem is that i wasn't expecting this show to go this route.

And i'll never understand the passion for beetles.


Subete no aware
Someone should make animeGAF twitter list that I can follow.
I made one with everyone I know, but I'm sure there are people not on it:

I'm getting really tired of everyone using the phrase "GOAT" lately but this is one meme I still like,haha.
The Khan scream is still one of my favourite dumb moments in cinematic history. lol

Once my indiegogo rooks enough money out of people.
If IS3 happens, I really want to do a recap podcast of it. lol


This is a compelling argument.

Yeah, the fact that you can technically beat many scrolling shooters in about half an hour or so is why many people who are more casual about them feel they should only be $5 type titles.

I came into animegaf when that was airing but never watched it. It's a black mark on my permanent record I'm too lazy to expunge.

Despite the hyperbolic crowd in animegaf coming across like it's some blight to humanity or something, I didn't think the show was that bad. It definitely has some more narrative issues but overall it was okay. I haven't seen the movie version yet but I was still also always on "team HanaIro" if you remember that,haha. I think Ai Kayano voicing Menma was the first time I heard her as well. Maybe that was her first big role, I'd have to check.

Had I to do it over again, I'd have linked this instead: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bLnt148XAA

Such a good show on so many fronts. Even if the next part ultimately isn't as good as the first, I still hope it's still pretty good and fun.

This song makes me sad. :,(

Gah. Even now just hearing that brings on the feel waves.

I actually don't really get depressed or sad from these types of songs. I think they're relaxing and just nice songs to listen to.

I did my best and linked your post to Solune, Nafe.

Didn't go as planned.


"Solune no baka!"


Subete no aware
There are some people who are not part of animegaf or who are formally of animegaf on the list as well.

I got the idea from El_Sloth who made an weeaboogaf list: https://twitter.com/GabeBNYC/lists/weeaboogaf

Added as well.

If people want to be added to the list, I guess tweet or PM me. lol


Yeah, the fact that you can technically beat many scrolling shooters in about half an hour or so is why many people who are more casual about them feel they should only be $5 type titles.

I think it's ultimately a matter of me not investing time enough into learning them to properly appreciate them. Genre has always felt just out of reach and I felt terrible for abusing continues.

Despite the hyperbolic crowd in animegaf coming across like it's some blight to humanity or something, I didn't think the show was that bad. It definitely has some more narrative issues but overall it was okay. I haven't seen the movie version yet but I was still also always on "team HanaIro" if you remember that,haha. I think Ai Kayano voicing Menma was the first time I heard her as well. Maybe that was her first big role, I'd have to check.

haha yeah I remember the other team. I'll probably get to both sooner or later as I knock out enough of the mainstays and start filling in gaps in recent years. I'm really bad about not following a show while its airing under the pretense that I'll simply get to it in the future then never doing so.

Such a good show on so many fronts. Even if the next part ultimately isn't as good as the first, I still hope it's still pretty good and fun.

I think I'm best of just approaching it like I did the first in hoping I'd just get to see some fun action from the show. The fact everything outside of the game was so great was just icing. Hoping the old cast is around in some capacity just in case the new trio ends up lacking.


"Solune no baka!"

Making a list called "Knight of the Told Republic" on twitter and placing Solune on it now.

There are some people who are not part of animegaf or who are formally of animegaf on the list as well.

I got the idea from El_Sloth who made an weeaboogaf list: https://twitter.com/GabeBNYC/lists/weeaboogaf

God damn it, sloth.


Zankyou No Terror 4

Damn that episode flew by, felt like it was only 10 minutes long. The end with the "bomb" search with that music was amazing and the motorcycle and everything right after. Really loving this show so far, haven't anticipated an anime week to week like this in a long time actually.


"Dear Lord I looked up The Brave Little Toaster on Deviant Art and I'm never going to fit this into a single post."
Godspeed, Corvo.

Corvy is a treasure. Now that Novid is gone he has filled that hole in my heart.

Yeah, the fact that you can technically beat many scrolling shooters in about half an hour or so is why many people who are more casual about them feel they should only be $5 type titles.

Despite the hyperbolic crowd in animegaf coming across like it's some blight to humanity or something, I didn't think the show was that bad. It definitely has some more narrative issues but overall it was okay. I haven't seen the movie version yet but I was still also always on "team HanaIro" if you remember that,haha. I think Ai Kayano voicing Menma was the first time I heard her as well. Maybe that was her first big role, I'd have to check.

Such a good show on so many fronts. Even if the next part ultimately isn't as good as the first, I still hope it's still pretty good and fun.

I actually don't really get depressed or sad from these types of songs. I think they're relaxing and just nice songs to listen to.


"Solune no baka!"

i love shmups. Their length is never a factor in price to me, just content and squee.
death smiles for example was only 30 minutes from level one to Tyrannosatan but worth every penny.

Hideki Kamiya blocked me because I hugged him.


I actually don't really get depressed or sad from these types of songs. I think they're relaxing and just nice songs to listen to.

Well for me that show/movie are totally burned into my memory. All I need is a few bars. Happens semi regularly where a songs use in other media is such when I hear the song I'm instantly transported back. Such as that green day song that Seinfeld used at the end.
I dunno. i have to admit that it get serious on the explanations time after ep3 but that's it.
Everything they told was used later ( or in other oavs )

see, i actually wish it explained more. they just kinda toss stuff like light hawk wings out there. it's sort of the same problem i have with OVA 3 in that it tries to cover way too much ground in too little time. and they don't really expect you to question the majority of what's happening onscreen. i can suspend my disbelief for a couple of odd things here and there (and i did at the beginning), but when it starts to pile up i feel like i'm owed a better explanation than "because space technology is wacky."

I think gxp is broken not terrible.
Gxp Imo is a great way to see more of the world that was done in another perspective.
Given how close it is to the oav universe, it's almost a requirement for the full experience.

i don't find GXP funny at all, i don't like most of the characters, and i think what drama there is pretty much falls flat on its face. i also think the show looks pretty cheap, or is it at least poorly directed, so all the world-building sorta goes to waste.

It's a shell that he discarded and that he didn't use. He was godly from ep6 when he was able to create light wings on his own without any seed of ship. It's not like he was omnipotent or using that power , this was a revelation that he is most likely "that" being since he is on the most basis level an anomaly already.

my point is that it's kinda silly on the writer's end to create what is pretty much a self-insert character and then pile this stuff on top of him.

Tenchi muyo isn't just the oavs it's the whole universe built on the oav , ( and i include the kamijima onsen , the book , the lore ). The fact is : we've got answers.
Should have not done an infodump ? Yes
But if you're looking at the oavs from someone seeking more answer than raw entertainment ( like me ) the simple fact that it solved some issues is good for me.

i guess that's where we differ. i'm not particularly interested in the larger universe to begin with; i appreciated the air of mystery it initially had before it started piling on the details. and even more, i don't feel like it was told well so i don't really feel like i have much of a reason to get invested in those answers.
Tokyo ESP 4
I was wondering how the redhead would switch over and now she does. Pretty funny how it happens. Aside from introducing Minami and her giant, fairly boring episode


How exactly? I mean my vague memories of it was simply its multicolumn nature. Which isn't as useful on small screens like phones and tablets.

Ah, I use it on the desktop. I've no idea about mobile options as I only ever glance at the phone app from time to time.


Pri Para 05

I have spent time in the independent city state where idol culture reigns supreme, and while the Saints are revered, there are rulers beneath them. It is in this environment that the revolutionary called Lala attempts to break through the queen's elite guards by not recognizing their authority.


Also by dressing up as a gator.

Sofie's persona outside of the city-state is a shell of her former self, and that she needs plums to boost her energy is giving me very brief flashbacks to Mahoraba, which, in a way, also dealt with people who put on different masks at different times. No "My Song" has appeared, but when the people who perform the opening single are the same people who voice the main cast, they can drag it out for a little longer.

The auspices of the tower, filled with threes. Though the hotel staff are oddly calm about the broken queen floating among the jellyfish in their aquarium. Seira's merely ambitious, Bell was broken thanks to parental expectations, but I suspect that Sofie's take on this archetype is someone who's simply exhausted from having to be the object of everyone's affection. So much that there's nothing left when that's done.

With the bear's words of the importance of creating an idol persona, as opposed to many other shows where the personas are the person's natural selves, the world of PriPara is a fair bit stricter than many other idol shows in memory.

And I appreciate having an episode without the principal coming in and trying to take the tickets. There's enough pressure within the world without outside forces getting involved.
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