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Best P.T teaser demo reactions .


Man you guys sound like you are 10 years old. What the hell, this teaser it's not that scary. You are overreacting.

i can only guess you played it (did you even?) after having already watched someone else's play through/stream, because going in completely cold is a totally different experience, bro.
They completely nailed the guillermo del toro fetus part. I'm assuming they had no idea who actually worked on this demo at the time?
Nope. He did indeed nail it.
I can't watch the video, cause you need to be a subscriber or something but the movie you're talking about (Peter Jackson + "most goriest"), I think it's called Bad Taste
It's available as a Quick Look. That said, I'm pretty sure the clip was from one of the Hellraiser movies. Can't double check now because on mobile.


I play the demo with the lights on during the day with the volume all the way down with my fiance right next to me watching Youtube looking away from the screen and the jump scares off the corner of my eyes escalate my heart violently and make me jump.

Scariest game I've ever experienced by far. I really think it's because the game looks so real. Suspension of disbelief occurs quickly.


31, partners in bed, I'm in a pitch black living room alone in the middle of the night, surround sound headphones up loud. It was pretty chilling at times with a couple of jump scares. Shit was scary and all kinds of awesome for me!

You're a brave man.

Merely watching Patrick Klepek go through it was intense, and I was in a nicely lit room with another person watching it alongside me. We straight up screamed multiple times, and even things like the speed with which Patrick would turn his character around were borderline intolerable to us. And personally, I'm pretty much immune to that brand of horror 99% of the time.

Glad to see other people's reactions, as well. Like others, I found the reactions filmed for the P.T reveal unconvincing, no more realistic or representative than the usual reaction shots found in horror movie advertisements. But man, I was wrong. This teaser was the real deal.



I don't speak Spanish, but I think the dude was egging her on the entire way through. She was great.

Had my wife and four of her friends play and pass the controller every time they went through. The home theater was up, the lights were off, these grown adults went through every range of emotion possible. Laughter, suspense, fear, shear tear that what was in the bathroom was going to come through the screen. Thank you Kojima for being the master troll you are...


It really got in my head. at the part where
there's the figure in the radio area that appears and disappears, and the lights go off,
I huddled in the corner where there was still light, saying, "i'm not going down that hallway," repeatedly, for a few minutes.
I had to play some Hohokum after to recuperate.
Most of the time I just felt very uneasy.

Only once I made a weak yell of shock from the
ghost woman grabbing me from behind.


Like I said, I'd like to be proven wrong on this.
I cannot imagine getting scared by a book, but maybe I've been reading the wrong ones.

Any recommendations?

Stephen King's It, the short story 1408, Misery. (his son, Joe Hill, is really good as well!) Peter Straub's Ghost Story. Tons of Lovecraft. The Exorcist. Any movie that tries to be scary is probably based on an actual scary book, in fact.

It is actually a good example. When they made that horrid TV movie out of it, everything looked so goofy and was so poorly explained that it wasn't scary in the slightest. When you realize that it was actually based on the kids' biggest phobias and picture them yourself they're much scarier than they could ever be on film. Even though King isn't the best writer ever, he has a knack for hypnotizing you into thinking stuff that is actually really goofy is scary while you're reading. That's something.

Books have been scary for centuries before movies or games. It's entirely possible, has happened often in the past, and will continue to happen in the future.
Like I said, I'd like to be proven wrong on this.
I cannot imagine getting scared by a book, but maybe I've been reading the wrong ones.

Any recommendations?

As I've admitted earlier in the thread, I have a tendency to be a giant wimp, but there were certain parts of "Penpal" by Dathan Auerbach that creeped me out. Also stretches of Stephen King novels, but never entire ones, because he can't write an ending to save his life.
This demo...I don't know what it was. I guess it just felt way too heavy for me to deal with at that time, and I set it down after the room first goes dark following the first hallway appearance.

Pretty sure I can finish it, but I just wasn't expecting anything like that. Resident Evil, Outlast, Amnesia...it's a whole different playing field from those games. And no, I haven't been fortunate enough to play the Silent Hill series. I may try to get a hold of a BC PS2 and the original Silent Hill 2 &3 (1 is technically sound on PSN?), but may just miss out entirely and have this game be my proper introduction into the series.

It's the phot realistic visuals and oppressive atmosphere fostered by the superb sound design and sheer suspense.

Definitely pick up SH2 if you can. It's a god damn master class in slow dread horror gaming, and holds up incredibly well. There's just nothing else like it.

As I've admitted earlier in the thread, I have a tendency to be a giant wimp, but there were certain parts of "Penpal" by Dathan Auerbach that creeped me out. Also stretches of Stephen King novels, but never entire ones, because he can't write an ending to save his life.

Penpals is a solid recommendation. Loved Mr. Creepypasta's narration of it.
Yeah its genuinely scary. I only lasted a few minutes and nuked it from my console...

Kudos to the Fox Engine on this. The atmosphere and sound is off the charts. Its funny Kojima has outright said he's a scaredy cat when it comes to the horror genre. I wonder if he can actually play this himself. I've always known he had it in him though. The Psycho Mantis battle still creeps me out to this day.
I had a few times i jolted and got chills/goosebumps... im also one of those guys that doesnt get scared at movies and never have been scared playing a game, I've felt tense before but never a sense of fear... this demo did something very right. It was the perfect mixture of the graphics, sound and atmosphere. At first I didn't like it but towards the end a few of the jump scares had me laughing at how much of a wuss I am. I really enjoyed this.
Wondered around for about ten minutes looking at stuff after the first jump scare and gave up. I looked at the bear and did something but nothing else seems to trigger for me.

Guess it doesn't work for me lol.
I can barely even watch you guys streaming this. Literally can only watch for a few seconds and have to switch off. I still haven't seen any of these jump scares yet. Just seeing the atmosphere and the darkness makes me feel so on edge. I'm not usually like this.

So big kudos to those of you that can actually play it.


Gold Member
Played this last night, my brother was in his room playing Dota and I got to the part
where you get jumped and die the first time
, I yelled so damn loud for about 15 seconds. All I heard my brother say was "Yeah, fuck that game nope nope nope there is no way I'm playing that".

Day zero for this game, I was chilled for a while that night and had to sleep with my dog. Oh god.


Yep. I adore this genre since childhood and hardly anything ever gets to me anymore but this did it beautifuly. It also helped I jumped into it right after the conference completely blind to what it was. Not even participating in that mega thread from the very beginning lessened that first impact.

Insta-classic, ladies and gentleman. There's nothing "pffft" about it unless you have no imagination or you're playing it "wrong" on purpose (no sound, surrounded with people etc.).
My brother and I were fine until
your "wife" or something kills you

We screamed like little girls.

This is coming from a guy who played Amnesia with a couple "oh shits" and that's about it.
Oh it looks like the GB video was posted as a quick look instead of only being in their premium section:

http://www.giantbomb.com/videos/quick-look-solo-silent-hills-p-t/2300-9345/ or http://youtu.be/ckJAIlwkU9E
Wait, what the...? Holy shit. The voice on the radio at around 39 minutes in is speaking in Swedish. This is freaking me out.

I could only catch fragments.

"[...] your eyes...let your ears listen to the radio."
"Do you hear my voice?"
"You can [...]..."
"Let us choose."
"My voice that foretells the future will decide."
"Your tortured [...]"
"So, what will you choose? You can choose. Your life. Your future."
"Clever as you are, you've probably already noticed..."
"The radio drama from 75 years ago [...?]; they are [...?]; they oversee and see all."

That's all I was able to parse.
Talk about the last place I would have ever expected to suddenly hear a monologue in Swedish.


Tried playing this with gold wireless headset at night when no one was at home. Bad fucking idea.

Almost had heart attack twice. First time when that
"something" appears for a second and looks at you through bathroom door. Second time (on the next reset) when that tall shit appears in hallway and lights explode.
Didn't have the balls to go on. How much is left after that?

Damn, I've finished Amnesia but this shit is way more intense.


Anyone who played this organically after the games con presser, not knowing anything, knows how fucking creepy this game was. I don't get scared easy and screamed out loud when the lady grabs you from behind it was so unexpected. Pure genius on sony's part. Silent hill we be a day one just off this teaser alone and it has nothing to do w/ the actual game.
I can't believe i found the teaser more scary than amnesia or outlast. I hope they keep the first person mode for they game or at least for parts of the game where you need to explore/solve puzzles.
I'm going to be playing this later today with my friend. I'm legit scared to do it though..

I've been fine with any horror movies and pretty much all horror games but this seems next level.

I wonder if you can permanently scar yourself from something like this? I keep thinking if
we just go for it I don't want nightmares for a week.


I just watched Patrick's playthrough of the teaser (linked on the previous page) And you can tell he was clearly distraught while playing it. Almost to the point where he wasn't enjoying because he was that uncomfortable about it.

You know, one of these days a GAFFer needs to do a break down or start a discussion about some of the game design concepts on this game (rather, teaser).

It's merely two hallways, and a bathroom. Yet, it's scared more people than any fully fledged horror game has. It's gotten people to spend 5 hours + playing it. There are no cutscenes, no tutorials, no button prompts, yet is able to achieve all this through visual and sound design.
Absolutely agree. I'm not spooked easily (in fact, only the original Silent Hill has ever managed to unsettle me), but this PT thing was genuinely tense and unnerving. My missus had to leave the room because she couldn't handle it, and I was just walking down a hallway!

Whatever little psychological tricks they're pulling, I love 'em.

Winter John

I played it last night. I didn't find it scary, but I did get drawn into the atmosphere of the game. I yelped at the jump scare, which surprised the shit out of our cat who was sleeping next to me. He wasn't impressed.


What about that fat dude from Twich talking to the PS4 speaker asking for an easy mode? it was probably fake but hilarious.
Call me a wuss, but I could only play it for 20 minutes. Too tense, too creepy :(

This happened to me on my first attempt. I tried again tonight and managed to get through after reading up on it a bit and occasionally muting it, haha. And also getting lucky on the final puzzle, considering there's still no clear explanation or solution for it. The full play-through only took ~25 minutes.
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