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Legend of Zelda Wii U Gameplay Demo

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Are we really analyzing things like texture detail from an off angle off screen shot of a TV that only takes up about 14th of the screen space?


Shooting arrows in slow motion while jumping off Epona? That's so John Woo.

Fuck I hope we can do that with more weapons. Especially with that magic infused arrow.

I'm so gonna name my Link, Ashitaka, and my Epona, Yakul.


Stop complaining about the "lifeless", I think this is a really early footage, an alpha or something like that.
Also, THANK YOU for showing actual gameplay and no bullshit like CGI/Cinematic trailers.

The new Zelda looks awesome, can't wait to see more.


Direct feed would be nice.

Also, I get the feeling we'll be seeing lots of empty fields in the final product. It's the 3D Zelda way =/
No. Nintendo showed this gameplay snippet, not anyone commentating. Comments such as yours are truly stupid, and wilfully ignorant.
Ok, tell me what's in the world. Tell me what secrets are waiting. Tell me what moments are going to arise. I'm waiting. Tell me why you KNOW it's barren and empty.

Dr. Kaos

I wonder if it'll support off-tv play.

I also wonder if you can annotate the map on the gamepad.

Yes, the world looked sparse but I have faith in Aonuma so I'm not worried at all.


Everyone complaining about the over world in zelda seems to have forgotten about Shadow of the Colossus? That game had 0 enemies in the overworld and it was amazing. Same kind of effect right? Everything looked fantastic

Zelda isn't SotC. A Zelda game like that would be fucking horrible IMO.

No, because we know the game won't be as barren as they showed tonight. Please stop.

Except we don't. The biggest flaw of almost every 3D Zelda game has been their shit overworlds. I don't see why this will be any different.
I thought it was fantastic. I loved the opportunity to sit in with Miyamoto and Aonuma. It seemed like they were just having a good time and playing the game.
When you guys bought ALBW you asked for this.

Nintendo has finally realized dungeons are antiquated and is changing the focus to big overworlds and exploration. Sigh.

Hopefully the dungeons arent in any order again. If you give me nothing else nintendo, at least let dungeons use more than one fucking item.
they showed this thing off like they were the first people to discover open world games

"yeah the map is large"
"oooh your horse doesn't run into things as you move"
"Yes you can collect items in the overworld and attack enemies"
"ahh you can even put beacons on the map hory shit!"
You can show real time gameplay and show A) direct feed and B) something exciting and novel and not act like stuff Skyrim and Red Dead did 3-5 years ago is fresh and innovative. "look epona will control himself and you can move the camera around and not worry about hitting trees!" Congrats you invented fast travel.
Stop hating so hard breh lol

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Zelda overworlds being huge is hardly revolutionary. The problem with 3D Zelda games is that the overworlds have been generally devoid of content, and in the case of Twilight Princess the map was so huge it was rendered moot when the development team implemented a million warp points on top of it, as if addressing the fact that traveling through Hyrule was admittedly boring. This demo did nothing to alleviate my concerns about that.

At least they are finally implementing "realistic" horse AI for horseback riding. You know, like Shadow of the Colossus did a decade ago.


At first glance it actually seems pretty empty.

But, fuck it, I have faith. They won't screw this one up.

And Starfox, good god, so soon?!


Looks extremely rough, hopefully they manage to pull it off but this didn't look very good to me.

I have faith that they will delay the game if the quality isn't there but this really didn't meet my expectations.
Wow, that was a really bad gameplay demo. They spent half the time explaining the idea of an open world as if we haven't been playing games like that for a decade. And while it may be a big world, there doesn't seem to be much to do beyond riding your horse around and not hitting trees.

Comments like this are the reason why nintendo quit showing early footage off. People are so critical of shit and don't realize theres tons of time left in development. This is nintendo for fucks sake, they are smarter than to just leave an empty world.


Looks like Aonuma played Xenoblade...

(Please, Aonuma, make sure there is some kind of quick-travel function in this gigantic world.)
I'll admit I wasn't impressed at first but then I imagined that world with the music, characters, gameplay good feelings, and everything else typically associated with Zelda and it warmed my heart.


two things, first, Aonuma had link Base jump off a mountain. Almost Just Cause style... seriously...

Second, the horse riding looked damned near perfect, and they have a year to work on this. Horse riding and controls in games have always been, well horse shit. So difficult to direct the horse and aim and shoot and do anything really.

Honestly the engine looks like an upressed Skyward Sword engine, and I am okay with that.

Lastly the idiots judging looks from a poor feed, off screen video... Stop... breath.. think... then post. If you are just thread shitting... well you know where to go.
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