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SCE Executive Vice President: Possible enhanced version PS4, no first party for Vita

So you may have PS4 Standard (current), High Performance (a bit better hardware), Enthusiast (even better hardware, SSDs, etc...).

I think having too many SKUs (outside of different storage types / capacities) could be genuinely damaging. Keep it relatively simple.

Thinking back to the Xbox One reveal, I can't help but wonder whether they had this in mind (with the digital-first, all disks converted to digital copies malarkey). Because now, forward compatibility will require a disc-drive (adding perhaps unneccesary cost in the future), or some sort of Xbox-360-to-Xbox-One back-compat system (which publishers would likely make impossible). Potential solution would be to release a disc-drive console for a couple generations after digital only becomes the default. I expect publishers would be more willing to have an Xbox-360-to-Xbox-One back-compat system for 8-year old games.
No, that's bullshit. We didn't pay $400 knowing that they are just gonna make a better version of the same damn console a few years later. Sony advertised and sold their PS4 as THE home console for this gen, so you can call it whatever you want but making a new better version of the same console is just a scummy move that screws over the people that trusted Sony and bought PS4 early on.
You should relax nothing wrong with buying an upgrade.

The PS4 already outdated so why do you care?
Most console owners do not buy into a console at launch, or even in the first 2 years. Those late adopters [the majority] still want to buy in to the 'best/current' technology.

They're buying a 2-year console. They're not on the bleeding edge, and I think most people today would understand that.

People buy consoles for bang-per-buck and long-term software support. They'd still be getting both.


By allowing everyone to play the same games, together, just like today?

You are playing Destiny 2 on your PS4S at 60fps/1080p. I'm playing coop with you on my launch model at 30fps/1080p just fine as we party chat.

You just get slightly better graphics. It's like this with PC games, people run a multitide of configs and play together.

And you think those on the standard system would be happy with that?

How are developers going to work with such a system? Develop for the top tier and then just turn down the detail and framerate for the standard one?

Look at all the gnashing of teeth over resolution and framerate, having two tiers of quality on the same system would be a disaster.

Either create a whole new platform to keep the playfield level, or leave it as is.
the talk of an "enhanced" PS4 is going over slightly better here than it did when someone suggested MS do that with the XB1, which I find kind of interesting.


No, that's bullshit. We didn't pay $400 knowing that they are just gonna make a better version of the same damn console a few years later. Sony advertised and sold their PS4 as THE home console for this gen, so you can call it whatever you want but making a new better version of the same console is just a scummy move that screws over the people that trusted Sony and bought PS4 early on.

If you cant afford it, it's your problem, not ours. End.


The vast majority of people that buy consoles do so because they want to be able to pick up the latest game on the shelf and know they're having the 'best' experience consoles can provide. It's a $300ish (after price drops a few years in) plug and play gaming solution. That's what sells and that's a big part of why it sells.

It'll never happen.

For now sure. But mobile and tablet gaming is rapidly taking over the casual market which makes up the largest crowd that buy consoles. Casual buyers and parents will be looking for cheapest alternative. A base model at a very cheap price can combat this. While for the more dedicated gamers they have option for best specs.


You should relax nothing wrong with buying an upgrade.

The PS4 already outdated so why do you care?

PS4-Hi would also be outdated. Consoles release outdates tech-wise nowadays compared to PC.

Making consoles works exactly like PCs defeat the point IMO. I'm sure I would just move to PC gaming all be over with it.
Developers like developing for consoles precisely because they DON'T have to support multiple hardware configurations. They can target one platform and optimize for that. What we'd get with a high-end PS4 is developers putting a minimum of effort into optimizing for the base PS4.

Developers like developing for the consoles because that is where the gamers are for certain types of games. Besides, the enhanced version wold be a superset of the base version. The devs wouldn't have to take advantage of the advanced capabilities if they didn't want to. The reality is that at the very least, during optimization the enhanced version wouldn't have to reduce the graphics settings as much in order to hit the target frame rate.
the talk of an "enhanced" PS4 is going over slightly better here than it did when someone suggested MS do that with the XB1, which I find kind of interesting.

Well, why don't you tally up all the "positive" and "negative" posts on the past few pages before you go down that road?


How is it fucking over current owners? It won't make your PS4 worthless.

Console peeps wanted pc life, welcome to it!

What I think that people are trying to say is that generally when you buy a console early on you do so asuming that the models might change a bit but that overall the future games on your 2014 Ps4 will run and look the same as on a 2016 Ps4. That's part of the appeal of consoles to me.

With a hypotetical enhanced Ps4 that wouldn't be the same. If I want to play Playstation games in their best form possible a console purchase no longer becomes and investment for the next 5-7 years but rather for the next 3 years and because of that they start to lose one of the aspects of them that I like and I'd rather just go full PC.

Now, I wouldn't say "fucking over" though. Sony never said the Ps4 would have 5-7 year cycle nor did they ever promise that they wouldn't release an enhanced version. So no one is being fucked over. But console gamers are used to a 6-7 years cycle so suddenly changing to a 3 years cycle would probably upset their consumer just as if Apple would now released the Iphone 7 3 months after the launch of the 6S instead of a year which is what most expect.

Boss Man

You mean taking the time to understand how to open and replace components within your PC before actually doing the technical work yourself? You realize the reason you're upgrading is because hundreds devs don't have a "Fancy Corndog Gaming PC" as a baseline to develop from as they do with a PS4? And lets not forget actually using it as a gaming machine and juggling between three separate clients with separate user interfaces within one OS just to play the latest games with no unified control method.

And I say this with peace & love because I have a PC and enjoy it but If you're going to say this is cumbersome, I wouldn't compare it to PC gaming.
I'll accept the unified control method (although that's also currently being challenged by console peripherals) and single interface (though Steam is close), but knowledge is just not an argument IMO. A layman can spend two hours watching YouTube to become an expert in snapping parts together.

The line is getting thinner, and if you're replacing a console every 2-3 years an open, upgradeable PC will start to look more reasonable.

I say this as someone who recently built a PC, then sold it after a few months because I simply prefer the ecosystem of consoles and the closed nature. If I'm biased it's towards consoles, but I just don't see the concept lasting long and this would accelerate it.


It isn't happening.

"However, Ito stressed that Sony has no immediate plans to introduce a technically superior PS4 model; he also explained that the bigger question is if Sony would actually want to do this at all." (Source)

"It’s worth stressing on the fact that Ito-san was talking hypothetically, prompted by a specific question. So don’t go taking this as a confirmation a PS4.1 is actually in the works." (Source)


Very little of my enjoyment of Sony consoles comes from their first party titles. Sony is the friend who you like because they throw good parties with lots of cool people, but you aren't super close with. It'd be nice to see them support more things like localizing Japanese games or helping indies port their games, some of which they're already doing.
the talk of an "enhanced" PS4 is going over slightly better here than it did when someone suggested MS do that with the XB1, which I find kind of interesting.

can't speak for the XB1 suggestion, but as a PS4 owner I intend on buying PSVR. If a "high performance" PS4 will be better equipped to give me a smoother experience with the PSVR kit, then I'm in.

And yeah, if we do mid-upgrades on consoles every 2-3 years, then PC ends up being the better solution.

Very true. I've got zero room for a gaming PC in my small studio apartment, but will definitely get on that train once in a bigger place. For those of us that game almost exclusively on console however, a mid-gen upgrade is a nice option to have.


even then that's a single retail game and a single indie game

most of the other games just run better on the new hardware, like Smash and Monster Hunter 4

Mmm, but I'd imagine Sony would pursue it much more.
I just don't like the idea of needing to buy 2 consoles in a gen to play everything.
I don't see why an enhanced PS4 is needed. Isn't compute and huma supposed to eventually provide a performance boost, as per Cerny?
With a hypotetical enhanced Ps4 that wouldn't be the same. I would feel like my purchase wasn't all that worth it as I could have waited and gotten a better system. If I want to play Playstation games in their best form possible a console purchase no longer becomes and investment for the next 5-7 years but rather for the next 3 years and because of that they start to lose one of the aspects of them that I like and I'd rather just go full PC.

You're already not getting most (multi-party) games in their 'best form possible. Realistically, no-one is, unless they're upgrading their graphics card damn near every year so they can turn up all the sliders and max-out the resolution.


I think having too many SKUs (outside of different storage types / capacities) could be genuinely damaging. Keep it relatively simple.

Thinking back to the Xbox One reveal, I can't help but wonder whether they had this in mind (with the digital-first, all disks converted to digital copies malarkey). Because now, forward compatibility will require a disc-drive (adding perhaps unneccesary cost in the future), or some sort of Xbox-360-to-Xbox-One back-compat system (which publishers would likely make impossible). Potential solution would be to release a disc-drive console for a couple generations after digital only becomes the default. I expect publishers would be more willing to have an Xbox-360-to-Xbox-One back-compat system for 8-year old games.

Easy enough to make that an external add-on as USB-3 is more then fast enough. So your base system may not have a Blu-Ray in the future but some models might and then you have an external option.

From SKU perspective, I think it would be ok to have 3 different SKUs. SSD vs Non-SSD would be harder for most consumers though especially with hybrid drive BS.

No, that's bullshit. We didn't pay $400 knowing that they are just gonna make a better version of the same damn console a few years later. Sony advertised and sold their PS4 as THE home console for this gen, so you can call it whatever you want but making a new better version of the same console is just a scummy move that screws over the people that trusted Sony and bought PS4 early on.

Man, what do those bastards at Dell, Apple, HP and so on have against us?! The answer is nothing. It's not a big deal. Much like you can get COD port on PC to perform better then Xbone/PS4 right now, Xbone/PS4 Enthusiast version will have higher graphics then vanilla. You will still have a decent level of visuals on the base model (the one most people will get, mind you).

If Sony/MS are smart they would stagger "enhanced" releases over the years and won't do yearly upgrade cycles, but we'll see. This may not happen at all and we would just get PS5/Xbox Two in 2018 as essentially same systems but with better internals and same OS and full backward compatibility. I doubt that's the way MS will go at least.
I just bought a PS4 if a new model with 1080/60 support for all released games came out, along with other bells and whistles, I'd be really upset. I but consoles because I know their going to be supported for years with no major hardware updates and if I can't do that if rather save up the money for a PC.

If you cant afford it, it's your problem, notes ours. End.

Are you the pharmaceutical guy that raised the price of HIV medicine for kids?
Seriously though, it's Sony's problem. I won't buy their hardware if it's going to get vastly upgraded revisions every 2 years, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. The console space isn't doing well enough to start pushing people away from it, and the vast majority of people don't have the money to support that kind of change.
the talk of an "enhanced" PS4 is going over slightly better here than it did when someone suggested MS do that with the XB1, which I find kind of interesting.

I find it interesting that you're able to quantify that with 'slightly better' what's even the point of this post besides trying to ruffle some feathers?
I'll accept the unified control method (although that's also currently being challenged by console peripherals)

What peripherals? Is this 2010? Are you talking about gaming wheels that vast majority don't bother with on PC or consoles?

and single interface (though Steam is close)

People don't play EA or Ubisoft games on PC? Because you need to install two different clients and deal with two different interfaces in order to play them.

but knowledge is just not an argument IMO. A layman can spend two hours watching YouTube to become an expert in snapping parts together.

You're literally trying to argue that spending time learning and upgrading PC parts is as cumbersome as someone going to Wal Mart and buying the latest PS4 and plugging it to the back of their TV?

Nothing is getting "thinner". There is a whole list of reasons why console gaming is much more accessible and simpler than PC gaming which wouldn't change if Sony actually goes through with this hardware change.

What a gross comment. The entire existence of consoles depend on affordability and value. Without that, everyone would be on PC.

How is this going away?


Are you the pharmaceutical guy that raised the price of HIV medicine for kids?
Seriously though, it's Sony's problem. I won't buy their hardware if it's going to get vastly upgraded revisions every 2 years, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. The console space isn't doing well enough to start pushing people away from it, and the vast majority of people don't have the money to support that kind of change.

Yeah, the average Joe will never buy that.
I don't know how viable would be for Sony to make a PS4-Hi only for a couple of enthusiast players.
A PS4-Hi wouldnt last till 2023.

And yeah, if we do mid-upgrades on consoles every 2-3 years, then PC ends up being the better solution.

A PS4-Hi wouldnt last till 2023.

And yeah, if we do mid-upgrades on consoles every 2-3 years, then PC ends up being the better solution.

He's talking of thinking about it.

The last gen was 8 years, mid-gen is 4 years in. Definitely not 2 (unless it's releasing in the next three weeks) - extremely unlikely to be 3.

At any rate, if a PS4.5 was to receive a full 'gen' of support (as forward compatibility allows), then it would get 8 years from its hypothetical 23/10/2015 release. Taking it to 2015.


Unconfirmed Member
A PS4 capable of 4K blu-ray playback would get me to finally buy the console.


And you think those on the standard system would be happy with that?

How are developers going to work with such a system? Develop for the top tier and then just turn down the detail and framerate for the standard one?

Look at all the gnashing of teeth over resolution and framerate, having two tiers of quality on the same system would be a disaster.

Either create a whole new platform to keep the playfield level, or leave it as is.

There is a platform where things like you describe happen every day and developers manage to release games on it... sometimes even console ports. It gets better, it runs on pretty much same CPU/GPU families as modern consoles. Wait for it, it's called a PC (take your pick of the OS) and (this will blow your mind) things actually work just fine. I am typing this message with a youtube video on one monitor and Tales of Z on another (amazing).

Consoles would have a significantly smaller hardware list to code against and would have much less different "sliders" to worry about. Playing field will be just fine. Why would you care that somebody can run a game at 4K/120hz/better AA (remember this would be in a few years) while you are running at 1080p/60hz? Game still runs fine, game still works, you are playing with same OS, same network, same controllers.

As a matter effect, better models would give a big leg up to VR as it would struggle to run on base PS4 I would imagine.
So the next Freedom Wars PS4 exclusive then? Wonder if he included 2nd parties in that statement.

Good. Just stick to having a shorter gen instead.

A .5 may mean longer support plus more frequent hardware refreshes. Why are 5-6 year generations better? If we're talking value out of a box, longer gens are awesome.
I just bought a PS4 if a new model with 1080/60 support for all released games came out, along with other bells and whistles, I'd be really upset. I but consoles because I know their going to be supported for years with no major hardware updates and if I can't do that if rather save up the money for a PC.

I may ruin your day with this a little, but new graphics cards and processors come out every year.

You can't live on the bleeding edge, unless you have a ton of spare cash.


I just bought a PS4 if a new model with 1080/60 support for all released games came out, along with other bells and whistles, I'd be really upset. I but consoles because I know their going to be supported for years with no major hardware updates and if I can't do that if rather save up the money for a PC.

Are you the pharmaceutical guy that raised the price of HIV medicine for kids?
Seriously though, it's Sony's problem. I won't buy their hardware if it's going to get vastly upgraded revisions every 2 years, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. The console space isn't doing well enough to start pushing people away from it, and the vast majority of people don't have the money to support that kind of change.

And yet majority of people have no issues buying iPhone 6/6s/7/7s, etc...? What if your PS4 runs just fine for all of 6 years but... PS4.5/PS5 run better 3/6 years in? Heck, your PS4 may run for 8 years and wouldn't be replaced. All your games would seamlessly migrate to the new platform when you finally buy an upgrade?

I am just not getting the knee jerk reaction to this hypothetical approach. "If some dude 3000 miles away can run Dark Souls 4 at 120hz and 4K and I can only run it at 60hz and 1080p then I will never buy Sony/Microsoft console ever again". That seems like a huge overreaction.

A .5 may mean longer support plus more frequent hardware refreshes. Why are 5-6 year generations better? If we're talking value out of a box, longer gens are awesome.

Longer gens ensure that developers are hamstrung by old hardware.
Yeah, the average Joe will never buy that.
I don't know how viable would be for Sony to make a PS4-Hi only for a couple of enthusiast players.

I don't know about this, I'm sure that there will be more than a few "average Joes" that will be willing to buy the latest and most powerful PS4. People buy new iPhones despite having an iPhone already. Perhaps it may not be enough to make financial sense to release an enhanced PS4 to say that the average Joe not being willing to buy one is vastly underestimating what the average Joe will do.

Caja 117

There is a platform where things like you describe happen every day and developers manage to release games on it... sometimes even console ports. It gets better, it runs on pretty much same CPU/GPU families as modern consoles. Wait for it, it's called a PC (take your pick of the OS) and (this will blow your mind) things actually work just fine. I am typing this message with a youtube video on one monitor and Tales of Z on another (amazing).

Consoles would have a significantly smaller hardware list to code against and would have much less different "sliders" to worry about. Playing field will be just fine. Why would you care that somebody can run a game at 4K/120hz/better AA (remember this would be in a few years) while you are running at 1080p/60hz? Game still runs fine, game still works, you are playing with same OS, same network, same controllers.

As a matter effect, better models would give a big leg up to VR as it would struggle to run on base PS4 I would imagine.

Thats what separate PC from Consoles, I dont do PC gaming because I dont want to feel I need to upgrade my Hardware every other year, Consoles are made with the mind of not having to upgrade hardware to play the games made for that console, I Bought my PS4 a couple of month after release and I dont want to feel I need to upgrade next year because there is going to be a better graph solution.

and Sony will just trow exclusive games for the the new platform just to convert people over from the old hardware.

The comparison to iphones or cellphones in general here are just hilarious.


I'd buy an upgraded PS4. However it would be a betrayal of one of the core selling points of any console - that it is the same as everyone elses. As such I don't think they should actually go with this idea.


You're already not getting most (multi-party) games in their 'best form possible. Realistically, no-one is, unless they're upgrading their graphics card damn near every year so they can turn up all the sliders and max-out the resolution.

I'm playing Ps4 games in their best possible way. Exclusive or not is irrelevant, a Ps4 game is a Ps4 game
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