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Eurogamer: NX = portable w/ carts, detachable controllers, Tegra, TV Out, no BC, Sept

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aka Mannny
As long as the screen is resistive and has a stylus I'll be happy. Capacitive is actually bad for gaming. And 540p IS the sweet spot for res. And cartridges! YES! Third parties will be able to do a lot with that!

If third parties are aboard, they will go all digital for the most part
Stinkles reach out to the community. Push for an all digital future
As long as the screen is resistive and has a stylus I'll be happy. Capacitive is actually bad for gaming. And 540p IS the sweet spot for res. And cartridges! YES! Third parties will be able to do a lot with that!

If third parties are aboard, they will go all digital for the most part

how come devs don't like carts?


As long as the screen is resistive and has a stylus I'll be happy. Capacitive is actually bad for gaming. And 540p IS the sweet spot for res. And cartridges! YES! Third parties will be able to do a lot with that!

If third parties are aboard, they will go all digital for the most part

It's all about the dpi for me, it's got to be at least Retina tier
I honestly prefer handheld gaming, so I'm cool with that. I do have concerns about some things though. What will the battery life on this thing be like? Will it be bulky as fuck?


No matter what Nintendo does, third party sales won't be good. The best thing they could ever do is combine their software output for one system.

Hopefully there's enough power here, though. That's my only concern at the moment.

Western third party for sure, they'll make do with Japanese third parties and Indies.
Why does it need to scale perfectly? Why not just downsample 1080p content to whatever arbitrary resolution?

I don't want to advocate for Nintendo to remain five years behind every other device in this space, fuck that

Then you have that issue that a lot of indie ports on the Vita have, where HUD elements and text are too small and hard to see.


Can't wait for Monolith next (classic) RPG using X background.
One system for all games, sounds awesome. Let's see how it really works.
Consolidating 100% of Nintendo's developer output on one system is the key thing here.

The fact Nintendo was able to pretty much singlehandedly carry the 3DS and WiiU (even if individually those systems were poor performers, or at least the WiiU was) suggests that combining their output on one system should carry that system just fine, with or without third parties.

Nintendo can avoid dry spells just fine if its resources aren't split between two systems.

Especially when the releases won't be redundant, like 2 Mario Karts, 2 NSMB, etc... We could get more unique IP's possibly.
This sounds amazing. I don't get the underpowered complaints. The wii u is weaker than Xbox one and ps4 but most of its games run better and look amazing.

60 fps is king, along with art direction and color. I remember playing months of Witcher 3 then turning on Mario Kart 8 and wondering why my brain was imagining it looked better.


Rockefellers. Skull and Bones. Microsoft. Al Qaeda. A Cabal of Bankers. The melting point of steel. What do these things have in common? Wake up sheeple, the landfill wasn't even REAL!
Let's see how they designed the controllers. But my gut reaction is more like: I wished it was just a conventional handheld that you could just plug into your TV to use a Pro Controller with it.

I'm with you.

A Vita 2.0 would be perfect.


If all true, this would finally mean the end of feeling left out in the cold as a console player while our handheld preferring brothers and sisters get the majority of Nintendo's games (because of Japan). Now everyone could play how he/she wants while still playing the same games, hopefully, which is A-Ok with me.


People asking for high resolutions just because they're high. I would hope Nintendo goes for a resolution that doesn't demand most of its library to run at non native resolutions, making the super sharp screen only a waste of money.


Let's see how they designed the controllers. But my gut reaction is more like: I wished it was just a conventional handheld that you could just plug into your TV to use a Pro Controller with it.

Why wouldn't it? You have two little (likely bluetooth) controllers that come attached standard. Why wouldn't it support others, both existing and new?


Just because it might not have Western AAA 3rd party support doesn't mean that it's not going to have 3rd party support. If you take the 3DS Japanese 3rd party support, combine it with the Western indies that the Vita was getting (probably a lot more now that you don't have to worry about getting your game to work on the Vita's weak hardware and have a better than Vita install base to sell to), and Nintendo full-focused attention and this looks primed to have the best software lineup of any Nintendo system since the SNES.
I think that's a pretty significant point.

It doesn't have to be as fast as XB1 (especially GPU-wise) to have better chances at indie support than either 3DS or Wii U. If they can get close to a scenario where the average indie developer can press the "export to NX" button in their favourite third party engine and have it work decently enough without too much platform-specific effort then that should help. And with Tegra, neither insufficient CPU speed nor GPU featureset should be an obstacle to this.


If it's two full blown separate controllers then I have negative interest in this as a handheld and would rather just leave it at home. How are you supposed to carry that in your pockets?
Can't say I'm too thrilled. I was still clinging to a desperate hope they'd at least try to complete in the horsepower race. Price will determine if I even look at the thing.

No backwards compatibility is a bummer, but hopefully they'll bring the virtual console forward to this platform for us to rebuy all our old stuff again! I haven't bought a Nintendo home console since the cube, so I'm ready to drop far too much money to have all the old stuff in one place for the first time.


Gah, this just makes me want more details!! I'm curious how the controller detachment thing works (especially if each side is a full fledged controller. My girlfriend and I were planning on each getting the next handheld, but I don't know how viable that is now that it's also a home console.

I hope more leaks before September.
Nintendo Go.

Calling it.

Go is five in Japanese, this being their 5th generation handheld. Also, makes sense to capitalise on the Pokemon Go mindshare.
DAMN... I can see it. I like it.

But then again what do I know. My cat probably knows more about good marketing than I do.


People want the NES Mini because it's a $60 impulse buy that tugs on those nostalgia strings. Thinking you can translate that (and the success of Pokemon Go, while you're at it) into getting those same people to buy $200-300 home consoles is a good way completely miss the point of why the NES Mini and Pokemon Go were so successful in the first place. I hate to use this analogy again but it's like Marvel expecting all of those millions of people who watch Avengers in the theatre, and buy Iron Man t shirts and Captain America bobble heads to become hardcore comic fans/buyers again.

No, your totally off the mark lol. It did turn people who dont read comic books to watch every other movie they put out. ANd it did get people to buy digital comic books and read. Nintendo using nostalgia could have been making new games of beloved franchises, and connect them with a single branding for "NEW Nintendo Experience". But they just want to make partners, share holders happy by making this console hybrid that will play mobile, dedicated handheld and home console games.

It's their own fault they are in the position they are in, and them not taking anything away from PS3, or even Wii u era that people just want games, and easy ways to play them. They didn't revamp their internal ways of how they make business decisions. Which is why they have very little for western developers. They took too long to make any kind of significant change to online/store/account. Or even have one that mattered for that matter.


I remember that this was the exact pre-release sentiment when Vita was announced. Turns out, handhelds are a rather poor platform for huge AAA blockbusters that are traditionally on consoles.
And the Vita had a high-res OLED display and proper control inputs.
Yes that explains part of the failure of the PSP, that AAA games don't play well on the go. But if the NX can really reach X1 levels, you're looking at a handheld that can do both at the same time. I find that pretty enticing. I play very few RPGs anymore, because I don't have enough TV time to finish them. If you factor in commute time or when the missus is watching some soap though, I can finally play games like FFXV and Xenobladr again, but also have the games that are actually fit for the system, it's pretty cool.
That is, assuming I want to buy a successor to my Wii u that is less capable than my PS4. It also feels a bit redundant and I'm not yet convinced.


No bald cap? Lies!
Nope. 540p will be too low and look like shite on a tv.

And no. I don't expect much in a way of 3rd party support. Looks like Nintendo are going alone again.

540p would be for the handheld, not when docked and hooked up to a TV. It would have to be 720p at a minimum, hopefully 1080p as standard.

They don't need to be the same, the games can have varying outputs on the same device.


Yeah it doesn't make sense, unless each controller is a full gamepad and there's actually the possibility to attach two gamepads for multi but you need just one to play single player.

Two Wiimote-like controllers with clickable analogue sticks instead of d-pads. If you take them off, they're identical.
If it's two full blown separate controllers then I have negative interestbin this as a handheld and would rather just leave it at home. How are you supposed to carry that in your pockets?

Yeah man

I cant wrap my head around how they are going to approach this ergonomically

hoping for the best lol


I know square enix has denied it being a thing at all but can you imagine FFXV on the go? lol...it'll probably burn a hole right through your hands as it heats up.


I'd bet my left nut that NX works with Wii periphery.

Ughhhhhhhh. I'm 200% done with Wii remotes and Wii accesories. It's been ten years godammit just let them die, Nintendo! Freaking hoping this new console is a brand new beginning with new accesories and stuff. Just keep it simple, Nintendo!


Just realized that this would be the first time that Nintendo would partner with Nvidia.

I wonder what kind of margin they have.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Why wouldn't it? You have two little (likely bluetooth) controllers that come attached standard. Why wouldn't it support others, both existing and new?

There is a possibility that the layout of the two controllers will not match the layout of a conventional controller. Both controllers will probably be symmetrical. That alone kinda rules out a layout where one side has a d-pad and the other side a group of four buttons.
Sounds like basura.

I don't really game on dedicated handhelds anymore. In the rare times I do, it's usually at home anyway. So now I'm stuck with a handheld that isn't quite a handheld, and isn't quite a powerful console. Why are they trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist? Were people dying to connect their handhelds to the screen? Did people really want console experiences on the go with them?

The Vita tried both and failed. It was proof that people don't necessarily need or want that. Unless there's a hidden gpu in that base station, trash confirmed. I would love to be wrong.

I just want a console that at least reaches the power of the X1, and play a 3D Mario on THAT. It seems more and more like a pipedream.


Do not listen to this man Nintendo. The WiiU has a 480P screen and it looks very low rez compared to modern tablets etc...

Please make it 1080p.

Nope. 540p will be too low and look like shite on a tv.

And no. I don't expect much in a way of 3rd party support. Looks like Nintendo are going alone again.

It's not going to be 1080p on the handheld. At all. It'll be 480p to 540p for battery life.

Just because the handheld screen is low res doesn't mean a powered dock output would be that resolution and simply upscaled.
Although 540p does upscale nicely to TVs.
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