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FCC Republicans vow to gut net neutrality rules “as soon as possible”

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RIP Netflix, all hail hilariously overpriced ISP content solutions as provided by Verizon/ATT/Comcast

Yep. It was only a few years ago that some ISP's were capping the bandwidth on netflix and there were a ton of complaints that lead to the current rules. It took less than a decade to undo all that and we are right back were we started. Now when you complain no one is going to give a shit. They might send you a nice red hat though.
All facebook, google, and twitter need to do is shut off for a week. Have a sign saying "due to republicans wanting to gut net neutrality, we're showing you what will happen once they do."

I mean they wont. But that would be damned effective.

How can we convince these companies to protest like this?


It is going to be awesome to be able to stream Netflix/Youtube in SD for "free", but if I want to watch it in HD it will be an additional $19.99/month (see T-Mobile model).

I am actually fine with the T-Mobile model for my cell phone, even though it violates what net neutrality stands for. It is nice to be able to stream music and watch videos without the fear of bandwidth caps... I don't want that to be brought over to my home internet where I can actually enjoy things in HD. It is far better than having a 2GB or 4GB bandwidth cap where I meticulously have to monitor my data usage.
Are ISPs actually going to make major changes, though? It's pretty obvious as soon as the Democrats get back in power, Net Neutrality is back, so would it be worth it to make drastic changes to plans, do new marketing and transition everyone over only for the whole thing to go back to "normal" in 4-5 years?
Get your online multiplayer gaming done now.
Stream your Netflix movies now.
Download as much porn as possible now.

Because starting Jan 20, we all fucked.

I wonder what Mom n Pop Dumbass in middle America is going to say when little Timmy has been accessing porn non-stop while they were out and their bill is $400.

This isn't likely the form it'll take. Net Neutrality getting gutted more likely means that the telcos will charge content providers like Netflix out the ass for priority downloading and now there won't be anything to stop them, which means Netflix will have to charge more to cover the new costs from the telcos or bring in a bunch of ads, which means people are going to drop Netflix like a bad habit once it goes from 10/mo to like 30+ or they have as many ads at network television, which means Netflix filing bankruptcy because they can't afford to function any more.

Netflix is the obvious example, but you can replace them with any other web based company that moves a ton of data around and isn't called Facebook or Google.



has an election ever represented such a stark change for the negative in literally everything?

Are ISPs actually going to make major changes, though? It's pretty obvious as soon as the Democrats get back in power, Net Neutrality is back, so would it be worth it to make drastic changes to plans, do new marketing and transition everyone over only for the whole thing to go back to "normal" in 4-5 years?
The news websites that show Democrats promising to undo net neutrality are premium packages though
How can we convince these companies to protest like this?

Fuck if I know. Im sure their profits mean more than shutting off their websites for a week, even though itll affect them as well.

And even if Net neutrality is gutted, the websites I mentioned will probably get good deals?


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Time to start figuring out how to get around these things now. No fucking way am I going to stay on that internet.


If the worst case happens, will you be willing to pay these prices? I cut the cord for cable, and while I don't think I'd be able to completely cut the cord on my internet access, I wouldn't hesitate to change my habits to give these guys the least amount of money as possible.
So does this mean you will start seeing Internet packages starting at $39.99 for example, but that doesn't include YouTube, Spotify, and reddit for example? And you can add those on for an extra $5 or whatever? Can anyone explain like I'm five what iears for the average consumer.

That would be legal, yes. It may be a while before something that obvious and direct turns up (if ever), but what is much more likely is the creation of extra-fast "pipes" from ISPs that services like Netflix will need to pay extra to access, possibly to compete effectively with that ISPs homegrown streaming service. That cost may be passed on to the consumer or it may not, but regardless it has a chilling effect on new competing services that do not have the capital to pay for that bandwidth.

So NetFlix, YouTube etc. probably aren't going anywhere nor or they likely to slow down. They may become more expensive though and you are much less likely to see, you know, an awesome new MovieNet independent streaming service that blows everyone else out of the water.
Where are all the gamergaters and alt-righters who voted for Trump and cry censorship over anything? If this shit goes down I want the ISPs to charge more for Reddit and 4chan. See how quick they turn their backs on you.
I love how this is all motivated by big business interests, but the suggestion that other big businesses could ever possibly have an influence in the other direction is dismissed out of hand.

Well, I hope you're and would like to be proven wrong but I'm not holding my breath.


So does this mean you will start seeing Internet packages starting at $39.99 for example, but that doesn't include YouTube, Spotify, and reddit for example? And you can add those on for an extra $5 or whatever? Can anyone explain like I'm five what this means for the average consumer.

Restricting access to internet content is unlikely. Much more likely is that ISPs will simply throttle (reduce the speeds) of certain data-heavy internet traffic (e.g. torrents) or streaming services that are seen to compete with their existing or future offerings. They may also try again to exclude their own streaming services from any data caps they choose to impose on all of your other internet traffic, thereby discouraging customers from using Netflix or Amazon Prime Video. They may also sell services, most likely to business customers, to prioritize their internet traffic over the traffic of regular users, or only unlock full speed internet to people who pay more for the same thing, while throttling everyone else.


I think we should be careful with these over the top pronouncements about flagrant violations of net nuetrality. When they make more subtle changes a large number of people will go "oh that's all?" We'll be the frog sitting in the water that slowly heats up instead of the frog jumping into the boiling water.
So does this mean you will start seeing Internet packages starting at $39.99 for example, but that doesn't include YouTube, Spotify, and reddit for example? And you can add those on for an extra $5 or whatever? Can anyone explain like I'm five what this means for the average consumer.

If the current ruling to treat internet like a common utility is removed then that frees internet companies to do that and more. No net neutrality means traffic more favorable to your ISP gets through and others that they deem to not be favorable are either hindered or possibly blocked altogether. For example, let's just say Facebook strikes a deal with Comcast and not Twitter. So now when you go home for an exciting evening of social mediaing, you can freely post on FB while access to Twitter is severely hindered or not available.


This was horrifying for a bit until I came with a thought.

I hope the trump administration does this and it get expensive and insane fast. I hope, cause messing with internet for the millennials is like messing with SS for the baby boomer generation...maybe for once y'all noobs might ACTUALLY VOTE
So is there realistically anything that can stop them?

Nah. Dems can try to stop it with the aid of internet sites that are big enough...we as a people cant do anything though. Call your republican senators and complain? Start a grassroots project and get people to complain hell and hugh water?


I have to wonder if something will change once the GOP committee realizes that this means that they can't readily access their scat porn anymore.

Sou Da

Where are all the gamergaters and alt-righters who voted for Trump and cry censorship over anything? If this shit goes down I want the ISPs to charge more for Reddit and 4chan. See how quick they turn their backs on you.

They won't. I already saw a thread on technology board about the whole SC locking down computers.

Every reply there is pretty much a version of "Republicans everywhere can do no wrong because every leftist wants to destroy the white race, if you say otherwise you're a brainwashed minion of a Jew."

The only comment not motivated by racism was "I'd rather lose my porn than my free speech"
This was horrifying for a bit until I came with a thought.

I hope the trump administration does this and it get expensive and insane fast. I hope, cause messing with internet for the millennials is like messing with SS for the baby boomer generation...maybe for once y'all noobs might ACTUALLY VOTE

Maybe if people had a spine and weren't lazy they'd get out and protest en masse and protect what's rightfully their's to protect. But i don't see that happening.


They aren't going to cripple one of their own propaganda engines.

4Chan is a Verizon propaganda engine? You're confusing this with a Republican thing, it's a "friends" of Republicans thing. In fact large liberal leaning tech companies are the most likely to push themselves into the "free" tier should it happen.
This was horrifying for a bit until I came with a thought.

I hope the trump administration does this and it get expensive and insane fast. I hope, cause messing with internet for the millennials is like messing with SS for the baby boomer generation...maybe for once y'all noobs might ACTUALLY VOTE

milens. supported clinton pretty universally.

old people run the country though
So is there realistically anything that can stop them?

no. even if dems tried whats the use? This election was on a whole other level of crazy and the dems are willing to let the GOP burn it all down. Its time the republicans own it all with no more lifeboats from the dems, that's their thinking.

The Lamp

At least I can afford to pay for extortionist internet prices. It's the uneducated Republicans who support this that maybe can't. They'll learn quickly that this is something to hate. The problem is that the conservative propaganda machine will find a way to convince Republicans that net neutrality is also the liberals' faults.


This was horrifying for a bit until I came with a thought.

I hope the trump administration does this and it get expensive and insane fast. I hope, cause messing with internet for the millennials is like messing with SS for the baby boomer generation...maybe for once y'all noobs might ACTUALLY VOTE

I now believe Trump is accelerant to all of the problems this culture has faced.

If our collective house is on fire and he's pure gasoline, he's also trailing lines to other rooms, so everyone burns together.

Rural America suffered via neoliberal policies. Now, more of the country will too, as something else is commoditized and propagandized as something that doesn't get offered as a public good, but a private service, complete with you, the human organism, being once again another product pipeline to get blood from the stone out of.
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