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Mass Effect: Andromeda | Review Thread

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Ah. So this will go down as a game that shot too high and fell because of it. What's fucked up is the same happened with Inquisition. That time cross gen was the excuse. I wonder what it is this time. Thankfully the target footage didn't leak out this time.


So much planned. A shame. Hopefully this isn't the last Mass Effect, and they actually fix what went wrong.

Don´t know much about game development, but I would assume that trying out different things in the prototype phase is not unusual.
it just means that they are always working on projects. As far as I remember Patryn or Nirolak writing, each of the 3 Bioware studio functions as lead on one project while the others help out. Montreal will probably be moving on to provide support for whatever next Bioware project is coming up - maybe the new IP that's supposedly getting revealed soon.

Whether or not some employees are working in pre-production of the next ME already, I have no idea. Most likely, but whether or not it gets greenlit into full production depends on what EA wants to do with the series after/if Andromeda bombs.

I thought the 'franchise' in that paragraph is referring to Mass Effect franchise. So I guess it's about EA franchise as a whole
Is it true though that this was a completely new team and not the BioWare behind the previous games or is that unconfirmed?

Because if so, the good BioWare is probably working on that online game then.

Real Hero

Reviews sound good to me. The story and characters looked out of place and just odd from the first trailer onward. However, after the fantastic combat of ME3, the reason for wanting this game/series to continue was not the story, but the combat. Most reviews seem to criticize the story and animations, but not many are complaining about the actual combat. Great to hear for me honestly, since thats where I wanted it to shine. Consider ME:A a third person shooter with a weak story. No problems there then, been playing and enjoying games​ like that for decades.

Expect nobody is calling the combat exceptional. It's an ok third person shooter with a weak story who has time for that
I've found that disappointing entries in beloved franchises skew higher than they should due to reviewers wanting to like the game. This could be worse than the picture the reviews are panting -_-


Is it true though that this was a completely new team and not the BioWare behind the previous games or is that unconfirmed?

I think it´s confirmed that the previous ME leads have either left or have moved on to Bioware´s take on Destiny.

This is made by a team that was ME3´s DLC team.


I am shocked by this quite honestly, even given that the animations/writing issues were known about. I have been a fan since the launch of ME1. I would have expected a solid 85-90 based on the pedigree of the franchise. How could they drop the ball like this on the franchise? The silver lining is that I have too many games to play anyway.



"The combat crackles and the worlds are lush, but mediocre writing and tepid quests add up to what is probably BioWare's worst RPG yet."



I've found that disappointing entries in beloved franchises skew higher than they should due to reviewers wanting to like the game. This could be worse than the picture the reviews are panting -_-
Works both ways. Some people will be harsher because it is from a beloved franchise. Some will give it a pass. I think it's a wash from a consensus standpoint. It all comes down to the individual reviewer.


Is it true though that this was a completely new team and not the BioWare behind the previous games or is that unconfirmed?

Because if so, the good BioWare is probably working on that online game then.

Yes. This is the team that worked on ME3 multiplayer which would explain why the TPS elements are great and environments looking mighty fine.


If I remember correctly, it was sort of openly acknowledged that it existed but the "reveal" was some weird "behind the scenes" video where they showed people working on the game and some of the environments.

At the EA E3 press conference.

No, guys. That's not how you do a reveal for a game like this. Wait until you have enough gameplay and/or story ready to give an epic trailer.

Well, considering the finished product (story/dialog/animation-wise), they almost couldn't have revealed it today even. No? :)


Is it true though that this was a completely new team and not the BioWare behind the previous games or is that unconfirmed?

Because if so, the good BioWare is probably working on that online game then.

It was headed by Bioware Montreal who was behind Arrival DLC and Omega DLC and the multiplayer in ME3. The creative director was Mac Walters, who co-wrote ME2 and was the lead writer for ME3. Possibly others from the old team were also on board (Manveer Heir, for example).

And it's perfectly sensible to rotate this game to Montreal considering their experience with Arrival and Omega, as well as having some of the old leads heading the project.

Who was the lead writer in this game anyway? Same guy as DA:I?

Halo 4 writer, who also left the team early last year.
Considering Dragon Age Inquisition this is an incredible claim. I believe it

For a bit of perspective, I had to pre maturally quit playing DA:I because of a fatal bug that got rid of not only my mini map, but also fast travel. Making the game virtually unplayable.

I have cancelled my pre order and will wait til this one is cooked better.

Edit: phone being janky


Any examples of this particularly bad writing? (don't make me comb 33 pages, plz).

Don't know how severe it is, but i'd be a bit forgiving here, since big rpgs are bound to have some bad lines here and there, given the volume they're required to produce (paired with lifeless animations to boot).


I'm not surprised, just disappointing that a franchise I enjoyed turned out like this. Really didn't enjoy my time with the trial.. I still want to play it, but definitely going to wait until it's much cheaper now/
Sad. If EA don't think we are worth a really good Mass Effect game don't give them your money. Don't buy it just because it's called Mass Effect. Or do I'm not the boss of you lol but I think we can all agree we wanted a really good Mass Effect game. This doesn't even seem to be a really good game regardless of what brand EA slapped on. I say again though you do you and have fun doing it.
i was feeling really good about the game during the 10hour trial, but more i play it the less i like it.

there isnt a ringle character i like in my crew, side quests seem to get less and less interesting and the open world design is even worse than da:i in that, stuff to do in it is all meaningless chores.

low to mid 70s seem about right.

i guess the doctors made all the difference huh?


how disappointing. really wanted to have a great scifi adventure game. will still pick it up down the line but this is bittersweet


So basically, there's a good chance patches will fix this game's biggest issues.

I'll just wait until these issues are fixed, I've got plenty of games to get through first. I really hope this game succeeds.
I guess it depends on what you consider to be the game's biggest issues. The bugs, the framerate and the inventory issues will probably be fixed, yeah.

But I'm not convinced the animations are something that will be fixed in a patch. That kind of thing isn't something that can be quickly implemented like a bugfix, that shit requires manpower and a budget that Bioware probably didn't commit to for post-launch support. Same thing with the stilted VO and dialogue that was in the trial.
Any examples of this particularly bad writing? (don't make me comb 33 pages, plz).

Don't know how severe it is, but i'd be a bit forgiving here, since big rpgs are bound to have some bad lines here and there, given the volume they're required to produce (paired with lifeless animations to boot).

Not sure its bad writing as much as a combo of bad performances + completely uninspired writing that feels stale.

The feeling I get is, is that the story and characters feels awkward and lifeless but not exactly offensively bad.


The main problem is a lot prominent people have left EA from Bioware or working on some new IP.

True, but homework 101 as I've said multiple times should have been the project leads dissecting ME1~3 and spending the first month or two mandating ALL staff play them till completion. Might sound daft/like a chore, but if you're bringing a new team into do something like this, take it seriously.

Chances are half of them have played ME1~3, if not practically all, which is what makes this even more painful. Direction from the project leads must have been dire.
Well that's what happens when you clearly fail to understand what people want from RPGs. Taking priority away from great story telling in favour of shooty shooty bang bang and nice looking screenshots.

Fallout 4 took the same nose dive, as did inquisition and to a lesser extent skyrim


Sad. If EA don't think we are worth a really good Mass Effect game don't give them your money. Don't buy it just because it's called Mass Effect. Or do I'm not the boss of you lol but I think we can all agree we wanted a really good Mass Effect game. This doesn't even seem to be a really good game regardless of what brand EA slapped on. I say again though you do you and have fun doing it.
Not sure how a 75 is a bad score. Is it a disappointing score? Sure. But if you're a fan of the franchise and aren't turned off by the streams I don't see why this game won't at least be okay.

Why are people acting like a 75 is a god awful score? Some of my favorite games of all time are in the 70s. It's just metacritic. The biggest knock against it is the fact that we've had a killer early 2017 and if you have limited time/money and aren't a ME fan then this is a pretty easy pass/wait.


Any examples of this particularly bad writing? (don't make me comb 33 pages, plz).

Don't know how severe it is, but i'd be a bit forgiving here, since big rpgs are bound to have some bad lines here and there, given the volume they're required to produce (paired with lifeless animations to boot).


Possible minor spoilers, but it was posted in the other ME:A thread (crazy animations!).

Can anyone tell me what is meant by "My face is tired"????
Hard to believe that "fans" of the franchise will not play this game for the scores, real fans heh
Fuck the reviewers (gamespot, giantbomb). I cannot wait to play this as ME 1-3 are my favorite games...heck, I double dipped (Xbox one and pc) so I can play it on my laptop if I go out.
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