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Destiny 2 officially announced (with a logo only) [Up: Cayde-6 Toy Pre-Order Bonus]

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What were his rumors?


Yea, it's coming to PC. From what I'm told the decision to restructure was made thanks to a major memory ceiling being reached on last gen with regard to the Rise of Iron expansion, which was set to launch in the spring, not fall. Bungie decided to push out D2 since it was behind and needed much more iteration, and took advantage of the Rise of Iron delays to use that as the content stop gap for the fall of this year.

Destiny 2 is being overhauled so that they can build upon it in the future without having to work within the frame work limitations that D1 setup. Right now, the way things play out, they have to introduce playspaces so that players can engage in systems or activities, but it creates a huge barrier that must be overcome on both the networking & design side so, they're going to do more open playspaces that incorporate towns, outposts, etc into more common areas. This means fewer hardlines for areas and having them be gated by menus. Goal is to have players conducting things & making activity decisions while still in control of their character, instead of having to exit out into an activity hub. Think of how in WoW, you hit a button and queue into activities you want to do all while still playing your character.

Major narrative changes are on board for D2. Both in terms of plot direction, pacing & structure. Major focus is going to be on the Cabal & Saturn. Saturn is a playspace is set to be bigger than all of the playspaces currently implemented in the game combined. This is in large part of the scale of playspaces being redesigned, so it'll be both bigger & denser with activities. There's a reason Guardians take the fight to Saturn.

Major changes to the engine are occurring. Their render tech has gone through some major iteration thanks in large part to getting to approach it without having last-gen as a limit. Because of this, they are still undecided what, if any, of Destiny's old content, both in terms of playspace, areas, Strikes & raids, will be available through D2. There is talk in possibly allowing D1 remain as its own client, which flies against how Destiny currently operates, where as the new content renders the old client & content obsolete.

Live team has been going through some iteration so that they may continue to support Destiny with content after a major content drop, but they are stuck between a rock & a hard place. The live team is trying to support a game running on an old engine with its older tools, whereas the bulk of development is on the engine framework & enjoying new tools. Because of this, the Live team is largely handcuffed, so don't really expect a whole lot of post-launch content for D1 in the next year.

However, starting with the launch of D2, we will see far more substantial content dropping in the time between yearly releases, as the game & engine & live team have all been planned to support that going forward. Team is aware that they need more substantial content throughout the year, not just at the end of it.

If they do drop D1 content, it likely won't be permanent - they might reintroduce areas in a more 'D2' fleshed out way. So we might lose temporary access to these places, then regain it or have to fight back for control of it at a later point in the plot. This means we'll get to see older areas or activities through the perspective of the newer content, which also means the older areas might expand considerably by the time we get back to them, since the design goal for playspaces is to now make them both way bigger & way denser with activities.

Edit: New races & factions are planned. No idea on whats happening with regards to classes however. New enemies within factions are also going to be introduced. Take the Sions for the Cabal for example - they are going to get fleshed out in D2.
Sure thing. All of the races, including the Awoken, still have much room for expansion. The Fallen were originally another race that the traveller actually guided before it reached humans; The Vex were also a completely different race before they machinized themselves into a Borg like race. They're also going to be introducing enemy factions that have motivation & goals. Right now enemies seem like creatures - D2 should hopefully make them more sentient with goals.

I'm told the new raid was causing an out of memory crash that just had no work around - the content NEEDED more RAM in order for it to exist.
New races & factions are planned. No idea on whats happening with regards to classes however. New enemies within factions are also going to be introduced. Take the Psions for the Cabal for example - they are going to get fleshed out in D2.

Yes. A few of Saturn's moons.

There's been talk of space flight gameplay, but that would be at a future point, like a Destiny 3 or 4. It's definitely been talked about. Turning the ship into an extension of the guardian. Right now it just serves a cosmetic purpose - they are definitely exploring ways to expand on that.

I wouldn't expect to see the Tower in good shape in D2 ;)


That's it? Just the same Destiny title with a big old plain 2 behind it? Feel bad for the Destiny fans.

I mean, what were people expecting? They're not going to reveal gameplay until E3, which is months away. A live-action or CGI trailer is the best we can hope for until then.
I still think they should've gone for the Roman numerals II for the sequel but if that's the marketing image they were gonna use, then two large Roman numerals there would not have been a good look.
That's it? Well they are off to a great start. /s

Won't get remotely excited until they prove there is actually $60 worth of quality content in their $60 game. Bungie did a lot of damage to their reputation with the first Destiny + DLC IMO.

it always amazes me that people can complain about vanilla destiny's lack of content, when you never hear that about these 20 hour single player games.

just because you didn't like all the activities, or you didn't progress far enough to do all of them, doesn't mean that that there was a lack of content.


I disagree as someone who finished some. Not sure why some people liking/disliking one small part of a game makes it worthwhile or not though. Weird hill to die on.

That's fine if you didn't like it, but I agree with him that those raids were some of the best experiences I've had on consoles. And so do a lot of other people. They forced teamwork like nothing else and they were very challenging to the average player.


looks like what we would consider a modern city grid now, doesn't it?

they can't prequel Destiny yet can they?
I mean, what were people expecting? They're not going to reveal gameplay until E3, which is months away. A live-action or CGI trailer is the best we can hope for until then.

I don't even care about gameplay right now. Just want to know the date and whether its on PC for sure. The rest can wait.
Neat. I am hoping for some more meat to quests and such. I felt like the first was lacking in getting to know that world and other people in it.

My only gripe with the rumored story is the Cabal are attacking the City. Reminds me of the Covenant attacking earth is Halo 2. Its familiar is what I am saying.
That was never the plan

Sure seemed like it with the Destiny brand receiving small and major expansions with an all-encompassing Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 classification by Bungie themselves.

Just glad to be getting another major and needed content drop in roughly 5 months.


The "2" makes sense imo if there's as much a fundamental shift in the game as the rumors suggest along with the fact that literally nothing but your character appearance can carry over (lol). Calling it Year 3 (or whatever we're at) wouldn't communicate that well at all. It would be underselling it.


Pretty hyped for this, Destiny was probably my most anticipated game of the new generation and while it may have initially let me down, it improved DRAMATICALLY as time went on. I still say it's the best shooter on the market for PS4 and XB1


That was never the plan

Yup and everyone who remotely read any news article new that wasn't the plan either. That's why trying to use that to shit on the franchise is stupid as all hell. There are plenty of things that you could shit on Bungie for relating to Destiny without resorting to something stupid like that.
Sure seemed like it with the Destiny brand receiving small and major expansions with an all-encompassing Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 classification by Bungie themselves.

Just glad to be getting another major and needed content drop in roughly 5 months.

it was obvious to anyone who paid any attention that they wouldn't be releasing dlc to destiny 1 for 10 years


Just FYI, the "ten year plan" was a remark about how they felt they wanted the studio to just work on the franchise for at least 10 years and be focused on it, since Halo ended up being that way for them.

They never said how many games, how'd they come out, just that the studio would be Destiny focused for 10 years so they had to get a publisher that would sign on for that, being Activision. Bungie owns the IP.


Game feels bigger than a reveal with nothing other than a still image with a giant 2, but whatever. Here's hoping we get 60 fps. Really curious to see how they apply what they learned from Destiny into the sequel.


Trying to pull a Rockstar I see

I don't think he's wrong. Destiny 1 was massive and I expected 2 to be even bigger. Don't forget PC version, this game will be huge on PC aswell.

Will be between RDR2 and Destiny for best selling game released this year
I love how they think this is enough to get people excited after the disaster that was the first game (vanilla). "A logo is all we need to get those ship jumpers back on board!"

oh man, you're in for a rude awakening if you think this game is going to be anything other than MASSIVE


Just FYI, the "ten year plan" was a remark about how they felt they wanted the studio to just work on the franchise for at least 10 years and be focused on it, since Halo ended up being that way for them.

They never said how many games, how'd they come out, just that the studio would be Destiny focused for 10 years so they had to get a publisher that would sign on for that, being Activision. Bungie owns the IP.

We found out that they planned several games with big expansion between them from the IW court case. But that was old plan that changed over time [as new delays happened].
It shouldn't really be called Destiny 2. All the content for the game will take about 1 year of patches and DLC. 1.9 would be better.

If D1 is anything to go by.
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