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John McCain to return to the United States Senate Tomorrow for Healthcare Vote

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Homeland Security Fail
Senate Republicans Don’t Know What Health Care Bill They’re About To Vote For. That’s Nuts.

The long, halting slog toward Obamacare repeal is set to reach a significant milestone Tuesday, when the Senate is scheduled to vote on ... something.

No, not ”something terrific,” as President Donald Trump promised on the campaign trail. Just ... something. The American public will find out what that something is at about the same time as the Republican senators who Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) wants to amble down to the well of the Senate, raise their index fingers and say, “Yea.”

Tuesday morning, the Senate is scheduled to begin floor debate on whatever that something is. McConnell is asking GOP senators to approve a procedural motion on a House-passed health care bill, which will then allow him to bring up something else, after which senators will debate and vote on amendments to the something.

No one knows what they’ll be voting to debate. Seriously.


You would think that after being diagnosed with brain cancer and knowing you don't have much time left on earth that would be the moment you said fuck everyone I am doing what I want to, instead of rushing back to play bullshit political games and risk people's lives over it.


McCain: "I came to vote yes on the AHCA because I wouldn't have wanted to endure this medical ordeal under Obamacare."

Neogaf Windbags: "That's beyond fucked up, but get well you war hero!"


Millions lose health care, but HEY BE NICE ON A MESSAGE BOARD GUYS.

Some of you are so out of touch with reality. The lectures were old last thread. People are going to be pissed, get over yourself.
I hope his last memory is of debasing himself before this traitor's party for less than nothing. Let his legacy be dust, entirely by his own hand.


I dont think well of what he is doing either, but fucking hell at some of the posts in this thread.

No, save your "fucking hell" for all the millions he intends to fuck over. Just because its a large number doesnt mean they arent all real people with families and children.

Place your fucking hell on THAT situation that Mccain is rushing back to work to knife in the back. Sick of you guys and this BS. Y'all were all over it last thread, now this dude is sprinting back to work so he can screw millions, some of which will suffer from the same condition his subsidized health care is treating him for as we speak.

I don't really wanna hear anything from the "B...but hes a hero" squad until I see the same outrage for the actual victims of this man's work first.


McCain is doing this himself.

If this man won't maintain his own dignity, I sure as fuck won't help him.

This man is taking breaks between receiving life-saving treatment to vote on a bill that will cut off millions of Americans from that same care. Republicans continue to wear that "Deplorable" label proudly.

Yup. This isn't on turtle man. This is all McCain. He'd have plenty of excuses to get out of this if he really wanted to. McCain is determined to have this happen.


yikes, I thought GAF said this bill is dead

You know that part of the movie where the slasher villain is lying in a nearby corner after being laid out by a wrench and the survivors are hugging each other, sobbing and just glad that everything is going to be ok and the danger has passed


Conservatives are evil. There is just no other explanation for how much damage these people are doing to this country and the entire planet.
Nobody here has any power or ability to effect McCain's condition even slightly.

Save your virtue for those who deserve it.

After the bill collapsed there was a wave of that sorta noise. I wouldn't read a single thing into it until the vote is done.
Wishing death on someone or implying his cancer should disqualify him is crossing a line.
No one is comprehending how fucking asinine this is.

Who gives a fuck bout what Mitch says, McCain is flying back on his own accord.

Dude has fucking brain cancer, and he's rushing back to help with the fuckery, couldn't even sit down for a sec and say this is bullshit lemme chill.

Let's pray for McCain, let's pray for him to be healthy enough to help reek havoc among the general populaces healthcare options.

He could always actually make a grand political stand and come back to vote no.....

But that would actually make him a maverick


This shit has not sunk into McCain yet. People have probably told him that he still has a couple years but depending on the current grade of the tumor he's going to decline sharply well before whatever median survival rates he's been told.


I've seen a couple of people die of this disease and it is a brutal, personality altering, painful and all consuming disease. He should be retiring and spending what time he has left with his family while he's still recognizably himself.

I have a couple of friends that are going to be royally fucked if they lose health care because of preexisting conditions. They're going to be effectively disabled.


Conservatives are evil. There is just no other explanation for how much damage these people are doing to this country and the entire planet.

I'd argue that this party is as traitorous as the Confederacy. They're just fucking over minorities in a different way.


This shit has not sunk into McCain yet. People have probably told him that he still has a couple years but depending on the current grade of the tumor he's going to decline sharply well before whatever median survival rates he's been told.


I've seen a couple of people die of this disease and it is a brutal, personality altering, painful and all consuming disease. He should be retiring and spending what time he has left with his family while he's still recognizably himself.

I have a couple of friends that are going to be royally fucked if they lose health care because of preexisting conditions. They're going to be effectively disabled.

Party before people, though.

That's been the mantra of the subhuman class known as the GOP for decades. They just lack anything to hide their parasitic views and values under with any context of "slightly different views" now.


Oh, okay, I missed this. Do they have the votes though? I've been keeping track of this, but I feel like I have missed something.

How can we know if they have the votes when we don't know what they'll be voting on?

No, we don't know. Yes, this is crazy.


Wishing death on someone or implying his cancer should disqualify him is crossing a line.

When people are dying because they can't get medicine I'm sure they will be happy to know at least people cared about McCain's health, and those that didn't were properly shamed.

I don't wish death on him either but come on.


Oh, okay, I missed this. Do they have the votes though? I've been keeping track of this, but I feel like I have missed something.

Doesn't seem so, but there's not enough assured 'no's. They'd also have to kill the legislative filibuster since there's not enough time to get it scored tomorrow, so they're at that point.


How can we know if they have the votes when we don't know what they'll be voting on?

No, we don't know. Yes, this is crazy.

Because people say if they are or aren't voting for something, that's how we knew before they didn't have votes for the bill. Has no one said either way if they're voting for this motion?


Unconfirmed Member
Wishing death on someone or implying his cancer should disqualify him is crossing a line.

the second part should absolutely disqualify him from any role in government and decision making. He's seriously ill and literally nearly dead. Would you want this man as your lawyer or doctor or judge or anything? I doubt it.
I mean he was president and still represents an entire party and millions even after office. He was never going to say what he is really thinking, the same way the Republicans in congress didn't call Obama a N***** publicly.

I think there's a difference between holding your tongue when the lives of your supporters are on the line as a result of someone's efforts and having enough self-control to not call a biracial man (who you disagree with politically) a nigger.

I don't think it was ever proven for sure if Senator McCain told one his constituents suffering from brain cancer to move, but if it does turn out to be accurate I would call on many to rescind their comments.
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