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John McCain to return to the United States Senate Tomorrow for Healthcare Vote

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To review it. Unless they strip the legislative filibuster they can't vote on it today. The current plan massively violates the rules to pass reconciliation, and any new plan would have to be CBO scored, so they're voting on...?

thanks, Here's hoping it does today then.


Wishing death on someone or implying his cancer should disqualify him is crossing a line.
I don't wish for his death, I wish for his suffering.
How'd I do on the line crossing diagram?

Come on guys, not everyone who loses healthcare will die.

They might live in agonizing pain and/or be unable to work to support themselves and pay their medical bills and THEN die.

Please be more accurate with your language!

Phew! I think we just stopped another unhinged moron from using this information to radicalize!


He's going to vote yes. Rand Paul will vote no.

Rand Paul is a yes, and has been for awhile

One persistent critic, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), said he might vote to proceed to the bill after saying he wouldn't for several weeks.

"I've let leadership know I would vote to proceed if we can proceed to at least one of the choices being clean repeal. It's still very vague and nebulous and that's why it's hard to say whether you'll vote to proceed to something that you don't know you're proceeding to," Paul said.



With such a dire outlook/ survival rate on 1 year, let alone 5 year rate, one would hope that McCain would dare to stand up to Trump for one of the last big votes he might do in his lifetime, instead of possibly being remembered for having had a key vote to start down the path of removing access to healthcare for millions.

Let's see the kind of decisions he wants to be remembered for.

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power

Oni Jazar

For those that are unclear about what the Republicans are voting towards (the exact nature is still unbelievably in doubt). This article goes into detail on some of the specifics.

Ten Things You Need to Know About Trumpcare


Oni Jazar

I thought I saw that the planned Parenthood hope bit and a few others wouldn't be eligible under reconciliation.

You're right the Planned Parenthood provision is technically in violation. They haven't said anything about that. Part of the reason this vote is so crazy
You're right the Planned Parenthood provision is technically in violation. They haven't said anything about that. Part of the reason this vote is so crazy

Yeah, they've been going with this whole "don't care" shtick about violating due process which is quite frightening.


...lacks reading comprehension.
For those that are unclear about what the Republicans are voting towards (the exact nature is still unbelievably in doubt). This article goes into detail on some of the specifics.

Ten Things You Need to Know About Trumpcare

But that's not what they are voting on today, from what I hear? The vote today is about if they should change the existing ACA (Obamacare). That alone is quite pointless and exists only to get Trump some kind of "win". You will have both people that want to do more for ACA and those that want less vote for that. That doesn't mean that GOP is any closer to having a consensus.


With such a dire outlook/ survival rate on 1 year, let alone 5 year rate, one would hope that McCain would dare to stand up to Trump for one of the last big votes he might do in his lifetime, instead of possibly being remembered for having had a key vote to start down the path of removing access to healthcare for millions.

Let's see the kind of decisions he wants to be remembered for.
McCain is a spineless shell of a once-proud man. He's an automatic yes vote today.
If he wanted to vote no, he'd have stayed in the hospital.

But that's not what they are voting on today, from what I hear? The vote today is about if they should change the existing ACA (Obamacare). That alone is quite pointless and exists only to get Trump some kind of "win". You will have both people that want to do more for ACA and those that want less vote for that. That doesn't mean that GOP is any closer to having a consensus.
There can be more than one health care vote today. The MTP is just first on the docket.

Oni Jazar

But that's not what they are voting on today, from what I hear? The vote today is about if they should change the existing ACA (Obamacare). That alone is quite pointless and exists only to get Trump some kind of "win". You will have both people that want to do more for ACA and those that want less vote for that. That doesn't mean that GOP is any closer to having a consensus.

The vote is on a motion to proceed to the House-passed AHCA bill. If the substitute isn't out before then, that's what they're voting on. - @nielslesniewski


With how shitty the bill is and considering how it deals with American lives it is amazing that only a handful of Republicans have the balls to say no to it.

The whitelash to Obama is pretty horrifying to watch.


For those that are unclear about what the Republicans are voting towards (the exact nature is still unbelievably in doubt). This article goes into detail on some of the specifics.

Ten Things You Need to Know About Trumpcare


I have a petty story about personal election fallout to share.

A friend and his three siblings (and their spouses) were discussing living arrangements for their elderly mother. She lives in a rural area, in a retirement community that relies heavily on Medicaid funding. If this ACA repeal goes through, there's a good chance that this living facility closes.

So, naturally, they're wondering what happens then: Where does Mom go to live?

Three of the siblings didn't vote for Trump.

One did.

The conclusion? Mom gets to go live with the Trump sibling. After all, he voted for this. He knew that this was a part of the package deal that came with his vote. Although Mom going to live with him wouldn't put the least bit of financial strain on his lifestyle, the Trump voter's wife (also a Trump voter) would be furious at this.

The three antiTrump siblings reinforced to them: "elections have consequences."
After getting the best medical care you can in the US, he is gonna vote to strip others of even the most basic medical care.

If that isn't emblematic of the GOP I dont know what is.
McCain is a spineless shell of a once-proud man. He's an automatic yes vote today.
If he wanted to vote no, he'd have stayed in the hospital.

There can be more than one health care vote today. The MTP is just first on the docket.

Savings and Loan McCain was never a proud or honorable man.
The vote is on a motion to proceed to the House-passed AHCA bill. If the substitute isn't out before then, that's what they're voting on. - @nielslesniewski
I believe they have 36 hours after the vote to come up with a substitute. There will definitely not be anything released before the vote. That's the whole point.


This is somewhat true. States that rely more on federal funding tend to be more red than blue.


Washington, California, Massachusetts, and New York are most likely gonna be safe even after they pass the stupid law. They make more cash than they take, so they can cover those cuts.

*sigh* everytime I think about moving because of shitty housing prices I remember why I can't. goddamnit NY.
Trump is trying to balance the Repeal-Only people with the Repeal and Replace people with some sort of Repeal Now + Guarantee to Replace Later.

In other words, what they might attempt to do is Repeal for 2 years and if there is no meaningful replacement after those 2 years, the ACA will automatically and immediately be reenacted.

It sucks, naturally. But it buys time for Trump and the GoP.


Trump is trying to balance the Repeal-Only people with the Repeal and Replace people with some sort of Repeal Now + Guarantee to Replace Later.

In other words, what they might attempt to do is Repeal for 2 years and if there is no meaningful replacement after those 2 years, the ACA will automatically and immediately be reenacted.

It sucks, naturally. But it buys time for Trump and the GoP.

Repealing now throws 20 million people off health insurance immediately. It buys them 0 time because it'll instantly piss those people off. Not sure what their plan here is.


Looking for meaning in GAF
I have a petty story about personal election fallout to share.

A friend and his three siblings (and their spouses) were discussing living arrangements for their elderly mother. She lives in a rural area, in a retirement community that relies heavily on Medicaid funding. If this ACA repeal goes through, there's a good chance that this living facility closes.

So, naturally, they're wondering what happens then: Where does Mom go to live?

Three of the siblings didn't vote for Trump.

One did.

The conclusion? Mom gets to go live with the Trump sibling. After all, he voted for this. He knew that this was a part of the package deal that came with his vote. Although Mom going to live with him wouldn't put the least bit of financial strain on his lifestyle, the Trump voter's wife (also a Trump voter) would be furious at this.

The three antiTrump siblings reinforced to them: "elections have consequences."
I feel really bad for the mom for being literally being given to one of her kids as punishment.

Elections have consequences, but you shouldn't pass your own goddamn mother around to make a political point.


I feel really bad for the mom for being literally being given to one of her kids as punishment.

Elections have consequences, but you shouldn't pass your own goddamn mother around to make a political point.

She already got punished for having an ungrateful bastard of a son that voted to kick her out of her facility. This is just him shouldering the financial need that he created.

I feel bad that she will literally be uprooted from her home because her son doesn't think his actions through.



Republicans vote to move ahead on Obamacare repeal

The 51-50 Senate vote is a big win for President Donald Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Senate Republicans voted Tuesday voted to open debate on repealing Obamacare, dramatically reviving an effort that many GOP lawmakers left for dead just a few days ago.

The vote is a huge political win and turnaround for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Republicans who've promised for seven years to repeal Obamacare if voters gave them control of Congress and the White House.

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), recently diagnosed with brain cancer, entered the chamber to a standing ovation and cast the 50th Republican vote. GOP Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska broke ranks to oppose the measure, forcing Vice President Mike Pence to break a 50-50 tie.

The "maverick" does it again!


Unconfirmed Member
all those people feeling sorry for him and trying to tone police looking like absolute chumps. when will you learn


For those that are unclear about what the Republicans are voting towards (the exact nature is still unbelievably in doubt). This article goes into detail on some of the specifics.

Ten Things You Need to Know About Trumpcare


$1.196 trillion

$875 billion

$321 billion in savings for the Gov't
-Poor people will lose insurance
-Less people will purchase insurance
-People with insurance will pay significantly more
-Rich people, Medical industries will pay less taxes

This shit is straight up evil


I actually don't hate McCain, but this is rather vile symbolically. Really fucked up. Like absolutely disgusting.
Anyone could have predicted McCain would do this. I can't understand why anyone acts surprised when this shit happens.

Many of us knew, but hoped, his experience would make him at least re-examine his worldview. Many people are selfish until they experience something firsthand, and I personally held out hope for McCain realizing how important accessible healthcare is.

Of course, he disappointed me as he always does.


Tagged as I see fit
I have a petty story about personal election fallout to share.

A friend and his three siblings (and their spouses) were discussing living arrangements for their elderly mother. She lives in a rural area, in a retirement community that relies heavily on Medicaid funding. If this ACA repeal goes through, there's a good chance that this living facility closes.

So, naturally, they're wondering what happens then: Where does Mom go to live?

Three of the siblings didn't vote for Trump.

One did.

The conclusion? Mom gets to go live with the Trump sibling. After all, he voted for this. He knew that this was a part of the package deal that came with his vote. Although Mom going to live with him wouldn't put the least bit of financial strain on his lifestyle, the Trump voter's wife (also a Trump voter) would be furious at this.

The three antiTrump siblings reinforced to them: "elections have consequences."

Will wait for the update to this - lol.
And people felt bad for him lmao.

Fuck this douche bag.

I sure as hell didn't.

McCain is like the perfect example of how terribly informed folks are. He says a few sweet nothings here and there and people prop him up as a voice of reason/hero/savior and ignore his actual voting/policy records.

Ain't shit about McCain's voting history "maverick" or any of that shit, his old wrinkled ass gets right in line with the rest of GOP and is just as much a POS as the rest of them.

This is the guy who voted against MLK Day then talked about "coming together" lol, McCain ain't never been shit.
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