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Tensions grow inside ACLU over defending speech rights for the far right



It blows me away the people in America can literally march through the streets with rifles and body armour.

It crazy, its fucking crazy!
ACLU has refused to defend conscientious objectors and interment camp victims before, so the myth of them being equally helpful to everyone needs to drop dead
My takeaway was defending violent Nazis in the first place was dumb and there was ample evidence to suggest such before they decided to run someone over.
How much do you blame the judge for deciding the case in favor of the nazis? Or the city for insufficiently making the case that they intended to be violent?
Lol @ Codeblue talking out of their ass.

Also good that there was internal blow back. Hate speech and violence should not be protected.

This is a W. There is no slippery slope. BLM was not planning to be protesting with guns.


You dont defend the rights of nazis or white supremacists period. Ever. When free speech tolerates the intolerate, the intolerate will take away that free speech when theyre in power.


If free speech rights don't get defended for assholes, the rest of us don't get to keep them.

This sounds dumb until you realize that there are quite a few people in power in the United States right now, at both the federal and state levels, who think of Black Lives Matter as a hate group. The President is making dumbass "both sides" comparisons between white supremacists and people protesting them.

If anyone was to write new national "hate speech" legislation right now, it would be the Republican Congress passing it and Donald Trump signing it.

Are these the people you want making decisions about what speech should be protected and what speech should be illegal? If not, maybe rethink the "only legally defend the good ones" stance. Because legal precedents in cases involving nazi fuckheads have repercussions elsewhere.


Works for me. Carrying firearms like ARs are obvious threats of force, not speech. That some states allow it doesn't change that fact that they're obvious intimidation and violent acts in if themselves.

You want free speech? You talk and act like adults.
Ah this is a good image, thanks for sharing!

The overly simplistic view of Free Speech needs to be challenged whenever it comes up.
Free speech includes the responsibility to disallow speech that would jeopardize that free speech.

It's a paradox, but that's reality: it's rarely simple.

There is no wiggle room or slippery slope, because this is straight to the point. There's no "but what about ____", because ti is ALL about Nazis, White Supremacy and racism. No "other" to put in the blank, because everything else would value a false equivalency.

It is like Nazis/Alt-Right/White Supremacists saying, "Those people, they hate ALL us white people!" and the answer is, "No, not all, just YOU!" It is NOT a "Race War" where Whites are against other races, it is a "War against Racists" where EVERYBODY is against White Supremacists.
Even if you believe that hate speech should be protected, let the right use its own resources to defend itself in court. It's not like there is a free speech case that only the ACLU could win that other lawyers would not.


Gold Member

If free speech rights don't get defended for assholes, the rest of us don't get to keep them.

This sounds dumb until you realize that there are quite a few people in power in the United States right now, at both the federal and state levels, who think of Black Lives Matter as a hate group. The President is making dumbass "both sides" comparisons between white supremacists and people protesting them.

If anyone was to write new national "hate speech" legislation right now, it would be the Republican Congress passing it and Donald Trump signing it.

Are these the people you want making decisions about what speech should be protected and what speech should be illegal? If not, maybe rethink the "only legally defend the good ones" stance. Because legal precedents in cases involving nazi fuckheads have repercussions elsewhere.

Its futile. I have made this argument over and over and over on this board and is met with deaf ears. Only emotion is prevailing right now. Thank gawd America has the First Amendment that specifically is immovable due to the emotional swells of the populace.

Once you start branding any speech (including hate) as hate speech, its only a matter of time before the pendulum swings to one side and starts labeling ANY speech against them as hate speech, then the other way...and so on and so forth.

Trump and republicans would love...effing LOVE to say BLM, ANTIFA, whatever is hate speech and thus outlaw it. What stops them? First Amendment.


Second amendment is trash, please ban guns. Though they need to keep the First Amendment line. We also need to have a serious discussion about limiting the usage of cars, particularly those that aren't driving themselves.

There's nothing inherently noble about an obsessive commitment to free speech no matter whom it comes from.

There's also nothing noble about defending the rights of professed white supremacists given this country's history.

It's not a moralistic stance. It's a practical one designed to protect your own freedom of speech from majority or authoritative opinion. Most of the people who are taking stances against it are basically saying "we should lock up bad guys, and those guys are totally bad buys!" It's bulletproof morally, but that's also because it's not a useful sentiment. The hard part about law and authority isn't noble goals to make us all safe and happy, it's about the practical ability to apply them in a uniform manner so that we can also lessen the impact if it comes back around to bite us.

It's privilege to not fear retaliation when you're critical of your own state, and we take that for granted to the point where hate speech is much higher on the priority list. That's not even to say that groups like BLM haven't been hit with First Amendment sabotage, but that's exactly the defense they need to continue their work. It's unthinkable that our congress, our president, our courts could weaken the First Amendment to the point where we would like to make small gains against a minority group (I'm using this in the numbers sense, they are certainly not limited by rights). Meanwhile we've actually made progress against them in terms of accessibility to important software, drowned their message with (for the most part) more positive ones and unified under a peaceful banner without having to give up anything. Even if you think you want this, you don't need it to be highly effective, it's simply not an appropriate toll to pay just to suppress some idiots into the dirt. They were already losing.
Someone will defend them, just not the ACLU.

And, whomever does is going to win. The First Amendment and Case law is on their side with this.

The blocked rally by the University of Florida would be a good measuring stick for this, assuming someone takes them to court over it. They're blocking it on the grounds that some of the organizers of the Charlottesville rally are also organizing it, so they have a fear of violence occurring there. This is from the president of the university

That said, the University of Florida remains unwaveringly dedicated to free speech and the spirit of public discourse. However, the First Amendment does not require a public institution to risk imminent violence to students and others.

The likelihood of violence and potential injury – not the words or ideas – has caused us to take this action.
Someone will defend them, just not the ACLU.

And, whomever does is going to win. The First Amendment and Case law is on their side with this.
That's kinda the problem with blaming the ACLU for what happened.

Of course you can object to them defending white supremacists on a moral level, but it'll only stop other rallies if the nazi groups can't find other representation. And I wouldn't hold out too much hope for that with how much far-right billionaires are responsible for the rise of this shit anyway.



If free speech rights don't get defended for assholes, the rest of us don't get to keep them.

This sounds dumb until you realize that there are quite a few people in power in the United States right now, at both the federal and state levels, who think of Black Lives Matter as a hate group. The President is making dumbass "both sides" comparisons between white supremacists and people protesting them.

If anyone was to write new national "hate speech" legislation right now, it would be the Republican Congress passing it and Donald Trump signing it.

Are these the people you want making decisions about what speech should be protected and what speech should be illegal? If not, maybe rethink the "only legally defend the good ones" stance. Because legal precedents in cases involving nazi fuckheads have repercussions elsewhere.

Yea, I'm going to keep supporting the ACLU.

For people advocating hate speech laws, your really think AG Sessions is going to shut the the Nazis? No, he's going to go after BLM.


Stuff like this is why I kind of laugh at the right wing groups from the States planning rallies in Canada. I guess they didn't look into the differences between US and Canadian law regarding free speech - hate speech isn't protected here. Those rallies, if the US ones are any indication, are going to be short lived.


Gold Member
The blocked rally by the University of Florida would be a good measuring stick for this, assuming someone takes them to court over it. They're blocking it on the grounds that some of the organizers of the Charlottesville rally are also organizing it, so they have a fear of violence occurring there. This is from the president of the university

Yup, and did Texas A&M. There will be a court case filed, and I cant wait to read the briefs and follow the arguments.

As the jurisprudence stands today, First Amendment has a stronger case.
But, Romero added: “At the same time, we believe that even odious hate speech, with which we vehemently disagree, garners the protection of the First Amendment when expressed non-violently. We make decisions on whom we'll represent and in what context on a case-by-case basis. The horrible events in Charlottesville last weekend will certainly inform those decisions going forward.”
Well yeah, no shit.

I mean, when you went out of your way to make sure a swarm of violent human garbage could descend on a town and ultimately cause death and injury (as advertised), some introspection is necessary.
Free speech was never absolute anyway, this seems pretty cut and dry. I actually think they should take it to court though just so there can be an explicit ruling that this shit js not protected


Free speech was never absolute anyway, this seems pretty cut and dry. I actually think they should take it to court though just so there can be an explicit ruling that this shit js not protected

That's not going to happen, if it goes to court they'll win.


It blows me away the people in America can literally march through the streets with rifles and body armour.

It crazy, its fucking crazy!

Gun culture of US is something rest of the world most likely will never understand.

Also what is with some of these wannabe soldiers walking around with mags in place? Talk about amplifying your message of being ready to use lethal force with split second warning. Most likely even has round chambered for maximum tacticool.

Knowing how easy it's to get guns in US and not having any training requirements in place I wonder how anyone can feel safe around these weekend warriors packing AR's and some own backyard "training"?
I don't think people need to preface the statement, "Hate speech should be outlawed and not protected" with "In an administration that was not racist" every single time.


Second amendment is trash, please ban guns. Though they need to keep the First Amendment line. We also need to have a serious discussion about limiting the usage of cars, particularly those that aren't driving themselves.

It's not a moralistic stance. It's a practical one designed to protect your own freedom of speech from majority or authoritative opinion. Most of the people who are taking stances against it are basically saying "we should lock up bad guys, and those guys are totally bad buys!" It's bulletproof morally, but that's also because it's not a useful sentiment. The hard part about law and authority isn't noble goals to make us all safe and happy, it's about the practical ability to apply them in a uniform manner so that we can also lessen the impact if it comes back around to bite us.

It's privilege to not fear retaliation when you're critical of your own state, and we take that for granted to the point where hate speech is much higher on the priority list. That's not even to say that groups like BLM haven't been hit with First Amendment sabotage, but that's exactly the defense they need to continue their work. It's unthinkable that our congress, our president, our courts could weaken the First Amendment to the point where we would like to make small gains against a minority group (I'm using this in the numbers sense, they are certainly not limited by rights). Meanwhile we've actually made progress against them in terms of accessibility to important software, drowned their message with (for the most part) more positive ones and unified under a peaceful banner without having to give up anything. Even if you think you want this, you don't need it to be highly effective, it's simply not an appropriate toll to pay just to suppress some idiots into the dirt. They were already losing.

Our legal system isn't fair and impartial by design so your point falls a little short


I'll continue supporting the ACLU even if I disagree with them defending nazis from a moral perspective. They do too much good to disregard it when they do something I believe is fundamentally bad.

Our laws are not objectively fair, so let's not pretend they should be objectively defended.
That's fine but then don't whine if they don't defend speech that you like due to lack of resources.

I... won't? If they're gonna stick to their principles, I'll stick to mine. I'm not going to complain if they don't do something even though I'm not giving them any more money...

I'm merely pointing out that the fact that people did donate is a reason they were criticized and what separated them from someone like an elected government official.

If free speech rights don't get defended for assholes, the rest of us don't get to keep them.

This sounds dumb until you realize that there are quite a few people in power in the United States right now, at both the federal and state levels, who think of Black Lives Matter as a hate group. The President is making dumbass "both sides" comparisons between white supremacists and people protesting them.

If anyone was to write new national "hate speech" legislation right now, it would be the Republican Congress passing it and Donald Trump signing it.

Are these the people you want making decisions about what speech should be protected and what speech should be illegal? If not, maybe rethink the "only legally defend the good ones" stance. Because legal precedents in cases involving nazi fuckheads have repercussions elsewhere.

The republicans in power don't even condone this shit. This is a terrible hypothetical.


Jesus fucking Christ. Just remember, if Ford hadn't invented the automobile, hundreds of thousands wouldn't have been killed in accidents.
Admittedly while it wasn't a gun that killed her, it was a rally that encouraged everyone to come armed and ready for a possible fight. He basically just chose to use a different weapon, there's no guarantee we could've avoided this if he HADN'T done that, but maybe without as much of a violent undercurrent he wouldn't have.

At the least it's a useful pretext to say "you have to at least TRY to play nice or we're not helping."


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
The ACLU has limited resources and must pick their battles. They're choosing poorly.
There's no lack of GoFundMe money for shitheads.


People will get hot at you for this but if it hadn't been acceptable for Nazis to parade their hate in public then yeah, Heather Heyer would not have been killed by Fields
If it isn't acceptable for Nazis to parade around then it will be unacceptable for BLM to March anywhere in the South.
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