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CrowbCat - LawBreakers in an oversaturated market

Ivan 3414

I want to like Crowbs stuff but him referencing the racist "we wuz kangs" thing in a previous video really soured me on him and some of his videos poking fun at young kids at Minecon are a bit tasteless. Some of these kids probably get made fun of day in and day out at school and home they don't need an adult doing it either.

He's a real piece of shit as far as I'm concerned.

But I guess Cliffy B is worse tho because he compared his game to Dark Souls


I want to like Crowbs stuff but him referencing the racist "we wuz kangs" thing in a previous video really soured me on him and some of his videos poking fun at young kids at Minecon are a bit tasteless. Some of these kids probably get made fun of day in and day out at school and home they don't need an adult doing it either.

Not gonna lie i laughed so hard during E3 and the entire twitch chat blew up during Assasins Creed Origins.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle

Well, we also do know that most people also avoid his game like a plague, so that's that.
Tfw when your multiplayer shooter ties with a grand strategy game in twitch views. That's like an XFL match getting the same crowd number as a chess match.
It's a shame too because there's an interesting conversation to be had about why Lawbreakers seems to be struggling. It's a well received, well liked game so it's not a Battleborn type situation where the game was garbage and it was easy to see why it flopped. I enjoyed what I played of the Lawbreakers beta and I can't immediately point out anything they did that was 'wrong'. The character art is admittedly a bit plain but I don't know how much that should really matter in the grand scheme of things. I feel like the design is functional and doing it's job as long as characters are instantly distinguishable from each other.

Actually it's exactly the same, both are fantastic games that people pre-emptively hated because of who made them (Cliffy B/Randy Pitchford) rather than judging the games on whether they were good or not, when they're both obviously awesome.

Battleborn was also a great game that went through the same situation so words can't explain how vindicating this is for me. For months I defended Battleborn explaining why it was an awesome game that people were unwilling to give the time of day and now LB comes out and it's another awesome game that people are unwilling to give the time of day, but this time, a larger number of people (still small in the grand scheme of things) were willing to give this game a try, resulting in the reputation you see today. Which is that it's a great game according to anyone that's played it, but most people just don't want to play it which has nothing at all to do with merit.

TLDR: Battleborn was treated like shit and anytime I explained in great detail why it was a good game people said good games don't get poor receptions unless they're bad games...looks like this is another good game with a poor reception that had nothing to do with merit.
I have a feeling that PS4 jutter bug probably really hurt the game's image. I saw that and went "erhhh?".

Wasn't that patched like..within a couple days from launch?

Actually it's exactly the same, both are fantastic games that people pre-emptively hated because of who made them (Cliffy B/Randy Pitchford) rather than judging the games on whether they were good or not, when they're both obviously awesome.

Dunno, Lawbreakers seems to be pretty well-received. I remember Battleborn getting a lot more hate for the actual game, at least on reddit. I don't remember how it was here.
Dunno, Lawbreakers seems to be pretty well-received. I remember Battleborn getting a lot more hate for the actual game, at least on reddit. I don't remember how it was here.

The game itself didn't get any hate, it was the character designs/art style that got hate which sounds familiar doesn't it......hmm....


That dudes videos are so great.

But Lawbreakers is still a solid game. Dont give up Clifford. Im sure you will get your breakout game soon. Good to see those indies trying something new.

Wild Card

Regarding the we wuz kangz shit. I first heard it from the super best friends, probably woolie. So I'm not too sure about this auto-generated racist label you get for using it. Hell I had no idea about it's origins until this thread. A lot of people don't seem to understand that you can have a different sense of humor than others. I didn't need any context to find we wuz kangz funny. Also I don't do a damn google search for every joke I've never heard before, but perhaps I'm the strange one?


I liked those early GOW games but Cliffy B has always been a bit of an extroverted wanker. I don't know why a publisher would roll this guy out to do marketing. He makes me want to avoid the game just to spite him personally.
Not gonna lie i laughed so hard during E3 and the entire twitch chat blew up during Assasins Creed Origins.

I didn't laugh. I thought it was fucking pathetic. I absolutely fucking HATE the fact that every thing even referencing african history on the internet is spammed by these 4chan idiots. People think it's just a harmless joke but it's just another way for people to mock black people on the internet. You can't even look up game reviews or game trailers without encountering this garbage. Imagine if everytime your history was referenced it was immediately mocked by hundreds of idiot white kids behind a keyboard.

It's absolutely a racist meme and it shouldn't surprise anyone since Crowbcat's entire thing is pandering to 4chan.


Its funny that there's a reddit thread on this video but nobody talking all this "Crowbcat is racist" stuff there...


Very funny and brutal video, but frankly if I was Cliff. I'd share the shit out of this.

The game doesn't come across looking bad and there's not really much negativity in the video.

If it went F2P I could see myself playing it


I think Crowbcat is hilarious and hits the nail on the head almost all the time.

I've also been avoiding any game that uses Dark Souls to compare itself to. That shit is grating. Don't care to know about the genre if they compare it to Souls since that description is so empty and lazy.
And it will be that way until people stop talking about CrowbCat on neogaf. That is precisely the goal: Derail every CrowbCat thread by bringing back something that happened in one video in the past until people who watch his videos go away to talk about it somewhere else or being banned because they said something on the heat of the moment(aka fell for the bait). It is a subtle,but effective, way to shut down the conversation about something you don't like. It happened in the past with other topics and it is happening in every CrowbCat videos thread. The best thing people can do is to ignore this derailposting.
You can feel free to PM a mod if you think talking about the creator of a video a thread is based off of is derailing.
I dislike 4chan so I don't know the origin of the joke or how it is used by 4chan. There is a little more to the joke than what you describe according to google. If it was blackface, sure it would be clearly wrong. Making fun of people who believe in black egyptian pseudo-history I don't see how that is different with joking at the expense of people who believe other pseudo-histories and conspiracy theories.
There have been plenty of links posted to why it's racist, I even linked it a page or two before this post. He didn't just make the joke, he pulled the audio directly from the racist origin.


This is really amusing, also those Xbox comments he made in that video sheesh. What a tool, nothing of value was lost and Gears seems to be doing fine without him.

Its funny that there's a reddit thread on this video but nobody talking all this "Crowbcat is racist" stuff there...
That's because it's Reddit, nothing more really needs to be said about that community.


all this video taught me is that Cliffy B is... kind of a dick.

It's like he can't say a sentence without throwing a fucking punch at somebody. Including the fanbase who loved his title.He needs to fucking chill, damn.
Fan base can be dicks too. Sometimes people need to be put in their place. From someone who started their career in the shooter genre, it is normal to me that he would want to retain former glory. Stuff changed too much and the old team sees new generation as a bunch of noobs. It's kind of how natural selection chooses it's prey.


This community's continued response to Crowbcat is absolutely hilarious.

To those still crying about his "racism" - wear a helmet. Life is so much harder than a three second sound-byte placed within a comedic context. His immediate white supremacist label demonstrates both the ridiculous sensitivity and irrationality upon which many of you exist. Seriously. Grow up and let it go. He's not any more racist than any of you claiming him to be.

As for the video, spot on. Cliffy B shot himself in the foot the moment he took such an aggressive stance against the "anime bullshit" of Overwatch. It'll need to go F2P in the near future if it looks to recoup most of the install base it already lost.


Shame if true. He was the first game designer in years with something to say.

He's a billion dollar IP maker. Well, 3 billion now. Jazz Jackrabbit, Gears of War, Lawbreakers. GAF is less valuable now that he doesn't post here.


Btw this is for those who didn't understand Ninja Scooter's joke.
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