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Cranium Apparel receiving heavy backlash for Esports Dress made for Women.

Over the weekend, a clothing company decided to release its first garment specifically targeted at women. Unfortunately, it forgot to involve any of them in the clothes’ design, creation (even though they did) or marketing.

In an emoji-filled tweet on Sunday, Indian esports clothing company Cranium Apparel shared that it wanted to “do something for the female gamers”. Something that said “Stay Strong… We Respect You”. Something that would give these hardworking women “a new identity”, and show the company’s support for them.
So, apparently in pursuit of that goal, it announced a new product. Behold: The esports dress.

Loose esports jerseys have been the industry standard uniform for competitive video gaming teams for years. The few women in the scene, such as Overwatch player Geguri, tend to wear the same jerseys as their male peers. Though some have expressed desire for a more fitted jersey so it can accommodate their breasts without being oversized, a gaming dress was not something most people contemplated.
But it’s here now, so I guess we have to deal with it.

The gaming community’s response to Cranium Apparel’s esports dress has been swift and incredulous, most finding the offering condescending. Even those who thought the dress looked cute were put off by the company’s patronising messaging, which they felt demonstrated a fundamental misunderstanding of the concerns held by women in gaming.

Women face significant barriers when trying to enter the world of competitive gaming. Both overt and covert sexism permeate the male-dominated industry, creating a hostile environment for women who dream of becoming the next big esports star. Undue emphasis is placed upon their appearance, and their abilities are constantly called into question.

It’s a difficult and often demoralising battle, and responding to these struggles with a dress is remarkably tone-deaf.

Since the announcement, Cranium Apparel has been busy tweeting responses to the widespread criticism. It has stated that the company did conduct research with women during development of the dress, and has “a bunch of women” working on future products. It also stated that it’s working on jerseys fitted for female bodies.

This seems more of an attack on the apparel being a dress than really misunderstanding women gamers honestly.

Plus if you want to be upset at something I'd suggest the price tag of $53, that would be worth the backlash imo. Dang.

Also apparently they did consult women on the design, yet most of the articles act like it never happened and that they had no women involved. There's actually a lot more social media rage on this than I put in the thread, but I really don't see why, a good chunk of the attackers don't even seem to play games.


Here's a spicy take - literally every thread of eSports clothing is cringe-inducing, regardless of gender.


RSI Employee of the Year
Here's a spicy take - literally every thread of eSports clothing is cringe-inducing, regardless of gender.

I'm trying very hard to envision who would like to wear something with that logo in public, to be honest.
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$53 for a dress is expensive? And here I thought my pants I bought from Express 8 years ago at $90 were expensive. Where do these folks shop at, Goodwill? And lol @ the zipper for titty showing.


Seems a fine dress.

Some will hate whatever... I find a nice option for a market crowded by male products.
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If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
$53 for a dress is expensive? And here I thought my pants I bought from Express 8 years ago at $90 were expensive. Where do these folks shop at, Goodwill? And lol @ the zipper for titty showing.
Dynamic cleavage.


And lol @ the zipper for titty showing.
So women can’t sweat and have option to cooling a bit?

My wife feels suffocated with dress closed to neck... but hey she probably was being forced to show titty by the “men” industry lol
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Gotta love the male feminists on Twitter. Getting themselves ready for a job at The Guardian.

Daddy, when I grow up I want to be a feminist on Twitter.
Well you can't son, you're a man. Get a real trade.
But daddy, I want to, I want to.

Hari Seldon

This isn’t like a required uniform just optional clothing to buy so who gives a shit really. It is hideous but might have Halloween / sexy time roleplay value.
If walking around dressed like a fucking DX Racer chair is what you consider "cute" well, to each their own.
I like my women to look like my chairs so that when they sit down, the blend out of sight and I don't have to see them. Sometimes, I pretend I'm a chair and make them sit in my lap.
They look very cool but you have to be kinda hot to pull them off girls. No fatties allowed. POWER TO THE (hot) WOMEN

I guess CS:GO female league would get many more views. It's a win win.


Could of done with a massive boob window so it didn't have that stupid logo in the middle.


I don't follow esports, is this a mandatory uniform?

I'm going to guess no and then ask, why waste your time caring?
Utterly offensive...

I mean... imagine if this happened in other industries?

Like what if Ferrari did something like thi.... Oh wait...

Announcement to braindead raised-on-the-internet generation: women's and men's bodies have radically different key proportions, ratios, and elements, and therefore will tend to be complimented by dramatically different cuts and designs. Acting like sharply sex-differentiated clothing design is ever a problem is little more than hating human aesthetics, get over it.


"Hey look, someone created something we don't think is all that great and have clear issues with, perhaps we could give some insightful criticisms ultimately showing the developer what we're thinking and possibly change their design...":goog_unsure:

" Screw that noise! just berate, degrade and deplatform them until they are forced to change their design after all only our opinion matters!!!":goog_rolleyes:


It won't look good on fat chicks, so it is anti-women.
I disagree, a dress like that would look good on fat chicks.

But this is another example of 2000 people got mad and that's like the entire internet /s. Just a loud tiny percentage of people getting pissy and not contributing to anything.


The dress seems fine, their messaging was a bit cringy but then again what "Esports" or "Gamer" brand isn't?
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It doesn't even seem sexually provactive or immodest. I personally don't even like incredibly short, tight, and skimpy clothes on women (because I do like it) and even I don't see the issue here.
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Peoples lives have become too easy, there's too many non-issues to bitch about, we need a hard crash of some kind to set reality straight again and give people real perspective.


Man this stuff just frustrates the hell out of me. I really wish we have a political sub forum, a gaming version i mean, so articles like this could be put in there, and leave the gaming forum for just talking about games.
Thats just me though.
Man this stuff just frustrates the hell out of me. I really wish we have a political sub forum, a gaming version i mean, so articles like this could be put in there, and leave the gaming forum for just talking about games.
Thats just me though.
Don't click on the threads you don't want to read. You don't see me clicking on the building gaming computer threads. Even if I did, I wouldn't post something like "Geez, you guys suck with your independent on-topic interests that don't interest or involve me".


Don't click on the threads you don't want to read. You don't see me clicking on the building gaming computer threads. Even if I did, I wouldn't post something like "Geez, you guys suck with your independent on-topic interests that don't interest or involve me".
But i'm a dumb human though, of course i'm going to click on the thread lol. Actually i just wanted to see what the dress looked like, then saw the Twitter replies.
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