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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Gold Member
and then he locks the thread so there cant be any discussion at all, it's just like "the council has spoken" lmao, what a bunch of ass holes


You can't be a moderator on Era and still be a good person


I still browse Era but I've found it's only tolerable if I actively curate the experience, for example I immediately ignore any poster who starts a Star Wars or My Life Sucks thread.


and then he locks the thread so there cant be any discussion at all, it's just like "the council has spoken" lmao, what a bunch of ass holes


The most hilarious thing is that they cannot see that this is why they lose and they just won't hear it when you try to tell them.

Here's a wild tactic for winning an election.
See those Trump supporters? How about trying to turn them into Democrat voters?

When it comes down to it, an election is still just a popularity contest of sorts.
Yeah, yeah, "popular vote" etc etc you win by getting more states. Those are the rules.
What kind of idiot approaches that with "you are scum and a terrible person... please give me your vote"?

60+ million Trump supporters and I bet with a bit of a nudge so many of those could have voted against Trump back in 2016 (certainly in the states that have voted blue for Obama in 2012 but then changed to red in 2016) and could easily be convinced to not vote for him in 2020.

If your success depends on votes then throwing 60+ million people under the bus is absolutely 100% a losing strategy.
Yes, there are some who will never ever ever vote Democrat. There are many though who are just there waiting to have their heads turned.

If you look at ResetEra though you can see a microcosm of the issue. These people can't even get along with each other.
A POC made a comment about asexual people!? Under the bus!
This guy is friends with a guy who hugged a guy who said something offensive!? Under the bus!

They are so profoundly fucking stupid that if the blue candidate wins in 2020 it will be IN SPITE of these idiots not because of them.

The correct answer to "can someone be a Trump supporter and still be a good person" is "don't ask such fucking stupid questions".
Folks like this will never ever fucking learn their lesson.

I don't know if it's because when they grew up they were allowed to act like brats and there was never an adult around to just say "no" and reel them in.
It's a video game forum where you need a paid email account to even sign up so you have to assume that's the case for many.
You have tons of these people who think the way to get what you want is to throw a tantrum and then essentially emotionally manipulate or wear down or just flat out bully until things go their way.

I'm sure I have said it so many times now but their approach to ally-ship is to berate the potential ally, demonize their gender, race, whatever and then demand the ally shuts the fuck up and just does what they are told. Fuck that.

Ask them to fucking tone it down and be civil and they act like you're an alien from another planet.
Haha. Do they really think that "irrationally angry and unstable" is a positive character trait?

Imagine if this was the XBox marketing plan for the next generation.
"Playstation owners are a bunch of cunts. Terrible people. Seriously I hate them all and will cut them out of my life".
"Fuck you if you want to buy a PlayStation you prick. Deplatform this guy! He said Sony is an OK company!"
"Please buy an XBox."

If you want to get rid of Trump in 2020 then eventually you need to figure out how to get people who voted Trump in 2016 to join your side and the worst fucking starting point imaginable is "assume they are all terrible people".

ResetEra fucking sucks.
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This is a good one. The 'No, never!' total is almost equal to the 'already had some' and 'someday' combined.

You get all the usual excuses in there, from immediately climate change, they destroy lives, etc. Always reassuring seeing how many of them won't reproduce and spread their idiocy to another generation.

It'd be fun to do a cross examination of the batshit insane posters and the 'Never Kids!' group. I'd guess it'd be close to 90%.
Its God's and the natural orders way of ending such nihilistic, craven genuine insanity. These sub humans are aware, even on a subconscious level, that their genes are not worth existing anymore. Its nature simply purging itself.

Dossier, russia collusion, Jussie Smollete , kavanaugh, WW3 TWICE rocketman & Iran, Ukraine, obstruction, bribery etc
What kinda illness do these people have that they think they are the "good ones" compared to trump supporters lol?
I mean they gladly swallowed every obvious lie, fakenews and half truth thrown their way as long as it is anti trump and with that insanity they got borderline every single big or perceived big political incident over the last 3 years wrong.
Hell most of them probably only "learned" to hate Trump because of the lies they choose to believe, King among them the russia collusion conspiracy that they now know was bullshit.
But i get it people are not robots and if you have hate nourished and build up by lies for 3years... well doesn't make a difference now if they know they have been lied to.. they cant just shut off their feels.
Also on a more funny note its interesting how they now suddenly see the bullshit, half truths and media narratives when Bernie just for once, only ONCE gets treated the same as Trump has been treated for his entire first term and Bernie didnt even get it for 3 years on a global scale pushed by every media outlet... nope just once for one day lol.
A bit bewildering how these people expose themselves going from 3 years of "fuck orange hitler russian puppet sex pest racist grumpf!!!" to "n..no..! bernie didnt say women cant be president! dont LIE!!! HOW DARE YOU?!? Why is the media suddenly lying?!".
I mean for fucks sake have some introspection

Great Post. Also imagine having Rian Johnson, the man who killed star wars, as your avatar. OOf.


Era in a nutshell. Unhappy, unsuccessful, star wars fanatics lol
you forgot hypocrites.


when not screaming about billionaires and class solidarity they are wishing they made more money. it's funny how these threads seem to alternate. as if they have to constantly consolidate their personal greed with the bullshit socialist stance they embrace on social media.
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LOL same guy who put up a thread whining about whether or not "billionaires should exist in society" is hours later now asking who all likes Reality TV shows and listing his favorites. surprise surprise he mostly loves tv shows celebrating the lifestyles of rich assholes


hilarious, this guy ranting about rich people and wanting to know why billionaires "should exist in society" absolutely loves tv trash that glorifies the rich. haha he even laments why one of his shows is covering restaurant workers rather than the original cast who is "too rich to work".

there’s lots of new cast to keep Up the facade of being about the restaurant employees. But really, the new cast just want to be on this show, while the original cast who are now too rich to work, at least knew each other before this even began. It’s a weird flip and makes me wish the show would drop the restaurant premise and follow the original cast as usual, cutting the new cast completely.
this guy who was complaining about billionaires wants to fire the restaurant staff so he can see more rich people on his tv show. :pie_thinking:
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This is also what validates their destruction of other people's lives via their online mobs and so forth - because they have collectively agreed the other person is worthless/shit, therefore it's fine and even good to kill them off. Same as any extremist religion in that regard really.

ERA also has a bad case of Projection, something they accuse Trump and his supporters of. They portray modern America as some fascist Nazi Germany lite, yet never take two seconds to realize their own hypocrisy with their fascist tactics.


Gold Member
and then he locks the thread so there cant be any discussion at all, it's just like "the council has spoken" lmao, what a bunch of ass holes

See, this one I find curious.

Correct me if I’m mistaking this person for someone else, but isn’t Morrigan a woman, and wasn’t she a GAF member who took her nickname from, and had an avatar of, one of the sexiest female characters in Capcom’s history? If this is the same person... how do you even make such a change?
Fun Fact: Today only REE has had at least 31 bans/warnings given out. Mostly in the Sanders/Debate thread.

It's a random Wednesday and they'll probably hit 40 or 50 by the end of the day. Can you imagine when the 2020 Election season really gets moving? They're going to need to hire more unpaid mods!

They really need a staff post in each thread stating what the correct opinion is, and if you don't share that, there is a button you can push that gives you a ban (randomly between 1 day and 6 months).

Deleted member 713885

Unconfirmed Member
God I know its sick...
If you go all the way back to 1995 some one was right on the nose..

9. The two psychological tendencies that underlie modern leftism we call "feelings of inferiority" and "oversocialization." Feelings of inferiority are characteristic of modern leftism as a whole, while oversocialization is characteristic only of a certain segment of modern leftism; but this segment is highly influential.


10. By "feelings of inferiority" we mean not only inferiority feelings in the strict sense but a whole spectrum of related traits; low self-esteem, feelings of powerlessness, depressive tendencies, defeatism, guilt, self-hatred, etc. We argue that modern leftists tend to have some such feelings (possibly more or less repressed) and that these feelings are decisive in determining the direction of modern leftism.

12. Those who are most sensitive about "politically incorrect" terminology are not the average black ghetto-dweller, Asian immigrant, abused woman or disabled person, but a minority of activists, many of whom do not even belong to any "oppressed" group but come from privileged strata of society. Political correctness has its stronghold among university professors, who have secure employment with comfortable salaries, and the majority of whom are heterosexual white males from middle- to upper-middle-class families.

15. Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization, they hate white males, they hate rationality. The reasons that leftists give for hating the West, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real motives. They SAY they hate the West because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist countries or in primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist's real motive for hating America and the West. He hates America and the West because they are strong and successful.

16. Words like "self-confidence," "self-reliance," "initiative," "enterprise," "optimism," etc., play little role in the liberal and leftist vocabulary. The leftist is anti-individualistic, pro-collectivist. He wants society to solve everyone's problems for them, satisfy everyone's needs for them, take care of them. He is not the sort of person who has an inner sense of confidence in his ability to solve his own problems and satisfy his own needs. The leftist is antagonistic to the concept of competition because, deep inside, he feels like a loser.

17. Art forms that appeal to modern leftish intellectuals tend to focus on sordidness, defeat and despair, or else they take an orgiastic tone, throwing off rational control as if there were no hope of accomplishing anything through rational calculation and all that was left was to immerse oneself in the sensations of the moment.

18. Modern leftish philosophers tend to dismiss reason, science, objective reality and to insist that everything is culturally relative. It is true that one can ask serious questions about the foundations of scientific knowledge and about how, if at all, the concept of objective reality can be defined. But it is obvious that modern leftish philosophers are not simply cool-headed logicians systematically analyzing the foundations of knowledge. They are deeply involved emotionally in their attack on truth and reality. They attack these concepts because of their own psychological needs. For one thing, their attack is an outlet for hostility, and, to the extent that it is successful, it satisfies the drive for power. More importantly, the leftist hates science and rationality because they classify certain beliefs as true (i.e., successful, superior) and other beliefs as false (i.e., failed, inferior). The leftist's feelings of inferiority run so deep that he cannot tolerate any classification of some things as successful or superior and other things as failed or inferior. This also underlies the rejection by many leftists of the concept of mental illness and of the utility of IQ tests. Leftists are antagonistic to genetic explanations of human abilities or behavior because such explanations tend to make some persons appear superior or inferior to others. Leftists prefer to give society the credit or blame for an individual's ability or lack of it. Thus if a person is "inferior" it is not his fault, but society's, because he has not been brought up properly.

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Neighbours from Hell
Their dislike for Rogan is very weird, he's like the most open-minded down to earth guy ever. But then again they hate everybody over there, so.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
LOL same guy who put up a thread whining about whether or not "billionaires should exist in society" is hours later now asking who all likes Reality TV shows and listing his favorites. surprise surprise he mostly loves tv shows celebrating the lifestyles of rich assholes


hilarious, this guy ranting about rich people and wanting to know why billionaires "should exist in society" absolutely loves tv trash that glorifies the rich. haha he even laments why one of his shows is covering restaurant workers rather than the original cast who is "too rich to work".

this guy who was complaining about billionaires wants to fire the restaurant staff so he can see more rich people on his tv show. :pie_thinking:


10 digits of $ is much different in scale than 7 digits. Concentrations of wealth that extreme aren't a good thing when the middle class is struggling for to pay for necessities and emergencies without going into debt. You can of course debate that many billionaire's wealth is located in stocks of the company they own. Those companies still evade paying taxes by abusing loop holes and tax evasions, while the many of us are paying our fair share.

There aren't going to be billionaires on below deck. The rich on Below Deck (which again aren't billionare's, he never said millionaires) are not always portrayed in a glorifying manner, mostly they aren't portrayed well. You'll have some guy who came into fair amount of wealth whose wife gets too drunk on a ship, starts berating the staff unfairly, and is an overall monster to be around. It's the theatrics of reality TV fueled by these rich people's obviousness that they are acting like cunts. If anything that poster probably wants to see more of than, which is why he maligned that the show focused on the working staff.

Shark Tank is people trying to pass an idea or invention for the opportunity of wealth, but again millions and billions are on completely different leagues.
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  • Thoughtful
Reactions: eot
I've said it before and I'll say it again; the fact Era won't provide a platform for two of the biggest entities in their respective fields (Pewdiepie with Youtube and Joe Rogan with podcasts) is downright bizarre.

Let's assume they're right about those two being Nazis/alt-right/whatever and whatnot. Doesn't that make it MORE important to hear what they have to say? These people have MASSIVE platforms that eclipse Era's own by a ludicrous amount. Whether they like it or not, people ARE listening to them. People in fields relevant to them, people in their family and friendship circles, people in the industry their very forum is about, etc.

Discussion on Trump is not banned, but discussion on (in their own minds) the many pipelines that brought us to Trump is. Their own worldview would categorize that as burying their heads in the sand. Like if they allowed discussion on them but made support of them bannable, it would at least be consistent.


I've said it before and I'll say it again; the fact Era won't provide a platform for two of the biggest entities in their respective fields (Pewdiepie with Youtube and Joe Rogan with podcasts) is downright bizarre.

Let's assume they're right about those two being Nazis/alt-right/whatever and whatnot. Doesn't that make it MORE important to hear what they have to say? These people have MASSIVE platforms that eclipse Era's own by a ludicrous amount. Whether they like it or not, people ARE listening to them. People in fields relevant to them, people in their family and friendship circles, people in the industry their very forum is about, etc.

Discussion on Trump is not banned, but discussion on (in their own minds) the many pipelines that brought us to Trump is. Their own worldview would categorize that as burying their heads in the sand. Like if they allowed discussion on them but made support of them bannable, it would at least be consistent.

Resetera wish they were actually a platform and not a video game forum infested by too many members with psychological personality challenges.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Can't even let a Joe Rogan episode with RDJ have a thread.

The moderator that locked the thread only has 900 something posts. That's barely out of Junior Member stage and not enough to stave off the usual ridicule when a low post poster gives a dissenting opinion.
See, this one I find curious.

Correct me if I’m mistaking this person for someone else, but isn’t Morrigan a woman, and wasn’t she a GAF member who took her nickname from, and had an avatar of, one of the sexiest female characters in Capcom’s history? If this is the same person... how do you even make such a change?
Yes...if you use the old way of defining a gender she/They are supposedly equipped with lady parts

It's also pretty much normal to align your avatar with the depiction of something you supposedly hate....They need more realistic images used...like the below

Like, there's an at least 60% chance that another 2020 presidential candidate will be on Joe Rogan before November. One that will probably have legit important things said in it. Are they just going to pretend it never happened? They even closed the Bernie JRE thread, so there's clearly precedent for that.
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Their dislike for Rogan is very weird, he's like the most open-minded down to earth guy ever. But then again they hate everybody over there, so.

He invites right leaning people on his show and lets them explain long form what they believe and why they believe it. He will even agree with them on occasion. A proper podcast would never invite wrongthinkers on in the first place, and if someone revealed themselves as a "milkshake duck" during the course of the podcast, they should be immediately screeched at as a racist nazi and have their mics cut.
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My favorite part about era is if they succeed (lol) in their anti capitalism goals, all the things they love disappear.

That place is a failure collective.
Like, there's an at least 60% chance that another 2020 presidential candidate will be on Joe Rogan before November. One that will probably have legit important things said in it. Are they just going to pretend it never happened? They even closed the Bernie JRE thread, so there's clearly precedent for that.
Anyone who listened to the Bernie and Andrew Yang podcasts with Joe Rogan got really amazing multiple hours of these candidates explaining their platforms in great detail.

Yang in particular is someone no one really knows anything about and so it was the best opportunity he had to explain what Universal Basic Income is all about and why it's necessary. It was Yang's appearance on JRE that made me into a fan.

It's a basic tenet of democracy that people are able to engage in civil discourse on a variety of opinions. So... No one at Ree I guess.
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Yes...if you use the old way of defining a gender she/They are supposedly equipped with lady parts

It's also pretty much normal to align your avatar with the depiction of something you supposedly hate....They need more realistic images used...like the below


Did the artist just guess at the first picture?


Just so you know "cancelling" someone isn't the same as not providing a platform for them.
Yeah you're right! They would have had to allow JRE topics, then they could cancel him. They couldn't even get that far!
Why do YOU think they closed that topic within 5 min and "don't provide a platform"?
Why can they shit talk Trump all day? I mean after all he is a known racist and sexist and ______phobe, yet they still give him a platform? And are 'allowed' to talk about him?

Seems like a bunch of fascists that wont even let people talk about the most popular podcast of all time. Pretty shit moderation and way to run a forum if you ask me. Its like preemptively banning people because they 'could' potentially break a rule.
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I've said it before and I'll say it again; the fact Era won't provide a platform for two of the biggest entities in their respective fields (Pewdiepie with Youtube and Joe Rogan with podcasts) is downright bizarre.

Let's assume they're right about those two being Nazis/alt-right/whatever and whatnot. Doesn't that make it MORE important to hear what they have to say? These people have MASSIVE platforms that eclipse Era's own by a ludicrous amount. Whether they like it or not, people ARE listening to them. People in fields relevant to them, people in their family and friendship circles, people in the industry their very forum is about, etc.

Discussion on Trump is not banned, but discussion on (in their own minds) the many pipelines that brought us to Trump is. Their own worldview would categorize that as burying their heads in the sand. Like if they allowed discussion on them but made support of them bannable, it would at least be consistent.
The reason discussions are so heavily monitored and censored is because they are war with reality and nature itself. In order to be at war with something so big and overwhelming one needs to filter the discussion at all times. They are the bugmen. They are self hating losers, bottom of the barrel in life, 90 percent of them anyways. So for them moderating discussions and tattling on others gives them a form of power they don’t have in real life. I guarantee you more obnoxious mods look exactly how you would expect them to, a fat, white, amphoras blob with a bad hair cut and clothes that don’t fit (think Michael Moore). They revile the creature that stares back at them in the mirror and so they’ve inoculated themselves to dwelling online on forums where they have power. I bet most of people who post there don’t actually believe half the shit they say, they just want a pat on the head and some form of attention.


The reason discussions are so heavily monitored and censored is because they are war with reality and nature itself. In order to be at war with something so big and overwhelming one needs to filter the discussion at all times. They are the bugmen. They are self hating losers, bottom of the barrel in life, 90 percent of them anyways. So for them moderating discussions and tattling on others gives them a form of power they don’t have in real life. I guarantee you more obnoxious mods look exactly how you would expect them to, a fat, white, amphoras blob with a bad hair cut and clothes that don’t fit (think Michael Moore). They revile the creature that stares back at them in the mirror and so they’ve inoculated themselves to dwelling online on forums where they have power. I bet most of people who post there don’t actually believe half the shit they say, they just want a pat on the head and some form of attention.


No shit.
So that account has nearly 26k followers, more than 1/4 Remedy's main account. It's an account associated with their most recent big game and an award winner from many publications including the big stage that was the TGAs.

This is not some edgelord anti-sjw company (I mean clearly if they're willing to do an AMA on Era). It's your medium/smaller-end big sized company that puts out well-received games every so often. Fans from every side of the ideological spectrum should be well-represented there. And yet almost ALL the comments reacting to that tweet are excessively negative. You can claim bots, you can claim 26k isn't that much, you can claim signal-boosted by trolls, but even if we assume all of that is true, there should be SOME supportive reactions that aren't just in the form of likes and retweets. Like there's a big enough sample size there to make a relatively accurate assumption on just how the forum is viewed.

Era's reputation might actually be worse than I thought.
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