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So, you’re Sony... what do you do now in response?


They don't need to do anything at this point. They can hope Nintendo doesn't try for next-genm graphics at this point.


Gold Member


This one would be the showstopper, but not sure Cory and gang are far enough along to reveal it as yet. Game is still 2.5 years off. Silent Hill feels a little more likely... and maybe that a Uncharted game from the new secret studio.
When your competitor is showing off games that are still in concept stage (Everwild), I think you can get away with showing a sneak peek of an early GoW2. We all know it's coming and that it's gonna be good, it would score Sony some major clout if they teased it and it looked unreal. I think showing off next gen Fortnite and new CoD would go a long way in appealing to the mass market too.
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Unconfirmed Member
At this point all they need to do is carry on as before. Just don't make a complete mess of the next show & it will automatically generate more hype & good word of mouth than anything Xbox can do or have done.

Xbox are really facing an uphill struggle to fight against the positive goodwill that PlayStation have generated.

Maybe they show us the PS5 in action. We could see the shiny new user interface, gameplay of Miles Morales or Ratchet & Clank (where they could take the time to point out how the new hardware improves the whole gaming experience) & maybe gameplay of a PS4 game (showing how much better the game looks & runs on the new hardware). Also, some talk about that immersive audio stuff & an in-depth look at the Dual Sense controller.

I'm not sure there's even any need for a new game reveal before the console launches.

Been playing since I was 17 and OG XBox came out. Read a lot of the expanded universe and gave 343i benefit of the doubt with Halo 4 and some leeway on Halo 5. This has been like watching a beloved family pet die a slow, painful death.

I still think Infinite could turn out a good, fun FPS game, but I already made my peace with the fact that 343 are never going to build something that touches Bungie Halo.

We'll always have the MCC.


Gold Member
See, I don’t think they can do that. Like I say, it’s not so much about people going for Xbox over PlayStation, it’s about them not going for either, if the value proposition isn’t there. And I don’t think Sony have proved there’s just yet...
Based on them doublibg production after their show Id say they've gotten sone indication the value proposition is there

They just need to continue what they are doing. Another show would be nice with more of a features, launch lineup and price focus. Maybe some of the games they cut from the initial showing because they weren't able to do marketing material from the PS5 for the event.

I dont think they should be pressuring devs too much for more stuff, its hard enough to hit launch as is in a pandemic
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Agent X

Gold Member
The danger for Sony isn’t so much that people might buy the Xbox instead, it’s that they might chose to buy NOTHING.

That's where I'm at. I'm rather content with PS4, and I don't really see either PS5 or Xbox Series X as particularly enticing at the moment.

Microsoft's event a few days ago, showed a few cool games, but overall failed to make a convincing case to upgrade to a new console. They've effectively handed Sony a golden opportunity to define the next generation.

If Sony wants to win people over, they need to take advantage of this opportunity. They should announce the price, release date, and the first-party games that will be available at launch. Don't worry about Microsoft possibly "launching earlier" or "launching cheaper". Just put what you have on the table and present it with confidence. If you've got a great, well-rounded product at a fair price, then the value should be immediately evident, regardless of what your competitors might do.


Gameplay of horizon and spidy and release dates for the 2020 and 2021 titles.

Announcement of some new AAA first party games with teasers, to give us a Idea of what's happening 2022, 2023 etc.

Announcements of some big third party exclusive games.

Show side by side the improvements of playing PS4 in the PS5 "boost mode", make the console into a must have for folks with a bunch of PS4 games they've not finished yet

Announce PlayStation Museum, a rotating collection of first party PS1, PS2 and PS3 classic games with curation. Free for Plus members.

Drop the megaton, Silent Hills.

Open preorders and watch the money come in.


I disagree about Sony's show being average. They showed quite a bit of great stuff. There may not have been a TON of gameplay, but what they showed did demonstrate a lot about the reasons to own a PS5, especially that Ratchet and Clank demo.

As for what they should do in response to Xbox's reveal? Exactly what they did - nothing.

Demand for PS5 just skyrocketed after that highly anticipated Xbox showcase and Sony smartly just stayed back and watched it happen.


God of War is definitely getting revealed or teased, Corey has been hinting about it on twitter and i can't wait to see it.

BC should definitely be finally given some spotlight so people feel more comfortable moving from the PS4 to the PS5, it will help A LOT despite what people on Gaf think.

If they have any other games up their sleeves now is the time to show them even if they are a ways out. Sony delivers on their promises even if it takes 6 years. Show us more games so we know what's coming.

Teardown deep dive on the console. Show the back and ports. Give us a better look at the console itself.

Price and release date.

That's it.
I disagree about Sony's show being average. They showed quite a bit of great stuff. There may not have been a TON of gameplay, but what they showed did demonstrate a lot about the reasons to own a PS5, especially that Ratchet and Clank demo.

As for what they should do in response to Xbox's reveal? Exactly what they did - nothing.

Demand for PS5 just skyrocketed after that highly anticipated Xbox showcase and Sony smartly just stayed back and watched it happen.
I'd go with average, just not as a pejorative. It was what I'd expect out if them, which is keeping my attention. They can definitely do more, and I hope for that, but I already have a pretty good idea of what's to come.


Who knows but in my opinion the point of the Series S is to first to cover the now discontinued Xbox One and secondly, cater for the FIFA/CoD/Fortnite/Minecraft players
The Xbox One S isn't discontinued. The Xbox One X is. Think about that one.

The Series S they are not announcing until Sony announce a PS5 price. It's what they are going to use to undercut Sony and sell subscriptions with.
Not the Series X, the Series X they will market as 'premium' it will have xbox elite controller pricing, extortianate and for profit. The fans will buy it up.


They're really going to have to make the case and convince people why spending $40 on a next generation Spider-man and $60 on the rest of their games is a better deal than what Xbox is offering with GamePass, which will include all the games MS has showcased thus far, which is around 30 games day 1 on Gamepass for a fraction of the price gamers will have to spend on all the PS games.

Meme's are fun and all, but people trying to pretend and ignore that insane offer that MS is giving to gamers is nothing more that fanboy deflection. The reality is MS presents gamers a much better overall deal from the power of the console to the services, PS simply hasn't matched that deal yet nor do I see them being able to do it, MS strategy is just far superior.

I know many of you guys don't want to hear, but that is the case right now.
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Don’t open show with GTAV
Show extended gameplay of Spider-Man & Rachet and Clank
Show alpha gameplay of Horizon
Close the show with GoW 2 teaser


Talk is always cheap when you can't back it up
This whole debacle was just execs misplacing a lot of trust in 343. There were plenty of promising games revealed in the show. The only issue is that those games are a long way off. Because good games take time to make.
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They're really going to have to make the case why spending $40 on a next generation Spider-man and $60 on the rest of their games is a better deal than what Xbox is offering with GamePass, which will include all the games MS has showcased thus far, which is around 30 games day 1 on Gamepass for a fraction of the price gamers will have to spend on all the PS games.

Meme's are fun and all, but people trying to pretend and ignore that insane offer that MS is giving to gamers is nothing more that fanboy deflection. The reality is MS presents gamers a much better overall deal from the power of the console to the services, PS simply hasn't matched that deal yet nor do I see them being able to do it, MS strategy is just far superior.

I know many of you guys don't want to hear, but that is the case right now.
People know if they buy into something like they're getting cheaper content so they use it a time waster until the not cheap stuff comes out. People might watch Punisher, but Iron Man is what they really want.


Nothing MS has done has effected Sony's mindshare or momentum so far, and by the looks of things that isn't going to change. This was ms best chance to show off the brute force of 12 tf and show what games they have been working on since they bent the knee half a gen in. It was a lackluster showcase, to put it nicely. There is nothing for sony to react to, just keep revealing games and more gameplay of launch window titles.
This whole debacle was just execs misplacing a lot of trust in 343. There were plenty of promising games revealed in the show. The only issue is that those games are a long way off. Because good games take time to make.
I think it was more misplace faith in the Halo brand. 343i has been under scrutiny since the first game they released and Halo is the only thing that kept them in the spotlight.


Gold Member
God of War is definitely getting revealed or teased, Corey has been hinting about it on twitter and i can't wait to see it.

BC should definitely be finally given some spotlight so people feel more comfortable moving from the PS4 to the PS5, it will help A LOT despite what people on Gaf think.

If they have any other games up their sleeves now is the time to show them even if they are a ways out. Sony delivers on their promises even if it takes 6 years. Show us more games so we know what's coming.

Teardown deep dive on the console. Show the back and ports. Give us a better look at the console itself.

Price and release date.

That's it.
I dont know what Cory has teased but he is definitely the type to fake tease the fans


This whole debacle was just execs misplacing a lot of trust in 343. There were plenty of promising games revealed in the show. The only issue is that those games are a long way off. Because good games take time to make.

Speaking of how not-great 343i is, did anyone notice that there is a weird auto-aim system in the Halo Infinite demo as well, I didn't like that.

Instead of the shots just going to the enemies head when your crosshair is near it actually jump the whole viewport to their head as the trigger is pulled.

I know they had the bullet magnetism shite in Halo 5, but that was just a smarter auto-aim, this is some system where its kind of like lock-on in Rockstar games, but it happens when you pull the trigger rather than just with ADSing.

You can see it most if you slow down the bit just after MC throws the energy cannister at the turret, when he shoots the first time the shot is way above the grunts head but the second shot ALSO should've missed the grunt, but as the muzzle flash starts (ie a frame or two after the trigger has been pulled), the next frame after that the crosshair/whole viewport jumps to the closest pixel that will make the shot hit the grunts head.

Its bizarre, I don't care about auto-aim in general but I don't want my view to be moving when just firing like that, its fine to lockon when ADSing imo.


People know if they buy into something like they're getting cheaper content so they use it a time waster until the not cheap stuff comes out. People might watch Punisher, but Iron Man is what they really want.

But you are also getting the big AAA heavy hitters, Halo might be a meme now, but its MP will be among the best in class when it comes to FPS games. Pretending like MS didn't just showcase and announce multiple AAA projects is just being disingenuous.


If Sony want me to consider a PS5 then they need to:

1. Announce more exclusives - there are currently only 2 exclusives on PS5 that interest me vs the 8 on Series X
2. Sell at a lower price than Xbox - if i'm to buy a console for just a few exclusives then i don't want to pay much especially if it's weaker hardware.
3. Better backwards compatibility - we don't even know how well PS4 will be supported. If they can sneak in support for PS1/PS2/PS3 then that'd be great so I could retire my PS2 finally. Series X will play games from every Xbox generation.

Those are the things I'm looking for from Sony. Right now I'm ready to ditch Playstation and move to Xbox. If Sony want my money then they need to do better.
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The reality for both companies is that it takes a couple of years with final hardware to build a game for a next Gen machine. So if you're looking for games that scream next Gen, you'll need to wait until E3 2021.

This is why the games console market has become a horrible value proposition for the past couple of gens. AAA games take 3 to 4 years to make. Consoles are just at the edge of cutting edge when they launch. Apparently, no one has mastered the art of targeting their game to a specific spec so that it looks next gen at launch. You can't delay the console until the games are ready because they'll be out of date by then.

So we need a better value proposition.
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I'd say they should strike soon. An event in August to wrap everything up would be ideal. If possible maybe announce some additional launch titles and show us some next gen looking games again. Even if the games are not coming out soon something like a next gen God of War would get people pretty excited.


They have several possibilities, including a smaller state of play focused on gameplay for certain games.

But explain BC and talk about is important.

After Ghost of Tsushima, I think any great production coming from Sony brand will sell well. They achieved a status almost like Nintendo.

I would reserve some news and announcements for "TGS" and would not talk about new games that won't come next year, unless is 3rd party.


1 - Console teardown.
2 - Give the dates for 2020 games and say which games are targeting 2021.
3 -Announce the price: PS5 DE $399, PS5 $499
4 -Release date followed by opening pre-orders
5 - Try to get as many big third party games on the August event as possible (Elden Ring, Assassins Creed, Far Cry, WB new game, CoD, Final Fantasy, Persona 6, Project Re Fantasy, Street Fighter, etc), that way MS can't use them in their event.
6 - Tease every project I'm confident will be released (God of War 2, ND's multiplayer, Uncharted spin-off, Days Gone sequel, Knack 3, whatever).
7 - Commit publicly to gyro aiming support and M&K support and work on getting ports for Dota2, Lol, CS, TF2, WoW.
8 - Rearrange my services into these three(that can be combined with a slight discount): streaming (Geforce Now model), instant game library and paid online. The answer to gamepass is to be a bit cheaper and without games hitting the service day 1, focus on quality over quantity and on old games.
9 -Tell which Sony Ps4 game's will get PS5 patches.
10 - Fund another Kojima game if it isn't already happening, buying his studio if viable.
11 - Fund a game written by Yasumi Matsuno TRPG/JRPG.
12 - Get BC with PS3 working on PS5, nothing fancy, just get it working at first.
13 - Find a way to make a portable PS4 focused on the Japanese market.
14- Make Dreams F2P and port it to PC allowing people to sell their creations.
15- Make a Pokemon clone that is actually good, open world, with BoTW style traversal.
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1)All PS1/PS2/PS3 physical games being compatible with PS5 with the most notable ones being graphically enhanced.

2)Free online play.

3)Buy a big Japanese studio.

Unfortunately with MS continuing offering zero competition they don't really have to do anything of that.
But you are also getting the big AAA heavy hitters, Halo might be a meme now, but its MP will be among the best in class when it comes to FPS games. Pretending like MS didn't just showcase and announce multiple AAA projects is just being disingenuous.
How long will the budgets for these games be AAA? And will they even actually be that when they when/if they release? Fable already had a canceled game so this new one is getting released regardless of quality. MS seems to be ready to take the filler role in giving people easily digestible content while others give them the "Event" games that most people want.
Keep calm and carry on. Early August State of Play is very good idea but don’t hype it too much. Then drop Silent Hill megaton and GoW sequel teaser. Show some more gameplay from earlier announced games too. Don’t announce price or date yet, it’s too early. Showing user interface wouldn’t do harm.

And give us great PS Plus games for August.
you reveal all your big guns under your sleeves like RDNA3 features and VR and...

nah, you just sit on your butt and wait for consumers...
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