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Calling fellow Playstation lovers - do the right thing and call out Sony!

I dont really care. Spidey already looks cross gen with upgrades, pulling the PS4 version won't change that. And Horizon looks a significant step up over current gen if the trailer delivers. PS4 version won't come close
Meh that Horizon 2 footage was probably running on a PC to emulate the ps5 experience xD


There is over 100 million PS4 in circulation, they are still being sold like crazy and you expect SONY to just tell all those people "lol, get a new toy"? No company is that retarded.

No, it isn't about not being able to win, you either realize you were a little snot who threw shade at a different console for little reason or you double down. Kobayashi Maru isn't about not being able to win, it is about the fact that no situation has a perfect solution. You can always just hyperspace away when the trouble starts or not even go into the Klingon space (which is the official way of handling the situation).

Agreed. Avoiding engagement in the first place would be the ideal course of action!


PlayStation obviously have mislead us.

They Demo’d Spider-Man last year stating that he couldn’t swing faster due to the slow Hard-drive. Assuming they’ve taking advantage of the SSD in the PS5 morales version, how does this bode for the PS4 version?

I’m really looking forward to seeing how it looks/runs on PS4


If any of these PS5 cross-gen games looked as bad as Halo Infinite, then I would be going at Sony hard.

But they don't. Miles Morales looks great and definitely a leap over anything on PS4. Oh, and unlike Halo, Sony has it ready for launch.
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As a Sony fanboy I really don´t care. Both games look incredible and I can truly say for myself this looks next-gen. The only problem people had with Microsoft's approach, was the fact that they never showed any gameplay running on the system and Halo looked like crap. That combined with the 4TF base console created a feeling in people that the next gen is beeing held down by the base console of microsoft.

If the SONY first-party titles in the first year are cross gen but still use all the power of next gen, thats fine for me. The PS4 allready proved itselve a s a mashine cabable of displaying top of the line visuals. I have no daubt this will be the case for miles and Horizon as well.


I am shocked more people are not pissed about PS5 not using the PS4 controller! Buying more controllers right out the gate for a PS5 to play PS4 games seems wrong to me.

Yeah now that they have confirmed that (at least some) games will be coming to PS4 anyway, is there really any excuse? I highly doubt there are any uses of the Dual Sense that would be game-breaking if removed.


I mean, demons souls is a launch exclusive. Some games are crossgen. Other are not. Would've been nice if Sony were more upfront, but they never said that all their games are only on PS5. They said they believe in generations, and Demons Souls is a prime example of that.

It's a big difference compared to MS and their "all of our first party games are crossgen for the first 2 years"

MS's problem was that Halo looked underwhelming, and people blamed it on being cross gen. When infact it looks meh because of development troubles.
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Dear fellow Playstation lovers,

Just like you, I've been enjoying the last few months shitting on Xbox for their cross-gen antics. I've been relishing the opportunity to throw yesterday's PS5 showcase in the face of Xbox fans as a 'AHA TAKE THAT BITCHES' moment but after that we find out that at the very least, Horizon Forbidden West and the Miles Morales game are coming to PS4 as well as PS5.


I'm stoked as much as you are for PS5 but come on. Although they didn't necessarily say those games would be PS5 exclusive, the messaging very strongly hinted at it and for them to now mention, almost in passing as if they don't want to draw attention to it, that two of the key first party titles aren't actually next-gen exclusive.................. it's just a bit of a slap in the face.

Do you not hate being lied to? I know I do. Sure it's not lying if they never technically said those games wouldn't come to PS4, but it's effectively the same thing. They've been riding the wave of hate towards Xbox and it turns out what they're doing isn't really much different. If we try to hide behind the fine print then we're doing what the 'other side' did.

So, again, calling all fellow Pureisuteishon lovers, let's call it out because if we don't do it then we're just as bad as the Xbots who blindly support the likes of Aaron Greenscreen and Phil Spritzer.

note: If you think I'm posing as Playstation lover to whip up a frenzy, check my post history - I've been shitting on Xbox for months ;)

I missed that (guess it was not mentioned during the presentation) - do you have a link where it's oficial?
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Just a gentle reminder:

Jim Ryan said:
We have always said that we believe in generations. We believe that when you go to all the trouble of creating a next-gen console, that it should include features and benefits that the previous generation does not include. And that, in our view, people should make games that can make the most of those features. We do believe in generations, and whether it’s the DualSense controller, whether it’s the 3D audio, whether it’s the multiple ways that the SSD can be used... we are thinking that it is time to give the PlayStation community something new, something different, that can really only be enjoyed on PS5

I feel like Ryan has become the public enemy no. 1 since yesterday with his 180 spin from the previous narrative. Actually the more and more I read through the forum I feel that yesterday's presentation did more harm than good, that 399 is completely overshadowed by 69-79 games prices, and the games are coming to either PS4 or PC anyway, so there's close to no reason to jump on the PS5 yet, and Ryan says that we should expect the cross-gen period to last even 4 years, double of what Spencer said, by 4 years time the consoles will be already dated and people will be already looking forward to PS5 Pro/PS6...


A few being cross-gen is not a big deal at all....it happens every cycle.

Relax yourselves and enjoy your new consoles.


They should be called for the $70=80€ games... a multiplatform game... well it will end up running better on PS5.... and 'cause of CoviD not a lot of ppl can afford a PS5 at launch...
I'm not planning to get either of these games (haven't played the previous ones, either) but I'm glad that Sony is trying to support the PS4. Hopefully we still get "3 or 4 years" out of it like they said, but I'm only holding my breath for 1-2 max (which includes third parties).

That said, both of these open-world games will most directly benefit from the SSD. Some cross-gen games will be like choosing between the 30 fps version of MGS5 with long load times or the 60 fps version on PS4 or X1, and other games will show less of a boost, like PS3/PS4 versions of Guilty Gear Xrd and Persona 4. It's definitely "cross gen".


I missed that (guess it was not mentioned during the presentation) - do you have a link where it's oficial?

Additionally, we know that the PS4 community will transition to PS5 at different times, and we’re happy to announce PS4 versions of some of our exclusives. Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Sackboy A Big Adventure, and Horizon Forbidden West will also launch on PS4. While these three games were designed to take advantage of PS5 and its unique next-gen features like the ultra-high-speed SSD and DualSense controller, PS4 owners will also be able to enjoy these experiences when they launch. The PS4 digital versions of launch games include a free upgrade on both PS5 consoles, while the PS4 disc versions of these games include a free upgrade on the PS5 with Ultra HD Blu-Ray disc drive.


Honestly last-gen was by far the worst in my books, saved by third party games (which were all cross-gen anyway):

PS4 exclusive

- Killzone Shadowfall - FPS
- Knack - Platformer
- Resogun - side-scrolling shooter ish

Xbox One exclusive

- Forza Motorsport 5 - driving game
- Dead Rising 3 - hack n slash zombie
- Crimson Dragon - .....dragon shooter on rails
- Killer Instinct - fighting game
- Ryse: Son of Rome - tentpole-style visual beauty... let down by quick time event bollocks

Ironically Xbox One had the better launch lineup and yet went on to sell terribly through no fault of the game developers themselves. What a waste! I remember getting a PS4 at launch and after getting sick of Killzone after about 3 hours (what a boring ass game), I ended up just playing Battlefield 4 for weeks.

You're right the launch lineups for PS5 and XSX/S look kinda shit right now, but let's not forget how shit it really was about 7 years ago.

At least Killzone was a real next gen title and so were many third party games available at launch.

Infamous Second Son, one of the most beautiful games this generation and solid ow action, released only few months later.

This time even NBA 2K looks exactly the same as before and it's a mtx shitfest.

I would be literally buying PS5 to play Cyberpunk 2077 but because I have both Xbox One X and PS4 Pro the benefits minimal.

So I am not buying next gen consoles for a while.
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nah, I'm glad miles is on PS4. Saves me even thinking about getting the PS5 at launch. I am a bit disappointed Horizon is coming to PS4 too though
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Lol this is beyond stupid am I supposed to be upset that PlayStation is releasing their cross console games hahaha.

This shit is hilarious. They “lied to us” LOOL. Y’all really like to play Fantasy Game Company Director or something? Funny as hell.


Yes Sony deserve all the stick they get.

Have no issues with supporting last gen. Always happened in the past with Sony consoles but we always saw a clear definition each generation.

Got all PS consoles Day 1 but will not on this occasion.

Especially not with those 70 pound new releases.

Not to forget I have a huge backlog of PS4 games still remaining.

I might just simply get the console at Christmas simply to play my PS4 backlog and purchase the PS5 games used when the price drops.
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If any of these PS5 cross-gen games looked as bad as Halo Infinite, then I would be going at Sony hard.

But they don't. Miles Morales looks great and definitely a leap over anything on PS4. Oh, and unlike Halo, Sony has it ready for launch.
That's really not the point. The point is that supposedly cross-gen will hold back next-gen per se. People who said it is just a scaling thing got a lot, and i repeat, a lot of hate.
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That's really not the point. The point is that supposedly cross-gen will hold back next-gen per se. People who said it is just a scaling thing got a lot, and i repeat, a lot of hate.

The reason Halo got hate was because it looked rough, and people blamed it on it being crossgen when infact it was due to development troubles.

Miles morales and Horizon 2 looked so good that people didn't even realise they were crossgen.
The reason Halo got hate was because it looked rough, and people blamed it on it being crossgen when infact it was due to development troubles.

Miles morales and Horizon 2 looked so good that people didn't even realise they were crossgen.
Sorry but that is not true,, Yes Halo looked like shit, but the discussion was purely about MS having cross-gen titels for 1 or 2 years and that it will hold back next-gen. That started way before the gameplay reveal of infinite.


Sorry but that is not true,, Yes Halo looked like shit, but the discussion was purely about MS having cross-gen titels for 1 or 2 years and that it will hold back next-gen. That started way before the gameplay reveal of infinite.
There's a big difference between having no next gen exclusives and having some crossgen titles.

And MS could have shut up the narrative by just showing amazing looking crossgen titles, but completely failed to do it.
There's a big difference between having no next gen exclusives and having some crossgen titles.

And MS could have shut up the narrative by just showing amazing looking crossgen titles, but completely failed to do it.
I'm not sure why you keep defending something i haven't even said. It feels a lot like moving the goal posts. Did you even read what i've said?
Sony does believe in generations and we are still getting PS5 only releases like demons souls remake, ratchet and clank:rift apart and deathloop. I wouldn't be surprised if God of War Ragnarok is also a cross gen title next year. Though I am a tad bit disappointed because my hype was a bit over the roof thinking these are true next gen experiences. They are rather highly polished current gen experiences taking advantage of shorter load times and higher resolution for the PS5 versions. I guess these god of war,spider man true ps5 exclusives won't happen before 2022

Blue Spring

Read my tears about xbox here --->
I could understand why Spider-Man was cross-gen but who made the decision for Horizon to be cross-gen as well? Guerilla Games are graphical powerhouses in the industry and a perfect fit to showcase your next gen system.

Legit curious who makes those decisions. Was it yoshida or layden?


I love the mental gymnastics now that Sony went with the cross gen approach.

I don't play on any console or plan to get one. But I would like the media and fans to be equally harsh with Sony as they were with MS here.

I don't mind cross gen games. I believe they make sense for 2021 at least, and now more than ever taking the global recession into account.

Sony seems to be getting good PR no matter what they do and I hate that.


Whats a VFXVeteran alt ?

VXFVeteran is a much loved Neogaf member who loves to come into Playstation threads and educate people about the value of PC gaming. He's especially famous for talking about Playstation console exclusives coming to PC and looking much better than the console versions, the Horizon Zero Dawn series in particular. He is currently banned and your comment sounded like something he would say, so I just made a little joke about you being an alt account he is using to get around the ban. No offence meant :messenger_winking:



Jim Ryan said:
No one should be disappointed. The PS5 versions of those games are built from the ground up to take advantage of the PS5 feature set, and we have an upgrade path for PS4 users to get the PS5 versions for free. It’s about people having choice. I’m really quite pleased about the situation.


It was the same for the last gen

In a year this will all be forgotten as stuff for PS4 phases out. Exactly like last time.

In short, calm down bro’s it’s going to be ok.


What about not being able to use Ps4 controller because dual sense has special feature but looks like the majority of games will play fine on dual shock


It’s great for PS4 owners, and Sony is legendary for supporting its systems way after a new console launches, which is great.

The only thing I’m pissed at is HZD. I thought we were getting a new gen exclusive and that wasn’t true at all. Fuck.

I sure hope GoW is next gen exclusive because I want it to be the best game it could be, and I will be extremely dissatisfied if that’s not the case.

On the other hand, what can I do? game on Xbox? lol...


So there's no real reason to buy a PS5 right now then, since all the games are coming to PS4 also? Just in high-fidelity? Someone correct me if I'm wrong...

In case PS5 is quieter and loads faster it can be a great new PS4 Pro, but that’s an incredibly sad reason. Fuck you Jim.


Well st least they make some games for us to play, I cant really fault them for selling games to the installed user base. besides, I overslept and missed the chance to preorder, ill still be fine when ill get my ps5 early 2021...


Well the atmosphere seems to be changing at Sony. Bring back the Japanese HQ, and put some traditional Sony CEOs back in place. Jim Ryan is going to drive it into the ground I fear.
A bunch of games will be cross gen. Like many generations before. Who cares? This sounds like some childish shit people are whinijg about.


I agree. Also charging for a Spiderman PS5 patch is shocking. Hardly setting a good example to 505 games 🙈

This is kind of a valid point. If Spidey was an Xbox game, you’d be able to buy it for the last gen system and be able to play the enhanced version for no charge on the next gen system. Charging again for the same game on PS5 is taking the piss when the competition are moving to a smarter (dare I say consumer friendly) way of selling games.
At this point, protesting against a current gen version of these games sound the most dumb thing You could do

At the Very moment they officially announced these games are comming to ps4, It became clear that the whole development process was not meant to make them only possible on PS5. Maybe thats the reason why on the developers talks vídeo of Horizon, they only mentioned the ssd as a great tool for Just no load times and not for New and different game design and mechanics possibilities (like the one in Ratchet).

With that in mind, we must think that If these games were always intended to run on PS4, why not release ir for It? It doenst make sense. Unless You want to delay It and make It development process centered on ps5 like It happened with Halo. But that would take few more years and I personally want a strong LINE up for the first years of ps5
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