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Microsoft acquires Zenimax/Bethesda

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Holy shit, this is pretty big. To think they were also in talks of purchasing WB gaming division while working on this as well! I wonder what else is cooking ...

I’m actually ok with this, since we know for a fact all of their games will also release on PC, so those not owning or not wanting to own a Xbox console Won’t be completely locked out of playing Zenimax games if they go full exclusive. Also whether they are legally bound or just being good guy Microsoft I’m glad they are still honoring the timed exclusive commitment with Ghostwire and death loop.

Personally would have preferred if Microsoft acquired a big Japanese developer like Capcom.

Would definitely have made a huge difference in Japan.
Well technically they got one or two Japanese studios out of this, but like you never know what else they are cooking.

Ugh...Doom is my favourite game. I am worried about its future. Microsoft is where good franshices go to die.
I think you are confusing Microsoft for EA.


Tag, you're it.

How about no ?


Xaero Gravity

Sony execs waiting on call backs from Epic, Steam and take Two

Bethesda is a perfect fit they never release anything in great shape or done on release. Perfect for the MS model.
Someone with no talent buying a studio somehow means something?
MS is nothing but a no talent bank.
i guess thats a first and probably the last time.

This is the most upset you've been in your life isn't it?


OK here you go....

"Gaming is about entertainment and community and diversion and learning new stories and new perspectives, I find it completely counter to what gaming is about to say that part of that is to lock people away from being able to experience those games. Or to force someone to buy my specific device on the day that I want them to go buy it, in order to partake in what gaming is about. Gaming is bigger than any one device… "

He specifically calls out devices and forcing people to buy certain systems in order to play something.

This flies in the face of that ethos. They could quite easily have just got them on board Game Pass without acquiring them and thus making the titles exclusive and retain the joint "community".

Yes because it would make perfect sense for Microsoft to spend a load of money buying a gaming studio, then to keep releasing all that studio's games multi platform, yes sounds totally reasonable. ;)
Lol apart from TES (which you have to be into those games to enjoy it) and a couple more games, there is hardly anything else desirable from that catalog of games.

$7.5 billion... lol zenimax laughing all the way to the bank.
I have to say I am more tempted to pre-order an Xbox now that I know they control a large group of IPs for the future
even if they publish those IPs on everything they are the ones in control
I think it makes for cheap games just to fill content in the long run. Like how most netflix stuff is just to have content. It makes it so it's less about quality and more about quantity on your service rather than enticing people to pay for each individual product and having to have them get by on their own merits. The vast majority of netflix originals seems made for a budget and just to fill time and I think that's what gamepass leads to
Red Dead Redemption 2 was a cheap game?


Not an asshole.
Dishonored 2 is currently slated to leave PC Game Pass soon. I wonder if that will change with this acquisition? I still haven't found time to play it.

hemo memo

Gold Member
PC and xbox users pay for GP sub, and lets be honest, when you buy it, you won't unsubscribe after a month.

PS5 owners by the game full whack, with a massive chunk going to Microsoft.

It's a win/win for MS. Either buy their console and be rewarded with cheap games or stick to Playstation if you prefer it and you can still buy the game as normal. It won't affect Ps5 owners in the slightest.

Think about it. 120 million PS4 owners, why would you leave that money on the table just for the sake of console warrior points?

It's a clever strategy by MS. Be both publisher and console owner.

Yeah. I believe this is more of a Minecraft type deal and Microsoft is already publishing games outside Xbox and PC.


Gold Member
I just bought a Switch and already planned on getting a PS5. Assuming ESVI and Starfield are Xbox console exclusive (which I think is very likely), then I'll end up owning all three consoles next gen. I will wait a couple years for Xbox to get rolling.

I think Case by Case not depends on how Sony plays the exclusive game if they keep pulling things like Final Fantasy 16 for themselves, MS has to counter with something big too. If Sony has not huge 3rd Party exclusive deals MS has not reason to hold back from publishing those IPs on Playstation and cashing in.

Case by Case only means how much they have to counter Sony's movements


Gold Member
I'm pleased to see Microsoft finally responding to Sony's 1st party offerings in such a serious way.

The consoles haven't even launchd yet wow.

Very eager in seeing how Sony will respond in kind during this upcoming gen.
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Roronoa Zoro

Gold Member
You never said anything about Gamepass “exclusives”. You also have no justification that they’re low budget. Just an assumption.
An educated guess based on what I've seen from netflix and gamepass so far. There's an occasional banger on netflix but most of the time I wish things had gotten bigger budget and had blockbuster releases. Hoping Sony goes the HBO route or what disney plus will hopefully turn into.


Lol apart from TES (which you have to be into those games to enjoy it) and a couple more games, there is hardly anything else desirable from that catalog of games.

$7.5 billion... lol zenimax laughing all the way to the bank.

MS now owns:

Elders Scrolls
ID Tech (engine)
The Evil Within
and the studios which are really talented.
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7,5 Billion....
Imagine how many good Studios and Games you could have founded with the same Money instead of throwing it at Todd Coward.
Lol apart from TES (which you have to be into those games to enjoy it) and a couple more games, there is hardly anything else desirable from that catalog of games.

$7.5 billion... lol zenimax laughing all the way to the bank.

I’m not going to bother listing every single interesing ip that belongs to Zenimax, but bear in mind Id Software (that means Id Tech) is included in the deal, that’s BIG for game develpment


Interesting to say the least.

Now we will see the true colours of MS's intentions for the future. If they truly believe in a service future, they keep all these acquisitions multi platform and become a multiplatform publisher and console hybrid. This makes a 7 billion dollar purchase make sense.

It also differentiates MS. That would be a good move. I think if this is a more traditional purchase, 7 billion is a lot just to have exclusive games on a console that still might not sell that well.

Interesting times.


They're not going to make them console exclusive, but I imagine a lot of people are going to assume they will and this will push them to go Xbox over PS5.

Halo. Gears. Forza. Does MS put any of these on playstation? No. The big titles will be (console) exclusive, If anything I could see smaller titles going to other systems like Ori, but even then it will be Nintendo first. Don’t buy a PlayStation expecting Microsoft IP to release on it.
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This is madness. Wonder if they got the balls to make their games Xbox exclusives.

I’m buying both consoles eventually but it’s a tough decision for MS. If they want to sell as many game pass subs as possible and boost hardware sales it makes sense. But I wonder if the lost revenue by excluding the PlayStation audience makes it a wash?


MS now owns:

Elders Scrolls
ID Tech (engine)
The Evil Within
and the studios which are really talented.
Man, it's an impressive list of quality games, BUT non of them is worth 7 billions. That's the point.

Financially wise Zenimax should be happy hah.

MS can be happy too, they got some big names.

I'm personally interested only in TES, less in Fall and even less in DooM. That's it 4 me.
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