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Nvidia bans HardwareUnboxed from receiving review samples


Cool they're free not to cover NVIDIA

The problem here is as Linus said. Anybody that does cover Nvidia FE cards can be seen as implicitly playing by NVs rules which means none of the tech press can be considered independent when it comes to reviewing FE cards at embargo lift.

Some of the big places will be able to remain impartial but smaller channels/sites are going to have the stink of 'are you saying that because you believe it or because you need to keep NV happy?'.


The problem here is as Linus said. Anybody that does cover Nvidia FE cards can be seen as implicitly playing by NVs rules which means none of the tech press can be considered independent when it comes to reviewing FE cards at embargo lift.

Some of the big places will be able to remain impartial but smaller channels/sites are going to have the stink of 'are you saying that because you believe it or because you need to keep NV happy?'.

What's changed? They were already on nvidia pay roll.

They aren't independent, if they want to be they need to get their own shit.
Linus spitting absolute hot fire. Nice to see Jay jump on board on twitter too. It is great to see the tech channels showing solidarity and calling out shady shit that crosses the line from Nvidia.

I honestly can't believe some of the takes in this thread. I mean having a brand preference is fine, but this goes beyond an AMD vs Nvidia thing or any of that shit. This is about Nvidia trying to pressure reviewers editorial content, focus and opinions to toe the company line or else. This also acts as a warning to other outlets to toe the Nvidia company line/narrative and push whatever narrative/feature they want or this will happen to you too.

Absolutely shameless, shady, slimy anti independent reviewer, anti competitive and anti consumer behaviour. The fact that we have so many corporate boot lickers in here cheering for this move and acting like 12 year old fanboys because it came from their favourite company is absolutely disgraceful and pretty embarrassing really. Luckily most of the people in this thread don't fall into that category and regardless of company preference or favourite GPU they are calling out this bullshit for that it is.

This really is proof that the cult of Nvidia has really grown under the surface, hidden from view for a while now. This is starting to approach Apple levels of zealotry and cult branding. It really goes to show how good Nvidia's marketing, branding and positioning has been for the better part of a decade that people can turn off all reason and cheerlead such a shitty move like this. The reason we are really starting to see it come out of the woodwork now in this thread and in recent other threads, both from Nvidia themselves and their rabid base is that they finally have some real competition for once.

I've seen some braindead takes in this thread trying to equate anyone who has a problem with this shady shit as being two faced AMD fanboys or Nvidia haters who would champion the move if it was AMD in the driving seat. Absolute nonsense. The reaction from 90% of the people rightfully calling bullshit on this move would be exactly the same if it was AMD, Intel, Apple or whoever. The reason being that this move is blatant bullshit no matter who is pulling it.

Another low IQ take I see is people thinking that the reviewers are in this so that they can get a free $600-800 GPU for personal use in their rig at home. How dumb do you have to be? You see this manifest with takes like:

"Waah they won't get free GPUs and will have to buy them like the rest of us! Good! Boo fucking hoo! Stop crying because you can't get a free card lolz"

All of these channels make far more than the cost of a single GPU from the views/patreon they receive for one video. Being angry because of Nvidia/AMD/Console supply issues and projecting that salt on to tech reviewers because you cannot get one is one of the dumbest trends I've seen as of late and shows a complete misunderstanding of how the tech press/reviews actually work and what their purpose is.

Simply put this is a terrible move by Nvidia and I'm glad that the tech press is uniting in solidarity to call out this bullshit and shine a light on it for what it really is. But the fact that we have so many fanboy takes worshiping at the altar of Nvidia and prostrating themselves to feel good about the company whose name is on their GPU all to have a perceived "win" in their mind is really embarrassing


What's changed? They were already on nvidia pay roll.

They aren't independent, if they want to be they need to get their own shit.

Because as Linus says the transaction between Supplier and Reviewer is that Reviewer gets the tools to test the product and the Supplier gets a fair, objective, review.

If you want to take your view though you might as well just take NV/Intel/AMD at their word when they present performance numbers rather than waiting for benchmarks but I bet you don't. I bet you do wait for benchmarks.


Another low IQ take I see is people thinking that the reviewers are in this so that they can get a free $600-800 GPU for personal use in their rig at home. How dumb do you have to be? You see this manifest with takes like:

"Waah they won't get free GPUs and will have to buy them like the rest of us! Good! Boo fucking hoo! Stop crying because you can't get a free card lolz"

All of these channels make far more than the cost of a single GPU from the views/patreon they receive for one video. Being angry because of Nvidia/AMD/Console supply issues and projecting that salt on to tech reviewers because you cannot get one is one of the dumbest trends I've seen as of late and shows a complete misunderstanding of how the tech press/reviews actually work and what their purpose is.
Just wanted to add to this;
In many cases, those cards actually need to be sent back after a certain period of time.
I really don’t respect YouTube reviewers, nor do I care about their journalistic independence. Time for a day job?

Nvidia might very well be slimy, but they don't owe anyone a review card. They just don’t.
You don't think testing hardware is a day job? On what basis? What gives you the right to question the validity of someone's vocation?

This isn't some onlyfans shit. Testing hardware, particularly when you're given the launch drivers at the earliest a few days before the embargo lift in a space where having your review out on time is essential for your business, is a lot of work. These people spend a lot of hours doing benchmark runs, tabulating data in spreadsheets and perhaps even using python or R to visualise the data. It's not an easy job by any stretch of the imagination. People like hardware unboxed test 30+ games across 30+ graphics cards at three resolutions with multiple runs per resolution and even different graphics settings at times. Which people like you or I then use to make our purchasing decisions. They're providing hardware enthusiasts a service. Sure they could all just pack it in and "get a day job", but then what are we all gonna do? Take Nvidia or AMD or Intel or any of the OEMs marketing material at it's word and believe it's all fine? Ah yes, just how Nvidia used deliberately manipulative language to imply that the RTX 3080 is up to 2x faster than a 2080. I suppose it's technically true....in 2 games; Minecraft RTX and Quake RTX. Meanwhile every other game has it at around 65% faster. The tech press, journalists, reviewers and YouTubers - regardless of how valid you think their career is, all exist to cut through the marketing BS and tell us what reality actually is.

You make a good product, and it is reviewed well? That's free marketing. But if you start to use your market incumbency and general power to strong-arm even one reviewer for having an opinion that doesn't perfectly align with yours, then it falls into question the validity of all independent reviews of your products. People are well within their rights to question of stuff like this has happened before with somebody else. Is a positive opinion of RTX or DLSS genuine? Or is it due to fear of losing access to review hardware and effectively having your business torpedoed.
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I mean, Nvidia is a business and they have a product to sell. If you're not willing to review all the features their product has to offer, then I can't blame them for not wanting to send you a sample of said product for free. Why is it so hard for them to include that information in their reviews, anyways? It informs their readers and satisfies Nvidia, so win-win.


That's how getting free samples works in just about any industry. You can get them if you play by their terms.

There is very little journalistic integrity at all with any hobbyist review industry.

If these industries cared so much they'd stop accepting free pre-release units, or free review units at all. I'd support any outlet that did that really; including game reviews.. a well written review by someone who paid for the game a week after it's out would be fine by me. Same with game consoles, graphics card, anything..
But it is not like nVidia is doing anything wrong.

They just want you to review and test all the features including the new ones in their GPUs.

It is like reviewing a new hybrid electric car talking only about how it perform with gas... it is totally out of the point or context... it is unprofessional.
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I mean, Nvidia is a business and they have a product to sell. If you're not willing to review all the features their product has to offer, then I can't blame them for not wanting to send you a sample of said product for free. Why is it so hard for them to include that information in their reviews, anyways? It informs their readers and satisfies Nvidia, so win-win.

They do. They just say that RT is not prime time yet so for most people it should not be a primary factor.

If NV just want marketing they can release their own numbers. They should not send 'independent' reviewers samples with the implied (actual in HUBs case) threat that if they don't kiss the ring they get cut off.
:lollipop_thescream: Ooohhhh the youtubers are massing for a lynching/cancelling.

What’s even more fucking annoying than tech youtubers thumbnails is youtubers collective drama. All this over not sending FE cards, not a ban, just FE cards. How fucking entitled.

Sure, stop covering Nvidia :messenger_tears_of_joy: See how that goes.
Yea, when it's all said and done, there are only two big players in the videogame market and Nvidia is the biggest by a fair margin. No matter how upset these 'journalists' get, I doubt much will change. But who knows, never know until you try, I guess. 🤷‍♂️


By themselves, no. But if everyone drops nVidia, it's another story.

I seriously don't get this. It's a service to the benefit of the consumer, and they gain money for it. It basically IS a day job. I respect people that have the balls to start up their own business, be it in the real world or online, a lot more than someone that takes the easy road of a 9-5 job. And I see anyone that doesn't as either ignorant or envious.

The companies should work to get good reviews from the critics. It should definitely not be the case that the critics have to adapt to appease the companies. That defeats the whole purpose of reviews. If you cave in and fall in the second category, you're just a shill.

So did linus and jay announce they will stop covering nvidia gpu's? because they are so evil and shit? or do they still accept there freebee's and suck nvidia's dick like the hypocrites they are? there you go. Its all lip service mate.

But its good to see that jay hates nvidia and hopes AMD destroys them, really going to look well when u review products neutral isn't it? what a joke.
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Mister Wolf

:lollipop_thescream: Ooohhhh the youtubers are massing for a lynching/cancelling.

What’s even more fucking annoying than tech youtubers thumbnails is youtubers collective drama. All this over not sending FE cards, not a ban, just FE cards. How fucking entitled.

Sure, stop covering Nvidia :messenger_tears_of_joy: See how that goes.
Just another example of reporters thinking they are more important than the talent.


I wrote them lol
Now if you can’t understand how the HU is wrong in this case then it is not my issue.

They are objectively correct.

DLSS 2.0 is in a few games, where it exists it is excellent but is not wide spread enough to be a primary purchasing factor for most of their viewers. Same applies to RT but that is also very performance heavy.

Remember PhysX when you needed an add-in card for it or when NV purchased them and made it an NV exclusive feature? It was neat but not wide spread enough to make buying the add-in card worth it or to buy NV over AMD/ATi if performance/price was similar.

DLSS and RT are the same at the moment. I think they will have more benefit in the future but by the time it is a feature worth really considering the current Ampere / RDNA2 hardware will not be fast enough to use it.

On to of that DLSS is a proprietary feature that will probably go the sameway as Glide did for 3Dfx, it will get superseded by the DX12 / Vulkan ML upscaling and we don't know how NV will perform in those yet.

You can go ahead though and keep sniffing the NV ass gas. It must be some good shit for you to have such a terrible take on this.
Its also funny how some in this thread think this is an attack by nvidia on free press and accurate information. Ignoring that we have talked how bullshit HU is reporting on these cards for months by ourselves here. Ignoring how nvidias problem is actually the lack of accurate reporting by HU. The fact that their poor reporting on hardware is due to Steve's personal bias and feeling toward an emergent tech.

This seems to be twisted by some as a corporation strong arming everyone and dictating what they do. :) Nobody has any business with any other outlet and nothing happened to HU other than not getting freebies by nvidia so they can shit on them and not test them properly.

Troubling how some dont even look at the actual stuff this applies to and think this is corporate bootlicking.

HU shitting on nvidias key features and inaccurate representation of the hardware seems to fly over the head of their defenders, while they claim the high ground of justice


Its also funny how some in this thread think this is an attack by nvidia on free press and accurate information. Ignoring that we have talked how bullshit HU is reporting on these cards for months by ourselves here. Ignoring how nvidias problem is actually the lack of accurate reporting by HU. The fact that their poor reporting on hardware is due to Steve's personal bias and feeling toward an emergent tech.

This seems to be twisted by some as a corporation strong arming everyone and dictating what they do. :) Nobody has any business with any other outlet and nothing happened to HU other than not getting freebies by nvidia so they can shit on them and not test them properly.

Troubling how some dont even look at the actual stuff this applies to and think this is corporate bootlicking.

HU shitting on nvidias key features and inaccurate representation of the hardware seems to fly over the head of their defenders, while they claim the high ground of justice

Objectively false but carry on.

Buggy Loop

They do. They just say that RT is not prime time yet so for most people it should not be a primary factor.


That's not the only thing they say

Gamers Nexus says the same thing as Hardware unboxed, Tech jesus does not care that much about RT or DLSS, he quickly go over the RT performances and moves on, with a light RT/Medium RT/Heavy RT combo like Shadows of the tomb raider, Control & Minecraft.

And that's it. He sticks to presenting the information, no praise or tech breakdown, just a few slides. And THAT IS FINE.

Where Hardware unboxed fails, and that you fail to see, is that, rather than sticking to just showing the slides and move on like GN, he tries to corner Nvidia as a bullshiter of their 2nd gen RT and 3rd gen tensor cores. As i already posted previously in the thread :

On 3080's review, only Wolfenstein Youngblood, a whooping 50 seconds segment to go through. He even goes to say :

"So really, for the most part, it looks like the 3080 is faster at stuff like ray tracing, because it is a faster gpu, not because the 2nd gen RT cores are massively improved"

Which is total bullshit, like not even more than 5 mins research. A mere 90 Mhz base clock & 70 Mhz boost clock seperate the 3080 and the 2080 Ti, but we see a 42% increase in performances for ray tracing and 37% when considering DLSS, but again, these amazing "tech" youtubers did not bother showcasing the Wolfenstein youngblood ASYNC patch either, even though their techspot site did, showing a 54% increase in performances. Not only is their assumptions on 2nd gen RT cores wrong, but with this game being the only one benchmarked at HU, we don't really see the full potential of these new gen cores with games that will really stress it, like full path tracing games.

On 3070's review, he spends time to set the table for Nvidia's marketing on RT 2nd gen, and then says "all of that shoulld mean significantly improved performances.... "we see that for DLSS the 3070 is no better than the 2080 TI..."

Uh buddy, the 2080 Ti has 68 RT cores & 544 tensor cores, the 3070 has 46 RT cores and 184 tensor cores. Why is the narrative that the architectural change on RT cores and tensor cores are not affecting the performances?

It's one thing to not care about RT, no really, i'm fine with that, but then, don't start spreading FUD about the architectural changes if you are not going to make a deepdive and test a wide array of RT games.

6800 XT's review, "personally i care little for ray tracing support right now where i feel it's worth enabling" ok sure, a personal opinion. I also think personally that 4k monitors are fucking useless for the performance penalty when 1440p, but i assume that reviewers would want to inform everyone on all possible reasons on wanting to upgrade and dish out >700$ on a card? Then goes to showcase 2 RT games, with RT contact shadows, the bare minimum of RT effects ..

And the cherry on the cake "a new feature that i find way more exciting than ray tracing, at least in the short term, is smart access memory..", that feature that at the time of reviewing was locked to 500 series motherboards and Zen 3 only.

So imagine Nvidia looking at the reviews. The guy who barely puts any efforts to benchmark RT correctly, has no heavy path tracing games, is giving the narrative that Nvidia's ampere architecture has no improvement over Turing, it's "just because it's a faster card". If at the very least, they would deepdive into RT games to back up their claims, but as we know, they don't.

And this is probably after Nvidia contacted them, probably multiple times. In fact, just the fact that they chose to not show the results of Wolfensten youngblood with the ASYNC patch, that Nvidia gave them the beta version, is very telling. They are ignoring Nvidia. Nvidia can start ignoring them too.
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Buggy Loop

So did linus and jay announce they will stop covering nvidia gpu's? because they are so evil and shit? or do they still accept there freebee's and suck nvidia's dick like the hypocrites they are? there you go. Its all lip service mate.

But its good to see that jay hates nvidia and hopes AMD destroys them, really going to look well when u review products neutral isn't it? what a joke.

Imagine showing your true colors like that and basically put doubt to every coming reviews from 90% of the market, talk about losing credibility in a single tweet :messenger_tears_of_joy:

And over a fucking freebie.

But it is not like nVidia is doing anything wrong.

They just want you to review and test all the features including the new ones in their GPUs.

It is like reviewing a new hybrid electric car talking only about how it perform with gas... it is totally out of the point or context... it is unprofessional.
They released a separate video discussing at length, both DLSS and RTX after the 3080 launch. A video which was overwhelmingly positive about DLSS in particular.

So tell me, why is Nvidia upset? They're even using HUBs own positive quotes on their website.

So why did they wait 3 months after these very positive reviews to come to the (incorrect) conclusion that HUB doesn't value Nvidia's value-add features. They don't like RTX much, such is their fucking perogative as human beings with actual brains and not marketing material inside their crania.

Fucking hell.



That's not the only thing they say

Gamers Nexus says the same thing as Hardware unboxed, Tech jesus does not care that much about RT or DLSS, he quickly go over the RT performances and moves on, with a light RT/Medium RT/Heavy RT combo like Shadows of the tomb raider, Control & Minecraft.

And that's it. He sticks to presenting the information, no praise or tech breakdown, just a few slides. And THAT IS FINE.

Where Hardware unboxed fails, and that you fail to see, is that, rather than sticking to just showing the slides and move on like GN, he tries to corner Nvidia as a bullshiter of their 2nd gen RT and 3rd gen tensor cores. As i already posted previously in the thread :

So imagine Nvidia looking at the reviews. The guy who barely puts any efforts to benchmark RT correctly, has no heavy path tracing games, is giving the narrative that Nvidia's ampere architecture has no improvement over Turing, it's "just because it's a faster card". If at the very least, they would deepdive into RT games to back up their claims, but as we know, they don't.

And this is probably after Nvidia contacted them, probably multiple times. In fact, just the fact that they chose to not show the results of Wolfensten youngblood with the ASYNC patch, that Nvidia gave them the beta version, is very telling. They are ignoring Nvidia. Nvidia can start ignoring them too.


This is what they say as can be found in the written article at Techspot

DLSS / Ray Tracing
We plan to follow up with a more detailed analysis of DLSS and ray tracing on Ampere on a dedicated article, but for the time being, here’s a quick look at both in Wolfenstein Youngblood.

When enabling Ray Tracing the RTX 3080 suffers a 38% performance hit which is better than the 46% performance hit the 2080 Ti suffers. Then if we enable DLSS with ray tracing the 3080 drops just 20% of its original performance which is marginally better than the 25% drop seen with the 2080 Ti. The deltas are not that much different, the RTX 3080 is just faster to begin with.

This is the follow up article I would read the whole thing but here are some snippets from the conclusion.

With Ampere, there’s still that choice between the visual effects of ray tracing, or performance. In some games like Control, ray tracing provides enough of a visual upgrade that you may want to accept the performance hit. In other games, the upgrade is not as significant, so taking a 40-50 FPS hit can be hard to swallow. That’s no different from previous generations, it’s just that the 3080 is a faster GPU overall.

Our tests also show that ray tracing acceleration in the RTX 3080 isn’t overly better than the 2080 Ti's, with less than a 10% speed up to RT acceleration separating the two. In a best-case scenario like Wolfenstein: Youngblood at 4K which received an Ampere-specific patch to improve performance, the RTX 3080 is 25% better at ray tracing acceleration. Ideally, we'd need to see a 50% or even 100% improvement to RT acceleration before the RTX on and off gap feels more acceptable with today’s effects.

This is all backed up by numbers. They say nothing that is not factual in relation to performance deltas. You may look at the data and have a different opinion which is obviously fine but their data is correct.


Because as Linus says the transaction between Supplier and Reviewer is that Reviewer gets the tools to test the product and the Supplier gets a fair, objective, review.

Some reviewers get free shit, most don't.

If you want to take your view though you might as well just take NV/Intel/AMD at their word when they present performance numbers rather than waiting for benchmarks but I bet you don't. I bet you do wait for benchmarks.

I do see benchmarks before buying a product, but I don't need to see benchmarks done by people who are paid by the companies they review
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Buggy Loop


This is what they say as can be found in the written article at Techspot

This is the follow up article I would read the whole thing but here are some snippets from the conclusion.

This is all backed up by numbers. They say nothing that is not factual in relation to performance deltas. You may look at the data and have a different opinion which is obviously fine but their data is correct.

Because it's a fucking stupid way to present or analyse the changes. It's not abou the delta drop in performances, that's inherent to RT calculations and the huge bandwidth is takes, it's about the delta difference between Turing and Ampere for the same number of RT cores at roughly the same boost clock.

Again, if they had just kept to presenting slides and not do such poor architectural analysis, probably none of this would have happened.


Linus spitting absolute hot fire. Nice to see Jay jump on board on twitter too. It is great to see the tech channels showing solidarity and calling out shady shit that crosses the line from Nvidia.

I honestly can't believe some of the takes in this thread. I mean having a brand preference is fine, but this goes beyond an AMD vs Nvidia thing or any of that shit. This is about Nvidia trying to pressure reviewers editorial content, focus and opinions to toe the company line or else. This also acts as a warning to other outlets to toe the Nvidia company line/narrative and push whatever narrative/feature they want or this will happen to you too.

Absolutely shameless, shady, slimy anti independent reviewer, anti competitive and anti consumer behaviour. The fact that we have so many corporate boot lickers in here cheering for this move and acting like 12 year old fanboys because it came from their favourite company is absolutely disgraceful and pretty embarrassing really. Luckily most of the people in this thread don't fall into that category and regardless of company preference or favourite GPU they are calling out this bullshit for that it is.

This really is proof that the cult of Nvidia has really grown under the surface, hidden from view for a while now. This is starting to approach Apple levels of zealotry and cult branding. It really goes to show how good Nvidia's marketing, branding and positioning has been for the better part of a decade that people can turn off all reason and cheerlead such a shitty move like this. The reason we are really starting to see it come out of the woodwork now in this thread and in recent other threads, both from Nvidia themselves and their rabid base is that they finally have some real competition for once.

I've seen some braindead takes in this thread trying to equate anyone who has a problem with this shady shit as being two faced AMD fanboys or Nvidia haters who would champion the move if it was AMD in the driving seat. Absolute nonsense. The reaction from 90% of the people rightfully calling bullshit on this move would be exactly the same if it was AMD, Intel, Apple or whoever. The reason being that this move is blatant bullshit no matter who is pulling it.

Another low IQ take I see is people thinking that the reviewers are in this so that they can get a free $600-800 GPU for personal use in their rig at home. How dumb do you have to be? You see this manifest with takes like:

"Waah they won't get free GPUs and will have to buy them like the rest of us! Good! Boo fucking hoo! Stop crying because you can't get a free card lolz"

All of these channels make far more than the cost of a single GPU from the views/patreon they receive for one video. Being angry because of Nvidia/AMD/Console supply issues and projecting that salt on to tech reviewers because you cannot get one is one of the dumbest trends I've seen as of late and shows a complete misunderstanding of how the tech press/reviews actually work and what their purpose is.

Simply put this is a terrible move by Nvidia and I'm glad that the tech press is uniting in solidarity to call out this bullshit and shine a light on it for what it really is. But the fact that we have so many fanboy takes worshiping at the altar of Nvidia and prostrating themselves to feel good about the company whose name is on their GPU all to have a perceived "win" in their mind is really embarrassing

Word....Ray Tracing is Nvidia fanboys version of Apples blue text bubbles.

I realized how bad it was when that dude in the other thread was seriously trying to say that the 2060 is a better GPU than the 5700XT. ....just because it has you know what.
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They released a separate video discussing at length, both DLSS and RTX after the 3080 launch. A video which was overwhelmingly positive about DLSS in particular.

So tell me, why is Nvidia upset? They're even using HUBs own positive quotes on their website.

So why did they wait 3 months after these very positive reviews to come to the (incorrect) conclusion that HUB doesn't value Nvidia's value-add features. They don't like RTX much, such is their fucking perogative as human beings with actual brains and not marketing material inside their crania.

Fucking hell.
Yeap about that.
Even his own viewers were questioning his lack of coverage on RT and DLSS... the issue started in it own community and got spread to nVidia (no company like when you review a product and forget the key new features this product has).
His excuse is shit like usual.

Do a professional job and nobody will complain including nVidia.
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Buggy Loop

Yeap about that.
Even his own viewers were questioning his lack of coverage on RT and DLSS... the issue started in it own community and got spread to nVidia (no company like when you review a product and forget the key new features this product has).
His excuse is shit like usual.

Do a professional job and nobody will complain including nVidia.

Imagine going out of your way to benchmark Metro Exodus rasterization for the 6800 XT, but at the RT performance page, you could not bother to enable RT like 99% of sites. :unsure:


Gold Member
Nobody is saying that they owe anyone a review card, Mr Strawman.

And you might want to actually read the thread and note the moving goalposts throughout, you disingenuous little cheerleader.

Ah. You're one of those... I'm not even gonna bother... If you can in the same post argue against sponsorship and for corporate backed publications, I do not know what else to tell you.
And don't you think failing as a channel is equivalent to losing a job...?
What planet do you live on....?

Why'd you bother to respond then, drama queen?
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Imagine going out of your way to benchmark Metro Exodus rasterization for the 6800 XT, but at the RT performance page, you could not bother to enable RT like 99% of sites. :unsure:
Why no bother to make a comparison between 6800XT running the same game as RTX 2070 + DLSS with imagem quality and performance data to his viewer decides what is the best for them?

If the trade off in image quality is not that big then the performance side is a key advantage which he seems to avoid in every single video but hey I know he is biased... some here that tries to print him as good reviewer lol (his framerate comparisons shows numbers different from everybody else always pushing one side).

BTW RT is here in both cards... but not a tool thinks it is an unnecessary feature in a review.
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Gold Member
Did you type that with an iron?

I'm guessing this was supposed to have been clever? Do we need to hire the gaming forum equivalent of Will Smith's character in Hitch, so you don't fail so spectacularly?

Yeap about that.
Even his own viewers were questioning his lack of coverage on RT and DLSS... the issue started in it own community and got spread to nVidia (no company like when you review a product and forget the key new features this product has).
His excuse is shit like usual.

Do a professional job and nobody will complain including nVidia.

On Reddit, I noticed that posts like this actually were awarded, despite the throng of unwashed idiots screaming JOURNALISM IS UNDER FIRE!!!!!! Glad people can see through it.

The more you review the whole story, the more Hardware Unboxed doesn't look so innocent; not that the Nvidia Marketing guy is somehow a saint.
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Gold Member
The only thing I'm failing to do is figuring out how you were able to stuff Nvidia's penis so far down your throat.

Answer 1

"Hi, everyone. My name is Mr. Dilya. This is how I look and act on the internet when I lose an argument."

Answer 2

Well, it was only one penis, as opposed to the train that Linus and his gimps, Hardware Unboxed and JayzTwoCents have been running on you.


Answer 1

"Hi, everyone. My name is Mr. Dilya. This is how I look and act on the internet when I lose an argument."

Answer 2

Well, it was only one penis, as opposed to the train that Linus and his gimps, Hardware Unboxed and JayzTwoCents have been running on you.

Dollar amount deposited in your bank account for using your Neogaf gold membership to fervently defend Nvidia:



Already waiting the new Linus apology video lol
I thought he did only a mistake with PS5 and now I see it is his playing role with the videos lol
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