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Did your opinion about digital copies changed?

Did your opinion about digital copies changed?

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no, i still prefer it to be only an option, and i still have a cap for how much i can pay for a digital code with no resell value.


Getting up to change a disc?


All digital, I don't mind paying a bit extra to not have the plastic junk and to future proof my collection. The days of consoles with disc drives are numbered IMO and I don't want to be left with a collection trapped on legacy hardware. I still have a large collection of music CDs boxed up in my garage which is practically worthless now and will probably end up in the bin. The earlier you make the switch to digital the less painful it will be when the time comes.


Many years ago if you remember a alternative PC digital store was also in the market with the name "Desura".

I said was because technically it closed at some point an any game I had bought was gone. Desura still exist but it is an entirely different 'entity' now. Free to play flash games I think?

My point is this was the first slap in the face because I was buying games from other store front. I only hope this doesn't happen to a bigger store like Steam...


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
No it hasn't changed.

I've been digital only since... 2006 ish?

Being a PC player for so many years made it simple to be digital only. I am sad that I was all physical at xbox 360 because I sold all my games like the idiot I was. If they were digital I'd still have them today.

I see no benefit of physical. It's plastic waste, fills up a lot, and can get damaged.

With digital the games always been right at my finger tips, and I can share them with my gf and I get a PC and Xbox version for many of the games as well.

I can never go back to buying physical games ever again as there's legit no benefits.
Nope. I've gone all digital just because all I spend money on nowadays is Gamepass. I refuse to spend $50+ on a game I don't own. Physical games to me are those that are a full, working game on disc, without needing to connect online or download a day 1 patch.

Streaming will soon replace digital and the same type of sucker who gave up physical ownership will swallow the streaming load with mouths soy-smiles wide open.

Keep giving away your rights, money and time to companies who have never done so little to earn it. But ignore me, I'm just a grumpy old fucker who has seen the industry go from quality to quantity


I never trusted Sony neither Nintendo, and never invested much in their stores for this exact reason. This proves I was right.

I am more confident in Microsoft, especially with the continued efforts around Backward Compatibility and the support for PC. All my Xbox games are digital.

The 360 store still works today. It is difficult to be 100% sure that it will remain active in 10 or 20 years, but this is still a better outlook than Nintendo and Sony.
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Battlefield 2042 is the perfect example why digital only sucks. You can't sell this turd and If I would listen to the digital only fanboys I had to keep this turd forever.

But I'm smart and buy my games mostly physical. At least I can sell these turds.
How much would you get for a used BF 2042 disc? - I wouldn't pay more than $1.


Gold Member
It really depends for me. I don't want physical to go away, but I don't think digital is a scourge either.

I would never buy, say, a new Zelda or Mario on digital. It's a series that usually ships a complete game, retains its value well, and fits in to a "hall of fame game collection".

On the other hand. Even though I already have it, I might get Witcher 3 on the Xbox spring sale for $10. Just for the convenience of having it on my best GPU, and of playing it on TV without having to switch over to PC. Games go on sale, indies get a chance at distribution, you don't have to deal with the clutter.

Digital should be considered for games you switch back to often. Things like Mario Kart, where it gets played all the time and some kid is likely to lose it in the shuffle. It's pretty likely that while playing through a long ass single player adventure like Zelda you might want interruptions for multiplayer games. Towerfall served me far better as a digital game I could launch any time, and for something that's $15 who really cares?


Neo Member
Nope, I vastly prefer digital. In the past I did enjoy having physical copies and displaying my collection, but nowadays I just prefer to own less stuff, and I've settled into the convenience of being able to quickly download new purchases and immediately play them.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Digital. I can't see any circumstance that would bring me back to plastic disks.


Yes, I am no longer obsessed with games ownership. I still have many PS3 discs left unplayable, since I lost the console (stolen) in 2016.

My PS4 original is now with my younger brother, and I chose PS5 digital. I still have some PS4 discs that are yet to be shipped to my brother.

Don't make started to explain on my NES and SNES cartridges that are pretty much in the junkyard. I love playing video games, not collecting them.


I thought digital wasnt worth doing at the start of the 2013 systems, but my opinion changed when:

- You could do home sharing with a friend and split costs 50/50

- Disc based games needed big time storage to install, while for 360 almost no games needed that. Just run it straight off the disc. So that big advantage of running off a disc fast with no needed for an external USB HDD to store games disappeared

- Digital deals became good. At the tail end of 360/PS3 era and beginning of One/PS4 era, the digital stores prices were crap. Now, if you wait yo can get good digital sales. Not as good as Steam or bargain binning a disc at Walmart for $9.99, but the sales are close enough

- Game Pass

Zero interest going back to disc . I think the last disc game I bought was Witcher 3 that came with a small cartoon book. I'm not a collector, my console is always hooked up to the net, and I like my games patched. Combo digital sales with home sharing, and the price for a game is dirt cheap and you keep it (until its service ends at some point). The old way of two of us buying discs and trading them in to scrape back money costs more and you lose the game.
Same exact reasons why i finally went digital this gen.

I would like to add some more.
No more people borrowing a game and never returning it.
Alot more space in the house, combined with dvds, bluray, and video games. I no longer have bookshelves dedicated to media and stacksof cases all over the place.


One of the green rats
It’s still dumb to own physical these days unless you trade in games or you are “ collecting “.

Day one patches are more prevalent than ever and most of you will loose or throw them away one day anyway.


Gold Member
For myself, I spent a net $24 for Horizon Forbidden West after purchasing it day one and then selling it on ebay upon completion. Compare that to paying $60-70 on a game on I'll never play again but can never sell. So no, haven't changed my mind.

It’s still dumb to own physical these days unless you trade in games or you are “ collecting “.

Day one patches are more prevalent than ever and most of you will loose or throw them away one day anyway.

Sure, but I think trading/selling/collecting are the reasons for the vast majority of those, like myself, who buy physical. Only other reason would be a person who doesn't have internet access.
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The gamers buy something and want to own it forever is stupid mentality. The disk can get corrupted, damaged etc. As a server can close also but it seams here everyone is poor fucker that have to count how many rice pieces they have to put to their next soup...
No one of you have ever gone to a bar and drink 50-100€ of drinks and the next day just discard it at the toilet. Or you go back and complain why the alcohol did not stay in your blood for couple of years? Why is the games any different?


The ones that are going to lose their digital games are Sony and Ninty fans, yet you put the blame on the user that goes digital, talk about "corporate slaves" 👍.

That goes to the OP too, it's interesting how he wants to discuss what is our view on how bad digital games are, yet he should be discussing how shitty Nintendo and Sony are for not letting their customers have their digital games.


Gold Member
No. I've always thought digital is better in almost every way, and still do.

And if you think, in 2022, that you own a game just because you have a "touchable" thing, you're an idiot.

How am I an idiot when I'm able to sell that "touchable" thing that I own?

The ones that are going to lose their digital games are Sony and Ninty fans, yet you put the blame on the user that goes digital, talk about "corporate slaves" 👍.

That goes to the OP too, it's interesting how he wants to discuss what is our view on how bad digital games are, yet he should be discussing how shitty Nintendo and Sony are for not letting their customers have their digital games.

I'm not following this. How are Sony and Nintendo different from anyone else as far as digital games are concerned?


Ultimately Nintendo and Sony will probably also remove your ability to update and patch your physical games and all you'll be left with are physical copies of buggy/unfinished games printed on disk that will rot and become unreadable 40/50 years from now.

Not saying that digital is better but in the long run, everything will die off and we'll lose access to our games regardless of how and where we bought them.

Data preservation and emulations is probably what everybody should care for.

If you like to resell your games or collecting as a hobby, sure physical is the way.
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The ones that are going to lose their digital games are Sony and Ninty fans, yet you put the blame on the user that goes digital, talk about "corporate slaves" 👍.

That goes to the OP too, it's interesting how he wants to discuss what is our view on how bad digital games are, yet he should be discussing how shitty Nintendo and Sony are for not letting their customers have their digital games.
This make no sense. You call people that prefer to own their stuff and replay their games 30 from now idiots. Now you saying Microsoft is special regarding to digital log compared to everyone else! What ?
If one day Ms decides to sell xbox and the new owner shuts down the servers, you could gauge your eyes out and there is nothing you can do. Say goodbye to the games you own. Hell try to play dates inferno today for example. Is a pain in the ass. And is a game from a time where physical was very dominant.


No, I've been aware that I couldn't trust console makers for years for various reasons. Thankfully, my primary platforms are Steam and GOG.

What has given me pause is the news/speculation that flash-based physical games are likely to have a much shorter shelf life than traditional cartridges and discs.


If anyone had been using Apple devices for a long time they already knew that companies will do anything they want, from devs messing up their apps on purpose to force people to buy the new version, to even iOS games that disappear from the store without any warning, making impossible to even re download it.

When you go full digital you are at the mercy of the company even if they have good intentions.
I think people should stop arguing about what is better, digital or disk. We should be glad we still have options. Expect for PC.. EA and friends did killed physical gaming.


Digital for convenience. By the time things shut down, the "preservationists" will have made things fairly convenient as well. And once it's shut down you pretty much have a moral green light. So it's annoying but in the end not too worrisome.
Nope I still prefer physical. I can sell a game if I don’t want it anymore. It’s also still the easiest way to lend games to friends (you can digitally now as well of course, but you end up having to share your account information). If you lend a disc to the wrong person, you just lose one game, but if you share you’re account with the wrong person, that’s another story.

That being said I haven’t lost a game to lending it to someone since Highschool, but my point still stands.

I’ll buy games digitally if they’re $20 or less though.
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Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Digital is a great option for those who want it, however it should *never* be a replacement for physical.

Anyone who actively supports the removal of all physical or all digital are retards. However, I will say that we should have readily obtainable physical copies for most games Alongside their digital versions.


As long as the option to download and store the digital content there is no problem. You can always access it then

With the newer consoles going forward there is a possibility that the games will always be accessible


How am I an idiot when I'm able to sell that "touchable" thing that I own?

I'm not following this. How are Sony and Nintendo different from anyone else as far as digital games are concerned?
They're the ones concerning OP points. While digital games from
How am I an idiot when I'm able to sell that "touchable" thing that I own?

I'm not following this. How are Sony and Nintendo different from anyone else as far as digital games are concerned?
Well, take a look at the OP.

I'm not losing the games I bought in 2005 from Steam. Yet he's talking about Nintendo games being lost and possibly Sony games.


This make no sense. You call people that prefer to own their stuff and replay their games 30 from now idiots. Now you saying Microsoft is special regarding to digital log compared to everyone else! What ?
If one day Ms decides to sell xbox and the new owner shuts down the servers, you could gauge your eyes out and there is nothing you can do. Say goodbye to the games you own. Hell try to play dates inferno today for example. Is a pain in the ass. And is a game from a time where physical was very dominant.
Microsoft? Where did I mention Microsoft LMAO!

If you prefer to own things is ok. Now, if you think you own a thing just because you have a plastic, then you're an idiot. Go read some TOS buddy, you own jack shit despite having a physical disc.

As I said, I can play my 2005 games (and prior) just fine on my Steam account. So, that's a Ninty/Sony problem (as per OP discussion).

ALSO, before you come with the HYPOTETHICAL "nobody assures you tomorrow Steam will shut everything down". You have means to backup all your Steam games.

DRM made the physical vs digital discussion meaningless, despite how much you like to have plastics around or how much you believe you own stuff.


I’d rather a physical and digital future than one or the other. I hugely love physical but digital levels of convenience should comes to physical. Maybe some sort of RFID cart that as long as the shelf of games are 3 feet from the console you’re good to go.


Gold Member
They're the ones concerning OP points. While digital games from

Well, take a look at the OP.

I'm not losing the games I bought in 2005 from Steam. Yet he's talking about Nintendo games being lost and possibly Sony games.

The difference being Steam isn't tied to a hardware platform like the stores referenced in the OP. And since physical isn't even a choice on PC it isn't a comparable scenario regardless.

If you prefer to own things is ok. Now, if you think you own a thing just because you have a plastic, then you're an idiot. Go read some TOS buddy, you own jack shit despite having a physical disc.

Again....that plastic has value and can be resold or traded. Suggesting there is absolutely no ownership with physical discs, on console at least, is disingenuous.
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Battlefield 2042 is the perfect example why digital only sucks. You can't sell this turd and If I would listen to the digital only fanboys I had to keep this turd forever.

But I'm smart and buy my games mostly physical. At least I can sell these turds.
Selling Battlefield 2042 to someone else is basically assault.


The difference being Steam isn't tied to a hardware platform like the stores referenced in the OP. And since physical isn't even a choice on PC it isn't a comparable scenario regardless.

Again....that plastic has value and can be resold or traded. Suggesting there is absolutely no ownership with physical discs, on console at least, is disingenuous.
The difference is a company is being literal shit to their costumers. Not the hardware. The owners of those hardware pieces are the same that are shutting down their digital stores and not giving their customers a way to backup their games.

And if all comes down for you to reselling games, then what's the point of ownership in the first place if you're getting rid of your game as fast as you can? Is it the money? Because if it is, then why don't go digital where you can get better prices 90% of the times? You can even share games and you end up getting games by half the price or less in day one... I don't think you could get more value than that to be honest.

So yeah, I still remain to see a meaningful objective argument in favour of physical games in this day and era (emphasis on OBJECTIVE, not subjective).


Gold Member
The difference is a company is being literal shit to their costumers. Not the hardware. The owners of those hardware pieces are the same that are shutting down their digital stores and not giving their customers a way to backup their games.

And if all comes down for you to reselling games, then what's the point of ownership in the first place if you're getting rid of your game as fast as you can? Is it the money? Because if it is, then why don't go digital where you can get better prices 90% of the times? You can even share games and you end up getting games by half the price or less in day one... I don't think you could get more value than that to be honest.

Being able to resell the games IS the point of ownership for me. For others, it is about collecting. Either way, don't try to say it isn't ownership at all when it factually is.

As far as pricing, as I said above I paid a net $24 for Horizon Forbidden West. If I could have gotten that price digitally at launch then absolutely I would have, but I could not. Digital prices are better if you play on keeping the game forever, I'll grant you that.

But sharing on PC is a joke. If I share a game on Steam then it locks my entire gaming library while the other person is playing. That isn't a viable option at all.

So yeah, I still remain to see a meaningful objective argument in favour of physical games in this day and era (emphasis on OBJECTIVE, not subjective).

The ability to resell a physical disc is an objective fact. You not seeing the value in that is your subjective opinion.
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