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EA staff threaten walkout over lack of statements during Pride Month (Up: cancelled as EA confirm they wont change logo for pride)


Gold Member
Who the fuck cares what EA has to say about Pride Month anyway?

And changing your logo during that time is a useless platitude at best and a transparent method of garnering good will at worst.


too far?
While I am a leftist and a European which apparently makes me view corporations quite... bad contrary to the average American, this is pure lunacy, people here struggle to get the bare minimum in terms of wages, work hours, and work places yet there are people that have time to whine and protest about things like that, I guess it's so damned important to brag about what we do in our bedrooms nowadays.

And, mind you, I heavily support LGBTQ when they fight against discrimination and for their rights.
You think Americans dont hate corporations 🤣

Astral Dog

Im not a fan of EA, and im all for Gay rights, but this is just stupid. this why i don't have a rainbow flag on Twitter, haters can fuck off

I could not care less what the logo of a company looks like on June, this month is supposed to be for the lgbt community to celebrate not for every company in the world to virtue signal
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Why do LGBTQ+?! /:'*"%=) (-&£#@ people and supporters think they're above the law?.

Walking out/striking without industrial action is a breach of employment contract or is gross misconduct, EA would legally be allowed to refuse re entry into their offices to any staff who walk out (quit) without an official recognised union strike that's balloted.

Fuck em let them walk out, There is many other people out there who would love the opportunity to take these clowns places and not behave like they're above the law.


I have a feeling 90% of the people responding here didn't read the article.

Makes sense they wanted more than just a logo change.
"If we see the company rainbow-wash their logo without making any substantive statement in support of trans people being abused nationwide in the US and elsewhere, especially after stating that the company doesn't want to make any statement not supported by the diverse viewpoints of our 13,000 employees, we collectively walk out on Friday, June 3rd,"

What about this makes sense to you? What abuse?


Good. Changing corporate logos in the US, Western Europe and not changing it in Russia, Middle East was always a statement itself. Sad to see how many higly educated people thinks that corparates care about stuff like this. It was always PR


Gold Member
Good. Changing corporate logos in the US, Western Europe and not changing it in Russia, Middle East was always a statement itself. Sad to see how many higly educated people thinks that corparates care about stuff like this. It was always PR

The second July 1st hits, companies change back their logo and dont give a shit about LGTQ+ until next year.

As long as they can generate some goodwill and sales from a niche group of people who actually think they are doing this in the goodness of their hearts, they've obviously never worked in the marketing department doing these ideas and the finance department approving the costs.


"If we see the company rainbow-wash their logo without making any substantive statement in support of trans people being abused nationwide in the US and elsewhere, especially after stating that the company doesn't want to make any statement not supported by the diverse viewpoints of our 13,000 employees, we collectively walk out on Friday, June 3rd,"

What about this makes sense to you? What abuse?
Are you saying that there isn't any abuse to trans people in the US or elsewhere in the world? You must be joking


Are you saying that there isn't any abuse to trans people in the US or elsewhere in the world? You must be joking
There's an entire month dedicated to that community. There's tons of donations that are being done on their behalf. Language & speech is changed on the daily. Legislation is altered to suit their whims and the list goes on and on.

I don't doubt that there are insular instances of abuse but I reckon they pale in comparison to other groups (such as women, hello!) who make up a much larger portion of society and get far less attention. I'm not saying we shouldn't spend money and attention to good causes, no matter how small, but the level of hysteria that side keeps perpetuating is absolute bollocks.
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Gold Member
There's an entire month dedicated to that community. There's tons of donations that are being done on their behalf. Language & speech is changed on the daily. Legislation is altered to suit their whims and the list goes on and on.

I don't doubt that there are insular instances of abuse but I reckon they pale in comparison to other groups (such as women, hello!) who make up a much larger portion of society and get far less attention. I'm not saying we shouldn't spend money and attention to good causes, no matter how small, but the level of hysteria that side keeps perpetuating is absolute bollocks.

Especially when the abuse to that demographic is statistically shown to be at a higher rate from their own partners.
As long as they can generate some goodwill and sales from a niche group of people who actually think they are doing this in the goodness of their hearts, they've obviously never worked in the marketing department doing these ideas and the finance department approving the costs.

This is what happens when the talent retires or jumps ship and the leftovers get promotions. The bottom of the barrel is what runs all this shit now because the guys that created it all cashed out long ago and they are all out golfing. At least the stuff they made all still exists.


Reseterror Resettler
This is a working example of several concepts of anti-woke theory 101.

1. If you attempt to appease them, you've already lost.
a. The more you give, the more they will. expect handouts.
b. The more you give, the more they will expect to be given.

2. Equality is a misnomer for what they really want.
a. They want equity. They are special by. virtue of their existence.

3. Not playing means you lose the game. Playing means you lose the game.
a. The game is lost. Any company that doesn't announce it's plans to celebrate minorities is in the category of "Schrodinger's Racist,"

And most important

4. Get woke, go broke.
a. People are getting sick of this shit.
b. Companies include people.
c. Your employer is a people.
d. By proxy, your employer is sick of your. shit.

Test is on Tuesday, better study over the weekend.
Can't people just fondle each other's holes without letting the whole world know about it?
I really don't care whose genitals you lick, be it hetero or homo.

Just keep your sex life private and enjoy life like any other decent human being. Problem solved.


There's an entire month dedicated to that community. There's tons of donations that are being done on their behalf. Language & speech is changed on the daily. Legislation is altered to suit their whims and the list goes on and on.

I don't doubt that there are insular instances of abuse but I reckon they pale in comparison to other groups (such as women, hello!) who make up a much larger portion of society and get far less attention. I'm not saying we shouldn't spend money and attention to good causes, no matter how small, but the level of hysteria that side keeps perpetuating is absolute bollocks.
The only thing some employees are saying to their employer is: "If you want to participate, do more than just change your logo". Response of EA was:"We agree we'll do more".

That's it. I don't think it's so weird that you expect one of the biggest gaming companies to do more, just like you expect them to pay everyone equal based on their job and performance.


im confused

so what happened was, the employees were like "we'll walk out if all you do is change your logo without directly making a statement!!!!!!"

and the company was like "don't worry, we're not even going to do the logo thing lmao suck it"

and the woke employees were like "good! we got what we wanted!"

??? normally they get even more mad, how are they not reeeing


Gold Member
That's it. I don't think it's so weird that you expect one of the biggest gaming companies to do more, just like you expect them to pay everyone equal based on their job and performance.
What about tenure and negotiating starting salary? With annual tenure, everyone at the office makes their 2-3% creep up.

If I've been at the company for 10 years and make $100,000 doing job X. Why should someone come in and make the same being here for only 2 years?

If I negotiate a $10k pay bump with HR to hire me, why should someone getting hired for the same job doing zero negotiating but accepting the first offer get a $10k pay hike too?
My issue isn't any one cause. It's the fact there are so many causes out there and things like an entire month for any one cause is excessive. Why do we look to corpos for this sort of shit? What's the end goal? A month long awareness campaign for each of the 100s of worthy causes? Cool stack them up, update the calendars in everyone's phone and sit back to watch your specific backed cause show up once every 25 years.

Stupid shit. Just let support personally and professionally bubble up from each organically. Some will support things that affect their kids, some the industries they're in and all that you know...diversity. We don't all need to back the same shit for 1/12th of the year FFS.
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James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
My issue isn't any one cause. It's the fact there are so many causes out there and things like an entire month for any one cause is excessive. Why do we look to corpos for this sort of shit? What's the end goal? A month long awareness campaign for each of the 100s of worthy causes? Cool stack them up, update the calendars in everyone's phone and sit back to watch your specific backed cause show up once every 25 years.

Stupid shit. Just let support personally and professionally bubble up from each organically. Some will support things that affect their kids, some the industries they're in and all that you know...diversity. We don't all need to back the same shit for 1/12th of the year FFS.

Where is my White Male celebration month?




What about tenure and negotiating starting salary? With annual tenure, everyone at the office makes their 2-3% creep up.

If I've been at the company for 10 years and make $100,000 doing job X. Why should someone come in and make the same being here for only 2 years?

If I negotiate a $10k pay bump with HR to hire me, why should someone getting hired for the same job doing zero negotiating but accepting the first offer get a $10k pay hike too?
Negotiating starting salary doesn't work in my company. You get paid by what you do and your experience, and everyone can know other people's wages, full transparency.

Tenure is rewarded by bonus during the year, just like performance.
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It's politics. And most folks seem to agree, it's not for the workplace. You're getting paid to work, not espouse your political views. Banter between co-workers is probably mostly harmless, but I'm pretty sure the people who support this Pride moment each year would also not appreciate the opposite view being expressed by the company publicly. So, just let the company do what it does: make games.
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Florida Gov threw a fit. Disney fine, they’ll buy EA if they get depressed.
Florida Governor wanted to protect young children 3rd grade and under from sex talks by groomers and other weirdos.

Disney tried to get in the middle of it and vowed to use its power to strong arm the government into reversing the decision.

That’s my understanding at least, and assuming I have the facts straight, I support Florida’s governor 100%


Lol the ole “Silence is violence” I see… this generation is so void of finding purpose or meaning in their own lives, they fill that need by being proxy martyrs for social causes, and then make that part of their identity itself. It’s just so sad…
Seriously... how do you cope with life in general when you're this sensible and as easily offended as these people.


Gold Member
I don’t understand - so they threatened to walk out if EA will not stop being wishy washy, EA then said: “Ok, fuck your Pride Month”, and snowflakes just said ok, fine with us? Am I understanding this right?


Gold Member
Lol the ole “Silence is violence” I see… this generation is so void of finding purpose or meaning in their own lives, they fill that need by being proxy martyrs for social causes, and then make that part of their identity itself. It’s just so sad…
Identity politics is one hell of a drug, especially if you have no other troubles in life.
As for finding purpose - this is their purpose. For their parents’ it was “work hard, get a nice house, get a nice car”.


Gold Member
I really dont get a lot of comments in here.
Usually im quite happy to be on GAF because the hyper sensitive woke movement in other parts of the gaming community is sometimes unbearable, but some of the comments in here......

...its either pure ignorance, hatred or plain stupidity.

I get why it is weird to demand a pride flag from your employer, but in generell the movement is a good step in the right direction. Just because there are bigger problems in the world doesnt mean you cant try to change the smaller problems. :)
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Gold Member
Good. No need to shove your sexual preferences on us. We don't owe you anything and you are not entitled for anything either.
Yeah that would be good. That also means that there is no need to critize, jugde or hate people for their sexuality too. Gay couples get a lot of hate for just living their life and holding hands in public. Thats a sad fact, but it is a fact.

maybe people would stop demanding acceptance when there is no more hate for just being who you are.
Florida Governor wanted to protect young children 3rd grade and under from sex talks by groomers and other weirdos.

Disney tried to get in the middle of it and vowed to use its power to strong arm the government into reversing the decision.

That’s my understanding at least, and assuming I have the facts straight, I support Florida’s governor 100%
Whatever that law is, isnt what we are talking about. Could careless about the politics since Im not gay nor someone that drools over conservative bait feed.

The Florida gov threw a hissy fit because Disney threw a useless statement of support. Gov tried to punish Disney, but it ultimately punishes the taxpayer. Disney ends up fine.

Boss Mog

Wait what happened with Disney?
Florida passed a law preventing teachers from discussing things of a sexual nature with students under the age of 8. A law that seems to be common sense but that these days needed to be on the books. For some reason the LGBT lobby decided that law was anti-LGBT because it wouldn't allow them to groom, indoctrinate and confuse little kids anymore so they started calling the bill the "don't say gay" bill even though the word gay isn't even in the bill. The lobby then went to Disney, a so called "ally" and a huge company in Florida to campaign against it. At first Disney said, we're staying out of this, lawmaking isn't what we do. But then the lobby and Disney LGBT employees raised a fuss on social media and Disney backtracked and grovelled in apology before the mob and started actively campaigning against the bill; a bill that the vast majority of Florida voters supported. So basically they were opposing democracy. This pissed off Florida's governor who decided to revoke Disney's special rights in Florida. Basically Disney was operating as its own independent nation within the state, they had total self-governance on their land, they could build what they wanted, do what they wanted and paid no state taxes. This was an old agreement dating back 60 years and it was very advantageous for Disney, but now they lost it because of their undemocratic activism.
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