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Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.


I don't remember if I've said this but Resident Evil 5 is the only Resident Evil game I like.

Rondo of Blood is the best Castlevania and I don't like Symphony of the Night at all.
nintendo got a free ride this generation, producing several sidescrolling xbla game equivelents and selling them for full price.

mario galaxy and mario galaxy 2 are completely overrated and underserving of any praise whatsoever.


The idea of a "gaming PC" is just goofy. Granted, playing shooting games on a console is like riding a bike with lop-sided triangular wheels.

Okami was so boring that it literally made me laugh at it. Fallout 3 came dangerously close, but I quit before the monotony got "funny."

Mortal Kombat 9 is a clunky, unrefined pile of slop with a long Story Mode (that had a terrible ending), nice graphics (with ugly character faces), and fatalities being the game's only redeeming traits. It at least makes sense that it plays so terribly, though; it's a throwback to the old Mortal Kombat games, which were bad when they were new. I will say that MK9 is a decent party game for a few minutes at a time, though, which is really all the series was ever good for.

The DualShock 3 controller has the best D-pad of this generation and the last few combined.


Ocarina of Time sucks. It feels like it holds your hand for the first half dozen or more dungeons, and didn't contain a real brain bending challenge for the majority of the game (Same issue as Starfox Adeventures). The controls and level design never matched the 2d Zeldas, and to this day I do not find 3d zeldas fun in the slightest, compared to the devious fun of a top down game.

As far as I'm concerned, Alundra was the only 'next gen' zelda after LttP.


Ocarina of Time sucks. It feels like it holds your hand for the first half dozen or more dungeons, and didn't contain a real brain bending challenge for the majority of the game (Same issue as Starfox Adeventures). The controls and level design never matched the 2d Zeldas, and to this day I do not find 3d zeldas fun in the slightest, compared to the devious fun of a top down game.

As far as I'm concerned, Alundra was the only 'next gen' zelda after LttP.

I'll have to agree with this. The 3D Zeldas are generally long winded and lack most of the charm of ANY of the 2d zeldas.


I don't really need a tag, but I figured I'd get one to make people jealous. Is it working?
I don't think I enjoy intentionally confusing subjective opinion with objective fact.


Gears of War is one of the most overrated franchises of all time.

Bioshock 1 and 2 okay, but they aren't anywhere near as good as people say they are.

Valve is by far the most overrated developer of all time. Everyone cherishes their ability to create fantastic games -- but the truth is, every single one of their games stemmed from another company's project or a community mod. All of them. They're an absolutely awful game developer. They never meet their dates, they make up stupid excuses, they never share anything with their fanbase, they troll fans (HL3 shirt?) and keep everyone in the dark for years at a time, and they refuse to move on from their outdated technology. They're a good publisher/talent scout, though.


This thread made me realize how fragile my feelings are.

I take back every negative thing I've said about a game.

Just make it go away. :(


Mass Effect is a terrible game geared towards people who have never played an RPG or experienced any sort of sci-fi.

FFXII is the worst Final Fantasy since FFII.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl is better than Melee.

Half-Life is the most boring of the Valve franchises.

The first hour of Darksiders bored me so much that I never picked it up again.
Is that so... hmm, k.


Yeah, it is. I find absolutely nothing special about the game outside of it's presentation. That gif may as well be Ashura's Wrath.

Just not my thing I guess. Then again, I haven't had the urge to go sit inside a movie theater in like a decade either.


Dunno how controversial this opinion is, but I think the 360 and PS3 are so interchangeable when it comes to what they offer that I'm surprised every time someone says one of the consoles is (much) better than the other one (e.g. when the 360 is the top spot while the PS3 is like 10 spots below). That said, I prefer the PS3 game library over the 360 one; I'm an omnivore and like tons of different genres, so the sheer width of the PS3 offer appeals to me much more. But I realize I probably wouldn't say this if I (only) had a 360, then the opposite would probably be just as valid.
- Darksiders feels so creatively bankrupt that I couldn't get any fun from playing it due to everything about it feeling lifted from more influential games. That first dungeon with the boomerang puzzles near enough had my eyes rolling out of my skull.

- Heavy Rain is a game that everyone should play, even though not everyone is going to like it.

- Super Mario 3D Land didn't impress me that much... until I completed it.

- iOS does have some impressive games and a lot of full-priced 3/DS/PSP/Vita games are looking like quite a rip-off in comparison.


Driv3r was a great game. Yeah it had bugs, and it was poor if you got out of the car, but stay in the car and it was a huge amount of fun. The cities were well designed (and there were three of them!) and it had a decent film maker mode, which the next game lacked. The soundtrack is also one of the best i've heard in a game.


This has to be the best thread I've seen in quite a while. I mean, sure, I've gotten butthurt reading a few posts, but wow, this is epic

You guys are f*cking crazy. :)


Valve is by far the most overrated developer of all time. Everyone cherishes their ability to create fantastic games -- but the truth is, every single one of their games stemmed from another company's project or a community mod. All of them. They're an absolutely awful game developer. They never meet their dates, they make up stupid excuses, they never share anything with their fanbase, they troll fans (HL3 shirt?) and keep everyone in the dark for years at a time, and they refuse to move on from their outdated technology. They're a good publisher/talent scout, though.

Couldn't agree more. I'll give them some credit for HL1 (I felt nothing playing HL2) and for developing something (Steam) that started out as a complete cluster fuck that no one wanted into something decent, though.
I honestly feel that if games like quake and counterstrike came out in today's market as opposed to the early years of the internet amongst a slimmer array of alternatives, they wouldn't be relevant. But you can kinda say that about anything so....

I'm just thinking that games today have a hard time finding an audience when there are so many other options around and a couple of popular titles that define the generation. Must have been nice when you were nearly the only one. "what? Gritty ww2 with loadouts and stuff? Whoa!"

Now, games with unique playstyles like uncharted's online, starhawk, twisted metal etc (brought to you by SONY tm) don't get that much attention compared to FPSes 1,2,4, and 6 (3 and 5 can suck a nut because of heavy controls and lack of party system). I don't get it.


-Weapon degradation (like in System Shock II) is an awesome mechanic and should be used by more games

-FPS's vehicle sections should always stay in first person and never use a third person camera

-Single player RPGs should employ turn based combat

-Tomb Raider Legend is a better game then any of the Uncharted ones

-Plastic instrument music games are awesome


I want the PS4 and next Xbox to have motion controls right out of the box. Anything less would be a step backwards. Nintendo shifting the focus away from them for the WiiU was a mistake and a huge disappointment.


RE 5 is a great game.
disclaimer: I played through it with a buddy, so no partner a.i. issues

Heavy Rain has a good story and is a must-play for PS3 owners.

Final Fantasy games suck...every. single. one.

Wii has been the best Nintendo home console yet.


Skel1ingt0n said:
-I would prefer the PlayStation 4 to be another $599 system with super nice specs and superior build quality rather than be $300-$400 and a ho-hum competitor to the next Xbox.
Same here, but probably not for the same reasons you do. I want Sony to see just how close to the sun they can fly..

Skel1ingt0n said:
-Nintendo's IPs and games are some of the most mature in the entire industry. A game doesn't need blood, guns, boobs, cursing, or the color brown to be a masterpiece, a critique on gaming, an exhilarating experience, or tell a mature and passionate story about serious issues.

Agree. It's funny how both sides of the debate line see the other side as "immature." Sure, I snark about how Live is infested with sixth-graders, but no one side has a monopoly on the maturity title.


sparkle this bitch
RE 5 is a great game.
disclaimer: I played through it with a buddy, so no partner a.i. issues
RE5 is a decent title. I played it with both AI and Coop partners. Had a harder time with a Coop partner since they were never particularly good, while I just put my AI partner on hoarder mode. A shadow for the most part while on the passive mode with a sniper rifle, but they never added anything to me. They were either non-existed entity or a hindrance, where I'd rather be alone.


It's odd because I can't necessarily put this into terms I can totally agree with, but the best way to say it is just I don't "get" Retro Studios and personally find them to be kind of overhyped. People praise the Metroid Prime games up and down, and I've given them multiple chances, but I just never find them to motivate me enough to continue playing. It's not an issue with the Metroid series as I'm good with all the 2-D games and it's not an FPS issue, but I just can't bring myself to like them.

I wanted to give them another chance and finally got Donkey Kong Country Returns, but so far I've found it to be extremely overrated, primarily because some of their control decisions fucking suck. It's been a frustrating experience and the visual side of it has yet to wow me in any significant way. I get more anger out of the game than I do fun. I'm still keeping an eye on what they do next, but if it's another Prime or another Donkey Kong then I think I'm tuning out for now.


Kind of obscure, but among fans of the Shinobi series, the sequel to PS2 Shinobi game, Nightshade, seems to have a really bad reputation among fnas of the series, but i think its actually better then the first ps2 shinobi.

The next gen BIonic Commando, while flawed in many, many ways, is still fairly fun.


Lost Planet 2 is one of the best co-op games released this generation. I was amazed to see so many people complain about the co-op mode, especially when it was so heavily teased and advertised to the point that some called it "Monster Hunter with guns."

One of the problems is that in general people seem to expect a segmented co-op. They want to be in charge of themselves and don't want to be heavily depended upon by others. It's for this reason that co-op seen in games like Splinter Cell Chaos theory aren't the norm but instead a specialized exception.

Lost Planet 2 asks players to do some occasional coordinated attacks, asks them to play carefully due to the shared life pool, and asks all four members to have some proficiency/common sense. It ended up being too much for the legions of single-player-only fans who apparently bought it.


- Most games have perfectly fine voice acting. There are some real stinkers, yes, but most of them work well enough for their purpose. As an example, I like Tidus' and Yuna's voices in FFX. I wouldn't call them great, but they're fine as they are. Yes, even the laughing scene, which was genuinely hilarious as far as I'm concerned.

- I love a good tutorial. Whether it's a button prompts as you go or a full fledged tutorial, I really like the good ones whether it's a text dump of an ingame manual, or a press X to awesome style prompt in a separate tutorial area. My favorite type, though, is the cutaway tutorial that interrupts the game, teaches you a new technique you'll need soon, then resumes. I like that.

- Fighting games would be better if they would lay off on the execution barriers. Sure, some execution is needed, but the real meat of a fighting game is when to use your moves, not how. So let the new players get to that part faster.

- Metal Gear Solid 3 was a disappointment. It needed to have a better UI and be more mad like MGS2 was. MGS4 was an improvement from MGS3.
Nintendo hasnt had a good system since the SNES. The Wii is absolute dogshit and all Wii games have been made for kids.

Surprisingly, the vita is very good.

The 3DS is really dissapointing after the DS which was excellent.
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