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Interactions with Salty Fanboys: A Thread for Stories and Counseling

"What is this garbage? I'm talking about a manly man garden simulator, not this kiddy crap!"

Exactly! It's just so odd. VP probably would have made him so happy
that the candy coating would've been just that. I would say that sad times are upon us, but this kind of crap has been going on forever.

Looking forward to what other kinds of shenanigans everyone else has experienced.


The only time I encountered any type of fanboyism or hate was when I bought Peace Walker for the PSP. The guy working at the store was wondering why I was buying it, and I said it's supposed to be good. And then tells me how much he hates the MGS series. Although it wasn't too bad because I kinda agreed with him. I was bored and wanted to give it a shot (glad I did).


Those who know me know I watch and read a lot of troll zones just because. Some people have dismissed GR as pedo-bait. Even though anyone with two eyes can tell it's far from it.

I want Sony to become irrelevant.
I don't care how that sounds.
I want them to become what Microsoft is in Japan, a joke.
For all the problems Nintendo has had, with online and whatever.
I'll take them over any other company every damn time.
"599 US Dollars" is exactly the kind of shit that made me hate Sony.


He posted that in 2012 too. Did he live in a cave or something?

Where did you find posts about seeing GR as pedo-bait? Sounds like a great use of my time to read that site.

Just recently I also met a guy that still uses the "PS3 haz no gamz" and takes it seriously. He aslo considers anyone that has a PS3 or has enjoyed any of its games as part of the SDF. On the Sony side I met a guy that thinks all Nintendo games are kid trash and 600$ is not expensive.


Well at least I can understand his original confusion with Gravity Rush. SCEE isn't releasing it at retail so he probably spotted that and made that tangent. Actually I'm not sure if it's fanboyism in this case rather than ignorance. Depending on where you hang out you can see all sorts of fud spread around and there is plenty of people who don't know better regurgitating it.
And then tells me how much he hates the MGS series.

This in particular really stinks. I understand that some people want to help and give their honest opinion but it's really counter productive to say "It sucks" rather than, "Yeah, a lot of people really enjoy it." I can't imagine someone going into a clothing store and having a clerk tell them not to buy something because, "Michael Kors sucks". I'm sure it's happened at some point or another, it's just that it seems to be a fairly common occurrence in hobbyist/game stores.


Actually that guy working there was an idiot another time as well. He was trying to convince me not to buy Bayonetta because it was made by Sega. That was far more inexcusable.


Gold Member
Last year I got laid off from my IT job and a local Gamestop was hiring so I applied. Interviewed a few weeks later with some guy who looked like a slob, he was overweight, wrinkled clothes, poorly shaven. Looked like a dude who spent a lot of time indoors playing MMO's or something. Anyway the interview begins and he asks me to list kid games for each console and since I have 3 kids I rattle a bunch off for PS3 and 360 then when I get to the Wii I basically say "uh about 90% of its games" in a joking yet also serious manner because honestly I didn't want to list off a whole 'nother round of games and it was the truth imho. He seemed generally offended by the remark and instead of continuing the interview he basically tried to lecture me for the next 10 minutes about how the Wii library is just totally misunderstood and there are tons of games for hardcore gamers (which I never said there wasn't). He then says he gets tired of people labeling Nintendo consoles as kiddy and that people should wise up because they actually offer the most diverse library of games and that took about half of the 10 minutes. The rest he was rambling on about this game on the Wii where you transform between 3 different things (like a spider, and something else and something else) and how the gameplay is unique for each one and blah blah, honestly the rest was a blur and when he was done he said he'd call if I was the one applicant selected and thank God he never called.

The only other really annoying fanboy I have ever come across in real life really was this huge Tekken fanboy who would also play an XMen vs SF (and later MvsC) machine right next to Tekken 3 and the whole time you're playing him in the Capcom game he is bitching and complaining about how cheap it is and how it's just "dial a combo" (LOL) and how Tekken is superior in every way.


I'm just glad that I never became a fanboy. I was primarily raised with Sega platforms, but I spent a fair amount of time at my cousins house playing Super Mario World, Kirby, Contra, etc. Started pursuing both brands from then on. Then the PS1 came around and had awesome looking games like Crash, Spyro, and Twisted Metal. So I got it.

Though once Sega went 3rd party, I was left with just a GameCube. I became slightly defensive of Nintendo because lots of people looked down upon Nintendo and their "kiddiness" back in middle school. It was all about swearing freely and playing mature games in those days. But that doesn't mean I trained myself to hate the PS2/Xbox, hell no. Once I saw awesome games like Ratchet & Clank and Kingdom Hearts coming out, I got a PS2 as fast as I could. Never did get an Xbox or 360, but that's because MS fails to make enough (or any) games that interest me. JSRF had me tempted though....

Gotta be thankful for growing up with multiple consoles rather than just being saddled with one brand I guess.

I want Sony to become irrelevant.
I don't care how that sounds.
I want them to become what Microsoft is in Japan, a joke.
For all the problems Nintendo has had, with online and whatever.
I'll take them over any other company every damn time.
"599 US Dollars" is exactly the kind of shit that made me hate Sony.


He posted that in 2012 too. Did he live in a cave or something?

Pretty hilarious how he thought he could get away with that balant fanboy rant just because the thread is a Nintendo safe zone. Yet he still got banned on the spot.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Last year I got laid off from my IT job and a local Gamestop was hiring so I applied. Interviewed a few weeks later with some guy who looked like a slob, he was overweight, wrinkled clothes, poorly shaven. Looked like a dude who spent a lot of time indoors playing MMO's or something. Anyway the interview begins and he asks me to list kid games for each console and since I have 3 kids I rattle a bunch off for PS3 and 360 then when I get to the Wii I basically say "uh about 90% of its games" in a joking yet also serious manner because honestly I didn't want to list off a whole 'nother round of games and it was the truth imho. He seemed generally offended by the remark and instead of continuing the interview he basically tried to lecture me for the next 10 minutes about how the Wii library is just totally misunderstood and there are tons of games for hardcore gamers (which I never said there wasn't). He then says he gets tired of people labeling Nintendo consoles as kiddy and that people should wise up because they actually offer the most diverse library of games and that took about half of the 10 minutes. The rest he was rambling on about this game on the Wii where you transform between 3 different things (like a spider, and something else and something else) and how the gameplay is unique for each one and blah blah, honestly the rest was a blur and when he was done he said he'd call if I was the one applicant selected and thank God he never called.

Honestly I wouldn't of hired you either after that remark, even if it was a joke.
i think it's funnier that he more or less would have discouraged someone from purchasing the system and/or the games.

i had some asshat tell me at the duke nukem forever launch "the game's not that good, we have it playing inside if you want to see how terrible it is." i turned and said "oh, well then i'd like to cancel my pre-order and take my sixty bucks elsewhere i guess." he didn't have a response and the guy behind the counter did not look pleased.

fucking morons.

(and yes, i know DNF is total garbage. that isn't the point.)


Gotta be thankful for growing up with multiple consoles rather than just being saddled with one brand I guess.

I bought my first non-Nintendo console two years ago, a PS2, and I love it. Same with the 360. Maybe I'm a unusual case, but even growing up with just one brand for 20 years didn't make me a fanboy.

I'm glad that I am not one of these fanboys mentioned in this thread. I mean, how can anyone restrict himself so much? And why? It doesn't make any sense to me.


i could never really get into the PS2, just something about that controller. i still own one and a PS3, which i rarely play. nintendo consoles have always been what i primarily played games on other than PC, but this generation it has been all xbox for the console side. i still play 3DS and DS games all the time though. Something about the exclusives released for Sony platforms don't excite me for some reason(there are some I really do enjoy however)


i think it's funnier that he more or less would have discouraged someone from purchasing the system and/or the games.

i had some asshat tell me at the duke nukem forever launch "the game's not that good, we have it playing inside if you want to see how terrible it is." i turned and said "oh, well then i'd like to cancel my pre-order and take my sixty bucks elsewhere i guess." he didn't have a response and the guy behind the counter did not look pleased.

fucking morons.

(and yes, i know DNF is total garbage. that isn't the point.)

He was trying to save you money.
He was trying to save you money.

GameStop employees can't catch a break. We hate on them for pimping things to us that we don't want , then rebuke them when they're willing to legitimately sacrifice a sale to save a fellow gamer a full $60.

I know it wasn't your intent. Im just commenting on the situation.
I actually made a Nintendo fanboy cry at Anime Expo once. I was there representing <Redacted> Games and we were there to pimp our upcoming Wii game. This guy comes up and literally starts screaming out of the blue about how Nintendo should release the Mother series in the states and how its a horrible crime that they were withholding this greatest of masterpieces from the west.

I foolishly mentioned that due to various reasons (most of which are common knowledge) it would never happen because it wouldn't make financial sense for them. His reply was something along the lines of "They'll break even which should be good enough for them."

For various reasons, I can't really repeat what I told him, but it was along the lines of "Nintendo isn't in this business to break even or make its fans happy, they're in it solely for the money." Imagine my surprise when he actually started sobbing; I guess he actually believed that a giant electronics/gaming company cared about him as a person.

I still feel a little bad about the whole thing...but only a little.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
I actually made a Nintendo fanboy cry at Anime Expo once. I was there representing <Redacted> Games and we were there to pimp our upcoming Wii game. This guy comes up and literally starts screaming out of the blue about how Nintendo should release the Mother series in the states and how its a horrible crime that they were withholding this greatest of masterpieces from the west.

I foolishly mentioned that due to various reasons (most of which are common knowledge) it would never happen because it wouldn't make financial sense for them. His reply was something along the lines of "They'll break even which should be good enough for them."

For various reasons, I can't really repeat what I told him, but it was along the lines of "Nintendo isn't in this business to break even or make its fans happy, they're in it solely for the money." Imagine my surprise when he actually started sobbing; I guess he actually believed that a giant electronics/gaming company cared about him as a person.

I still feel a little bad about the whole thing...but only a little.

Should've told him you knew Nintendo reps who'd told you Nintendo wouldn't release it in the West specifically to spite the fans. Delicious tears.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
I actually made a Nintendo fanboy cry at Anime Expo once. I was there representing <Redacted> Games and we were there to pimp our upcoming Wii game. This guy comes up and literally starts screaming out of the blue about how Nintendo should release the Mother series in the states and how its a horrible crime that they were withholding this greatest of masterpieces from the west.

I foolishly mentioned that due to various reasons (most of which are common knowledge) it would never happen because it wouldn't make financial sense for them. His reply was something along the lines of "They'll break even which should be good enough for them."

For various reasons, I can't really repeat what I told him, but it was along the lines of "Nintendo isn't in this business to break even or make its fans happy, they're in it solely for the money." Imagine my surprise when he actually started sobbing; I guess he actually believed that a giant electronics/gaming company cared about him as a person.

I still feel a little bad about the whole thing...but only a little.

Haha I believe it!

Mother fans take their series very seriously, and one little tidbit can throw them all into a frenzy.


Game store in UK

I'd bought the PS2 on import - i had Fifa for it.

Employee - Hi can i ask you if you'd be interested in buying a PS2?
ME - no thanks
Employee - what?! why not? it's amazing and ...
Me - no thanks, i actually have one already
Employee - WOA!? really - what games do you have?
Me - Ridge , DOA, Fifa
Employee - FIFA?! OMG It's amazing isn't it!
Me - not really, it's pretty disappointing. Infact, i'm not convi....
Employee - shut up, you don't even have one
Me - pretty sur...
Employee - no you don't - i've seen fifa and it looks like a game you'd see on the TV!
Me - well, it doesn't
Employee - liar - you haven't got one have you?
Me - yes, i have
Employee - bring it to the store and prove it.
Me - what?? Don't be s...
Employee - so you won't? See ? Liar.
Me - lol, whatever you want to believe (exit store)
Employee - <shouts> LIAR!!! </shouts>

I'll admit - i've ran through the full gamut of fanboyism over the years, but eventually you realise that fanboyism leads to -you- limiting -your- options. During early PS2 hatred days i'd declare games "shit" before playing them because i was blind with Sega fan hatred - in the end when i let it all go, the PS2 became my favourite system of all time. I've managed to jump all over the place over the years before finally deciding i frankly don't give a shit any more. If i upset people along the way with my views the i don't give a flying toss if upsets their sensibilities, but now i'll play absolutely anything on absolutely any platform it comes out on. Fuck fanboys, and fuck their idiotic ideas.

p.s. the funny thing about fanboyism is -eventually- you HAVE to contradict yourself. Whether it be on whether rumble is important or not, or installs on consoles, or SD vs HD, or acceptable level of performance - it is GUARANTEED that you will have to double back on something you make a stand on. Which should be the massive hint that you're being a dickhead.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Game store in UK

I'd bought the PS2 on import - i had Fifa for it.

Employee - Hi can i ask you if you'd be interested in buying a PS2?
ME - no thanks
Employee - what?! why not? it's amazing and ...
Me - no thanks, i actually have one already
Employee - WOA!? really - what games do you have?
Me - Ridge , DOA, Fifa
Employee - FIFA?! OMG It's amazing isn't it!
Me - not really, it's pretty disappointing. Infact, i'm not convi....
Employee - shut up, you don't even have one
Me - pretty sur...
Employee - no you don't - i've seen fifa and it looks like a game you'd see on the TV!
Me - well, it doesn't
Employee - liar - you haven't got one have you?
Me - yes, i have
Employee - bring it to the store and prove it.
Me - what?? Don't be s...
Employee - so you won't? See ? Liar.
Me - lol, whatever you want to believe (exit store)
Employee - <shouts> LIAR!!! </shouts>

Wow this really happened? That's boarder-line harassment.


Game store clerks trying to dissuade you from buying stuff in their stores is something I can't even begin to understand. Just the other day a friend of mine went to GAME and wanted to buy Ridge Racer 7. The guy behind the counter asked multiple times if he knew what he was buying and flat out told him it was a crap kids game. He bought it anyway but still, WTF.
Trying to preorder FF13-2 for 360. The guy asked me if I had a PS3, then when I said yes, he kept trying to convince me to get the PS3 version. (I already had the first for Xbox and I wanted the save bonus). He kept telling me about video compression and framerates and I was just like "duuuuude......" Then he goes on "Final Fantasy is a PS3 type game. It's not really a good fit for Xbox gamers." This part was annoying as hell, because I AM BUYING IT FOR XBOX. Finally he let me preorder the damn thing, but not before shaking his head and telling me I'd made a mistake.


The posters on GAF who act as if OrIgin raped their wives and killed their children. I can tolerate and understand console wars and the usual PC vs. console hate threads. However the "I'm not buying it because it's on Origin" brigade may be the dumbest thing I have ever came across on GAF.


Wow this really happened? That's boarder-line harassment.

lol, this wasn't the first time i've had something like this happen in stores in the UK.

I would like to redress the balance and say that there's a ton of extremely nice and pleasant games store staff across the UK who are more than helpful.

In the US too - had lots of great experiences there too.

There's always one idiot, but they aren't a reflection of games store staff in general.


Game store in UK

I'd bought the PS2 on import - i had Fifa for it.

Employee - Hi can i ask you if you'd be interested in buying a PS2?
ME - no thanks
Employee - what?! why not? it's amazing and ...
Me - no thanks, i actually have one already
Employee - WOA!? really - what games do you have?
Me - Ridge , DOA, Fifa
Employee - FIFA?! OMG It's amazing isn't it!
Me - not really, it's pretty disappointing. Infact, i'm not convi....
Employee - shut up, you don't even have one
Me - pretty sur...
Employee - no you don't - i've seen fifa and it looks like a game you'd see on the TV!
Me - well, it doesn't
Employee - liar - you haven't got one have you?
Me - yes, i have
Employee - bring it to the store and prove it.
Me - what?? Don't be s...
Employee - so you won't? See ? Liar.
Me - lol, whatever you want to believe (exit store)
Employee - <shouts> LIAR!!! </shouts>

I'll admit - i've ran through the full gamut of fanboyism over the years, but eventually you realise that fanboyism leads to -you- limiting -your- options. During early PS2 hatred days i'd declare games "shit" before playing them because i was blind with Sega fan hatred - in the end when i let it all go, the PS2 became my favourite system of all time. I've managed to jump all over the place over the years before finally deciding i frankly don't give a shit any more. If i upset people along the way with my views the i don't give a flying toss if upsets their sensibilities, but now i'll play absolutely anything on absolutely any platform it comes out on. Fuck fanboys, and fuck their idiotic ideas.

p.s. the funny thing about fanboyism is -eventually- you HAVE to contradict yourself. Whether it be on whether rumble is important or not, or installs on consoles, or SD vs HD, or acceptable level of performance - it is GUARANTEED that you will have to double back on something you make a stand on. Which should be the massive hint that you're being a dickhead.

Trying to preorder FF13-2 for 360. The guy asked me if I had a PS3, then when I said yes, he kept trying to convince me to get the PS3 version. (I already had the first for Xbox and I wanted the save bonus). He kept telling me about video compression and framerates and I was just like "duuuuude......" Then he goes on "Final Fantasy is a PS3 type game. It's not really a good fit for Xbox gamers." This part was annoying as hell, because I AM BUYING IT FOR XBOX. Finally he let me preorder the damn thing, but not before shaking his head and telling me I'd made a mistake.
well he was right, except for you wanting the save bonus.

the PS3 version is better due to "video compression and framerates".
The posters on GAF who act as if OrIgin raped their wives and killed their children. I can tolerate and understand console wars and the usual PC vs. console hate threads. However the "I'm not buying it because it's on Origin" brigade may be the dumbest thing I have ever came across on GAF.
yeah some people deffo went overboard with their anti-Origin fervor.
I actually made a Nintendo fanboy cry at Anime Expo once. I was there representing <Redacted> Games and we were there to pimp our upcoming Wii game. This guy comes up and literally starts screaming out of the blue about how Nintendo should release the Mother series in the states and how its a horrible crime that they were withholding this greatest of masterpieces from the west.

I foolishly mentioned that due to various reasons (most of which are common knowledge) it would never happen because it wouldn't make financial sense for them. His reply was something along the lines of "They'll break even which should be good enough for them."

For various reasons, I can't really repeat what I told him, but it was along the lines of "Nintendo isn't in this business to break even or make its fans happy, they're in it solely for the money." Imagine my surprise when he actually started sobbing; I guess he actually believed that a giant electronics/gaming company cared about him as a person.

I still feel a little bad about the whole thing...but only a little.
I find it funnier this person seemed to think you and your studio had some sort of say in something this complicated when the closest relation you had to Nintendo was making a Wii game. What sort of game was it out of curiosity?


I bought my first non-Nintendo console two years ago, a PS2, and I love it. Same with the 360. Maybe I'm a unusual case, but even growing up with just one brand for 20 years didn't make me a fanboy.

I'm glad that I am not one of these fanboys mentioned in this thread. I mean, how can anyone restrict himself so much? And why? It doesn't make any sense to me.

Yeah, fair enough. Becoming a fanboy most likely isn't as simple sticking with one companies stuff. Didn't mean to make it seem so black and white.

Ultimately, I guess it's just taking things way too seriously. Anyone who gets all hot under the collar because someone criticized a company they like probably needs to check themselves.
i could never really get into the PS2, just something about that controller. i still own one and a PS3, which i rarely play. nintendo consoles have always been what i primarily played games on other than PC, but this generation it has been all xbox for the console side. i still play 3DS and DS games all the time though. Something about the exclusives released for Sony platforms don't excite me for some reason(there are some I really do enjoy however)

But that's reasonable--controller preference is a big thing, as are the games.

I'm a PC/PS3 guy, and would still play the DS if mine was alive. 360 will never see a penny from me because I don't believe in paying to play online--I will swallow this very bitter pill next gen because I expect it. But for now? No way. I already pay the cable company.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Picked up Oblivion for PC at launch from a nearby EB Games. The arse who served me couldn't fathom why I'd want to buy it on PC, kept telling me about all these imaginary enhancements and extra goodies in the 360 version, pushed me to buy a 360, the game and the guide.

On one hand I'm sure he was trying to get a sale, poorly, but on the other I think he actually believed his dribble.

Working in games retail you see it from customers occasionally, but it usually comes from lacking technical knowledge or inner workings of the industry. Some clueless customer hears that the PS3/360 games don't actually render in full HD, and you have to spend half an hour explaining why, and why there isn't any full HD console, but BluRays/menus are still HD, upscaling, yadda yadda. Same goes for people asking which version of a multi platform game is better.
I remember on another forum a few years ago, I think it was Sonic Retro, someone linked to one of my Sonic posts here and called me a "fanboy wankstain". Apparently they disagreed with one or more of my opinions on Sonic the Hedgehog and coined this rather wonderful insult to express themselves. I don't even post on Sonic Retro or have an account, I just read it while browsing.

Regardless, I didn't realise that I could be a fanboy for enthusiastically not liking something (in this case, the shit Sonic games of the era), but apparently the term "fanboy" can mean just about anything you want it to.
I remember my dad, younger brother and I going into Video Games Heaven in Australia to buy a Gamecube for my younger brother (...and Starfox Adventures for me).
The guy behind the counter was 'Eh, you sure you want this? It's mostly got kids games. A PS2 might be better, and better graphics too.' This was around launch - before the console had completely bombed too. Nevermind that my brother would have been 10.

I also remember a friend laughing at me, saying 'Mario and Nintendo is for kids hahaha, I like Crash Bandicoot games,' when we were in 7th grade.


I don't think I've ever encountered fanboyism in real life. Most gamer types I've met have been pretty level headed. Sure they may not like a particular game or genre, but they weren't blindly loyal to a certain console or company.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Despite my age (now 38) I actually dodged dealing with adult and semi-adult fanboys entirely until the Dreamcast launch. My initiation into seeing an actual crazy ass fanboy was in Gamestop, a few weeks before the Dreamcast launch, over this:

Topic: SoulCalibur port for Dreamcast

Fanboy rant: this guy gets going on about how FUCKING NAMCO is against THE SEGA (he said "THE SEGA") because of their fucking shitty betrayal with SoulCalibur. He's going on to the two guys on duty.

His rational: all PROPER Namco fighting game ports to consoles have the "TRUE NAMCO CEEJAY MOVIE". But SoulCalibur had a shitty "GRAPHICS OPENING". It didn't have the epic openings of Tekken 2, or 3, or Soul Edge.

Gamestop guy says this is because they're showing off the Dreamcast graphics, and have the feature to let you edit the intro to customize it. Dreamcast discs are even bigger than PS1 discs, so they had plenty of space for even more CG movies if they'd wanted to use them. But the Dreamcast is so powerful it's not required.

Fanboy is not happy. He just gets angrier and starts in about how "EVERYONE IS AGAINST THE SEGA AND WANTS DREAMCAST TO FAIL". Namco using "LOW GRADE GRAPHICS" for the SoulCalibur opening is, in fact, so that they can release SoulCalibur on PS2 the day it launches, where it will have full "CEEJAY" opening, and endings, and more characters, and better graphics. Namco is just releasing an "INSULTING" version of SoulCalibur on Dreamcast "BECAUSE OF THE CONTRACT". He is not clear on what this "contract" is or how it came about, or why Namco is bound to release SoulCalibur against their will on Dreamcast.

So, guy eventually walks away and pretends to look at stuff, then leaves. I never said a word but the guy at the counter saw me and others listening to this. He said the SEGAGUY never ever bought anything (including Sega products), just came in every day to wait around to rant about stuff like that, and then left.

And I think that's when I got the first real demonstration of how true fanboyism works. I always felt it was telling that the fanboy never actually bought stuff either (like supporting the companies he ranted about).


Picked up Oblivion for PC at launch from a nearby EB Games. The arse who served me couldn't fathom why I'd want to buy it on PC, kept telling me about all these imaginary enhancements and extra goodies in the 360 version, pushed me to buy a 360, the game and the guide.

On one hand I'm sure he was trying to get a sale, poorly, but on the other I think he actually believed his dribble.

Working in games retail you see it from customers occasionally, but it usually comes from lacking technical knowledge or inner workings of the industry. Some clueless customer hears that the PS3/360 games don't actually render in full HD, and you have to spend half an hour explaining why, and why there isn't any full HD console, but BluRays/menus are still HD, upscaling, yadda yadda. Same goes for people asking which version of a multi platform game is better.

After working in retail for a number of years, being pretty much forced to sell/pre-order certain items was very annoying. I won't lie to customers. If the game sucks, I can tell them. If they want to know if this console is suitable for their 7 year old girl, I will tell them. Regional Managers really got annoyed at me doing my job well but not selling what they wanted. I seriously don't understand those people who keep lying to get more sales.
I was talking to my friend who works at gamestop about which COD was better (it was a slow day) and then this guy walks in and suddenly gets yelling. He's calling us losers and morons for buying COD and not playing Quake and telling us we deserve to die, etc. The guy was an adult and rather attractive. Anyways, my friend tells him to buy something or get out and the guy goes over to him and spits in his face and calls him a "cancer upon gaming". The guy then runs out before my friend can get him. Crazy guy.

A few days later he was arrested for armed robbery.
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