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CBS Interactive (GameSpot parent company) buys Giant Bomb


Wow, I was under the illusion that Tested was #2 all-in-all.

I'm always slightly surprised by how much traffic Comic Vine gets. I mean, intellectually I know it happens, but I don't really pay that much attention so I don't know why. I would imagine the wiki has something to do with it.


Fuck the world. One of the best gaming news/info sites is probably going to become another generic marketing tool because of some assholes with deep pockets.
The Pancake stream was very reassuring.

Giantbomb is supposedly still operating independently... at least in the sense that they'll have their own staff, still keep their own site and, most importantly, retain complete creative control of the content on their site.

They're still doing weekly Bombcasts
They're still doing Quick Looks
Jeff said Reviews are staying for the time being
Jeff, Ryan, Brad, Vinny, Patrick, Dave, and Drew are all still on staff at least
Patrick is still doing news separately from GameSpot

They're moving into a new office next to Gamespot.
They'll have access to Gamespot's superior advertising team
They'll have access to Gamespot's recording equipment/green screen room
They'll might start pulling in Gamepspot people into videos and stuff (think Whiskey Media Happy Hour but with Gamespot in place of Tested/Screened)

All-in-all I'm excited. The saddest news here to me is that Screened (my other favorite WM site) is now completely separate from Giantbomb and there'll be no more Whiskey Media Happy Hours or Ryan guesting on the Screencast.
I WANT NONE OF THIS. Giantbomb has been a little garden of eden on the internet over the past few years. I love what Alex and Rorie started with Screened. I enjoyed the heck out of tested (some of their apple-is-god retoric gets a little stale, but still like them [this comes from a guy posting this message from a macbook with an iPhone on his side]), but come on. I am seriously scared. I am just wondering how Jeff and company ever considered this? I mean Gamespot went to being terrible after the crew left and now I don't want them to jump back into that cess-pool.... God, why?!!?!???!?!?
Does this mean the giantbomb forums are going to be mixed with Gamefaq's and gamespots?

because I dont post on the GB forums but those crazy kids do some good stuff and I dont want that sullied with gamefaqs.

The E3 coverage better be fucking unbelievable this year with dat CBS money.

they can rent a even bigger shitty drug house!!!


re: 1UP layoff analogy, it's not the same thing.

Ziff Davis was a crappy company with a crippling debt, and they sold to a slightly less crappy company who fired a huge chunk of us because they really weren't interested in keeping the band together.


It's not politically acceptable for it to have been Gamespot's fault for firing Jeff and then bring him back, so Jeff is going to have to take some blame in public fashion in order for Gamespot to save face.

The first in what I'm sure will be his many compromises.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
The subscriptions were to support all the sites on Whiskey Media though right?

Wouldn't it be cheaper to just do one site?

But eh. I'm not really convinced GB is doomed because of this so...
It would be logical to do one site, but I think they wanted to go into this together at the time, especially since they were all working in one office and seemed to be friends and stuff.

The cynic in me isn't letting go of my pessimism towards this, even if there are some things to be optimistic about.

Guess I better start downloading the Persona 4 endurance run before it gets GameSpot watermark/intros slapped onto everything.
Aw shit. I should do this too. :|

My poor bandwidth.


I don't follow the site religiously nor do I have any insight into what this deal entails, but from mostly watching quick looks and e3 coverage and nothing else, I'll say this: Their appeal is in emulating the couch potatoes you used to play games with (or still do) - that living room downstairs you had to yourself where you played games and talked shit and ate popcorn. They should not fool themselves into thinking that this is a by-effect of a low budget and not the actual appeal.


Is that really clear at this point? I didn't watch the stream so I might have missed it.

its been clarified that they will be in an Office NEXT to gamespot, they will still have the name, reviews, Video etc.. they just will be backed by CBS/Gamespot now.

So.. I will support them..but I don't except it last long.. I don't like Gamespot.. I haven't since EVERYONE left years ago.


Sounds like an awesome move. Congrats to Giant Bomb and crew!

Can't wait to hear what happens at the 4PM talk....


So apparently Gerstmann and Davidson are sitting down this afternoon to hash out what happened with he got canned back in the day from Gamespot. Anybody else see that? And I hope that's recorded and posted, I'd like to hear about everything.
I don't currently have a Whiskey media subscription, but I wonder what's going to happen to those?*

*I didn't see their live stream so that may have already been addressed.
its been clarified that they will be in an Office NEXT to gamespot, they will still have the name, reviews, Video etc.. they just will be backed by CBS/Gamespot now.

So.. I will support them..but I don't except it last long.. I don't like Gamespot.. I haven't since EVERYONE left years ago.
I meant has it been confirmed that the site would have folded if this deal hadn't happened. It was a semi-rhetorical question because I highly doubt it but I thought I would ask just in case.

They were running solely off subscriptions jeff revealed, so doubtful that was enough to keep the company running.
Ah, I see.


So apparently Gerstmann and Davidson are sitting down this afternoon to hash out what happened with he got canned back in the day from Gamespot. Anybody else see that? And I hope that's recorded and posted, I'd like to hear about everything.

Yeah should be around 4PM PST. Really excited to hear what happened, I think most people have an idea but its great to finally hear it from Jeff himself.
I recently only just got into their podcast (I'm listening to it now :D), but isn't a bigger budget a good thing? If CBS have Gamespot they don't need to turn Giantbomb into Gamespot 2...
Is that really clear at this point? I didn't watch the stream so I might have missed it.

It seems Whiskey was knocking on death's door looking for buyers anyway, so Jeff took appropriate measures to make sure they were gonna get the best deal and not get shafted by looking for their own suitors. Gamespot happened to be the one that made the best sense to them it seems.


I guess this was inevitable. Hopefully not much will change but those of you who think the giantbomb crew will just get more resources to do shit are insane. They were bought because they have a different audience that will complement Gamespot and they will try to keep that audience, so it will probably not become different overnight. However the worry is that Giantbomb wasn't profitable so changes will be made. And if they can't be profitable while maintaining their current style they will change things up. There is plenty of reasons to be worried here, but it might turn out for the better. I sadly doubt it though since CBSi won't keep them that seperate if they are just losing them money, I doubt they will be as lenient as Whiskey Media was.


No wonder everyone on the GiantBomb seem so carefree with how much money they spend. They knew that big payday might be coming.
As long as the content is still good, I'm still on board.

I think that perhaps this might be bad in the long run, but hopefully they manage to retain their identity for a while at least.


Where is the stream about Jeff being fired going to be? Is it going to be at Gamespot or at the same link the pancake and bacon stream was at?
It seems Whiskey was knocking on death's door looking for buyers anyway, so Jeff took appropriate measures to make sure they were gonna get the best deal and not get shafted by looking for their own suitors. Gamespot happened to be the one that made the best sense to them it seems.
Well that's a shame. Obviously I didn't want to see the site fold completely but I have next to no hope that this will work out well in the end (regardless of potentially worse alternatives).
There needs to be a Gamespot and Giant Bomb vs. IGN and 1up rivalry.

I imagine that GB will have some ads now. I wonder who has control of things like that. Like, GameFAQs has editorial control of their content but CNet/CBSi has always had say over advertisements and redesigns and things like that. I assume that will be the same for GB.

I wonder if the look of the site will change - Tested and GB can't both be running the same template, right?
I recently only just got into their podcast (I'm listening to it now :D), but isn't a bigger budget a good thing? If CBS have Gamespot they don't need to turn Giantbomb into Gamespot 2...

Of course it is. People are only fretting because they think Jeff et al are fucked in the head.

There's the potential that CBS get a bit weird later on and mess things up but I doubt it.


Just watched the video. Jeff was nervous as shit. Guess that's what a man who just sold his soul looks like.
Still it was inevitable that the site would get sold/partner up at some point. They were probably bleeding money.
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