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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Unconfirmed Member
This seemed to be the unofficial Graduate school announcement thread :p so I will continue that here.

Got accepted to University of Washington M.Architecture and will be going up there next weekend to check out the campus and the program.

Any Seattle area poli-gaffers that can recommend fun/cool stuff that my family and I should see while we are up there? Also good food recommendations wins you a permanent spot in my heart
bad food recommendations go on ignore list!
Obviously dems would want Warren to win the senate seat, but i wonder if they can live with a Brown win? i guess maybe as long as they hold their own and gain a few seats elsewhere.

Besides losing Kennedy's seat was a major fuck up on the democrats side back in 2010.
Gingrich said:
“De Niro is rich enough he probably doesn't notice the price of gasoline. He's successful enough he probably doesn't notice the unemployment rate. As a Hollywood actor, he might well be shortsighted enough he doesn't understand what it might do to our children and our grandchildren."
What is this? Hating on rich people? Alrighty Newty. You git on that classwarfare brah.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Here is something I was thinking about today:

Romney is basically not contesting LA, supposedly. Since he is not spending money there, can he get up on the 24th and say, "Rick Santorum had to outspend me 10-1 to beat me, and even then only by single digits. Americans want a true conservative and I won the big cities showing I am a man of the people!"

blah blah blah.

This is probably going to be Rick's last meaningful victory, he better savor it.
Etch-a-Sketchgate is one of those amusing gaffes were someone up and says the obvious, but probably shouldn't have.

The worst part is how the media just goes along with it. The Media will portray Romney as a moderate even though all his policy positions till now put him in the right wing of GOP politics.
Any Seattle area poli-gaffers that can recommend fun/cool stuff that my family and I should see while we are up there? Also good food recommendations wins you a permanent spot in my heart
bad food recommendations go on ignore list!

Check out the Seattle GAF thread if you haven't already but...

Mexican food: Carte De Oaxaca in Ballard
Cuban Food: Paseo (a couple locations)
Hot Dogs: Po-Dog in University District
Burgers: Red Mill in Phinney Ridge
Kinda fancier-fare, but not too fancy: Any of Tom Douglas' restaurants downtown

If you got questions about anything feel free to PM or ask over in that thread too so we don't bog down this one too much
Etch-a-Sketchgate is one of those amusing gaffes were someone up and says the obvious, but probably shouldn't have.
GAF has been down for so long that I don't even know what this means.

Did anyone listen to Rick Santorum's speech from last night? He started his speech by condemning the expansion of the entitlement culture under Obama, but then in the short biographical part of his speech he talks about "growing up in public housing, watching people climb the ladder..." etc. I wonder at the congitive dissonance.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
GAF has been down for so long that I don't even know what this means.

Did anyone listen to Rick Santorum's speech from last night? He started his speech by condemning the expansion of the entitlement culture under Obama, but then in the short biographical part of his speech he talks about "growing up in public housing, watching people climb the ladder..." etc. I wonder at the congitive dissonance.

Right-wing republican means cognitive dissonance.
The outrage over etch-a-sketch seems so forced. Yes, when a candidate wins the primary they move to the middle for the general election: since when is it bad to admit reality


Fork 'em, Sparky!
The outrage over etch-a-sketch seems so forced. Yes, when a candidate wins the primary they move to the middle for the general election: since when is it bad to admit reality

Everyone knows that honesty has no place in politics. Every time Mitt would say something true, like his automatic raises on minimum wage position, outrage soared throughout right-wing blogs and tv. He had to retract it only a few days later (as if he probably wouldn't have regardless).

The only thing worth doing is agreeing with something while it is hot and then dropping it when its not. 20 years from now, the GOP will probably try to frame itself as the party that led the charge for equality of marriage for gays and trans people. Individual Mandate was something well-supported throughout the GOP, but as soon as it was picked up and actually enacted by Dems, it was something so detestable and right-wing that no true republican could ever say they support or previously supported it. Even conservative thinktanks were pushing for it and have had to walk it back now. Politics is all cat-and-mouse and not one-for-all.
The outrage over etch-a-sketch seems so forced. Yes, when a candidate wins the primary they move to the middle for the general election: since when is it bad to admit reality
Surely even you can understand the difference between 'move to the middle' and "is like an Etch A Sketch, we shake it up and start all over again."

Of course everyone just expects Mitt to flip-flop,so it is not really a new development on Mitt Romney.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I should be surprised at this, but I'm not:

The talk of a brokered convention never seems to die down and one interesting finding on this poll was that Sarah Palin is far more popular than any of the actual Republican candidates in the race. Her net favorability is +48, with 68% of voters rating her favorably to only 20% with a negative opinion. That compares favorably to +29 for Santorum, +19 for Romney, and -26 for Paul.


If I were Obama I would totally take Romney's advisor saying his campaign can reset like an Etch a Sketch and just merge it with the Flip Flop Ad the DNC made a while ago (adding in all the pandering he has done lately to better Santorum to the Right) and just run it 24/7 with the tag line similar to What does Mitt really believe?


Unconfirmed Member
Check out the Seattle GAF thread if you haven't already but...

Mexican food: Carte De Oaxaca in Ballard
Cuban Food: Paseo (a couple locations)
Hot Dogs: Po-Dog in University District
Burgers: Red Mill in Phinney Ridge
Kinda fancier-fare, but not too fancy: Any of Tom Douglas' restaurants downtown

If you got questions about anything feel free to PM or ask over in that thread too so we don't bog down this one too much

Cool thanks! I was doing some searches for a Seattle thread after I posted here but then GAF died and I forgot to go back. I will def pop in there and PM if I have questions.
More than that, it shows how his handlers are approaching the GE, with their dinosaur election strategy. "We'll just press the reset button!"
Yeah, that is just tough to do these days when there are tons of internet people ready to create mash-ups that bring back every word you ever said.

The talk of a brokered convention never seems to die down and one interesting finding on this poll was that Sarah Palin is far more popular than any of the actual Republican candidates in the race. Her net favorability is +48, with 68% of voters rating her favorably to only 20% with a negative opinion. That compares favorably to +29 for Santorum, +19 for Romney, and -26 for Paul.
Wow. I am surprised. I thought her favorability had dropped due to all her erratic behavior (quitting as governor, doing an aborted bus tour, crazy facebooking, etc.)

I'm also surprised that Ron Paul is so low considering that even the right is tired of Afghanistan. Exactly what part of the Ron Paul world view do they hate so much?


Here is something I was thinking about today:

Romney is basically not contesting LA, supposedly. Since he is not spending money there, can he get up on the 24th and say, "Rick Santorum had to outspend me 10-1 to beat me, and even then only by single digits. Americans want a true conservative and I won the big cities showing I am a man of the people!"

blah blah blah.

This is probably going to be Rick's last meaningful victory, he better savor it.

I have conducted my own analysis and determined that Santorum is outspending Romney three to one on TV ads in the New Orleans media market. I carefully watched the local news last night, adjusted for pharmaceutical commercials, and observed three Santorum ads and one Romney ad.

I actually tried to make it to the Santorum rally today, but the weather was so bad they all but shut down the Causeway and I couldn't get to the northshore.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
This seemed to be the unofficial Graduate school announcement thread :p so I will continue that here.

Got accepted to University of Washington M.Architecture and will be going up there next weekend to check out the campus and the program.

Any Seattle area poli-gaffers that can recommend fun/cool stuff that my family and I should see while we are up there? Also good food recommendations wins you a permanent spot in my heart
bad food recommendations go on ignore list!

Congrats, by the way!


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery


Price and preference range from korean taco truck to urban casual sit down. avoid anywhere that would scoff at the presence of a human child or anything formal
This is Seattle, we don't do formal.

And I'm not sure what constitutes a casual urban sit-down.
Is $20 a person okay?
What about $50?

But on the cheaper (and ethnic) side -
Hue Ky Mi Gia is the best noodles I had in the states, and Maneki is just a phenomenal Japanese restaurant (there are probably better sushi places in Seattle, but as an overall Japanese restaurant, nothing comes close).

Should we be doing this in this thread?
Newt is right though about Romney's 6 year campaign, 40 million of personal wealth used in campaign and having the most Super-Pacs and not being able to finish off the nomination a this present time with all that
Lucky for Romney is occurs at/after the race should already be over. If not, he will be able to focus on Dallas, Austin, Houston, Fort Worth, San Antonio if he needs it and win the state based on the huge cities alone.

Didn't work for Kay Bailey Hutchinson against Perry, won't work for Romney against Santorum.

Perry is a dunce, but his machine is scary effective.
I almost feel bad for republicans. They're stuck with a shitty shapeshifting candidate who has bought the nomination while not running against a single decent candidate. This guy would get roasted by a good candidate with any national presence.

Maybe we'll know this feel in 2016 when Cuomo is speeding to the nom


Fork 'em, Sparky!
So the Buffet tax over 10 years would only bring in 47 billion dollars? That.....isn't a lot of money.

I am under the impression the law proposed in the Senate isn't what exactly Obama had in mind.

taxing the top 1% even 10% more was never going to do that much for the budget on any level. It was never a way to "fix the budget", but instead offer as a way to get those filthy rich people to pay their share, and now that it is even getting considered, it is showing how little it will actually do to fix the budget. People thought it was a silver bullet, but come on!
taxing the top 1% even 10% more was never going to do that much for the budget on any level. It was a dog whistle and now that it is even getting considered, it is showing how little it will actually do to fix the budget.

It is a step in the right direction. Its equivalent to calls for cutting all foreign aid to 0 to balance the budget.

Also, Obama had also proposed taxing Capital Gains at the same rate as Income for people earning over a million dollars. That is not a part of what is going through Congress.

Of course the ideal step is to let all Bush tax cuts expire. Money bonanza incoming then.
Also, anyone notice that every time Romney wins a state that was must win and gets into the position of being crowned he or his campaign goes out and the NEXT day itself fuck something up?

Its amusing


Fork 'em, Sparky!
It is a step in the right direction. Its equivalent to calls for cutting all foreign aid to 0 to balance the budget.

Also, Obama had also proposed taxing Capital Gains at the same rate as Income for people earning over a million dollars. That is not a part of what is going through Congress.

Of course the ideal step is to let all Bush tax cuts expire. Money bonanza incoming then.

Even taxing Capital Gains as normal income won't necessarily do it. Ending the Bush tax cuts really are the only way for the country to get the revenue it needs to not run $1T+ budget decifits.


Even taxing Capital Gains as normal income won't necessarily do it. Ending the Bush tax cuts really are the only way for the country to get the revenue it needs to not run $1T+ budget decifits.

He didn't say that would do it, just that it was Obama's proposal. The Bush tax cuts (now Obama's) are the elephant in the room, but rolling back tax cuts for the wealthy will help.

Hiking them back up to where they were 30-40 years ago would help more.

poor Eric, that Etch a Sketch comment is just not what your boss wants after a big win.

i think someone just had their "you are already dead moment"

You could tell he was kinda proud of coming up with that one at the time, too.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
He didn't say that would do it, just that it was Obama's proposal. The Bush tax cuts (now Obama's) are the elephant in the room, but rolling back tax cuts for the wealthy will help.

Hiking them back up to where they were 30-40 years ago would help more.

You and I both know that will NEVER EVER happen. Never.

getting them back to Clinton levels really should be a stable place for them, though, so I doubt we need more unless/until the country goes full public option.
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