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Halo |OT3| Remember Reach?



Last day of rotations, last day of shitty working in a rural area, last day of working for free for the school. Doctorate, here I come.


Did my last research presentation on Wednesday. Feels good man.
I hope Halo 4's marketing becomes more impactful sometime soon... I do not have the level of hype I had with 3, or heck even Reach at this point..and while I know this game will deliver and likely blow me away, they way info has been released has been kinda meh-ish. Also, I would love for some good viral style ads similar to what is happening with Prometheus.

Hahaha, oh god, what have you done.

As much as we all hate AL, you do have to admit it has a cool look to it.
Holy fuck, Rayman Legends makes me want a Wii-U.

Im not really sold on the wii-u's controller, but competitive games like Halo really could use it, like someone mentioned Atlas would be a great fit.
Sprint noise is issue number 1.

I like it it makes my female spartan sound like she is having intercourse

I play male spartan


Waypoint forums are a joke


Gold Member
Hell, according to the gamespot article you will hear MC breathe in his helmet even when not sprinting!!!111!


But seriously, that does seem like it could be cool when things are quiet.

Yep, it would also be cool if they had your face reflect into the visor at certain lighting angles (like in Metroid Prime games).

Won't happen because we know they won't show MC's face, but it was such a great effect in Metroid Prime.


That Waypointer just said "Hopefully many of these new mutliplayer changes are going to be playlist specific." I've heard a few people sharing similar sentiments.

I actually hope this isn't the case. Reach has become really confusing with all the different rule sets: vanilla, TU, Pro, Classic, ZB etc. For a novice or infrequent player it must be really frustrating as what will get you a kill in one game may not in another.

I hope as much as possible there is one core ruleset across the game. I understand instant respawns being switched off in Objective, but even that could be frustrating if you're a new player and don't understand why you can do something in one game and not the next. If you're in a playlist that mixes slayer and objective it would probably just seem broken.
I actually hope this isn't the case. Reach has become really confusing with all the different rule sets vanilla, TU, Pro, Classic, ZB etc. For a novice or infrequent player it must be really frustrating as what will get you a kill in one game may not in another.

I hope as much as possible there is one core ruleset across the game. I understand instant respawns being switched off in Objective, but even that could be frustrating if you're a new player and don't understand why you can do something in one game and not the next. If you're in a playlist that mixes slayer and objective it would probably just seem broken.
So you'd rather people be forced to play game types they don't like rather than having "confusing" playlists.

Surely just building this info into the UI is a better solution.
Hell, according to the gamespot article you will hear MC breathe in his helmet even when not sprinting!!!111!


But seriously, that does seem like it could be cool when things are quiet.

It'd be cool if staying idle (or at least very slow) in cold and/or desolate areas fogged up your visor for a little bit. Not in an impacting "to add visceral depth we made it so that you can't take a break for more than 5 seconds" sort of way, just make it a basic translucent filter for after you mop up a few Prometheans on a mountain peak or something like that.
I can actually get behind that shit. Dude's so thanked. No asthmatic Spartans in Halo 4 please. I'm docking a point on the review in my head (big audience) if it's another case of Reach wheezing!
I think the main purpose was to give people cues that someone is approaching them quickly from offscreen. Maybe they can find a better alternative sound, because playing a game of Slayer Pro in Reach sounds like you're in the Iditarod.
I think the main purpose was to give people cues that someone is approaching them quickly from offscreen. Maybe they can find a better alternative sound, because playing a game of Slayer Pro in Reach sounds like you're in the Iditarod.
Yeah, I can get behind the reasoning behind it. You need a cue, especially if you're playing a no radar mode. You don't want people just suddenly behind you all the time with no warning.

But if we can hear them mouthbreathe from several feet away, I think the clanging of their feet on the ground is a much better substitute.
Yeah, I can get behind the reasoning behind it. You need a cue, especially if you're playing a no radar mode. You don't want people just suddenly behind you all the time with no warning.

But if we can hear them mouthbreathe from several feet away, I think the clanging of their feet on the ground is a much better substitute.

I mean hell, since they're going for beefier-sounding Spartans an increasing clang clang CLANG CLANG CLANG would be a bit more obvious, not to mention make more sense. Are they fucking broadcasting their panting over an open channel?


343i Lead Esports Producer
Yea just the mobile version seems to be down. Desktop working fine.

Does the panting when Sprinting really bother you guys that much? It's such a necessary part of the armor ability though.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Since it's all but confirmed that Halo won't be at MLG Anaheim, I need confirmation that the playlist will stay. Someone, please, ease my mind.
Yes, but this is significantly more costly to implement because the sounds would vary by surface. The breathing sound was 4 sound files (Spartan M/F and Elite M/F), afaik.
A catchall sound they could use would be the armour activating the sprint. Something like this would be appropriate I think.

Edit: Playing Binary Domain, and I gotta say, robots are a very underutilized FPS enemy type. There are so many possibilities when the opponent doesn't feel pain or have fear. Just playing the first couple minutes it's cool that you can shoot off legs to have them continue battling, or shooting their heads off and having the body no longer able to distinguish friend or foe and going berserk.
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