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Fall 2012 Anime |OT| Meet the new world, same as the old world

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Nasu: Summer in Andalusia

I say "film", but this is really very short for one, only clocking in at 45 minutes. Perhaps because of that shortness, the characters don't feel fully fleshed-out, even though we do get some motivating backstory for Pepe. His relationship with his family isn't dwelt on enough for me to form a strong emotional connection with him. Not to mention that the direction, while solid, has very little that stands out about it. Thus ultimately I can't say this is strong enough to be memorable, but it is certainly a pleasant watch and a nice change of pace from more typical anime.

Heh that is pretty damn long when you realize that the movie is an adaptation of just two chapters of the manga.


Subete no aware
It's just a sales tactic. I suppose that the thinking is that dangling a "true end" in front of viewers helps to stem the decline in BD sales for a series over the course of its home release, and they're a smaller investment due to not having to pay broadcast fees for the episode on top of production costs.

I suppose that television broadcasts still have to happen in order to establish properties and gain mindshare. Casting the widest net possible is still vitally important as anime don't exist solely to sell BDs, but a wide range of goods related to the given property. Furthermore, I assume that series-length OVAs are just too risky in the current market--OVAs slated for only a few episodes are easier to buy sight unseen because they're a smaller financial investment. I don't necessarily believe that OVAs and televised series serve a common purpose, anyway--true original OVAs, not just "bonus episodes", are sometimes for a smaller audience by design, whether due to subject matter that isn't commercially viable, production qualities that make animating on a traditional broadcast schedule unfeasible, etc.

Sure, a couple of televised anime franchises have basically evolved to exclusively release new installments in OVA format (Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, for instance) but these are usually properties that gained popularity on television to begin with.

I can't remember who read the novels here, but apparently the next arc isn't really the end of the series anyway, so I have no idea what they're thinking here.

I just find it interesting that the true OVA doesn't really exist any more... it's all manga pack-ins or essentially test pilots for projects to gauge interest but that don't really go anywhere. (Or in the case of Black Rock Shooter, lead to a ruinous TV series :p)

Although maybe the OAV was never really a big thing to begin with and it's always been like this.

Either way, I think it kind of sucks if you care about Kokoro Connect as a serious story. I think it's arguably worse than the Eden of the East movies (or the X-files movies, if you want to be dickish about it) in terms of dumping crap on the audience an expecting them to blindly follow you to the promised land of the bonus episodes.
The people surprised over the non-airing final episodes of Kokoro Connect seem to have forgotten what happened with Bakemonogatari.

Heh that is pretty damn long when you realize that the movie is an adaptation of just two chapters of the manga.

Wow. I mean, I don't know how long each chapter is, but that doesn't seem like much material. Perhaps the adaptation should have added more original material, because as it is it did feel like it was lacking content.


Boku wa no idea what my purpose is on this show #2



Just when I thought it couldn't get more boring.

Why is this person even on this show? He's doing his best impression of Kyon, but Kyon at least had some witty banter to add to the conversation/monologues. This guy is just a poor straight man who clearly has no redeeming qualities. The show could have been just two girls fighting and making out and it'd have been improved twofold. I don't know if I can stomach more of this.



Subete no aware
The people surprised over the non-airing final episodes of Kokoro Connect seem to have forgotten what happened with Bakemonogatari.
Naw, I remember.

Even with Saki where they announced extra episodes, the tv series proper did "end". Bakemono's final episode served as a sort of ending as well. I don't think it's a spoiler to say that Kokoro Connect does something different from that.


The Light of El Cantare
I figure I should ask the Precure people here... having just caught up with Smile Precure, I'm almost shocked by the number of power ups they keep getting. Is that par for the course? I mean they're about 20ish episodes away from the end, so presumably they have a lot more stuff to go, but it seems like they're already super-duper-crazy-powered up now.

In my experience, it's usually:

ep. ~1-10: default attack
ep: ~11-20: upgraded weapons with first group attack
ep: ~30-40: huge-ass group finisher using a single shared item
endgame: hax power for the lead Cure

The upgrade path in Smile is kind of messy compared to previous series. Normally the unicorn wand things would have taken the place of those dinky little tiaras for Rainbow Healing earlier in the series, and Rainbow Burst came unusually early for the group finisher. There's usually some sort of box-like item that accompanies the introduction of the attack (see: Heartcatch Mirage, Healing Chest, etc.) but the Royal Clock came several episodes later in Smile instead of being introduced at the same time, so the new Royal Rainbow Burst is just sort of a half-upgrade instead of a full upgrade.


You're damned right.
I'm not in love with Oreimo but definitely wont mind watching S2.

Oreimo is not cute at all
its an ugly, perverse wish fulfillment anime with obnoxious two dimensional characters
the main character also fluctuates between pervert and being kirinos bitch


Subete no aware
In my experience, it's usually:

ep. ~1-10: default attack
ep: ~11-20: upgraded weapons with first group attack
ep: ~30-40: huge-ass group finisher using a single shared item
endgame: hax power for the lead Cure

The upgrade path in Smile is kind of messy compared to previous series. Normally the unicorn wand things would have taken the place of those dinky little tiaras for Rainbow Healing, and Rainbow Burst came unusually early for the group finisher. There's usually some sort of box-like item that accompanies the introduction of the attack (see: Heartcatch Mirage, Healing Chest, etc.) but the Royal Clock came several episodes later in Smile instead of being introduced at the same time, so the new Royal Rainbow Burst is just sort of a half-upgrade instead of a full upgrade.

It's weird because with this new set of decors, getting 2 at a time, they should have another upgrade in anywhere from 5-10 episodes... which leaves room for yet another upgrade for the finale. I just wonder if they don't get godlike powers at that point. :p


Wow. I mean, I don't know how long each chapter is, but that doesn't seem like much material. Perhaps the adaptation should have added more original material, because as it is it did feel like it was lacking content.

They were standard 20ish page chapters. It was a really weird move to make a movie based on a random story in a short story collection. I mean I love the manga (seriously it is amazing), but there just isn't enough content in an individual story to make a satisfying movie.

But if you want more you do know there is a follow up right? It's called Nasu: A Migratory Bird with Suitcase. It kind of suffers from the same problems, but it's a decent watch like the first one was.
Is there enough content left for an s2?

Yep plenty..
More campione , more gods , more fights ... you can do a rushed S2 ( like the one we've got ) or 2 "normal" not so rushed seasons.
As there are small plot points they totally ignored in this season , they can even do another filler to include them all and continue.

Let's be honest, if you're un-ironically watching Campione, isn't that what you're there for?
This is true in a sense .. but i enjoy godou anthics in the books , it's always great to see him planning something to control the girl or prevent her from doing too much ( any of the 4 ) and watch everything unfold in the worst way possible leading to misunderstandings everywhere ..

That and i love how the author explains and describe each fight properly ..( and give enough time to shine to everyone involved )


The Light of El Cantare
I can't remember who read the novels here, but apparently the next arc isn't really the end of the series anyway, so I have no idea what they're thinking here.

I just find it interesting that the true OVA doesn't really exist any more... it's all manga pack-ins or essentially test pilots for projects to gauge interest but that don't really go anywhere. (Or in the case of Black Rock Shooter, lead to a ruinous TV series :p)

Although maybe the OAV was never really a big thing to begin with and it's always been like this.

Either way, I think it kind of sucks if you care about Kokoro Connect as a serious story. I think it's arguably worse than the Eden of the East movies (or the X-files movies, if you want to be dickish about it) in terms of dumping crap on the audience an expecting them to blindly follow you to the promised land of the bonus episodes.

If otaku demanded actual finality in their endings, the industry would be dead by now.

And man, unless I'm forgetting something big, when Hellsing Ultimate wraps up this December it's kind of going to be the end of an era. It was an OVA for pretty much every reason that something is ever an OVA--high production values, niche audience, too violent for television, you name it. What's even in the OVA pipeline that can compare? I can't claim to know how "big" OVAs were in the past, but given how common they were then versus now, something changed drastically.
They were standard 20ish page chapters. It was a really weird move to make a movie based on a random story in a short story collection. I mean I love the manga (seriously it is amazing), but there just isn't enough content in an individual story to make a satisfying movie.

But if you want more you do know there is a follow up right? It's called Nasu: A Migratory Bird with Suitcase. It kind of suffers from the same problems, but it's a decent watch like the first one was.

Right, that's on the docket. I'll probably check out the manga sometime as well.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Accel World OVA 01

Mumorpugers are all crap. Fighting games are teh shit.

Those duel avatars are so cool. Too bad we probably won't see 'em again.


You're a better man than me. I only watch for the life partners.

Im in shows for cute, but seriously I do expect a bit more than just that. cute is found in many many shows now. Maybe my expectations are higher lately I don't know.
But then again I enjoyed Accel World and it was widely panned as being terrible. But that show had actually interesting characters and did not simply push them aside most of the time.
I kind of like it.
Its not the most unique idea and Kirino is insufferably awful, but the MC is pretty cool and of course the supporting cast like Manami and Kuroneko.

You should just admit that the show didn't cater to your waifu of choice.

Love this universe ..played the psp games and choose the "right" path ..as far as i'm concerned i saw the right ending by playing ...

This is funny since i prefer every character other than kirino but i still enjoy her ...


Love this universe ..played the psp games and choose the "right" path ..as far as i'm concerned i saw the right ending by playing ...

This is funny since i prefer every character other than kirino but i still enjoy her ...
I wish I could read more of the light novels because translation basically stopped a long time ago. Kirino has a problem where it feels like her character almost resets all the time. I've heard the material in S2 is a bit better about that and there's a lot more Kuroneko focus, so even though I couldn't finish S1 when it aired I think I'll finish it before S2 airs.
And man, unless I'm forgetting something big, when Hellsing Ultimate wraps up this December it's kind of going to be the end of an era. It was an OVA for pretty much every reason that something is ever an OVA--high production values, niche audience, too violent for television, you name it. What's even in the OVA pipeline that can compare? I can't claim to know how "big" OVAs were in the past, but given how common they were then versus now, something changed drastically.

The decline in the OVA market from its heyday in the 80s and 90s to now can be directly attributed to the rise of late-night TV timeslots for anime in the late 90s. The more niche projects that were previously impossible to air on television suddenly had an avenue to do so, and the industry at large gradually switched their focus.

It should also be noted that projects which are essentially OVAs - Gundam Unicorn, Code Geass: Akito the Exiled, Space Battleship Yamato 2199 - often get a limited theatrical release these days, since companies have discovered it's a way to make even more money off of devoted fans, and so sometimes get classified as movies.


Love this universe ..played the psp games and choose the "right" path ..as far as i'm concerned i saw the right ending by playing ...

This is funny since i prefer every character other than kirino but i still enjoy her ...

Kirino just annoys the living shit out of me. I'm not sure why really.
At least she's not a boring character but just I want to punch her in her face.


It's funny how people pick out SAO's flaws always leads back to the nervegear problems. I swear that's the big factor that hampers animegaf's enjoyment of the show.


The Light of El Cantare
It's weird because with this new set of decors, getting 2 at a time, they should have another upgrade in anywhere from 5-10 episodes... which leaves room for yet another upgrade for the finale. I just wonder if they don't get godlike powers at that point. :p

I can't believe we're even talking about gathering the Decors a third time, but then again the item collectathons in Precure are generally a joke anyway. There's no way that a young viewer could ever derive any sense of how much "progress" the characters are making because there's so much moving goalposts and playing hot potato over possession of collected stuff between the heroes and villains. You should experience the clusterfuck that is collecting Notes in Suite Precure--there's no established number (they just get thrown in a jar), there are so innumerably many that they just run around town plucking them out of grass and catching them in nets, and the notes get stolen back and forth so much that it loses all meaning.

If there's a new upgrade in Smile, they're probably just going to swap out mythological creatures in Rainbow Burst again. Pegasus -> phoenix -> ???. Probably not enough budget for more than that.


It's funny how people pick out SAO's flaws always leads back to the nervegear problems. I swear that's the big factor that hampers animegaf's enjoyment of the show.

Thats definitely part of it that bothers me a lot, but not the only thing.
Maybe the fact thaT I really dont care for MMORPG games is a big part of it.
Accel World EX 1

Pretty awesome post Noumi arc ova. I think story was equivalent to a really good Fanfic and even had lots of characters, amazing action and top visuals, Silver Wing playing, and just tons of good Nega Nebulous legion moments. I was laughing so much during the whole thing, especially Taku, Taku's reaction face + sound, when Chiyu put it in him, was my favorite part.

I liked how the ending
was all that game speak stuff, when beating Dushka and seeing the world collapse they could feel the rewarding sadness after completing a game, and the loneliness of being the last one on a server in a game that has lots its popularity, etc

Cant wait for the second one.
I wish I could read more of the light novels because translation basically stopped a long time ago. Kirino has a problem where it feels like her character almost resets all the time. I've heard the material in S2 is a bit better about that and there's a lot more Kuroneko focus, so even though I couldn't finish S1 when it aired I think I'll finish it before S2 airs.
She does seems to reset because every time something happens that might make her change , she acts like before and doesn't evolve much. That's why the anime portrayed her as a poor tsundere ..because she doesn't seems to accept the changes she experiences right away or at least very late ..
Kuroneko indeed has a strong focus ( very strong ) later but all of that focus is kinda stopped once the author comes back to her favorite imoto tsundere... it's kinda weird.

Kirino just annoys the living shit out of me. I'm not sure why really.
At least she's not a boring character but just I want to punch her in her face.

That's because she doesnt do stupid things most of the time and the expectations everyone has are much more expressed . ... Oreimo is at least more grounded in reality than "nogizaka haruka no himitsu " for example that explore similar themes but fall to bring me any sense of emotion besides displeasure


She does seems to reset because every time something happens that might make her change , she acts like before and doesn't evolve much. That's why the anime portrayed her as a poor tsundere ..because she doesn't seems to accept the changes she experiences right away or at least very late ..
Kuroneko indeed has a strong focus ( very strong ) later but all of that focus is kinda stopped once the author comes back to her favorite imoto tsundere... it's kinda weird.

It's not like I want some instant change like some other tsundere characters, but it's kinda irritating when she doesn't even acknowledge anything that happened before. That's why I liked Kirino during the thank you party episode and after. It felt like they started lightening her up. I don't need an instant change or for her to start fawning after him immediately or something, but if there's no change at all after a conflict resolution, I just have to wonder if there was any point to it in the first place.

Sorry for any Kirino fans, but I hope most of S2 is devoted to Kuroneko! <3


Tomodachi wa Mahou
It's not like I want some instant change like some other tsundere characters, but it's kinda irritating when she doesn't even acknowledge anything that happened before. That's why I liked Kirino during the thank you party episode and after. It felt like they started lightening her up. I don't need an instant change or for her to start fawning after him immediately or something, but if there's no change at all after a conflict resolution, I just have to wonder if there was any point to it in the first place.

Sorry for any Kirino fans, but I hope most of S2 is devoted to Kuroneko! <3

Don't apologize to the enemy. You should have pity on those poor souls.

S2 better be 100% Kuroneko. Maybe a little Manami is okay too.
Don't apologize to the enemy. You should have pity on those poor souls.

S2 better be 100% Kuroneko. Maybe a little Manami is okay too.

i dunno about manami but want more of SAORI in S2 ..

More saori is always good.

Anyway kuroneko fans will LOVE and HATE S2 at the same time .. you'll be garanteed mixed feeligns.


Possible Magi voice actors. It supposedly was on the official twitter page of the show before being taken down. Take it with a grain of salt.

Aladdin: Kaori Ishihara
Alibaba: Takuma Terashima
Morgiana: Aya Hirano
Sinbad: Katsuyuki Konishi
Ja’far: Takahiro Sakurai
Masrur: Hino Satoshi
Judal: Hiroshi Kamiya
Cassim: Nobuhiko Okamoto
Ren Hakuryuu: Tetsuya Kakihara
Ren Hakuei: Aya Endou
Ren Kougyoku: Kana Hanazawa
Ugo: Kishou Taniyama
Amon: Shibata Hidekatsu


Possible Magi voice actors. It supposedly was on the official twitter page of the show before being taken down. Take it with a grain of salt.

Aladdin: Kaori Ishihara
Alibaba: Takuma Terashima
Morgiana: Aya Hirano
Sinbad: Katsuyuki Konishi
Ja&#8217;far: Takahiro Sakurai
Masrur: Hino Satoshi
Judal: Hiroshi Kamiya
Cassim: Nobuhiko Okamoto
Ren Hakuryuu: Tetsuya Kakihara
Ren Hakuei: Aya Endou
Ren Kougyoku: Kana Hanazawa
Ugo: Kishou Taniyama
Amon: Shibata Hidekatsu
Is Morgiana one of the main characters? Not a big fan of Hirano Aya...


I miss the (troll?) rumors about Yuuki Kaji.

Ren Kougyoku: Kana Hanazawa

Feels better and better the more I think about it. She's a
psychotic uguu~ mass murderer princess
so GAF should love her.

Judal: Hiroshi Kamiya

It'd be cool if this was true because that's like Troll Factor Max.

Is Morgiana one of the main characters? Not a big fan of Hirano Aya...

One of the main three.
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