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Wordpress Blog Created Today rumor: Activision pissed with BLOPS 2 Wii U sales

Apparently this guy attended the DICE Summit this past month. Considering the negative talk surrounding the Wii U, he spoke with an Activision rep who had some...choice words for Nintendo fans and port begging. Goddamn.

When I was at the D.I.C.E Summit earlier this month, I went around asking people’s opinions on things like the Steambox, Ouya, Nvidia’s Shield, and Wii U. What struck me was how many developers told me games were being cancelled left and right for Wii U. For example, EA had a big multi-console project and they cancelled the Wii U version. I must’ve heard from at least eight different developers who claimed to have a Wii U version in development, and they ended up cancelling it.

The most interesting discussion was speaking with an employee for a studio that makes games for Activision. The general consensus seems to be that Activision has been completely soured by software sales for Wii U version of Call of Duty Black Ops 2. But Activision will still be supporting the Wii U regardless.

The Activision employee (who doesn’t represent the opinions/views of everyone at Activision) told me the following:

“Activision didn’t expect much from Wii U sales of Black Ops 2, but they sure didn’t expect it to be that abysmal. Activision gave Wii U owners the best version of Blops 2 with Off TV features, and Nintendo fans didn’t support it. It’s easy for Nintendo fans to trash publishers for not giving them ports, but publishers have wisened up. They realize Nintendo fans are all talk. Nintendo fans are vocal with their mouths, but when it’s time to open their wallets, they’ll spend that $60 on New Super Mario Bros instead.”
When I asked him about what his industry friends at other publishers think of the Wii U, he told me the following:
“There’s just no enthusiasm for it. The only reason publishers are still going to bring games to Wii U is because they don’t want to damage their relationship with Nintendo.”


I nominate "blop" as the term for when this happens to other Wii U ports.

Example: "Man, that new Rayman game blopped on the Wii!"
“Activision didn’t expect much from Wii U sales of Black Ops 2, but they sure didn’t expect it to be that abysmal. Activision gave Wii U owners the best version of Blops 2 with Off TV features, and Nintendo fans didn’t support it. It’s easy for Nintendo fans to trash publishers for not giving them ports, but publishers have wisened up. They realize Nintendo fans are all talk. Nintendo fans are vocal with their mouths, but when it’s time to open their wallets, they’ll spend that $60 on New Super Mario Bros instead.”

lol. sounds like something you would read on gaf.


What's the active user count on that now? Wasn't it only in the hundreds around launch? Did it ever get any better? Because if thats the highest it ever got.... ouch.


there is joy in sucking dick
3DO v.2: Electric Boogaloo

Everything about this console has been so negative. Its pretty hilarious now.


"but when it’s time to open their wallets, they’ll spend that $60 on New Super Mario Bros instead.”

...um...no shit?


Does owning a Wii U make you only a fan of Nintendo? Maybe people bought Call of Duty on the console they have been playing it on with friends for the past 5 years.


What's the active user count on that now? Wasn't it only in the hundreds around launch? Did it ever get any better? Because if thats the highest it ever got.... ouch.

A couple thousand during peak hours, from what I've seen. It's sad.


I find it hard to fully get behind this, if only because the franchise in question has already built a main home for it, and it's not on any of Nintendo's platforms. It's hard to create a new audience when you have most people willing to bunker down to get it on Xbox 360, isn't it? The home of Call of Duty since Call of Duty 2, really..


We didn't buy it because:

A. It was already out on other systems for a while.

B. It would be like using Google+ instead of Facebook; even if some things are better, there's no one else to play it with.

Spending your $60 on NSMBU instead of this game would be a logical thing to do.


A couple thousand during peak hours, from what I've seen. It's sad.

So, what? It sold, best case, like... 30k? Am I lowballing that? I'm just really guessing here, but it can't have sold much more if it's only getting a couple of thousand during peak hours.

Can't blame them for being pissed when it sells so pathetically.


Too be fair people who want 3rd party games on Nintendo have been burned so many times with crappy ports that date back to the Gamecube era. The Nintendo version would always get a quickie job unless Nintendo threw some kind of moneyhat.


Did the VITA COD end up selling better? Seems like it was in the top sellers for a long time on the psn store, too bad they didn't put more effort into that version.


I sincerely hope they give CoD a second shot on Wii U, just because I think numbers this year would be interesting. Same-day launch would let them tell if Wii U owners just refuse to buy CoD... or if the CoD audience who bought the Wii U day 1 already had CoD on another platform.

I can totally understand being unhappy with the numbers, but there's obviously going to be a PS360 version of CoD this year so I hope they put it on Wii U too.
If they really believed a niche Nintendo based console @ launch would embrace CoD, they're dumb as fuck.

Nintendo zealots aren't buying a Wii U to play CoD.

Ironically... I bought a copy of black ops 2 with my launch Wii U.. Go figure. Haha


I would love to buy BLOPS2 on Wii U eShop if it dropped down in price by half. Or maybe twenty bucks. I'm sure the other versions have fallen in price already.


Well, what kind of miracle were they expecting? Everybody just abandoning the huge xbox 360 and ps3 communities and going to Wii U if none of their friends are going to do so?
what a shame it is not on eShop... I purchased a copy day 1 but it gets little playtime from me... Not all Nintendo fans are all talk. I buy crap games all the time to support 3rd Party devs on Nintendo consoles.

Best Version of COD Blops2 would be the eShop version they failed to have!

One Click from Miiverse away from a sale fools


“Activision didn’t expect much from Wii U sales of Black Ops 2, but they sure didn’t expect it to be that abysmal.

'That' implies sales figures were mention, so why neglect the number in the article?


“There’s just no enthusiasm for it. The only reason publishers are still going to bring games to Wii U is because they don’t want to damage their relationship with Nintendo.”

lol, what relationship


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
I mean, I certainly wouldn't be shocked if this sentiment was somewhat accurate, but those quotes sound particularly fanboish.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
I like how he sounds all vitrol and bitter about people who bought the fucking WiiU wanting Mario over COD.

Why would they be worried about damaging their relations with Nintendo if what they're making for the console isn't selling? It's not like third party software on the Wii sold gangbusters so now they're going to wait it out on the WiiU. It's in Nintendo's best interest to court them onto the platform and not the other way round.


It's gonna be a long generation here folks, don't think for a second other publishers aren't keeping their eyes on the performance of certain third party titles, other publishers not inlcluding UbiSoft and maybe Capcom,


I wonder if they would have been better served with doing a Wii version instead? I'm sure it was a "one or the other" situation for Treyarch's Nintendo team, but CoD does have a solid fanbase on the Wii and they seemed to be generally well received.


Was already out on other systems were the main fanbase has been, not the best version of the game, and up against two Nintendo first party games. Who the hell would buy this shit over NSMB or Nintendoland lol.
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