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So was Turok 2008 our last decent chance at Hot Dino battle action™?

Why isn't there a DayZ style game with dinosaurs with a mix of planetside Squad/Hunting party mechanic. Setting up outposts and defending from Rampaging dinosaurs, it would be a dream game.
I have this dinosaur game idea that stars dinos in their natural environments that plays like a cross between Dark Souls and Journey.

I wish I can make games =(
Same, please replace Zombies, too much zombies, too much.

We will probably get Zombie Dinosaurs:

Im starting to think A LOT of the tema members are on this forum

nah, I was a tester at Disney/ Buena Vista/Whatever the fuck their name was at the time.

I was actually on the small team they put together to provide feedback to the developers. It was a test program that went nowhere, probably because we had no idea what went into making a game at the time.
Was this the game where they actually hired people to camp out in front of Best Buy for to try and generate hype or was that the previous Turok game?


More important question, to me at least, is when will we finally see a games around dinosaurs with actual accurate representations of the animals rather than the movie monsters portrayed in JP, in which they have near to zero in common with the real animals they're based on except the name?
I finally want to see feathered deinonychosaurs (dromaeosaurs + troodonids) in a game!

There are exceptions like the feathered skin available in Primal Carnage, but I want overall more accurate representations and not exceptions.
Is it really too much to ask for?

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Turok needs to go back to the time-travelling, dino/bizarre alien fighting, exotic locales and intermittent platforming roots. Making Turok a space marine on a quest for revenge was... regrettable.


Bish, whoever worked on the rocket launcher deserves some fucking respect. Best feeling weapon in any game this gen.

Also I loved loved Turok '08. I was super depressed the sequel got canned. I know it would have been even more amazing. MP demo was great too (apart from lag). Great map design. Just wish the dinosaurs played a bit bigger role. Perhaps strayed more often from the nests or been more centrally located on routes (like one map that had a trench area between areas and giant scorpions down there.)

is this the game where at the FPS was going through the phase of melee kills everything in 1 hit ? cos im pretty sure this game suffered from that and really annoyed me
Pretty sure it started that trend. At lest the context sensitive version.
More important question, to me at least, is when will we finally see a games around dinosaurs with actual accurate representations of the animals rather than the movie monsters portrayed in JP, in which they have near to zero in common with the real animals they're based on except the name?
I finally want to see feathered deinonychosaurs (dromaeosaurs + troodonids) in a game!

There are exceptions like the feathered skin available in Primal Carnage, but I want overall more accurate representations and not exceptions.
Is it really too much to ask for?

JP was pretty damn accurate for its time, and it certainly did a decent job depicting them as animals and not monsters. Most games to the JP idea and then geared up the monstrous looks and behaviors to 10. Its also worth noting that this happens to almost animals in video games when they are depicted as enemies. That said, I agree that I want to see less of the monstrous King Kong looks and more believable scientifically accurate visual depictions.


Turok 2008, I thought the single player was shit, but the co-op is some of the best multiplayer I have ever experienced. Odd considering we have newer games like Dino Beatdown that are all multiplayer, and don't come close to it.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
I think a remake of Turok 2 would be amazing on next gen hardware.

Just imagining Seeds of Evil rebuilt from the ground up with all of the juicy new next gen effects and makes my eyes water.

It would be the perfect mix of retro and modern FPS.

All of that awesomeness redone with beautiful texture work, an amazing lighting engine, water physics, BLOOD Physics, real time reflections, penumbra shadows, bokeh DoF, destruction, particle effects galore, etc etc etc.

Not to mention the fog, now not a limitation could be used for atmosphere even more. Volumetric, reacting to phyics, and AI that could take advantage of it. Raptors dipping in and out of the fog, (and tall grass).

I would buy the fuck out of this game. 120 bucks. Day one.


Why isn't there a Jurassic Park Tycoon?

I know Zoo Tycoon has a dinosaur mod, but the only topdown Jurassic Park thing I know of is Chaos Island which is NOT a tycoon game. Like, let me hire researchers, security, develop electric fences, dna studying, egg creation, import cows to lower into my raptor dens


Seems there's also an iOS/Android version now.


Banstick Emeritus
Maybe you can answer this bish. Any reason why execution kills was gory against dinosaurs, but absolutely no blood when performed on humans?
I'm saving that particular nugget for the book I'm writing...but buy me a drink at E3 and maybe I'll spill the goods. :p

Seems there's also an iOS/Android version now.

I downloaded the Android version and it seems loaded with all that shitty Facebook/Microtransaction stuff.
"Wait 30 minutes or hatch this egg now with 100 Park Bucks!"

Just let me pay $5 for the game upfront and let me avoid that crap!


JP was pretty damn accurate for its time, and it certainly did a decent job depicting them as animals and not monsters. Most games to the JP idea and then geared up the monstrous looks and behaviors to 10. Its also worth noting that this happens to almost animals in video games when they are depicted as enemies. That said, I agree that I want to see less of the monstrous King Kong looks and more believable scientifically accurate visual depictions.

I wasn't even talking about the behavior yet, their appearance alone made them appear monstrous. They greatly exaggerated the dinosaurs to make them appear more fierce on the screen while ignoring paleontologial facts that even existed back in '94. Even having Robert T. Bakker as the film's paleontological advisor only did so much while having your hands tied by the film's director and screenwriter.

The Velociraptor in JP has NOTHING in common with the real animal they're based on except sharing the same name. Wrong skull, missing feathers and the size is completely off scale. Even if you compare them to the Deinonychus, Utahraptor or Austroraptor it would still be far away (mostly due to the missing plumage).

Other notable mentions are the Brontosaurus, which doesn't even exist, and the Dilophosaurus, which was neither venomous nor did it have a neck frill.

I can go on and rave about this endlessly but there are already great posts on the internet covering it a lot better than I could've done. Also, excuse my lousy writing as it's 8am and I just woke up. :<

I hope ya'll have a nice day!

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Maybe no one would bother anymore because rendering feathers would prove to be too troublesome :p

But seriously, yeah, what untapped potential. Games similar like Dead Space (the mechanic, not the setting) can benefit from something like Dinosaurs.


Maybe no one would bother anymore because rendering feathers would prove to be too troublesome :p

But seriously, yeah, what untapped potential. Games similar like Dead Space (the mechanic, not the setting) can benefit from something like Dinosaurs.

Fuck boob physics, we need feather physics! <3


Fuck, I loved Turok 2008, despite the crappy weapon aiming - it was far too twitchy and imprecise.

Helicopters? Check.
Dinosaurs? Check.
Bad-ass smack-talking roided-up space marines? Check.
Gory takedown animations? Check.
Lush jungle environment? Check.
Ancient ruins? Check.
Weapons of mass destruction? Check.

Did I mention helicopters and dinosaurs?


Such a great game, i loved every second of it.
Seriously, i'll never understand the illogical amount of hate it got in reviews (same goes for Dark Sector).

Oh and FUCK YOU Graham Hopper for canning the sequel, i'll fucking hate you forever. :D

Now i hope Primal Carnage is cool, even if i'm not that confident in the project gameplay-wise (might not be my kind of game).
Eh, I liked Turok enough to beat it on the hardest difficulty. Some of the checkpoints near the end were brutally scarce. Dual wielding almost anything was fun.
I loved Turok on 360, tried reinstalling the PC version a few weeks ago. After an almost 15gig install the fucking thing wouldnt run. Looked online for ages and apparently it just wont work on Win7. Chucked the DVD in the bin :(
Turok 2 was brilliant. Some of the levels were really hard - had to go for long periods without checkpoints if i remember right. Loved the scale of each level, accompanying music was great (the Death Marshes in particular). The variety of crazy weapons and brutal ways to kill your enemies was pretty ahead of its time, IMO.

The rest of the series was hit and miss for me. The first game was pretty boring for the first half, but got better late on. Turok Rage Wars had a fun multiplayer... but didn't really feel like a full game. Turok 3 had some interesting moments but overall wasn't as good as Turok 2.

Didn't play anything else after that. Heard bad things and decided to keep my memories of the series relatively happy.

Also, haven't seen this mentioned yet:



I'm saving that particular nugget for the book I'm writing...but buy me a drink at E3 and maybe I'll spill the goods. :p
Wasn't there a Turok 2 under development before Propaganda went under? What can you tell us about that? C'mon Bish, you know you want to spill the beans.
DayZ Survival mechanics+Far Cry 3 island+Dinosaurs+Crysis 1 shooting mechanics/attachments/vehicles = 300 million gross. Make that shit mp online with 100 players InGen and 100 players as plane crash survivors and you have a perfect game. Imagine the dynamics between 2 opposing sides and dinosaurs thrown in as the impartial predator/prey. It would be my 10 year old me's dream come true.


I remember the demo turning me off the game completely. I have a copy of it sitting behind me though, and have been thinking of streaming it.
Loved Turok 2 on N64, was one of my fav FPS games, machine gun and Celebrale Bore was incredible.

I remember the game taking me weeks to finish as it was so long and end boss took forever to defeat

Also this thread has reminded me of how good Aklaim games were on N64

What ever happened to Extreme G series? i know if was sold off but who bought it and who owns the rights now.

Would love a remake of Turok 2, Extreme G, Shadowman and Forsaken


Neo Member
I always had this idea that the perfect dinosaur game would utilise similar gameplay to Mirror's Edge.

Here me out:

In the game your a journalist sent to an island to photograph dinosaurs in a setup similar to Afrika (PS3) - playing from a first person perspective you have to take photos of dinosaurs via climbing up tress, and utilising a set of skills not to different from Faith's etc.

When shit hit's the fan you have to run for your life: dodging and weaving over and under obstacles, slamming through doors and hiding. The game could be like the entire "switching on the power" scene from jurassic park combined with the stealthy "oh my god oh my god" moments of Amnesia

Please someone make this happen..


I think a remake of Turok 2 would be amazing on next gen hardware.

Just imagining Seeds of Evil rebuilt from the ground up with all of the juicy new next gen effects and makes my eyes water.

It would be the perfect mix of retro and modern FPS.

All of that awesomeness redone with beautiful texture work, an amazing lighting engine, water physics, BLOOD Physics, real time reflections, penumbra shadows, bokeh DoF, destruction, particle effects galore, etc etc etc.

Not to mention the fog, now not a limitation could be used for atmosphere even more. Volumetric, reacting to phyics, and AI that could take advantage of it. Raptors dipping in and out of the fog, (and tall grass).

I would buy the fuck out of this game. 120 bucks. Day one.

YES!!! Please. Turok 2 is one of my all time favorite games and I couldn't agree more, if they were to used CryEngine 3 for a remake of the exact game, ala Halo Anniversary Edition, I would buy it YESTERDAY!

Sure some mechanics have to be tweaked but I don't want someones "re-imagining" because they always suck. Just give us a remake and then go on and make something else.


Banstick Emeritus
Some co-op dino game came out today.

ORION: Dino Horde
I guess it came out before and was bad and this is an updated version with lots of new things?

It's still bad. Developers were trying to pull a fast one. When will they learn that the internet will always fuck you up in the end?

I remember the demo turning me off the game completely. I have a copy of it sitting behind me though, and have been thinking of streaming it.
I'd appreciate it if you gave it a shot and let us know your thoughts about the full game, positive or otherwise.

Hmmm... Interesting. Didn't realized I would have stumbled unto some potentially juicy backstory. XD
Dude, you have no idea how far down that rabbit hole goes.


I'd appreciate it if you gave it a shot and let us know your thoughts about the full game, positive or otherwise.

After finishing the game, I had 4 main problems with the game.

-The knockdown mechanics were irritating. But I hate that in any game, though. Nothing more frustrating watching yourself fly back repeatedly with nothing but knees in your face.

-The shotguns. For some reason they felt very weak. Like I was firing kittens as projectiles.

-THAT FUCKING WATER BOSS IN THE CAVE. Every time it would throw a boulder at me, it was as if it would curve in mid-air and nail me anyway, even if I dodged LOL

-As a huge fan of the first and second game, I feel Turok 2008 was missing the most important thing that the first 2 or 3 games had. Some obscure charm that the first 3 had. And the GUNS! The Turok games had the best variety of ridiculous guns, that did strange shit, and blew up big.

Can't say I hate this game, though. The end, and Ron Perlman is fucking awesome.


Games really need to revisit dinosaurs. Any next gen game with any sense of realism could be absolutely terrifying with dinosaurs. We really need a Far Cry/Crysis 1 style game with emphasis on survival on like fucking Isla Sorna. Site B mother fuckers!
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