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Xbox One: Details on Connectivity, Licensing (24 hour check-in) and Privacy Features

Oh and you're all cray if you don't think Sony will have similar trade/rental policies in place.

This is the future of gaming. Adapt or move on to another hobby.

"eat shit" or go to another hobby, no thanks. PC/Nintendo is what I'm doing right now. Not buying a Xbone and spreading the word is what you must do if you love your hobby.


Just thought I'd quote this, good post.
No. He failed miserably at highlighting the most important aspect. Its not about YOUR internet connection - its about how long MS allows you to play your games before yanking a server and forcing an upgrade.

Eventually authentication servers will come down and you won't be able to play anything. That is the worst part - not a small disruption of your ISP, ffs.


It's not lending. It's gifting. It allows you to arrange private sale with your friend, but they then can't do the same thing.

The stupid thing is, this system could have been great with a tweak. Allow you to transfer ownership to a friend, at a cost of 200 MSP or something. That money could go to the pubs, and the same licence could be resold ad-infinitum. The same system could have be across both retail and digital games.

This isn't even a good option. The developer/publisher does not deserve a cut of a second hand sale, period. Just like with a painting, you can resell it however often you want for whatever price you want but the original artist doesn't get a cent as the original owner already had paid whoever created the content.
The worst kind of attitude about all of this is the one that's like 'this is the way the industry is going, deal with it, get another hobby if you don't accept it.'
Well no, fuck that, fuck it! This is my hobby which I've invested thousands into and years of my life and I'm not about to fucking 'move on' because Microsoft want to destroy the industry through their greed. Fuck them for making my hobby less about games and creativity and innovation and more about ways of draining my wallet.


Do any of them let me play while the kinect is in the dumpster?

This is the one complaint I don't understand. I fully understand people not supporting anti-used game features and an online required platform. Those two make perfect sense. Not liking Kinect style gaming? I get it. Not wanting to pay for something you're not privy to? I get it. But how is the fact that the Kinect MUST be plugged in a major deficiency? It's a minor annoyance at most.


Because it sits in front of my TV? Maybe if you live in a trailer and your Best Buy house brand TV is sitting on top of your wood paneled CRT it's ok but I'm not having a recording device constantly uglying up my living room.

We don't. It's a witch hunt.

We're using the MS anti-piracy rules. Everyone is guilty #dealwithit


Still can't stop laughing at "Loaning or renting games won’t be available at launch, but we are exploring the possibilities with our partners."


Gold Member
I don't really see the price being an issue. People will just accept that it's "how it is" people don't care as much about this shit as a lot of enthusiast do.

Most people with a system that I know buy a couple games a year and it's not because a hardcore dude told them about it.

So they can keep buying their couple games a year and having fun with them, and nothing will really change...

but, if the only people who 'just accept' this are those who buy only 2 games a year, then what happens? :) ...


I have around 160~180, and another poster said he had 300. Both of us said we're never getting a Xbox One. This is real money Microsoft is losing, money they are not just going to make up with new customers.

Yep your post was very insightful in that other thread and now with this is has killed the 1% chance I may pick one up down the line. I'm out. What shitty practices and it saddens me as I said before, I loved my 360 and MS hit all the right points with the 360. But now Sony can have all that money that I would of spent on the xbone. Their loss not mine, bloody idiots.

See it's like you said this is real money. I have spent so much and continue to. my 360 is our family's all in one box. We watch movies, TV, game, and listen to music through it. We have multiple 360's as well. Now they can have none of that and Sony can enjoy it.


Serious question: Will really good games (especially exclusives) change your mind about buying the Xbone with these facts in mind?

I think they've gone too far this time. Hope Sony stays strong and doesn't do this as well, it's getting a little scary.


I'm betting right now.

On the Silver level membership:
You will not be able to "trade (lol)" in your games.
You will not be able to "gift (lol)" games to friends.
You will not be able to access the TV functionality with the Kinect.
You will not get access to demos until a later timeframe.

However, for only $50 a year, you can take advantage of all those exciting features!


Neo Member
Im going to wait until E3 to make a decision, been a loyal Xbox fan since 04 and have played PC as well but the X1 looks like a PC but worse from the information we've received so far. Only a couple days now guys.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Still can't stop laughing at "Loaning or renting games won’t be available at launch, but we are exploring the possibilities with our partners."

Christmas time for kids bringing games over to friend's houses will be fun (not too mention the servers).

Rebel Leader


24 hour online check is the biggest bummer to me. Everything else I could live with, I hate the idea of no used games but I'd combat that by waiting for a sale or the bargain bin for every single game I bought. But I can't justify the 24 hour check, there'd be no way around it. You're being treated like a criminal, only allowed permission to play the games you've bought if MS decides it's OK. For all the comparisons to Steam I've been seeing for weeks, this is a thousand times worse than Steam which at least has the common decency of an offline mode.
I'm a little late here- but this completely eliminates X1 games being on a service like Redbox or Gamefly, right?

Only read the first page, but if I missed something please help me out.
Definitely. I was taking a wait and see approach and unfortunately Microsoft let me down. I'm pretty disappointed as I loved the 360. Not good to push your existing customers away. I'm definitely leaning toward the PS4 right now.

I do think the writing was pretty clear on the wall prior to this though with Phil Harrison's foot in mouth disease.

Similarly, I feel there will be something on the PS4 as well, but I'm hopeful that it won't be nearly as draconian, and the responsiveness and "playfulness" of Sony execs, even at the highest levels like Shu Yoshida, on twitter is positive.

They've been handed a gift on a silver platter, hopefully they capitalize on it.


I really don't understand why gaming websites aren't up in arms about this.
Microsoft are bending the industry to their will and they're just laying down and taking it.

Because at the end if the tunnel they see all the big publishers and how they are really the ones that made this happen. Microsoft might be taking the hit in the boards but the sites are surely not going to castigate them for it.


What couple of games do they buy a year? Online fps? Hardcore won't buy it so there won't be as large of an online community to play with. The bigger online community will be on PS4 if they allow lending/no online. How does he decide which games to buy each year? By borrowing a friend's game? Can't do that. By renting a game? Can't do that. By reading reviews? The reviews will all say the PS4 version is better if it is multiplatform. What is going to make your friends get a Xbox One?

Because they are already used to the controller/similar interface/have a gamer tag...

I will be shocked if Sony doesn't have similar plans in place with the PS4. You think Activision and EA (after dropping project 10) will be cool with just Xbox doing this? I'm sure these rules are making publishers giddy.

And if the PS4 doesn't, I don't see reviews going "Hey these games are identical on both systems but you can't lend it to your friends on Xbox so don't buy it!" in every review.


None of that is even an issue for me.

Console still looks good and I am really looking forward to it as long as the games come along. Titan could be cool, Forza looks great, and Halo is always going to be there. Sony just doesn't have the exclusives IMO.

I guess I can see the outrage from y'all if you are really into trading games and selling them, but I just don't do that. I buy them and keep them. I very rarely rent games and even more rare than that is the occasion that I borrow one from a buddy or give them one of my own. I think this entire generation I traded in 4-5 games and loaned one to a friend once.

The stuff a lot of gaf is mad about is simply a non-issue for me.

Same here. People need to chill out.


This is the one complaint I don't understand. I fully understand people not supporting anti-used game features and an online required platform. Those two make perfect sense. Not liking Kinect style gaming? I get it. Not wanting to pay for something you're not privy to? I get it. But how is the fact that the Kinect MUST be plugged in a major deficiency? It's a minor annoyance at most.

I didn't really either but I'm sorta seeing it now.



Keep in mind that, in general, GAF seems to lean heavily towards SONY. That is fine, and all, because I plan on buying both consoles day one. I see this huge anti-Xbox/Microsoft groundswell as just another GAF convulsion whenever there is "new generation" event. The same shit went down when the PS3 / Xbox 360 were released.
You have 221 posts and registered in 2007. The forum leaned toward Microsoft and began leaning toward Sony as the generation went on and only recently. There was a lot of MS support still a year or so after the RROD fiasco.


Still can't stop laughing at "Loaning or renting games won’t be available at launch, but we are exploring the possibilities with our partners."

Those seem like really easy features to implement. All of my consoles came with it standard.
This is the one complaint I don't understand. I fully understand people not supporting anti-used game features and an online required platform. Those two make perfect sense. Not liking Kinect style gaming? I get it. Not wanting to pay for something you're not privy to? I get it. But how is the fact that the Kinect MUST be plugged in a major deficiency? It's a minor annoyance at most.
privacy paranoia concerns?


Okay, here is why the Steam, iTunes, Kindle analogy is bull crap.

None of these services, sell a phyisical product, not one. They sell files, files that could VERY easily be copied and re-distributed endlessly with practically no effort, if it weren't for the copy restrictions placed on them. If it weren't for these restrictions, they simply wouldn't be viable products, thus why most countries specifically exampt digitally distributed content from many of their fair use laws.

Console games are sold on physical discs, each of which has sufficient anti-piracy measures to keep them from being easily copied. A physical disc, simply put, cannot possibly be copied and distributed in the same way a file can. They do not need additional restrictions placed on them, because they have inherent limitations of their own.

So its an apples and oranges comparison, these are simply inherently different kinds of products.

A more apt comparison, would be DVD's and Blu-Ray movies, but Microsoft couldn't make that comparison, since nobody has ever blocked the sale of used Blu-Rays! Heck, if some company ever tried it, I think you'd see an even bigger uproar than what we're seeing in the gamer community.

So, long story short, Microsoft is making an insincere and dishonest comparison. Furthermore, they're essentially taking the concerns of the community and dismissing them outright, in a rather flippant fashion I might add.

Frankly, I's ticked, I's ticked ROYAL!! Grrrr!!!


I'm betting right now.

On the Silver level membership:
You will not be able to "trade (lol)" in your games.
You will not be able to "gift (lol)" games to friends.
You will not be able to access the TV functionality with the Kinect.
You will not get access to demos until a later timeframe.

However, for only $50 a year, you can take advantage of all those exciting features!

Lol, I bet it's true. Also you can't share with 10 "family" members...


I'm betting right now.

On the Silver level membership:
You will not be able to "trade (lol)" in your games.
You will not be able to "gift (lol)" games to friends.
You will not be able to access the TV functionality with the Kinect.
You will not get access to demos until a later timeframe.

However, for only $50 a year, you can take advantage of all those exciting features!

$50? I bet it's going to be higher than that.


Because it sits in front of my TV? Maybe if you live in a trailer and your Best Buy house brand TV is sitting on top of your wood paneled CRT it's ok but I'm not having a recording device constantly uglying up my living room.

We're using the MS anti-piracy rules. Everyone is guilty #dealwithit

Then hide it if cosmetics are that important too you?


This isn't even a good option. The developer/publisher does not deserve a cut of a second hand sale, period. Just like with a painting, you can resell it however often you want for whatever price you want but the original artist doesn't get a cent as the original owner already had paid whoever created the content.

I should have clarified. MS gets the money as it acts as the broker. It could then give it to the pub if it wants.

Brokers exists in all real world second hand market places. Sell something on eBay and they take a cut. Same with Gamestop. Same with auction houses. Same with car sales.

I agree that copyright holders aren't entitled to second hand sales. but the above system would let you sell your digital games - something that isn't possible at present. The only way to achieve this would be an in-built marketplace / brokerage system.
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