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January Wrasslin' |OT| The Assassination of Daniel Bryan by the Coward Vince McMahon


Honest question because I haven't been paying too much attention: why would the Wyatts attack Cena & Co. and not the Shield there? Them interfering honestly confuses me. They either want to hurt Cena, or they want to beat down Shield.

I honestly don't think they have a motivation other than that they're heels, building to a match with Cena, so they need to run in and hit him regardless of logic.

I think a good route to go would be to take on the Shield, play mind games with them throughout Feb. and take credit for splitting them up at ES. Get some groundswell for Wrestlemania.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
Love the Wyatts and the Shield. Let them have their match before breaking up the Shield. Wyatts go over. Shield continue to have turmoil. Wyatts interfere in chamber and ruin Cenas chances again.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
2 heel factions is a little overkill, and the Wyatts are impossible to like. Looks like they'll set up Reigns and Rollins to be together and Dean will need to strike out on his own if they dissolve. It makes sense, really, to do it like that. Reigns ain't ready for singles work, and those two can be really likable.


Raw was decent. Much better than the last 2 weeks which were just terrible. 3 hours is way too long though. It's just too much. This'll be the last Raw I actually watch. I'll just check the segments I want to watch when I can be arsed. I don't know how long they've been doing this, but 2 hours is best. This should would be so much better if it was just condensed it to 2 hours.



Dean ded
That's an amazing sell of the brogue kick.

Well Kofi and Ryder can only job to ADR so many times.....
Ryder WISHES he was still on job duty.


The Shield v Wyatts would be fun but heel vs heel just isn't something the wwe does.

Can't turn the shield face either, that would suck. Break em up instead of doing that. That match alone showed just how great of a heel group they are. Classic heel tactics in that match, rarely see that stuff anymore I loved it.

Roman Reigns is turning face soon, and they've been building a Shield breakup for about three months now. I don't expect the Shield to last past WM.
Raw was decent. Much better than the last 2 weeks which were just terrible. 3 hours is way too long though. It's just too much. This'll be the last Raw I actually watch. I'll just check the segments I want to watch when I can be arsed. I don't know how long they've been doing this, but 2 hours is best. This should would be so much better if it was just condensed it to 2 hours.

I agree, coming back to watching sporadically I really can't go 3 hours, it's just asking way too much from any viewer. Plus at least an hour of the show is shite anyway so whats the point really.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
If Bray and nobody from the Shield is in the EC then I wonder who fills out the final 2 spots. Lesnar seems like a lock but no idea who the 6th person is.

God I hope its not Big Show.
Roman Reigns is turning face soon, and they've been building a Shield breakup for about three months now. I don't expect the Shield to last past WM.

Yeah I can see that, doesn't mean I have to like it. I really enjoy The Shield, hell they are one of the reasons I started watching again. Sure things have run their course but damn are they fun as a group.
I agree, coming back to watching sporadically I really can't go 3 hours, it's just asking way too much from any viewer. Plus at least an hour of the show is shite anyway so whats the point really.

You could have fast forwarded all the bullshit tonight and been left with about 20 minutes of show. I'm out again. If something cool happens I'm sure I'll hear about it. I'll check dirt sheet sites after Raw and watch the segments where Undertaker/Hogan/Sting show up. Sitting through 3 hours of dreck doesn't appeal to me. Also, another fuck you for WWE muting the DB chants. Whole crowd was doing yes with their fingers at the end and you couldn't hear shit.


Beef and Persp are WWE plants trying to throw us off the trail.
Does that gig pay well? Better than astroturfing for Xbox One?
Because I could always go for a second income.

You could have fast forwarded all the bullshit tonight and been left with about 20 minutes of show. I'm out again. If something cool happens I'm sure I'll hear about it. I'll check dirt sheet sites after Raw and watch the segments where Undertaker/Hogan/Sting show up. Sitting through 3 hours of dreck doesn't appeal to me. Also, another fuck you for WWE muting the DB chants. Whole crowd was doing yes with their fingers at the end and you couldn't hear shit.
You'll be a happier person without the weekly torture of Monday Night RAW in your life. Good for you, BoboBrazil.


I think its obvious that they are breaking one of the stables up because you really don't need more than one goon squad. Reigns, Ambrose and Rollins will have better luck as singles competitors. I look for Ambrose to turn on the group, Reigns to get the big push and Rollins to end up with a bizarre gimmick that nobody saw coming.

I think a match between the two groups could happen at the EC PPV, and that's where the breakup between The Shield will begin due to as you mention, Ambrose messing things up. What will the 3 members do at Mania, though? Triple Threat match seems likely.
You could have fast forwarded all the bullshit tonight and been left with about 20 minutes of show. I'm out again. If something cool happens I'm sure I'll hear about it. I'll check dirt sheet sites after Raw and watch the segments where Undertaker/Hogan/Sting show up. Sitting through 3 hours of dreck doesn't appeal to me. Also, another fuck you for WWE muting the DB chants. Whole crowd was doing yes with their fingers at the end and you couldn't hear shit.

I know that feeling. Been doing a similar dirt sheet, forum, youtube clips to see what I want (which wasn't much for years). I'll be back out of it after Mania.

I have really enjoyed lurking the shit out of these OT threads for a few months. Last nights Rumble OT got me to actually start posting in them.

Evening Musuko

Black Korea
Jeeeezus at the Punk fanclub on here. Why don't the rest of the roster deserve the night off? It's not like he works any harder than them :lol

You're right. The rest of the roster deserved the night off. Hell they deserve a nice long vacation after these rough few days.

In fact, why doesn't the rest of WWE take a vacation? Especially Vince. I hear Belize is nice this time of year.


In fact, why doesn't the rest of WWE take a vacation? Especially Vince. I hear Belize is nice this time of year.
Vince isn't taking any vacations until he's in a casket of some kind.
In fact, he'll probably have RAW & the pay-per-views wired to a screen inside the casket so he can continue to book matches from beyond the grave for at least a couple years once he's in there.
If Al Davis can run the Raiders for a couple decades as a zombie, Vince McMahon can surely remain a part of Creative for at least a couple years before he decomposes too much.
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