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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Bruh, what's going on with Italy?

They now have more deaths than China and half as many that are infected.

Also, Canada is going to surpass Japan soon despite being farther away from China, wtf?

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Number of cases doesn't mean much, since depending on the country they may test all suspicious cases or only those with heavy symptoms. Number of deaths is the only metric that can be considered worth comparing.
And even that is iffy, since not all corona deaths are correctly diagnosed/labeled as such.
And even that is iffy, since not all corona deaths are correctly diagnosed/labeled as such.
The reality is that we don't know because our response to this with testing has been sub par on an epic level. We should look at South Korea as the blueprint in how to handle these scenarios.


Bruh, what's going on with Italy?

They now have more deaths than China and half as many that are infected.

Also, Canada is going to surpass Japan soon despite being farther away from China, wtf?

Because China has been lying. Over 100k dead in China. Huge media blackout there as well, as if the Chinese public have been blocked from communicating with the rest of the world.


These narcissistic idiots don't care about the UK government's advice:

'Pubs are packed... not a brain cell in there': Anger as young revellers STILL ignore calls to stay at home – as Wetherspoons boss insists his bars WILL stay open during coronavirus crisis

This sort of behaviour from Generation "I'm Learning To Love Myself" will only help to spread the virus. The thing is this degraded spectacle of mass drunkeness and trashy behaviour has become the norm across many English towns and city centres. These people see it as a rite of passage. I think the government will have no choice but to move towards forcing these places to close. Simply saying "stay away" clearly doesn't work with these people.


Gold Member
Don't know if this was posted already, don't have the time to go through the last 15+ pages since i left the thread.

27 year old woman died of corona in Poland
She just gave birth a few days ago, she was sick and the exhaustion from childbirth got over her. Health rapidly went down, now she's dead.
So yeah. Boomer-remover was it called?


These narcissistic idiots don't care about the UK government's advice:

'Pubs are packed... not a brain cell in there': Anger as young revellers STILL ignore calls to stay at home – as Wetherspoons boss insists his bars WILL stay open during coronavirus crisis

This sort of behaviour from Generation "I'm Learning To Love Myself" will only help to spread the virus. The thing is this degraded spectacle of mass drunkeness and trashy behaviour has become the norm across many English towns and city centres. These people see it as a rite of passage. I think the government will have no choice but to move towards forcing these places to close. Simply saying "stay away" clearly doesn't work with these people.
If they really wanted people to not go to pubs then they'd be shut down.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
well I just got some interesting news - several of my patients have tested positive for covid 19. Some I interacted with before they were placed into isolation. Woke up yesterday with sore throat, runny nose, muscle aches, occasional cough, but no fever. It is likely I have contracted this virus, but I won't be able to confirm because my state does not have enough kits and only those in emergency type situations are being tested. Just the other day hospital admins were going around trying to reassure everyone that noone has tested positive, but now all these tests are coming back positive. It's everywhere.
Runny nose is generally not a symptom of Coronovirus from what I have heard.


In my area (North West UK) people are going about their lives without a care.
Going to the supermarket and keeping your distance is almost impossible, if you join a queue at the till, they stand right behind you, when you leave a large distance from the person in front of you, they push into it!
I am trying to shop little and often either early in the morning or late at night but even then there are people coughing all around the shops (most not covering their mouths)
I’ve heard elderly people saying things like “well if this doesn’t kill you something else will so might as well just do what we want”


I think it's coming. They can't allow people to behave like this while telling the country that this is a serious situation that requires everyone to do their bit.
I wouldn't be surprised if it came either, but until then you can't say people need to stay home while at the same time allowing bars to be open.


Unconfirmed Member

Crooked fucks. Sold a bunch of shares and one of them buys shares in a database company and a teleworking software company. Like they didn't know what was coming.

Two US senators sold millions of dollars in stocks before market crash

Two US senators sold millions of dollars in stocks before market crash

Two Republican senators sold millions of dollars in stocks after receiving private briefings about coronavirus, weeks before the US markets crashed.

Richard Burr, the powerful chairman of the senate intelligence committee, sold between $600,000 and $1.7 million of shares on February 13, according to senate disclosures uncovered by the investigative journalism agency Propublica. Some of the stocks were in companies that own hotels.

Kelly Loeffler, who has only been a senator for Georgia since January 6, sold between $1.3 million and $3.1 million in three weeks up to February 14. They were joint sales with her husband Jeffrey Sprecher, who is the chairman and chief executive of Intercontinental Exchange, the parent company of the New York Stock Exchange.

According to the Daily Beast Ms Loeffler, 49, made her first sales on January 24, the same day that the senate health committee, on which she sits, organised a briefing from top administration officials on the virus. Ms Loeffler made only two purchases: one in a database software company and the other in a company that sells teleworking software.

On February 28 she accused Democrats of having “dangerously and intentionally misled the American people on coronavirus readiness”, adding: “Here’s the truth: Donald Trump and his administration are doing a great job working to keep Americans healthy and safe.”

Ms Loeffler said that she had been victim of a “ridiculous and baseless attack”. She said: “I do not make investment decisions for my portfolio. Investment decisions are made by multiple third-party advisers without my or my husband’s knowledge or involvement.”

Under senate transparency rules, the value of transactions is only reported in ranges, meaning that it is not possible to identify precisely how much the two senators sold.

Mr Burr sold his shares two weeks before making a speech to a private dinner in his home state of North Carolina, unreported until last night, in which he predicted that schools would have to close and company travel would be cut back. The virus, Mr Burr said, was “much more aggressive in its transmission than anything that we have seen in recent history”.

His remarks were far more downbeat than anything he had said publicly, and came at a time when President Trump was still insisting that the virus would pass with few more than a dozen cases in the US. According to a report in late February, Mr Burr’s committee had been receiving daily private briefings from administration officials about the coronavirus outbreak.

Mr Burr, 64, a senator since 2005, insisted that his speech in North Carolina was no different from what Americans were being told at the time. “The message I shared with my constituents is the one public health officials urged all of us to heed as coronavirus spread increased,” he wrote on Twitter. “Be prepared.”

A spokesman for Mr Burr said that the share sales were “personal transactions made several weeks before the US and financial markets showed signs of volatility due to the growing coronavirus outbreak”.

Nevertheless he quickly faced calls to resign, including from influential Republicans. The prominent Fox News host Tucker Carlson called for him to be prosecuted for insider trading and accused him of “betraying the US”.

In a monologue on his primetime programme, Mr Carlson said: “He had inside information about what could happen to our country, which is now happening, but he didn’t warn the public. He didn’t give a primetime address. He didn’t go on television to sound the alarm. He didn’t even disavow [a comment article] he’d written just ten days before claiming America was ‘better prepared than ever for coronavirus’. Instead, he dumped his shares in hotel stocks so he wouldn’t lose money, and then he stayed silent.

“Now, maybe there’s an honest explanation for what he did. If there is, he should share it with the rest of us immediately. Otherwise he must resign from the senate and face prosecution for insider trading. There is no greater moral crime than betraying your country in a time of crisis, and that appears to be what happened.”

Joaquin Castro, a Democratic Congressman on the House intelligence committee, also called on Mr Burr to quit his committee role. He wrote on Twitter: “As a member of the House intelligence committee, I know that our committee receives sensitive information, including assessments and projections, before others in Congress and the general public (if ever). Senator Burr should suspend his chairmanship pending investigation.”

In 2009 Mr Burr recounted how in the early stages of the global financial crisis the previous year he had told his wife to withdraw all their savings. In a speech he said: “I called my wife and I said, ‘Brooke, I am not coming home this weekend. I will call you on Monday. Tonight, I want you to go to the ATM machine and I want you to draw out everything it will let you take. And I want you to tomorrow, and I want you to go Sunday.’ ”


not sure how people feel about the source but ....

I hope this is correct but I wouldn't make any correlations yet. We just don't know what people are capabale of testing or how many tests they do to make a correlation.

but things look promising for Chloroquine, but its to early to tell.

I am worried about companies trying to have a cure either for greed or because they truely want to help people and we will rush into "cures".



Crooked fucks. Sold a bunch of shares and one of them buys shares in a database company and a teleworking software company. Like they didn't know what was coming.

Two US senators sold millions of dollars in stocks before market crash

It seems shady, but anyone could of been watching what was happening in China and Italy in feb and made the same decision. They just took the warnings of a potential global collapse to heart and moved quicker then others.

Honestly its like complaining that after finding out shit could get bad they went out and stocked up on supplies a month ago.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
I hope this is correct but I wouldn't make any correlations yet. We just don't know what people are capabale of testing or how many tests they do to make a correlation.

but things look promising for Chloroquine, but its to early to tell.

I am worried about companies trying to have a cure either for greed or because they truely want to help people and we will rush into "cures".
This drug has been around forever and is cheap. The hype is based on clinical results not a company pimping it. The clinical results are rather limited though.


I'm in Mississauga right now, and man, a lot of these restaurants have been hit hard. Only one staff on hand or some places are closed entirely.


I hope this is correct but I wouldn't make any correlations yet. We just don't know what people are capabale of testing or how many tests they do to make a correlation.

but things look promising for Chloroquine, but its to early to tell.

I am worried about companies trying to have a cure either for greed or because they truely want to help people and we will rush into "cures".

Companies pushing their own products on social networks is something we know is happening, and we should be aware of that too. The "good" thing with chloroquine is that its an old and well known drug (it has been used since 1945, according to Wikipedia, so I guess the molecule is public now). I wouldn't suspect a commercial move there, but we should still avoid celebrating too early, its efficiency is not proven at large scale yet.
There are tests going on right now, but still I know that in some French hospitals, some doctors already started giving some to critical cases (including doctors that made fun of that theory when it started earlier this year)
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Looks like New York Is now on Lockdown Also

It seems only a matter of time before the rest of the country follows suit. I'm already getting stir crazy and I've only been working from home 4 days.



Unconfirmed Member
Companies pushing their own products on social networks is something we know is happening, and we should be aware of that too. The "good" thing with chloroquine is that its an old and well known drug (it has been used since 1945, according to Wikipedia, so I guess the molecule is public now). I wouldn't suspect a commercial move there, but we should still avoid celebrating too early, its efficiency is not proven at large scale yet.
There are tests going on right now, but still I know that in some French hospitals, some doctors already started giving some to critical cases (including doctors that made fun of that theory when it started earlier this year)

Tbh I think we're at the "throw shit at the wall and see what sticks" stage - people are going to die anyway so let's try shit and if something works keep on with it.


Neo Member
It seems only a matter of time before the rest of the country follows suit. I'm already getting stir crazy and I've only been working from home 4 days.


I am in Boston and I have still been going into the office but out of my entire company of over 100 people there are only 5 here today and out of the entire building I work in we are the only company that has been open this week. At this rate it looks like starting next week I will be home and I am not looking forward to it.
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